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Chinese Tourists Reach Top Of Visitor List In Thailand


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ok, so, "Between January and June, some 1,124,234 Chinese tourists..." visited Thailand. Thats about 6,244 Chinese arriving each and every day for the past six months?? Boe-shit...who can believe that load of <deleted>!

That is an interesting calculation and probably equates to about 15-20 planes per day from China. It would be interesting to see if there are that many planes per day....

Over 30 direct flights from mainland China and almost another 30 from Hong Kong on an average day.

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ok, so, "Between January and June, some 1,124,234 Chinese tourists..." visited Thailand. Thats about 6,244 Chinese arriving each and every day for the past six months?? Boe-shit...who can believe that load of <deleted>!

That is an interesting calculation and probably equates to about 15-20 planes per day from China. It would be interesting to see if there are that many planes per day....

Over 30 direct flights from mainland China and almost another 30 from Hong Kong on an average day.

Very unlikely all those flights originated in China/HKG and all passengers were Chinese?

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That's wonderful news for T.A.T. However the Chinese usually like to travel in large packs on large buses, get escorted around tourist traps by a guide holding up a silly flag, then all head back to their Chinese owned hotel for munchies then head off to a group entertainment for the evening.

Not many independent Chinese backpackers using the trains and eating kwaiteow at small restaurants.

But the numbers are what counts I believe.

Bring 'em on. Same goes for the Koreans etc.

What they are not using the state run railways contributing their $5 or $10 for an all day ride?

I am sure TAT has read your post and is trying to figure out how to get the Chinese Tourists on the trains for a day to help get their daily spending, which averages $147 a day, more in line with German tourists who spend an average of $115 a day or a UK tourist at $122.

Nisa you forgot to mention USA ??? and so the Chinese spend 147 dol a day oh-what stats was that from ?? and give me a breakdown on that 147 please, yes a daily breakdown. can you ??? then we can look at what they are spending all that on. Suppose you don't know or care as they are stats you go along with again. It is impossible to say who spends what a day. Now you tell us all. what are the Chinese spending their money on ??? and pray tell us how many days on average they are here spending all that money. This again is one of your favourite subjects, as it is too difficult to see where the money IS spent. You see if it can be calculated that that power of spending is through tours (hotels/transport/food) fine. can believe, BUT how do the hell you calculate how much the more independant western visitor spends --it's nigh impossible-argu as you will till the cows come home. TAT do NOT have tabs on the random western visitor-or how much money he has when he arrives or departs with.
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I'm curious as to what the average daily expenditures per Chinese tourist are, compared to other nationalities like Germans or Americans.

Americans make up only 4% of tourists to Thailand. Not sure of their daily spending limits but ...

According to the per capita daily spending, the top 10 ranked tourism spenders in 2011 were UAE (US$175.21), Saudi Arabia (US$166.92), South Africa (US$164.10), India (US$161.78), Hong Kong (US$161.63), Singapore (US$160.96), Kuwait (US$159.66), Australia (US$159.19), Brunei Darussalam (US$155.30) and Korea (US$153.17).

Amongst Asian visitors, the lowest daily spend is by Laotians (US$101.99) and amongst Europeans, the lowest daily spend is by Germans (US$115.46).

Others: Russia: US$140.92, China: US$146.63, Australia: US$159.19, Malaysia: US$137.10, United Kingdom: US$121.84

See: http://www.traveldailynews.com/pages/show_page/50444-Thailand-tourism-receipts-up-30%25,-highlighting-value-for-money-factor-

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That's wonderful news for T.A.T. However the Chinese usually like to travel in large packs on large buses, get escorted around tourist traps by a guide holding up a silly flag, then all head back to their Chinese owned hotel for munchies then head off to a group entertainment for the evening.

Not many independent Chinese backpackers using the trains and eating kwaiteow at small restaurants.

But the numbers are what counts I believe.

Bring 'em on. Same goes for the Koreans etc.

Does that not qualify them as tourists?

To answer your question gweilo, see Post #3 above.

Tourists ? Yes,Aka "Cheap Charlie Chans"rolleyes.gif

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TAT... is trying to figure out how to get the Chinese Tourists on the trains for a day to help get their daily spending, which averages $147 a day, more in line with German tourists who spend an average of $115 a day or a UK tourist at $122.

