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I Bloody Love Chiang Mai!


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If that one has your brain on the fritz, try taking the road West of the river and parallell with Chan Klan, there's a European castle there complete with turrets, any clues on that one also?

The one along Charoenpratet?

I think it was a former mosque.

It's in a predominantly Muslim area and it wouldn't surprise me if the builder/owner is Muslim, but it was never in use as a mosque; it's not even that old, building stagnated for a long time and it was sort of completed (on the outside at least) a couple years ago. Not sure if it was even intended as a mosque; I suspect not, but not sure. It remains an interesting building of course.

The building I refer to is a mock European castle complete with battlements and ramparts, by no stretch of the imagination could it ever be thought of as a mosque.

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I wonder why the whole area has become almost useless.

From Travelfish.org :

These highly elaborate, yet modern, Thai concrete constructions -- no

Lanna style here -- are actually only an upmarket townhouse development but manage to incorporate Greek statues, relief covered lintels and pediments, balustrades and classical columns, creating an almost Gothic, modern Thai meets Hammer House of Horror set. Location spotters take note!


Neo-classical, Gothic, modern Thai townhouse mix.

It's been empty for as long as we've been in

Chiang Mai so having asked my wife why it has never been done up, demolished, built over or whatever, we received the predictable reply: there are many ghosts. Anyway moving on, you have on your left the decidedly unhaunted array of computer and electronic goods warehouses; Computer City, Computer Plaza and so on followed by, on both sides of the moat, a couple of old wats. (This juxtaposition of old and new -- 14th and 21st centuries is a common feature of this and indeed any city walk in Chiang Mai.)

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The one along Charoenpratet?

I think it was a former mosque.

If you mean this one in the Muslim area but look a lot more like the Disney castle than a mosque. Then again you never know. I hear that some of them Muslim in Thailand eat pork, so anything goes I suppose.


Edited by ARISTIDE
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Your local Salaphet vendor should know, why not ask herrolleyes.gif

I've really missed them! especially the moo daeng ones! aloy!

As for the ghosts in those buildings..... ghosts shmosts! 55555555!!!!!!!!

How do you spell "aloy" in Thai?


offtopic.gif (Mai Kon Deal! your not the only one though!) Aloy means delicious in central Thai. In Northern Thai it is pronounced Aroy or another Lanna word is used. As for spelling in Thai, I'll give you a hint. One of the vowels/sala is definitely sala-phet!!! 55555

Swiftly back ON topic. Some great suggestions for interesting buildings in Chiang Mai guys! Surprised there is not more information or even tours of these Chiang Mai gems. Many cities around the world have ghost walks. Might not work here as the Thai people are very scared of pee ghosts almost as much as they are scared of walking! 5555! Mr. Farang is much more interested in both and it could be a great addition to the tours offered here.

Agreed would love to go on one. It would require back ground information. I have looked at rooms in buildings the wife would not even go into she says they are haunted.

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If that one has your brain on the fritz, try taking the road West of the river and parallell with Chan Klan, there's a European castle there complete with turrets, any clues on that one also?

The one along Charoenpratet?

I think it was a former mosque.

It's in a predominantly Muslim area and it wouldn't surprise me if the builder/owner is Muslim, but it was never in use as a mosque; it's not even that old, building stagnated for a long time and it was sort of completed (on the outside at least) a couple years ago. Not sure if it was even intended as a mosque; I suspect not, but not sure. It remains an interesting building of course.

The building I refer to is a mock European castle complete with battlements and ramparts, by no stretch of the imagination could it ever be thought of as a mosque.

I think you'll find they are minarets.

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I think you'll find they are minarets.

I beieve we may not be talking about the same building, I'll get my camera out in the A.M. and have a roam.

post #33

Yes I've seen that picture, that's not the building I'm refering to however so I'll get a picture and post it.

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I think you'll find they are minarets.

