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Chinese Tourists Reach Top Of Visitor List In Thailand


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The Chinese may be good at taking in foreign money but their tourists seem willing to give it back ..

According to the US Department of Commerce, the average amount spent by a foreign tourist on a trip to the United States is US$4,000. The average spend by a tourist from China meanwhile is US$6,200 — and this amount does not even include the money spent by Chinese tourists on transportation, hotels and restaurants ...

The World Luxury Association says Chinese tourists now spend more on luxury goods abroad than Japanese travelers ...

Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133% ... Jace Tyrrell, Director of New West End Company said: “The rich abundance of heritage and quintessentially British retail brands that London’s West End has to offer is the key driver for international shopper spend in particular Chinese visitors, who spend £1,300 per visit in the West End alone ...

Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133%.

Funny the way you worded that.

I am sure you meant to imply that Chinese spending in UK rose 133% from August to September of 2011 and not that Chinese shoppers increased all spending in UK by 133%.

Yes, Chinese do go to other countries to purchase luxury goods that are either unavailable or very expensive in China due to tariffs. Unfortunately, that all may be changing soon due to reasons outlined above, especially if not get property values issues reined in.

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Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it BS. I'm pretty sure long ago you would have been one of those arguing the world had to be flat or we would all fall off. By the way, numbers like these are taken from surveys (like any other country) and just like the way other important data is usually collected in countries from racial make up to unemployment figures.

Nisa I fully understand-Thankyou, what makes you think I don't ??? <snip>

Your words above:

HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime.

Please Nisa do not nit pick and answer, the above is easy to read--If you come on a post and tell us how much someone spends --please give us a breakdown approx on what he/she spends--or not give out figures................. unless I am told what is spent on what -- in my mind I have only been given some stats. What if you or I said mongolians spend 50$ a day do you believe that--who knows. please give us some realistic breakdown on what is spent on what ??? by who

I simply answered a question you asked of me.

If you want more stats to help you, then go look them up, I was very content with the information I looked up in regards to another poster questioning what a Chinese tourists daily spending is compared to those from other countries as it was of interest to me. Your wanting detailed spending habits is of no serious interest to me but you are welcome to go find them and share them as they probably would be of interest to somebody else too.

Edited by Nisa
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The Chinese may be good at taking in foreign money but their tourists seem willing to give it back ..

According to the US Department of Commerce, the average amount spent by a foreign tourist on a trip to the United States is US$4,000. The average spend by a tourist from China meanwhile is US$6,200 — and this amount does not even include the money spent by Chinese tourists on transportation, hotels and restaurants ...

The World Luxury Association says Chinese tourists now spend more on luxury goods abroad than Japanese travelers ...

Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133% ... Jace Tyrrell, Director of New West End Company said: "The rich abundance of heritage and quintessentially British retail brands that London's West End has to offer is the key driver for international shopper spend in particular Chinese visitors, who spend £1,300 per visit in the West End alone ...

Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133%.

Funny the way you worded that.

I am sure you meant to imply that Chinese spending in UK rose 133% from August to September of 2011 and not that Chinese shoppers increased all spending in UK by 133%.

Yes, Chinese do go to other countries to purchase luxury goods that are either unavailable or very expensive in China due to tariffs. Unfortunately, that all may be changing soon due to reasons outlined above, especially if not get property values issues reined in.

My wording it as you put it was a cut and paste of the title of the article I provided a link. But I actually wish I had substituted that article for another because it was from 2011 but originally thought it was from this year ... it came up in the top of the search results because it has today's date (2012) at the top of the page.

Edited by Nisa
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A bus load of Chinese visiting the WEST END alone spends 50,000 pound each visit, ???? China town is in the west end ?? Soho, where I lived, my friend works there, at a booking office, he is giving me good feedback-from the horses mouth -NOT some stats, and he is saying that it's all olympics now, and the Chinese are there in strength, are these new figures quoted or pre olympic customers ???

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That's wonderful news for T.A.T. However the Chinese usually like to travel in large packs on large buses, get escorted around tourist traps by a guide holding up a silly flag, then all head back to their Chinese owned hotel for munchies then head off to a group entertainment for the evening.

Not many independent Chinese backpackers using the trains and eating kwaiteow at small restaurants.

But the numbers are what counts I believe.

Bring 'em on. Same goes for the Koreans etc.