I'm curious what is the MEDIAN spending comparison? A few whales will skew the "average" spending for thousands of low budget tourists. For example, if one guy spends $200K on Rolexes and Gucci Leather and Presidential Suites and the other 199 people on the airplane each spend $50, they have each spent an "average" of $1,050, but that doesn't paint a very accurate picture.

Also to be considered is that Chinese folks traveling to Europe or the USA have been pretty well "qualified" when they got their visa, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them spending more in Paris shops than the average Brit or German over for a weekend jaunt. Same thing with Japanese vs Chinese in Hawaii. If a Japanese citizen can afford the airplane ticket, they can get into Hawaii without a visa. Chinese citizens have to prove significant means before they can get a US visa to visit Hawaii.

And as for why Chinese folk spend a lot more money in airports than westerners, it's usually because import duties and taxes on luxury goods are so high that even the outrageous prices at a Duty Free shops are better than "back home" for them. Europeans and Americans can buy just about any durable goods available at the Duty Free shops for a lot lower price in any major city. (BTW, tobacco and alcohol aren't durable goods).

I've even got Chinese friends that pay for their airplane tickets by buying a few luxury items abroad then reselling them back home. They're wealthy enough that they don't need the money, but they just can't pass up an opportunity....

Again, I believe Chinese tourists are good news for Thailand. But it will be awhile before the jury is in.

Edited by impulse
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ok, so, "Between January and June, some 1,124,234 Chinese tourists..." visited Thailand. Thats about 6,244 Chinese arriving each and every day for the past six months?? Boe-shit...who can believe that load of <deleted>!

That is an interesting calculation and probably equates to about 15-20 planes per day from China. It would be interesting to see if there are that many planes per day....

Over 30 direct flights from mainland China and almost another 30 from Hong Kong on an average day.

Very unlikely all those flights originated in China/HKG and all passengers were Chinese?

And there will others from Macau and Taiwan as well.

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ok, so, "Between January and June, some 1,124,234 Chinese tourists..." visited Thailand. Thats about 6,244 Chinese arriving each and every day for the past six months?? Boe-shit...who can believe that load of <deleted>!

That is an interesting calculation and probably equates to about 15-20 planes per day from China. It would be interesting to see if there are that many planes per day....

Over 30 direct flights from mainland China and almost another 30 from Hong Kong on an average day.

Very unlikely all those flights originated in China/HKG and all passengers were Chinese?

And every Chinese person needs to take a direct flight from mainland China or HK to visit Thailand? By the way, I was responding to the poster who questioned if there was 15 to 20 flights and as I mentioned, there are approx. 60. Not difficult information to find.

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And every Chinese person needs to take a direct flight from mainland China or HK to visit Thailand? By the way, I was responding to the poster who questioned if there was 15 to 20 flights and as I mentioned, there are approx. 60. Not difficult information to find.

And don't forget Taiwan

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In the second half of 2011, the arriving number of tourists sank by some 2,7 % or 356.000 compared to the first half. Feel free to figure out why.

Could it have been the worst Flooding in 50 years? And wasn't total tourist numbers up 20% last year?

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That's wonderful news for T.A.T. However the Chinese usually like to travel in large packs on large buses, get escorted around tourist traps by a guide holding up a silly flag, then all head back to their Chinese owned hotel for munchies then head off to a group entertainment for the evening.

Not many independent Chinese backpackers using the trains and eating kwaiteow at small restaurants.

But the numbers are what counts I believe.

Bring 'em on. Same goes for the Koreans etc.

I am sure they don´t fly in with Thai Airways, so no money there.
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ok, so, "Between January and June, some 1,124,234 Chinese tourists..." visited Thailand. Thats about 6,244 Chinese arriving each and every day for the past six months?? Boe-shit...who can believe that load of <deleted>!

That is an interesting calculation and probably equates to about 15-20 planes per day from China. It would be interesting to see if there are that many planes per day....

If I count yesterday's Chinese flag carriers from a small selection of Chinese Airports direct to BKK;

3- Beijing

6- Shanghai

17- HKG

From these same airports, there are 8 direct flights to Phuket

I did not include the flights that did not originate in China. In total this gives at least 34 direct flights in low season.

