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Valerian Root - Anyone Here In Cm Use (Sleeping Aid)


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Years ago someone I worked with recommended I drink Valerian root tea while we were working to "mellow me out". I drank the strongest formula available all day for about 2 weeks. It did absolutely nothing whatsoever and the herb smells kind of like vomit - no joke.

Don't waste your time and money.

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Alternative, Cassia Siamea Britt (Kee Lek in Thai), it is a Thai herb and they make curry with Kee Lek leaves. You can find it in most of local market, you can make a tea with it, use approx. 20 grams of fresh Kee Lek leaves boil with 1 lite water.

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Alternative, Cassia Siamea Britt (Kee Lek in Thai), it is a Thai herb and they make curry with Kee Lek leaves. You can find it in most of local market, you can make a tea with it, use approx. 20 grams of fresh Kee Lek leaves boil with 1 lite water.

Works for you.....or did you just get in? biggrin.png

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Alternative, Cassia Siamea Britt (Kee Lek in Thai), it is a Thai herb and they make curry with Kee Lek leaves. You can find it in most of local market, you can make a tea with it, use approx. 20 grams of fresh Kee Lek leaves boil with 1 lite water.

Works for you.....or did you just get in? biggrin.png

No, the books and the way to read is help for me but I used to eat a lot of this herb and later know that it help for relax and good sleep.

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  • 2 months later...

If you need something like valerian root on a regular basis, something is wrong with your liftestyle. You may need some professional counselling. Try taking long walks (or other forms of exercise) which will help release stress. Camomile tea is a simple relaxant at bed time.

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I've tried valerian in various forms with little impact. A couple of years ago I had a pack of Chinese herbs put together for me by Dr. Wang at the large Chinese pharmacy in Warorot market. They "worked, i.e., I did sleep, but the boiling, reboiling, and ghastly taste kept me from returning for a refill.

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the effect of natural herbals as sleeping aids varies from individual to individual.... there are so many factors that i don't believe one can generalize from "it worked for me" to... "well, it should work for ME"... of course, with herbals, for the most part, there is no harm done by trying them out.

Other "natural" remedies have the same problems. Melatonin knocks my mom and sister out for a solid 8 hours... i can toss them back like sugar tablets... and nothing happens...


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If valerian or melatonin don't work, you can try Gamma-Amino Butyric acid (GABA), it is an amino acid which acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It inhibits nerve transmission in the brain, calming nervous activity. As a supplement it is sold and promoted for these neurotransmitter effects as a natural tranquilizer. Ask your doctor.

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If you need something like valerian root on a regular basis, something is wrong with your liftestyle. You may need some professional counselling. Try taking long walks (or other forms of exercise) which will help release stress. Camomile tea is a simple relaxant at bed time.


I wish I could sleep and function without medication but sadly I have no choice and wish the amitryptiline didnt make me feel like a fridge magnet the night after use. So taking 6 mg of Lorazepam is the only remedy for me before sleep, kee lek and those herbal supplements dont touch me, try some melatonin supplements with lorazepam and you will get a good 6 hour sleep. I wish I could sleep for 8 hours but I never could!

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If you need something like valerian root on a regular basis, something is wrong with your liftestyle. You may need some professional counselling. Try taking long walks (or other forms of exercise) which will help release stress. Camomile tea is a simple relaxant at bed time.


I wish I could sleep and function without medication but sadly I have no choice and wish the amitryptiline didnt make me feel like a fridge magnet the night after use. So taking 6 mg of Lorazepam is the only remedy for me before sleep, kee lek and those herbal supplements dont touch me, try some melatonin supplements with lorazepam and you will get a good 6 hour sleep. I wish I could sleep for 8 hours but I never could!

6 mg.? Are you sure? I have a very high tolerance to all benzos but 2 mg. is considered a high dose. In fact they usually use 4 mg. IV in clinical procedures and 0,5-2 mg. orally. If I took 6 mg. I would not be able to get out of bed the next without a severe hangover.

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