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Tablet Computer Distribution Kicks Off In Thailand


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Yes much better they continue where previous Governments left off, hand out PCs only to favoured schools that run corrupt enrolment policies for the privileged while completely ignoring the rural areas without electricity...coffee1.gif

Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

PTP aren't bringing education to the forefront. They've partly implemented an ill-thought out policy that doesn't even have the infrastructure to fully support it.

The previous government subsidised schooling so that the kids could actually afford to get there to get an education. The PTP scrapped that subsidy to help pay for their tablets - which basically means, 11 million students aren't getting the subsidy so 800,000 students (well, 200,000 at the moment) can play with tablets.

Yes. Previous administrationS could have done more for education.

Yes. Introducing school kids to computers is a good idea.

But I don't believe that giving tablets to grade one's is the right way to go, and not making sure that the infrastructure (wifi, electricity, teacher training) is there to support it makes it an even less way to go.

Let's also not forget that the TRT, and it's reincarnations, have been in power for much of the period from 2001 to now, including a long period where they, supposedly, had a resounding mandate and therefore had no need to suck up to the rural power brokers by keeping the voters in the dark. Yet, they still managed to include those same power brokers in the government. It's not too hard to see who gains from a poorly educated electorate, and doesn't take much research to see who the rural powers align themselves to.

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Yes much better they continue where previous Governments left off, hand out PCs only to favoured schools that run corrupt enrolment policies for the privileged while completely ignoring the rural areas without electricity...coffee1.gif

Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

PTP aren't bringing education to the forefront. They've partly implemented an ill-thought out policy that doesn't even have the infrastructure to fully support it.

The previous government subsidised schooling so that the kids could actually afford to get there to get an education. The PTP scrapped that subsidy to help pay for their tablets - which basically means, 11 million students aren't getting the subsidy so 800,000 students (well, 200,000 at the moment) can play with tablets.

Yes. Previous administrationS could have done more for education.

Yes. Introducing school kids to computers is a good idea.

But I don't believe that giving tablets to grade one's is the right way to go, and not making sure that the infrastructure (wifi, electricity, teacher training) is there to support it makes it an even less way to go.

Let's also not forget that the TRT, and it's reincarnations, have been in power for much of the period from 2001 to now, including a long period where they, supposedly, had a resounding mandate and therefore had no need to suck up to the rural power brokers by keeping the voters in the dark. Yet, they still managed to include those same power brokers in the government. It's not too hard to see who gains from a poorly educated electorate, and doesn't take much research to see who the rural powers align themselves to.

But not all........and Thailand did exist before 2001
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Yes much better they continue where previous Governments left off, hand out PCs only to favoured schools that run corrupt enrolment policies for the privileged while completely ignoring the rural areas without electricity...coffee1.gif

Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

PTP aren't bringing education to the forefront. They've partly implemented an ill-thought out policy that doesn't even have the infrastructure to fully support it.

The previous government subsidised schooling so that the kids could actually afford to get there to get an education. The PTP scrapped that subsidy to help pay for their tablets - which basically means, 11 million students aren't getting the subsidy so 800,000 students (well, 200,000 at the moment) can play with tablets.

Yes. Previous administrationS could have done more for education.

Yes. Introducing school kids to computers is a good idea.

But I don't believe that giving tablets to grade one's is the right way to go, and not making sure that the infrastructure (wifi, electricity, teacher training) is there to support it makes it an even less way to go.

Let's also not forget that the TRT, and it's reincarnations, have been in power for much of the period from 2001 to now, including a long period where they, supposedly, had a resounding mandate and therefore had no need to suck up to the rural power brokers by keeping the voters in the dark. Yet, they still managed to include those same power brokers in the government. It's not too hard to see who gains from a poorly educated electorate, and doesn't take much research to see who the rural powers align themselves to.

But not all........and Thailand did exist before 2001

Why not do a bit of research, and look at who holds the power in Isaan, which parties they currently and previously belonged to, (yes, going back before 2001, which was covered when I said the TRT had no need to suck up to the rural powers at the time), and what happened to those parties? While you're at it, ask yourself why an apparently "fresh and clean" party, like theTRT in 2001, had to include these very same power brokers in its ranks.

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Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

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Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

Brownie points?! We're talking about educational standards in Thailand and a scheme that is bringing long overdue infrastructure improvements to remote areas. By product of a populist election promise which they appear to be following through on? Maybe, but personally I believe anything that brings public focus on the state of schools here & standards of teaching is positive. Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here...