I did not include the charters and there are several that arrive in BKK and HKT.

The cabotage and connecting flights from other airlines add to the numbers I believe.

Edited by geriatrickid
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That's wonderful news for T.A.T. However the Chinese usually like to travel in large packs on large buses, get escorted around tourist traps by a guide holding up a silly flag, then all head back to their Chinese owned hotel for munchies then head off to a group entertainment for the evening.

Not many independent Chinese backpackers using the trains and eating kwaiteow at small restaurants.

But the numbers are what counts I believe.

Bring 'em on. Same goes for the Koreans etc.

I am sure they don´t fly in with Thai Airways, so no money there.

TG's flights from China have some of the more robust load factors. Did you know that TG has one of the lowest fares in business on the HKG route? I use it. It works out usually to anywhere from C/A/US $ 820-890 roundtrip. Better schedule than Dragonair (CX's regional).

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And every Chinese person needs to take a direct flight from mainland China or HK to visit Thailand? By the way, I was responding to the poster who questioned if there was 15 to 20 flights and as I mentioned, there are approx. 60. Not difficult information to find.

And don't forget Taiwan

Hmm politically delicate.wink.png , but when I did a quick count I didn't include EVA and CAI that add an average 9 direct flights daily and these are the larger jets. This puts it at at a minimum 43 direct flights from Pudong, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong and Beijing . Throw in the charters and connectors and the other Chinese cities and we have a lot of activity. I just looked at Macau to BKK. There are 8 direct flights. I was unaware that there that many flights. I have a feeling if every flight was added up, there would be much more than 60.

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And every Chinese person needs to take a direct flight from mainland China or HK to visit Thailand? By the way, I was responding to the poster who questioned if there was 15 to 20 flights and as I mentioned, there are approx. 60. Not difficult information to find.

And don't forget Taiwan

Hmm politically delicate.wink.png , but when I did a quick count I didn't include EVA and CAI that add an average 9 direct flights daily and these are the larger jets. This puts it at at a minimum 43 direct flights from Pudong, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong and Beijing . Throw in the charters and connectors and the other Chinese cities and we have a lot of activity. I just looked at Macau to BKK. There are 8 direct flights. I was unaware that there that many flights. I have a feeling if every flight was added up, there would be much more than 60.

So I guess then that 1 million Chinese is possible. The only limiting factor would be how many of the 60ish flights are TRANSIT vs final destination being Thailand. Hmm?

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I have NEVER doubted the figures that the Chinese are coming in increasing numbers, and TAT figures could well be correct.

What I do NOT believe is the stats SOME quickly give are true. HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime. Please use stats for a guide maybe numbers passing through immigration, but that doesn't tell you they are tourists entering for holidays----no one has ever boken down these figures as there is hardly a way to do it.

As for how much each one spends,,, JOKE..... Look at it this way -how many deaths are recorded correctly here in Thailand, so what will the stats be to the reason ?? only the input will you get out the answer. if the input is correct-correct info. off subject BUT TAT Chinese arrivals correct ? but what they or westerners spend -BULL#hit.

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I'm curious as to what the average daily expenditures per Chinese tourist are, compared to other nationalities like Germans or Americans.

IF the same applies to them as for here in Europe/you wil be quite surprised/and maybe understand why TAT etc is so keen to have them double-triple´the amount of daily spending. This is due to

a.they stay much shorter

b.they go after spending sprees re brand labels they cannot get at home or at inflated prices

c.small % of lower spending bekpekkers and mostly tourgroups/this also is far easier to get a visa for them, as they also have to apply in China themselves with their own govmt. for permit to leave

Amsterdams diamond stores, Paris fashion stores, London Harrods etc. are overly happy to receive them, as are casino´s./replacing the former Arabs with spending power.

The silly idea they only stay at their own places is/ well, quite silly and uninformed, as so often on this board.

In Hong Kong you can read everyday in the newspaper the complains of the local customers. Sales people just care about mainland Chinese customers, they are now the real big spenders.

But as yet they aren't the tour groupers to pattaya.