Ratcatcher...the single Chinese tourists are mainly seen in Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana,

Patong, Hatyai...etc...and they're mostly female and doing jobs on the side to assist

with those holiday shopping sprees.

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Chinese shoppers Account for 20% of total Global Expenditure on Tax Free Shopping (2011)

Consumption among Chinese travelers has significantly increased, up 59% in 2011 from 2010, although slower than the 81% seen last year. The annual growth rate for Chinese consumption on tax free shopping is more than 50% over the past 3 years, which is 2 times the growth rate of spending by all global travelers.


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That's wonderful news for T.A.T. However the Chinese usually like to travel in large packs on large buses, get escorted around tourist traps by a guide holding up a silly flag, then all head back to their Chinese owned hotel for munchies then head off to a group entertainment for the evening.

Not many independent Chinese backpackers using the trains and eating kwaiteow at small restaurants.

But the numbers are what counts I believe.

Bring 'em on. Same goes for the Koreans etc.

Ratcatcher...the single Chinese tourists are mainly seen in Patpong, Soi Cowboy, Nana,

Patong, Hatyai...etc...and they're mostly female and doing jobs on the side to assist

with those holiday shopping sprees.

over here? must be rejected goods from macau

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Nisa, play fair, you said that what I asked you is no interest to you, BUT all the stats that you churn out ARE. if you are promoting TAT figures most of the time you should have answers to questions ask of you.

If I asked you for them without you posting then you are in order to tell me where to get off.

I questioned you on figures you gave about groups of tourists and what they spent, so I simply asked you to give me a breakdown-thats all. If you cannot -say so.

Don't skirt round bits, I gave an honest answer to figures given to the number of tourist arriving. (normally it means holiday) Nice to have a false figure when everyone entering is classed as a holidaymaker. How wrong. No ONE KNOWS only guesswork, and it is the same as the spending per person. somewhere in the stats the true figures lie, but what is true. My point if you can see it.

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Chinese mainlanders are big shoppers. Their days will be in the shopping malls, and the evenings in the sit down entertainment venues. Having a middle class Chinese family will bring in more dough than 4 sex tourists who drink beer all day and shag hookers all night; the places the Chinese spend their cash will pay some taxes.

Balderdash. A Bangkok hooker is far more expensive than a sit down dinner with a show. And sex tourists drink taxed alcohol. The sex tourist spends quite a bit for their fun, and the money is then spent locally, with some sent home by the hooker to the villages, some spent in small shops like the local beauty shops, some spent on local taxis, and yes some spent like the Chinese tourists in malls for clothing and entertainment. But more of the sex tourists money will be distruted to small businesses and then respent again. The money from an organized tour will end up more quickly into the hands of the elite where it will be sent overseas or invested elsewhere. In the economic vernacular, the ,money spent by sex tourists has higher 'velocity' and thus does more economic good. I am not trying to defend the sex industry here. I think is it great that the Chinese are helping to prop up the tourist industry. But four sex tourists will bring in far more money into the local economy than a Chinese family of four. What will happen is that more of the money from the Chinese tourist family will fall directly into the coffers of the Sino-Thai Bangkok elite than the money spent by sex tourists.

Tax on alcohol sure; I will grant that. The rest, I am afraid, is as you coin is, balderdash. The people setting the laws couldn't give a toss about money sent to villages from hookers and their whoring short time lovers. The bars will not pay corp tax; most of the profit will be paid out as dividends etc so the tax man will see bugger all from that. Most of the girls will not be officially on the books, so nothing coming from that. So hotel, food, beer, thats about it. The Chinese though will spend in places that pay tax and are owned by the HiSo mob (the shopping malls basically). Also, the sit down dinner places they go to you do not get much change from 2-3k a head, and the mainlanders can drink; often wine. I would be quite happy to exchange the sex tourists for mainland families holidaying here apart from not being able to laugh at the sad &lt;deleted&gt; walzing around like they own the town lol

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Average retail sales to Chinese consumers are easy to calculate since so many fill VAT back claims.

Their other expenditures like hotels and dinner shows are booked by the tour operators who also share information. Not an exact science but figures like those Nisa quoted for the UK are pretty accurate.

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Little doubt Chinese # 2 in world economy due to sheer population size, but they are in for a potentially bug hit in near future and other world economies are back peddling to insulate against impact of deepening crisis.

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Nisa, play fair, you said that what I asked you is no interest to you, BUT all the stats that you churn out ARE. if you are promoting TAT figures most of the time you should have answers to questions ask of you.

