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United States Offers Technical Assistance To Thailand


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He stood firm that Thailand was able to deal with the problems by itself.

I was waiting for this little kernel of gold. With the advent of any foreign effort at aiding Thailand, Thais feel immediately compelled to make the case that they need no help. This kind of thing happens ad infinitum. Admitting otherwise would compromise the locally held belief that Thailand and the Thai way are better than all other countries and their respective approaches to dealing with problems of all varieties.

Ohh how can they dare and don't understand that it are the internet posters from foreign countries who know everything much better how things should be done locally.

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Must pretty humbling for the US envoys pitching their wares and being snubbed by the Thais who won't even accept "free" stuff. Twice.

In your dreams. No, probably had a good laugh. They know quite well the type of people they're dealing with.

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He stood firm that Thailand was able to deal with the problems by itself.

I was waiting for this little kernel of gold. With the advent of any foreign effort at aiding Thailand, Thais feel immediately compelled to make the case that they need no help. This kind of thing happens ad infinitum. Admitting otherwise would compromise the locally held belief that Thailand and the Thai way are better than all other countries and their respective approaches to dealing with problems of all varieties.

Ohh how can they dare and don't understand that it are the internet posters from foreign countries who know everything much better how things should be done locally.

It's called "diplomacy". Sorry, what is "it"?

Edited by Unkomoncents
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Yep, Thailand handles everything very well on it's own. Candidly, I wish more countries would not free load off my tax paying dollars. I would love to see all economic and millitary aid to countries like Thailand stopped. We need to get control of our own deficit and spending for the sake of our own children. Time to stop playing world helper and let other countries solve their own problems.

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Must pretty humbling for the US envoys pitching their wares and being snubbed by the Thais who won't even accept "free" stuff. Twice.

In your dreams. No, probably had a good laugh. They know quite well the type of people they're dealing with.

Yes. The problem with US is all the bleeding hearts who start to worry about the little man, the poor, the hungry children of the world and etc. We see on TV and we are programed to feel guilty for those less fortunate when those making us feel guilty, marketing companies and alleged non profit organizations, are profiting from our guilt and there us little we can do to help because if the political climate in these countries.

Seems that many governments in countries such as Somolia, Thailand and etc. are comfy with current situation so I agree America needs to butt the heck out and stop trying to save the world who for what ever reason, legit or not, are happy with status quo in their country and that also means we need to redirect money and aid to those who need it AND appreciate it.

We, however, actually have a heart and give to those who need it even when their pride wants to reject it. I am cool with this up to a point, but not when my tax dollars only go to help those that are the crux of the problem.

America need to focus on the future of our own children and let the governments in countries like Syria, Somolia, Thailand fend for the future of it's poor and suffering since they have it under control.

Thai politicians probably are very satisfied with the current climate in Thailand and the situation in Thailand is as the Thai politicians want. Both sides get herralded as heroes by their constitutes when standing up to other side and creating controversy. They don't want outside influence from anyone so they can keep status quo and corruption.

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biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


I live in a Buddhist temple approx. 1 mile from Luke Airforce Base on the Western edge of Phoenix, Arizona. There are a double handful of Thai airman living and training on the F-16's located there. Actually, the current Thai Airforce Air Chief Marshall also trained there

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"Gen Odierno offered to provide technical assistance by sending a team to train Thai military personnel on analytical skill improvement and approach in handling security threat in particular circumstances."

If I were a sensitive Asian, I would take the offer as an insult.

Mixed reviews on the 'successes' Iraq and Afghanistan so IMO, the offer should be like a fart in church.

The LAST thing Americans need is to start meddling in the Southern Thailand issue or even giving the appearance of it. Fresh on the heels of the NASA rejection cum stall job no less.

I'm glad Gen Prayuth responded as he did, at least as per the article, sorta sounds like a "Thanks, Ray, but no thanks" to me.

Must pretty humbling for the US envoys pitching their wares and being snubbed by the Thais who won't even accept "free" stuff. Twice.

Yes I am sure your right, the "Americans" are downtrodden and chagrin about this huge humiliation.....just in the same way an adult feels when attempting to feed a vitamin to a small adolescent child and it is refused.

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It's nice that Gen Raymond T. Odierno laid a wreath...however since the NASA

deal fell through I reckon other motives are high on the agenda. One may be

to "contain" China...somehow...

long live the king! I hope we all become one heart lit up around the GLOBE OF LOVE>..

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Um, Thailand's army can use all the help it can get.

There are hints in the OP:

"Meanwhile, Gen Prayuth clarified to the US officer Thailand's foreign policy ..."

" ... He stood firm that Thailand was able to deal with the problems by itself."

Umm. Think you misread something.

Gen Prayuth and Gen Odierno also discussed the longstanding relations between the Royal Thai Army and the US Army as well as further bilateral co-operation and exchanges including training on education, medicine and defence technology development.
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Yep, Thailand handles everything very well on it's own. Candidly, I wish more countries would not free load off my tax paying dollars. I would love to see all economic and millitary aid to countries like Thailand stopped. We need to get control of our own deficit and spending for the sake of our own children. Time to stop playing world helper and let other countries solve their own problems.