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What a load of cr@p . . . TAT make those figures up every year . . . always showing that Tourism is doing great and not suffering from any of the bullshit that goes on here . . . however, the people that actually run the resorts, hotels, bars etc might disagree with their occupancy rates being lower than ever.

Small business owners in the restaurant and hotel business always complain, never (in any country) have I heard one say business is better than the previous year...

Also it's about supply and demand, restaurant owners completely overlook supply, was talking to the owner of an Italian restaurant I've known for years, he moaned about TAT figures but few years ago there was two italian restaurants in that street (Ao Nang Krabi) this year I counted TWELVE. If tourist numbers are up 7% but in the same time span number of restaurants and hotels are up 100% it will look empty. Same for Pattaya, how many more hotel rooms and restaurants come up every year? !0 years ago you'd barely find a tourist past second road now the city is huge with hotels all the way up to Sukhumvit road.

Edited by firestar
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I'm curious as to what the average daily expenditures per Chinese tourist are, compared to other nationalities like Germans or Americans. I know that many of the small businesses and employees in Thailand get a good share of their income from the tips, which are mostly associated with American Tourists. My Thai wife has a hair salon and says that only Americans ever tip her. This contributes greatly to her overal income. My experience is that the Chinese are not know for tipping or their generosity. So, these numbers might not have quite the importance that is being assume in the article. The net profitability of masses of small spending tourists is dramatically lower than a much small number of big spenders. The impact of the masses has indirect costs associated with it like the huge increase in VIP buses screaming down the roads carrying low spenders but risking the lives of everyone in their way. Increased road damage, increased vehicle pollution, increased degradation of parks and nature areas, etc with very low returns in comparison.

Is this a joke? Nobody tips in Thailand and service employees and small business own most certainly do NOT survive off of tips. That's ridiculous. Your comment about the Chinese is equally superficial. You seem to think that Chinese riding VIP buses causes more road damage than westerners riding VIp buses or minivans. Your comment is so patently racist and laced with western superiority that it's quite frankly nauseating. Gt over yourself. The Chinese have finally a middl class with money and now they spend it traveling just like white western tourists do. It's a benefit to the Thai tourist industry.

My thai wife works at a hotel that has these buses filled with Chinese and Korean tourist stay and come with a "tour Guide". She says the hotel employees do not recieve any tips from these groups when they come. She thinks the "tour guides take all the tip money. Also ask a golf caddie on any Pattaya golf course if they get tips after a round of golf from the Chinese-but expecially the Koreans-small to no tip. I am not racist-just pointing out facts

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I have NEVER doubted the figures that the Chinese are coming in increasing numbers, and TAT figures could well be correct.

What I do NOT believe is the stats SOME quickly give are true. HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime. Please use stats for a guide maybe numbers passing through immigration, but that doesn't tell you they are tourists entering for holidays----no one has ever boken down these figures as there is hardly a way to do it.

As for how much each one spends,,, JOKE..... Look at it this way -how many deaths are recorded correctly here in Thailand, so what will the stats be to the reason ?? only the input will you get out the answer. if the input is correct-correct info. off subject BUT TAT Chinese arrivals correct ? but what they or westerners spend -BULL#hit.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it BS. I'm pretty sure long ago you would have been one of those arguing the world had to be flat or we would all fall off. By the way, numbers like these are taken from surveys (like any other country) and just like the way other important data is usually collected in countries from racial make up to unemployment figures.

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ok, so, "Between January and June, some 1,124,234 Chinese tourists..." visited Thailand. Thats about 6,244 Chinese arriving each and every day for the past six months?? Boe-shit...who can believe that load of <deleted>!

That is an interesting calculation and probably equates to about 15-20 planes per day from China. It would be interesting to see if there are that many planes per day....

If I count yesterday's Chinese flag carriers from a small selection of Chinese Airports direct to BKK;

3- Beijing

6- Shanghai

17- HKG

From these same airports, there are 8 direct flights to Phuket

I did not include the flights that did not originate in China. In total this gives at least 34 direct flights in low season.

I did not include the charters and there are several that arrive in BKK and HKT.

The cabotage and connecting flights from other airlines add to the numbers I believe.

The 60 or so I came up with were looking at arrivals at BKK from mainland China & HK only. I didn't even look at other airports in Thailand.