If I asked you for them without you posting then you are in order to tell me where to get off.

I questioned you on figures you gave about groups of tourists and what they spent, so I simply asked you to give me a breakdown-thats all. If you cannot -say so.

Don't skirt round bits, I gave an honest answer to figures given to the number of tourist arriving. (normally it means holiday) Nice to have a false figure when everyone entering is classed as a holidaymaker. How wrong. No ONE KNOWS only guesswork, and it is the same as the spending per person. somewhere in the stats the true figures lie, but what is true. My point if you can see it.

I provided some stats (w/link) to answer a specific question another poster posed that I found interesting. You for some bizarre reason that I cannot comprehend you believe that this entitles you to demand more stats from me and that I should be privy to such detailed stats or go research them and report back to you.

Although I appreciate your treating me like the almighty wise one, please get real and go look up your info if you want more info than the info I shared (didn't create) that included a link to that info. End of discussion.

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Those Thais know how to "lure" those Chinese. Boy oh boy those Thais are superb marketeers. They are about to abandon the cheap Charlie Europeans and Australians with struggling economies and do a student body left or right and chase down that "lucrative" Chinese market. The Chinese bus packages where the net package is the equivalent of 2500 CYB. Chinese travel for 2500 CYB all in air, food, room, and tour buses each day. They eat out once a day at a cheap Thai noodle shop and the big outing is a McDonald's once on the trip.

This is definitely the market of the future for Thais and all focus should be directed at these big spending Chinese. Plus they don't usually complain about food poisoning, non working A/Cs, and no Chinese language around because the tour handler handles everything. The tour handler will also arrange in room sex from local Thai outcall services at prearranged "packaged specials" for quickies since the Chinese aren't interested in an all night. A Chinese quickie is even shorter than a normal farang short time, so the Thai pimps and outcall service owners can really churn out high volume low unit pricing.

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Chinese mainlanders are big shoppers. Their days will be in the shopping malls, and the evenings in the sit down entertainment venues. Having a middle class Chinese family will bring in more dough than 4 sex tourists who drink beer all day and shag hookers all night; the places the Chinese spend their cash will pay some taxes.

I drink beer and the places I drink at pay taxes.Typical no nothing
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Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

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Chinese mainlanders are big shoppers. Their days will be in the shopping malls, and the evenings in the sit down entertainment venues. Having a middle class Chinese family will bring in more dough than 4 sex tourists who drink beer all day and shag hookers all night; the places the Chinese spend their cash will pay some taxes.

Balderdash. A Bangkok hooker is far more expensive than a sit down dinner with a show. And sex tourists drink taxed alcohol. The sex tourist spends quite a bit for their fun, and the money is then spent locally, with some sent home by the hooker to the villages, some spent in small shops like the local beauty shops, some spent on local taxis, and yes some spent like the Chinese tourists in malls for clothing and entertainment. But more of the sex tourists money will be distruted to small businesses and then respent again. The money from an organized tour will end up more quickly into the hands of the elite where it will be sent overseas or invested elsewhere. In the economic vernacular, the ,money spent by sex tourists has higher 'velocity' and thus does more economic good. I am not trying to defend the sex industry here. I think is it great that the Chinese are helping to prop up the tourist industry. But four sex tourists will bring in far more money into the local economy than a Chinese family of four. What will happen is that more of the money from the Chinese tourist family will fall directly into the coffers of the Sino-Thai Bangkok elite than the money spent by sex tourists.

Don't forget tax on durex in 7_11 too.

It maybe that in time Chinese tourism revenue will replace lost European revenue, and by sheer scale of numbers it might. But the price if the packages being offered one out of China shows these guys are hardly 5 star travellers.

However, be happy they are coming at all. One sight of disease or civil unrest and the Chinese are the first to scatter. And if they would learn not to sour at the to of their voice during normal conversation that would be good too.

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I live in Chiang Mai and there are a lot of chinese tourist here. There are a large number of young single chinese tourist wandering around, cannot give you exact numbers but the Thai people who have shops know who they are.

A few years ago I stayed at a monastary and a chinses girl from Bejing was there as well. She said she lost her tour group.

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Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

You neee to do a bit of home work the chinatown in SanFrancisco has been there since the 1800 when the trans-continnital railroad was built. They have had there own community officials for years.
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Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

I wonder if there is an "American town" in China. Do Americans behave like this in China? Of course not.