I beieve we may not be talking about the same building, I'll get my camera out in the A.M. and have a roam.

post #33

Yes I've seen that picture, that's not the building I'm refering to however so I'll get a picture and post it.

I believe the building you're referring to is red brick colour and looks like a medieval castle in a Disney film. It's right on the road that leads to the intersection where you turn left to cross the river to Rajavej Hospital.

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yes I was thinking about the pink castle myself.

I went to have a nosey inside last year. It is a mosque. I went in, just a few mats on the floor; had wiped my feet on two of them before I realisedermm.gif

I was just grateful for not having to take my shoes off.

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re .. I think you'll find they are minarets.

are these towers with the gold domes minarets ?


That's The Russian church of St Nikolay in Sofia and Russian orthodox, Not sure if the Bulgarians would call them minarets .....

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The castle near the Holiday Inn was intended to be a Guesthouse. I talked to the owner years ago when it was first being built and got a tour of the inside. While impressive on the outside, the owner got dismayed as the workers he let live in the place while being built trashed the place and he ran out of money. So he tried to rent it out for 50,000 Baht a month. Since it wasn't cleaned up to show potential renters, it's been sitting there empty ever since I think. I entertained the idea of renting it, but being in a Muslim neighborhood I decided against it.

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I read in CityLife the history of that mansion.

Apparently (according to the article) it was owned by a very rich man...who killed his entire family, and then himself in that home.

It has remained empty since that time.

Maybe member saojiangmai has more info, and can clarify?

Just recently (about a year ago) there was some renovation going on there. But the construction only lasted for about 2 weeks and then it was left to rot once again.

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I read in CityLife the history of that mansion.

Apparently (according to the article) it was owned by a very rich man...who killed his entire family, and then himself in that home.

It has remained empty since that time.

Maybe member saojiangmai has more info, and can clarify?

An excerpt from that article:

Chiang Mai even has its - brace yourself - house of horrors where it's said the husband of a rich family went irreversibly crackers, and in a fit of irrational jealously and hurt pride he chopped his wife and kids up into untidy parcels of human flesh - consistent so far with the daily news and hardly worth the turn of your head, though the twist is the family still reside there all worked up and pissed off at having left terra firma in such violent and bloody circumstances. Go see for yourself, it's the gothic style edifice, replete with gargoyles and other statues on the corner of the moat next to Chiang Mai Bowling.

There are some squatters living in one section and is or was a pharmacy or clinic there.... perhaps stitching body parts together?

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Stroll on. This is what happens when folk harp on about how great this place is/was. Op, I did hear there was some intriguing architecture a few kilometres south of a place called Chonburi where the locals are sure to be impressed with your grasp of the lingo, mak mak.

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I believe the building you're referring to is red brick colour and looks like a medieval castle in a Disney film. It's right on the road that leads to the intersection where you turn left to cross the river to Rajavej Hospital.

That sounds about right, I'll check today and report back, there's certainly a number of interesting/odd buildings in that area but I'm not sure why.

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From Travelfish.org :

These highly elaborate, yet modern, Thai concrete constructions -- no

Lanna style here -- are actually only an upmarket townhouse development but manage to incorporate Greek statues, relief covered lintels and pediments, balustrades and classical columns, creating an almost Gothic, modern Thai meets Hammer House of Horror set. Location spotters take note!


Neo-classical, Gothic, modern Thai townhouse mix.

It's been empty for as long as we've been in

Chiang Mai so having asked my wife why it has never been done up, demolished, built over or whatever, we received the predictable reply: there are many ghosts. Anyway moving on, you have on your left the decidedly unhaunted array of computer and electronic goods warehouses; Computer City, Computer Plaza and so on followed by, on both sides of the moat, a couple of old wats. (This juxtaposition of old and new -- 14th and 21st centuries is a common feature of this and indeed any city walk in Chiang Mai.)

if you look at those buildings closely, there are people currently living there. There also appears to be some kind of clinic there.

If you drive by at night you can see a TV on inside, quite eerie.

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