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A guy a know has just had a UK Visitor Visa refused for his Tgf on the grounds of not being able to prove they'd be a proper couple long enough. Immediately after, he pops into the agency RIGHT next door (inside - 2nd floor) and pays 6,000B to get one, with another 6,000B on delivery. 3 weeks later, here they are with a visa.

Is this not a bit suspicious? If the embassy are prepared to accept that they're a couple now, why didn't they ask for better proof last month and not have to smudge the girl's passport with whatever refusal stamp they put it?


If I'd given details about our relationship - colleague, neighbor, drinking buddy, mate at the gym - would it have made you feel any better or given this thread more credibility? Same old TVF.

Can we get back to the topic, or have a moderator step in and delete the thread and ban the pair of us?


It is much, much more likely as he is going through an agency that the agency just pocketed his money and to him it was rejected rather than submit the application


No. He applied himself the first time, and was refused. Then went through the agency and got it. i know agencies are experienced, but surely the UK embassy either believe that they're a couple or not.


It seems unlikely to me, more probable that the story (or parts of it) has some how been distorted/changed somewhere along the line.


Lets look at this again:

-Application is submitted

-Application is rejected

- Application is re submitted via an agent

-Agent addresses the grounds for which the initial application was refused

-Applicant pays an extortionate fee

- Visa is granted

Where exactly is the corruption alledged in the title of this thread?


I agree that sounds most likely, unfortunately for the OP's friend, the Embassy doesn't appear to keep asking the applicant for things that should have been supplied in the first case, they simply make a decision based on the information that has been supplied. The burden of proof rests with the applicant who must make a satisfactory case and it's not the job of the Embassy to help the applicant make his/her case.


The UKBA makes it clear in all their guidance etc. that:-

  • The onus is on the applicant to provide all the necessary information to enable the ECO make the correct decision.
  • Visa agents have absolutely no influence whatsoever over the decision making, or any other, process.

In this case it is almost certain that the first application was lacking in evidence and this was corrected in the second.

Corruption among ECOs? Highly unlikely; although mistakes and even incompetence happens.

However, if anyone suspects that there is corruption taking place the correct action is to report it to the proper authorities.

To avoid possible defamatory posts, this is now closed.

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