Edited by Nisa
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I have NEVER doubted the figures that the Chinese are coming in increasing numbers, and TAT figures could well be correct.

What I do NOT believe is the stats SOME quickly give are true. HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime. Please use stats for a guide maybe numbers passing through immigration, but that doesn't tell you they are tourists entering for holidays----no one has ever boken down these figures as there is hardly a way to do it.

As for how much each one spends,,, JOKE..... Look at it this way -how many deaths are recorded correctly here in Thailand, so what will the stats be to the reason ?? only the input will you get out the answer. if the input is correct-correct info. off subject BUT TAT Chinese arrivals correct ? but what they or westerners spend -BULL#hit.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it BS. I'm pretty sure long ago you would have been one of those arguing the world had to be flat or we would all fall off. By the way, numbers like these are taken from surveys (like any other country) and just like the way other important data is usually collected in countries from racial make up to unemployment figures.

Nisa I fully understand-Thankyou, what makes you think I don't ??? I asked you for figures (that's all) on spending--my understanding is figures that DO NOT give out ALL true findings are near to bullsh#it. Can you understand I do NOT have to believe all the propaganda I see, you are free to do believe no problem for me.

You see what you do not understand that many people do not HAVE to rely on all we look up.

So all surveys are correct no matter what country, Look lets face it we USE SOME figures to give us GUIDENCE. They are not the bible, I do not poke at you personally I poke at what you throw at posters. Can I recap, Cinese figures will be about correct---what money is spent is total fabrication.

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Relying on China tourist may be a bit short sighted. China's economy is shrinking, property market lagging horribly, exports at lowest points in several years, copper and precious metals are down due to demand an alternative world sources, GDP lowest point in several years and will perhaps get lower due to artificial measure utilized to keep GDP growing in previous years. Yuan may start appreciating hurting export and foreign investment, US 55 index and etc. and China may hit recession as opposed to a soft landing soon.

Edited by F430murci
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I have NEVER doubted the figures that the Chinese are coming in increasing numbers, and TAT figures could well be correct.

What I do NOT believe is the stats SOME quickly give are true. HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime. Please use stats for a guide maybe numbers passing through immigration, but that doesn't tell you they are tourists entering for holidays----no one has ever boken down these figures as there is hardly a way to do it.

As for how much each one spends,,, JOKE..... Look at it this way -how many deaths are recorded correctly here in Thailand, so what will the stats be to the reason ?? only the input will you get out the answer. if the input is correct-correct info. off subject BUT TAT Chinese arrivals correct ? but what they or westerners spend -BULL#hit.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it BS. I'm pretty sure long ago you would have been one of those arguing the world had to be flat or we would all fall off. By the way, numbers like these are taken from surveys (like any other country) and just like the way other important data is usually collected in countries from racial make up to unemployment figures.

Nisa I fully understand-Thankyou, what makes you think I don't ??? <snip>

Your words above:

HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime.
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The Chinese may be good at taking in foreign money but their tourists seem willing to give it back ..

According to the US Department of Commerce, the average amount spent by a foreign tourist on a trip to the United States is US$4,000. The average spend by a tourist from China meanwhile is US$6,200 — and this amount does not even include the money spent by Chinese tourists on transportation, hotels and restaurants ...

The World Luxury Association says Chinese tourists now spend more on luxury goods abroad than Japanese travelers ...

Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133% ... Jace Tyrrell, Director of New West End Company said: “The rich abundance of heritage and quintessentially British retail brands that London’s West End has to offer is the key driver for international shopper spend in particular Chinese visitors, who spend £1,300 per visit in the West End alone ...
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I have NEVER doubted the figures that the Chinese are coming in increasing numbers, and TAT figures could well be correct.

What I do NOT believe is the stats SOME quickly give are true. HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime. Please use stats for a guide maybe numbers passing through immigration, but that doesn't tell you they are tourists entering for holidays----no one has ever boken down these figures as there is hardly a way to do it.

As for how much each one spends,,, JOKE..... Look at it this way -how many deaths are recorded correctly here in Thailand, so what will the stats be to the reason ?? only the input will you get out the answer. if the input is correct-correct info. off subject BUT TAT Chinese arrivals correct ? but what they or westerners spend -BULL#hit.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it BS. I'm pretty sure long ago you would have been one of those arguing the world had to be flat or we would all fall off. By the way, numbers like these are taken from surveys (like any other country) and just like the way other important data is usually collected in countries from racial make up to unemployment figures.