This isn't a whole hearted endorsement of Yingluck's Government just an honest optimistic view. I'm not saying this scheme will be a roaring success or instantly solve all of the issues that the Thai education system faces but it's a welcome start. I'm afraid that in the face of overly cynical, negative and blindly politically biased people no policy gets judged on it's merits but simply attacked depending on political allegiances. Crazy stuff, if you can't see the obvious similarities between the system of power brokers backing each faction here you need to step back and look at things with a less slanted perspective.

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Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

"And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all."

Strange isn't it? I have also tried to explain to Fer that those billions PT is wasting on tablets (vote buying) could have been spend much better. He still believes that ONLY because PT is "trying" to implement this tablet scam, they now know that the schools infrastructures are not up to standard and have to be improved.

PT should get credit for bringing these infrastructure issues to light….crazy.gif

Edited by Nickymaster
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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

Edited by Thaddeus
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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

Broken glass?! What are you on about now, the comments have gone from the bizarre to plain sinister!

Yes, it's a crying shame that no one has bothered to make such investments in Thailand's education prior to this isn't it? Pandering to the military power brokers and doubling their budget is a much better way of improving the state of Thai education...

Personally I prefer less military spending and higher education budgets as a route to improving general standards of education... crazy I know. In a work place dominated by technology it makes sense to me that children get exposure at an early age. Have you ever seen a young child pick up a PC and quickly gain familiarity with the controls? Me neither but I have seen many children instantly at ease with the use of a tablet...

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Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

"And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all."

Strange isn't it? I have also tried to explain to Fer that those billions PT is wasting on tablets (vote buying) could have been spend much better. He still believes that ONLY because PT is "trying" to implement this tablet scam, they now know that the schools infrastructures are not up to standard and have to be improved.

PT should get credit for bringing these infrastructure issues to light….crazy.gif

I'd hoped you might be able to actually read and comprehend what I have written here. Evidently you can not. Shame.

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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

Broken glass?! What are you on about now, the comments have gone from the bizarre to plain sinister!

Yes, it's a crying shame that no one has bothered to make such investments in Thailand's education prior to this isn't it? Pandering to the military power brokers and doubling their budget is a much better way of improving the state of Thai education...

Personally I prefer less military spending and higher education budgets as a route to improving general standards of education... crazy I know. In a work place dominated by technology it makes sense to me that children get exposure at an early age. Have you ever seen a young child pick up a PC and quickly gain familiarity with the controls? Me neither but I have seen many children instantly at ease with the use of a tablet...

Personally I would have preferred the THB 400 billion spent in a year on price pledging to have been used differently. Mind you the Ministry of Education has the largest single budget in the 2012 Financial Year, THB 420 billion! Now if only some of that money was spent wisely ermm.gif

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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

Broken glass?! What are you on about now, the comments have gone from the bizarre to plain sinister!

Yes, it's a crying shame that no one has bothered to make such investments in Thailand's education prior to this isn't it? Pandering to the military power brokers and doubling their budget is a much better way of improving the state of Thai education...

Personally I prefer less military spending and higher education budgets as a route to improving general standards of education... crazy I know. In a work place dominated by technology it makes sense to me that children get exposure at an early age. Have you ever seen a young child pick up a PC and quickly gain familiarity with the controls? Me neither but I have seen many children instantly at ease with the use of a tablet...

You seem to refuse to understand what other people write. Those same people that increased the military budget also for the 1st time in many years tried to tackle the parents increasing education costs by making education free up to M3 (previously P6) this included a uniform subisidy Phua Thai discontinued this uniform subsidy to help pay for the tablets. So ALL poor students and parents suffer. Also as has been stated the money COULD have been better spent. But I will put on your rose tinted glasses a second...... Wow. Some P1 kids have got cheap tablets .. great man. Now....uumm what happens next year and the year after etc etc etc. Are they REALLY going to spend 900 million baht a year on tablets..... Wow.. so cool man. PHUA THAI are great they have found the money tree :)

Ps. Dont you think its kinda dangerous young kids picking up PC's?

sent from my ..................#

Edited by thaicbr
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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

Broken glass?! What are you on about now, the comments have gone from the bizarre to plain sinister!

Yes, it's a crying shame that no one has bothered to make such investments in Thailand's education prior to this isn't it? Pandering to the military power brokers and doubling their budget is a much better way of improving the state of Thai education...

