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Bail Granted To A 17-Year-Old Boy Who Hit A Woman In The Face With A Chair: Bangkok


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The station's deputy superintendent Lt Colonel Panom Chuathong said the teenager was stressed and crying all during the night he spent at the station.

"His aunt was with him," Panom said.

Oh, boo <snipping> hoo! I hope this little sh!t rots in jail, unfortunately that probably won't happen.

So he hit a woman who was trying to steal his watch .............. "I found it on the footpath"

More a problem of excessive force than anything else.

What would you do if a pickpocket walked off with your Rolex? ..... let her keep it?

I don't think she took it off his wrist ... do you?

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Can you elaborate a little. thumbsup.gif

Sorry to but in --BUT if we all had that attitude no one would alter anything it would only get worse. The same old cry it happens everywhere---please, NO EXCUSE, I for one will never "get used to it" I cannot do much about the lawlessness but still can object to these types of incidents. for the size of the country and the happenings here there is much hard work to do, whether it is violence-or road deaths-or a.n.other.

Totally agree with you ginjag.

This is the kind of people shouting "its happens all over the world" that making the situation worst. This is the kind of sh*t/sick mentality that driving thailand into the wall again and again.

Back home, when crime occurs, we dont sit and slip the problem under the carpet. Back home when some people get murdered we do public mourning.

Back home we put pressure on the police and officials. Back home we do have national debate.

We do launch national/tv campaign for less violence amongs youth, amongs domestic affair, car accident...

When we try to be pro active, you(thai apologist) try to hide.

And back home its might not be perfect, but at least we got(in europe) 5 time less murder than in thailand.

Try again so we/l can understand.

You seem to think farangland is clean. Do a search on old ladies/men being murdered for pennies.

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The station's deputy superintendent Lt Colonel Panom Chuathong said the teenager was stressed and crying all during the night he spent at the station.

"His aunt was with him," Panom said.

Oh, boo <snipping> hoo! I hope this little sh!t rots in jail, unfortunately that probably won't happen.

So he hit a woman who was trying to steal his watch .............. "I found it on the footpath"

More a problem of excessive force than anything else.

What would you do if a pickpocket walked off with your Rolex? ..... let her keep it?

I don't think she took it off his wrist ... do you?

Is that really important?

Was she the drop for the Indian guy?

Do you believe she really found it lying on the ground?

Anyway the basic story, thief picks wrong victim and gets a bashing.

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Making a reply to a post by using an emoticon only is not a valid reply as it adds nothing to the discussion. A post has been removed.

So maybe a video will be better for those who doesnt have watch it yet.


Try again so we/l can understand.

You seem to think farangland is clean. Do a search on old ladies/men being murdered for pennies.

"we/I" ermm.gif please spleak only for yourself.

And honestly you should seek some medical help...

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Making a reply to a post by using an emoticon only is not a valid reply as it adds nothing to the discussion. A post has been removed.

So maybe a video will be better for those who doesnt have watch it yet.


Try again so we/l can understand.

You seem to think farangland is clean. Do a search on old ladies/men being murdered for pennies.

"we/I" ermm.gif please spleak only for yourself.

And honestly you should seek some medical help...

I AM a Doctor rolleyes.gif . AND l ''spleak'' English. rolleyes.gif
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Watched the video.........the kid did overreact (understatement).

The moment he picks up the stool......the person sitting there doesn't seem to react at all....and walks off bit later.

Suppose you had found the watch and the kid confronted you and picked up a stool, how would it have ended then?

What would be the correct way to handle it, seriously?

I hope the kid gets punished. Even if the lady had stolen it, there was no need to do what he did.

The lady was no threat, was all apologetic.

This story will probably die down.

Edited by arminbkk
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So he hit a woman who was trying to steal his watch .............. "I found it on the footpath"

More a problem of excessive force than anything else.

What would you do if a pickpocket walked off with your Rolex? ..... let her keep it?

I don't think she took it off his wrist ... do you?

Is that really important?

Was she the drop for the Indian guy?

Do you believe she really found it lying on the ground?

Anyway the basic story, thief picks wrong victim and gets a bashing.

I don't know which news reports you're reading but it's not the same as most people on here. There's absolutely no evidence of her stealing the watch and there's even witnesses saying they saw her pick it up.

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The station's deputy superintendent Lt Colonel Panom Chuathong said the teenager was stressed and crying all during the night he spent at the station.

"His aunt was with him," Panom said.

Oh, boo <snipping> hoo! I hope this little sh!t rots in jail, unfortunately that probably won't happen.

So he hit a woman who was trying to steal his watch .............. "I found it on the footpath"

More a problem of excessive force than anything else.

What would you do if a pickpocket walked off with your Rolex? ..... let her keep it?