They really show a lack of respect. Deport them all, please.

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I drink beer and the places I drink at pay taxes.Typical no (sic) nothing

You are indeed. Sorry that you are offended by my slant against sex tourists.

Most of the cash spent by sex tourists go into a girls pocket; who does not pay tax. Most of the bars you drink at will pay very little company tax; the bare minimum. The actual tax on the beer will get paid anyway; someone will drink it regardless of if it is a Chinese man in a restaurant or a sad sack sumping beers in gogo bar. So the tax on the actual beer is immaterial; no matter where that beer ends up it will pays its way. You will not though spend 20k baht on make up in a department store. Or 100k on clothes. Or all these other things that the Chinese middle class tourist will do. However, give it 10 years, and then the streets of Bangkok will be full of Chinese sex tourists and you will see the service you enjoy change, and the prices jump up. Enjoy your last hoorah thumbsup.gif

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Average retail sales to Chinese consumers are easy to calculate since so many fill VAT back claims.

Their other expenditures like hotels and dinner shows are booked by the tour operators who also share information. Not an exact science but figures like those Nisa quoted for the UK are pretty accurate.

Thats fine and I CAN agree with most of the figures, I dispute the other unaccountable figures from westerners. THEY do not normally book en mass the same as Chinese, so their money is NOT easily accounted--only guessed--and way out at that
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Nisa, play fair, you said that what I asked you is no interest to you, BUT all the stats that you churn out ARE. if you are promoting TAT figures most of the time you should have answers to questions ask of you.

If I asked you for them without you posting then you are in order to tell me where to get off.

I questioned you on figures you gave about groups of tourists and what they spent, so I simply asked you to give me a breakdown-thats all. If you cannot -say so.

Don't skirt round bits, I gave an honest answer to figures given to the number of tourist arriving. (normally it means holiday) Nice to have a false figure when everyone entering is classed as a holidaymaker. How wrong. No ONE KNOWS only guesswork, and it is the same as the spending per person. somewhere in the stats the true figures lie, but what is true. My point if you can see it.

I provided some stats (w/link) to answer a specific question another poster posed that I found interesting. You for some bizarre reason that I cannot comprehend you believe that this entitles you to demand more stats from me and that I should be privy to such detailed stats or go research them and report back to you.

Although I appreciate your treating me like the almighty wise one, please get real and go look up your info if you want more info than the info I shared (didn't create) that included a link to that info. End of discussion.

So you do not want to enter into disscussion as it's awkward for you to find accurate figures on the western expenditure, but will readily look up on search for all other stuff. I cannot find such accurate figures on westerners expences, but with you being a whiz kid thought you could enlighten me . You see every post near you are spitting out stats, cannot you disscuss anything with out having to look ud your data. Did notice when someone pointed out about other airports used, it never occured to you that Chinese would enter other than BKK ??? use your own brain to post a bit more and lets have a healthy debate about topics. or is your knowledge limited to stats only. Smile not get upset Nisa, only talking--so why you say end of disscussion when the poster bugs you a bit or not wants to accept only some figures you kick out, be a bit more friendly to others points of view.
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Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

Interesting. The stories I read reported two very bad accidents both with legal drivers operating for registered bus companies and 1 going to legal casinos with a total of 15 dead and 1 heading from NC to NY with 4 dead.

Also, I read of no illegal and unregistered tour bus companies being shut down but rather a huge crack down on registered bus companies over safety violations after the accident that killed 15.

And although I don't know ownership of Casino;s in Atlantic city, most are run by very large corporations. As for Connecticut, they are owned by native Indians on Indian reservations.

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Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

I have only heard one bus crash with 15 on bus killed last year in NY/NJ coming from or leaving casino. Don't know where you got two bus crashed with over 50 killed in each.

Edited by F430murci
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Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

I have only heard one bus crash with 15 on bus killed last year in NY/NJ coming from or leaving casino. Don't know where you got two bus crashed with over 50 killed in each.

And if anyone wonders how so many people can be so misinformed posting here, you only need to look at posts like the one you are commenting. Too many people believe too much unsourced negative crap coming from other posters as opposed to actually spending a minute looking up the facts.

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It doesn't matter how folks feel about Chinese spending habits. The same way it doesn't matter how you feel about Chinese manufactured goods.

It's not going to change the inevitable.


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