Personally I prefer less military spending and higher education budgets as a route to improving general standards of education... crazy I know. In a work place dominated by technology it makes sense to me that children get exposure at an early age. Have you ever seen a young child pick up a PC and quickly gain familiarity with the controls? Me neither but I have seen many children instantly at ease with the use of a tablet...

You seem to refuse to understand what other people write. Those same people that increased the military budget also for the 1st time in many years tried to tackle the parents increasing education costs by making education free up to M3 (previously P6) this included a uniform subisidy Phua Thai discontinued this uniform subsidy to help pay for the tablets. So ALL poor students and parents suffer. Also as has been stated the money COULD have been better spent. But I will put on your rose tinted glasses a second...... Wow. Some P1 kids have got cheap tablets .. great man. Now....uumm what happens next year and the year after etc etc etc. Are they REALLY going to spend 900 million baht a year on tablets..... Wow.. so cool man. PHUA THAI are great they have found the money tree smile.png

Ps. Dont you think its kinda dangerous young kids picking up PC's?

sent from my ..................#

Really? That's strange I seem to the only one on here actually replying to the content of others posts while the points that I raise go unanswered in favour of gross speculation and childish snipes.

You label me with opinions that I haven't voiced because I buck the trend of aged cynicism and political bias shown on this forum. It amazes me the amount of disgruntled old men on this forum.

BTW PC = Personal computer. I realise that some of you are probably still struggling to put away the abacus and make use of a calculator so modern terminology for technology tends to confuse/ scare you. Understandable.

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Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

"And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all."

Strange isn't it? I have also tried to explain to Fer that those billions PT is wasting on tablets (vote buying) could have been spend much better. He still believes that ONLY because PT is "trying" to implement this tablet scam, they now know that the schools infrastructures are not up to standard and have to be improved.

PT should get credit for bringing these infrastructure issues to light….crazy.gif

I'd hoped you might be able to actually read and comprehend what I have written here. Evidently you can not. Shame.

Not many seem to comprehend what you have been trying to write the last couple of days.

Edited by Nickymaster
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I'd hoped you might be able to actually read and comprehend what I have written here. Evidently you can not. Shame.

Not many seem to comprehend what you have been trying to write the last couple of days.

If you can't read basic English then perhaps a tablet might help you out Nicky...

It's really not that difficult it just takes some acceptance of the fact that some have views that differ from your own. Whether you agree or not is a different matter, each to their own. Debate is fairly pointless if when a point is raised that you don't agree with you simply discount it as incomprehensible because you don't agree. My 3 year old does similar when I tell him it's time for bed.

My views are based upon my own opinions and thoughts on the matter, coupled with an understanding that writing something off before it has gotten off the ground or had a chance to be properly evaluated is incredibly narrow minded. I've made it fairly clear that I don't think the scheme is perfect and that the implementation is flawed but nevertheless I think it has had and will have some positive effects.

Most on here seem to simply tow the Nation line and follow the herd with little critical thinking involved, those that don't have a habit of "disappearing". Ironic given the biggest hurdle Thailand faces in education is probably the lack of critical thought as children are force fed information with repetition and discouraged from thinking for themselves.

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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

i wonder why the electrical brigade aren't sticking it up you like they have to others previously. Need power to all the schools they cry. Do that before the tablets they cry. Perhaps the prices you quote are for solar powered computers and projectors.
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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

i wonder why the electrical brigade aren't sticking it up you like they have to others previously. Need power to all the schools they cry. Do that before the tablets they cry. Perhaps the prices you quote are for solar powered computers and projectors.

I've learnt not to expect too much logical thought process in these ramblings!

Seriously though a word of caution on using either desktops or projectors in a country with a notoriously unstable power supply:

You will constantly lose work on desktops and be unable to work each and every time there is a power out (unless your rolling out generators and interim UPS to all schools!). Low voltages will burn out PSUs in no time. It is far more sensible to use a battery powered device where you have a flaky supply as less stress will be put on the device as it is only plugged in while charging and nuisance power outs won't effect you using them.

Projectors here frequently blow lamps unless you opt for a decent LED model with short warm up/ cool down time between restarts... or again use an interim UPS/ power conditioner and back up generator to avoid rapid restarts.

Perhaps tablets/ laptops would be a better idea... eh? Hang on a minute... whistling.gif

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Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

Yes, isn't it.

edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

i wonder why the electrical brigade aren't sticking it up you like they have to others previously. Need power to all the schools they cry. Do that before the tablets they cry. Perhaps the prices you quote are for solar powered computers and projectors.


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