Sad to say I agree with you. I am all for helping others. But when it turns out the help is just making every thing worse it is time to stop it. Besides what can the States teach the army about the problems in the south look at Iraq it didn't have these kind of problems until the states saved them and now they have to fear for their life when they go to market. And as one citizen said now they never know if the light will come on when they turn the switch. They never had that problem until the States came in and lost a war there. All they know is war. And they don't do that well.

They haven't won a war sense 1945. Sense then they have lost three and are in the process of losing another one. Perhaps Prayuth should offer them some help. All the states know is how to keep them selves safe by starting wars in other parts of the world because they know that there enemies are not strong enough to fight a war on two fronts at the same time.

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biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


I live in a Buddhist temple approx. 1 mile from Luke Airforce Base on the Western edge of Phoenix, Arizona. There are a double handful of Thai airman living and training on the F-16's located there. Actually, the current Thai Airforce Air Chief Marshall also trained there

I am starting to wonder how many people live in Thailand.

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Yep, Thailand handles everything very well on it's own. Candidly, I wish more countries would not free load off my tax paying dollars. I would love to see all economic and millitary aid to countries like Thailand stopped. We need to get control of our own deficit and spending for the sake of our own children. Time to stop playing world helper and let other countries solve their own problems.

Sad to say I agree with you. I am all for helping others. But when it turns out the help is just making every thing worse it is time to stop it. Besides what can the States teach the army about the problems in the south look at Iraq it didn't have these kind of problems until the states saved them and now they have to fear for their life when they go to market. And as one citizen said now they never know if the light will come on when they turn the switch. They never had that problem until the States came in and lost a war there. All they know is war. And they don't do that well.

They haven't won a war sense 1945. Sense then they have lost three and are in the process of losing another one. Perhaps Prayuth should offer them some help. All the states know is how to keep them selves safe by starting wars in other parts of the world because they know that there enemies are not strong enough to fight a war on two fronts at the same time.

Yea, Bush made it personal and went after Sadam because of the hit on his father. Bush only cared about relieving Sadam of power and his croanies made Billions rebuilding the Iraq, enter Halliburton.

US military accomplished what Bush set out to accomplish and completely devastated one of the more powerful and sophisticated armies in the region with ease.

The problem with Iraq is a culture like that with that history needed a strong dictator type in charge to keep country in control. That entire region is basically out of control due to ethnic, cultural and religious differences all compounded by economic issues this part of the world seems incapable of resolving on its own due to disparate class structure. US ways and thought processes cannot be instantly implemented by a society such as Iraq.

Again, Bush accomished his venengful military goals easily. The humanitarian aspect he did nit consider or plan out. I don't think he had a planned or cared about the destabilization that would follow once the government was toppled as his focus or prize was simply Sadam. Now we are stuck there as Iraq is pretty much a helpless mess without our troops and very vulnerable to certain neighboring forces.

Edited by ttelise
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biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


I live in a Buddhist temple approx. 1 mile from Luke Airforce Base on the Western edge of Phoenix, Arizona. There are a double handful of Thai airman living and training on the F-16's located there. Actually, the current Thai Airforce Air Chief Marshall also trained there

I am starting to wonder how many people live in Thailand.

Who would want to right now? Thailand is a disaster politically and on verge of civil war. Hub of human trafficking, nasty water, corrupt police force, high incidence of HIV, pollution in Bkk, weak economy, and etc. Great as a novelty for a cheap place to visit, but too much of a disaster to call home.

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biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


I live in a Buddhist temple approx. 1 mile from Luke Airforce Base on the Western edge of Phoenix, Arizona. There are a double handful of Thai airman living and training on the F-16's located there. Actually, the current Thai Airforce Air Chief Marshall also trained there

I am starting to wonder how many people live in Thailand.

Who would want to right now? Thailand is a disaster politically and on verge of civil war. Hub of human trafficking, nasty water, corrupt police force, high incidence of HIV, pollution in Bkk, weak economy, and etc. Great as a novelty for a cheap place to visit, but too much of a disaster to call home.

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biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


I have a picture of my Thai pastor at my church in Samui in radio school taken at the Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, USA. There is also a Lao national in the picture. The US has been giving help to SE Asian countries for decades already.

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biggrin.png Good Lord, Thaialnd has been getting "Technical Assistance" from the U.S. in many fields for over 50 years...a lot of Thai military personnel have been trained on the maintainance and use of U.S. equipment....to include the two Thai technicians I myself helped train in the then Saigon for a 3 month course in 1970 on the communications equipment the then Thai government had just recieved from the U.S. Army.

It's been going on that way for years...but the Thai goverments of those times simply wanted to keep that information from the average Thai citizen....then and now.

For those in power....they prefer their voters to be unaware of what's really going on. That way the average citizen doesn't question as much what the government hands out as "the truth".

Much more convienent for any "democratic" government in power at election time if the voters don't really know what's actually happening, you know.

Incidentally, that's also true for the U.S. and the U.K. also. An educated population asks to many inconvienent questions....that's why the government and the military have "public relations" specialists.


Yes, and the US has been a long time "friend" of Thailand. Dating back to the 19th century...

So the US didn't bomb BKK during WW2 then? Or tried twice to knock out bridges over the Kwai until the RAF showed them how to do it? I seem to remember that Thailand was pretty matey with the Japanese at that time. Some friendship.

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