Nisa I fully understand-Thankyou, what makes you think I don't ??? <snip>

Your words above:

HOW on earth do they Know who spends what in a day ???? No one on earth can give us this figure, the same as no one knows what I spend every month here. When a poster quoted stats at what was it ??? 147$ a day for Chinese and another figure for some western countries --this HAS to be crap, unless we have a shadow behind every tourist, monitoring every dime.

Please Nisa do not nit pick and answer, the above is easy to read--If you come on a post and tell us how much someone spends --please give us a breakdown approx on what he/she spends--or not give out figures................. unless I am told what is spent on what -- in my mind I have only been given some stats. What if you or I said mongolians spend 50$ a day do you believe that--who knows. please give us some realistic breakdown on what is spent on what ??? by who

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I'm curious as to what the average daily expenditures per Chinese tourist are, compared to other nationalities like Germans or Americans. I know that many of the small businesses and employees in Thailand get a good share of their income from the tips, which are mostly associated with American Tourists. My Thai wife has a hair salon and says that only Americans ever tip her. This contributes greatly to her overal income. My experience is that the Chinese are not know for tipping or their generosity. So, these numbers might not have quite the importance that is being assume in the article. The net profitability of masses of small spending tourists is dramatically lower than a much small number of big spenders. The impact of the masses has indirect costs associated with it like the huge increase in VIP buses screaming down the roads carrying low spenders but risking the lives of everyone in their way. Increased road damage, increased vehicle pollution, increased degradation of parks and nature areas, etc with very low returns in comparison.

Is this a joke? Nobody tips in Thailand and service employees and small business own most certainly do NOT survive off of tips. That's ridiculous. Your comment about the Chinese is equally superficial. You seem to think that Chinese riding VIP buses causes more road damage than westerners riding VIp buses or minivans. Your comment is so patently racist and laced with western superiority that it's quite frankly nauseating. Gt over yourself. The Chinese have finally a middl class with money and now they spend it traveling just like white western tourists do. It's a benefit to the Thai tourist industry.

Extremely well said.

Thank you.

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Relying on China tourist may be a bit short sighted. China's economy is shrinking, property market lagging horribly, exports at lowest points in several years, copper and precious metals are down due to demand an alternative world sources, GDP lowest point in several years and will perhaps get lower due to artificial measure utilized to keep GDP growing in previous years. Yuan may start appreciating hurting export and foreign investment, US 55 index and etc. and China may hit recession as opposed to a soft landing soon.

Bit like Europe and the Americas

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I flew up to Udorn last week on a full Air Asia flight and two Chinese groups took up about half the seats. They were traveling to the Lao border by tour bus ... so don't forget to include the overlanders.

BTW ... Laos seems over-run with Chinese these days.

Edited by rogerdee123
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Chinese mainlanders are big shoppers. Their days will be in the shopping malls, and the evenings in the sit down entertainment venues. Having a middle class Chinese family will bring in more dough than 4 sex tourists who drink beer all day and shag hookers all night; the places the Chinese spend their cash will pay some taxes.

Balderdash. A Bangkok hooker is far more expensive than a sit down dinner with a show. And sex tourists drink taxed alcohol. The sex tourist spends quite a bit for their fun, and the money is then spent locally, with some sent home by the hooker to the villages, some spent in small shops like the local beauty shops, some spent on local taxis, and yes some spent like the Chinese tourists in malls for clothing and entertainment. But more of the sex tourists money will be distruted to small businesses and then respent again. The money from an organized tour will end up more quickly into the hands of the elite where it will be sent overseas or invested elsewhere. In the economic vernacular, the ,money spent by sex tourists has higher 'velocity' and thus does more economic good. I am not trying to defend the sex industry here. I think is it great that the Chinese are helping to prop up the tourist industry. But four sex tourists will bring in far more money into the local economy than a Chinese family of four. What will happen is that more of the money from the Chinese tourist family will fall directly into the coffers of the Sino-Thai Bangkok elite than the money spent by sex tourists.

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