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'It'S Time To Face And Talk,' Thaksin

Lite Beer

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As misunderstandings go k. Thaksin should be more able and willing to follow examples set by others wink.png

According to the recent borowitz report "In a new effort to settle nagging questions about his finances, Republican presidential pick Mitt Romney today told reporters that his dog ate his tax returns and also served as CEO of Bain Capital from 1999 to 2002."


Please stop attempting to mislead people.

Mr. Romney did actually correct himself and stated that his dog served as the CEO 'posthumously'.


Edited by Phatcharanan
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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Discussing Thaksin is not really an obsession, it is more like repeated public warnings because he is a dangerous fleeing criminal who should not be approached by the public.


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Thaksin from his ramblings and delusions of grandeur that abound in his multiple mindsets where he is according to himself a living legend and a champion of the poor, a leader of democracy is basically a very sick person mentally.

His condescending attitudes, his arrogance, his pomposity his total ignoring of reality is indeed his shield from the real world in which the greater majority of people live. It is rather hot in Dubai which brings to mind the song titled

"Mad Dogs and Thaksin go out in the Midday Sun.''

( My apologies to the late Noel Coward for the adaptation of his song title.)

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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Good to see your posting standard has improved.

I guess the walker is being replaced by a wheelchair to help the lameness.

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Thaksin said in a clear message to critics who he said have turned him into "Dracula" because under his backing, parties won the past five general elections.

Dracula's lawyers are suing for slander.

The comparison is insulting to Dracula, who never killed anything like as many people as Thaksin has.


Well whilst you're on this flight of fantasy lets rein this "fact" in a bit. Dracula being a fictional figure didn't actually kill anybody, did he?

However if you were to discuss the fact that the author of the character Dracula based the name on the patrynomic of Vlad the Third, Prince of Wallachia, then your comparison of numbers of people allegedy killed by Thaksin (a claim one really should be wary of in these internet days and specifically with the Juntas Computer Crimes Act still in force) becomes even more farcical.

Vlad the Impalers' (as the Prince became known) victims numbered in the tens of thousands.............

Yunlas first line was.

Well whilst you're on this flight of fantasy lets rein this "fact" in a bit. Dracula being a fictional figure didn't actually kill anybody, did he?

What part of fictional figure don´t you understand.

About Thaksin.

Here is a link for you.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2006/apr/04/thailand1 please notise the date.thumbsup.gif

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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Your post, much like your little tin god, remind me of the best 3 C&W titles of all time. FYI:

How can I miss you if you won't go away?

If your phone's not ringing it's probably me.

If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?


OzMick, thanks for giving me a laughter.

Edited by Skywalker69
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and the pay for comments, Thaksin, news contunues. His PR firm is working overtime to win public support for his triumphant return.

He states that he is welcome in most/all countries of the world, except Thailand. Well when you decide to leave home and or your parents kick you out, its time to suck it up and live off your knowledge/experience. In Thaksins case, he has manged to accumulate, prior to leaving home and reportablity lose a vast forturne since he left the safe haven of his home country sand box.

His promoters tell us he has visa and travels, as a guest to western countries', but it seems telling, the only quoted interviews in local press seem to be from his desert hideaway and those Asia countries that he visits. The last reproted trip to England was void of any news release in UK newspapers as is normally quoted inThai papers and the US visa does seem to be in limbo, unused or another fairy tale.The legal mouthpiece in Thailand and the PR groups he pays, are probably at the same level as Thaksin, when it comes to believability and morals.

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Let's sit down and talk while eating doughnuts, that's the best way to reconciliation.

I prefer reconcilliation over some ice cream...kinda smooths things out. But

in Tak's case there's not enough ice cream in the entire world.

sip satang again from ss51 Have a good day ya'll...

Edited by sunshine51
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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Discussing Thaksin is not really an obsession, it is more like repeated public warnings because he is a dangerous fleeing criminal who should not be approached by the public.


Pity he is so popular then............

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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Discussing Thaksin is not really an obsession, it is more like repeated public warnings because he is a dangerous fleeing criminal who should not be approached by the public.


Pity he is so popular then............

Everybody hates me because I'm so universally liked.

Peter De Vries

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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Discussing Thaksin is not really an obsession, it is more like repeated public warnings because he is a dangerous fleeing criminal who should not be approached by the public.


Pity he is so popular then............

I think you will find it could be wanning......

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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Discussing Thaksin is not really an obsession, it is more like repeated public warnings because he is a dangerous fleeing criminal who should not be approached by the public.


Pity he is so popular then............

His type of facade popularity is a pity for Thailand

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Good to see the TV Thaksin haters' club has gone down the same route as the Dems. Thaksin obsession to their own detriment.

Discussing Thaksin is not really an obsession, it is more like repeated public warnings because he is a dangerous fleeing criminal who should not be approached by the public.


Pity he is so popular then............

Only with the gullible

How do you defend years of telling ever one that will listen to him you included what to do.

He now says it is time to talk. 180 degree turn around. Whyso long

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How Thaksin has the audacity to mention himself in the same sentence as Mandela is totally shameless. He tries to come across as some kind of 'peoples poet' when he is indeed just a common thief. He is in fact Robin Hood in reverse.

Steal from the rich to keep for the richer,

and the poor if they get in the way are on their own.

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