Not only are you wrong...you're dead wrong! The cleaning woman picked the watch up off the ground, she had no idea who it really belonged too! In another statement she said that she was going to hand it in! Try not to make comments when you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs, eh!! beatdeadhorse.gifburp.gifpassifier.gif

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The station's deputy superintendent Lt Colonel Panom Chuathong said the teenager was stressed and crying all during the night he spent at the station.

"His aunt was with him," Panom said.

Oh, boo <snipping> hoo! I hope this little sh!t rots in jail, unfortunately that probably won't happen.

So he hit a woman who was trying to steal his watch .............. "I found it on the footpath"

More a problem of excessive force than anything else.

What would you do if a pickpocket walked off with your Rolex? ..... let her keep it?

Not only are you wrong...you're dead wrong! The cleaning woman picked the watch up off the ground, she had no idea who it really belonged too! In another statement she said that she was going to hand it in! Try not to make comments when you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs, eh!! beatdeadhorse.gifburp.gifpassifier.gif

Dee ma, cheesy.gif
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I don't know what kind of Tommo or what kind of Physicist you are but trying to defend / justify this is bordering on creationism........

She was needlessly whacked in the face by a thug.

A seemingly hiso thug.

Where is the evidence to support your assertion that she is the thief ??

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Cleaner accuses 17-yr-old of assault



BANGKOK: -- A female cleaner yesterday filed a complaint with police against a 17-year-old schoolboy who allegedly hit her in the face with a plastic chair.

The assault allegedly took place after Somjit Thongnao, 51, appeared reluctant to return a wristwatch dropped by the youth. She had found the watch on her way home.

Somjit lodged the complaint after video of the fracas appeared on the Internet and led to the surrender of the boy, whose name has not been disclosed as he is a minor.

The boy has been released on bail after turning himself in at Pathumwan Police Station on Monday night.

Somjit said she found the wristwatch while walking past the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre on the evening of July 16. "I walked on, but then two students approached me and asked if I had found a wristwatch. My hearing is not very good. Before we could really communicate, he slapped me in the face. I was frightened and quickly walked away towards a bus stop," she told police.

She said the two boys followed her and asked again.

"So I took the wristwatch out of my bag and asked if it was his. While I was handing the wristwatch to him, I asked if he could give some money as a reward," Somjit said. "He reacted by picking up a nearby chair and hitting me in the face with it."

The boys left the scene, but a tuk-tuk driver came to her aid, she added

"I was hospitalised until July 19, after which I headed to my home province of Khon Kaen to recuperate," she said. Pathumwan Police Station deputy superintendent Lt-Colonel Panom Chuathong said that if the assault resulted in facial scars, the boy could be charged with causing serious injury.


-- The Nation 2012-07-27

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With all the lawless crap that's gone on in the streets of late (unpunished), the typical soap opera and other tripe on the TV, and the MO for not punishing perps depending on who one knows, it's not wonder society here is getting more and more base.

Seriously, those condoning the actions of this little wimp really ought to sit down and have a long, hard think. And yes it does happen in other countries, but not typically wholesale and not without consequence.

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Whatever happened re. the watch,the little turd still picked up a plastic stool and struck on old lady in the face with full force

and the probable reason he was 'stressed and crying' was because he got caught and had to front the police.

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It is always somewhat surprising that there is no vigilantism in these situations. The wealthy act with no recourse and the little guys just take it, despite the is of anything happening though the courts to be virtually zero.

If it was my mum with a gash on the head like that. Well...........

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This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

Please don't insult retarded children. They wouldn't behave like this. This young man looks to be of athletic build and with all his faculties intact. We don't know the full story from the video or the report, but a fit 17 year old hitting a 51 year old lady in the face with a chair. Hmmm.

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It is always somewhat surprising that there is no vigilantism in these situations. The wealthy act with no recourse and the little guys just take it, despite the is of anything happening though the courts to be virtually zero.

If it was my mum with a gash on the head like that. Well...........

One would hope that people would intervene in such situations. In the UK, people are worried about the consequences of intervention, being sued by the hooligans etc. My Army seargent son performed a citizen's arrest on a 20 year old bag snather. The very old lady victim screamed as the yob snatched her bag and attempted to ride off on his bike. There were plenty of people around - no one else reacted, or helped him keep the thief subdued until the police arrived. The "look the other way" society is not unique to Thailand.

Edited by Baerboxer
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It is always somewhat surprising that there is no vigilantism in these situations. The wealthy act with no recourse and the little guys just take it, despite the is of anything happening though the courts to be virtually zero.

If it was my mum with a gash on the head like that. Well...........

I know if he did that to "Ma" in my Thai family, no one would be able to protect him

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It is always somewhat surprising that there is no vigilantism in these situations. The wealthy act with no recourse and the little guys just take it, despite the is of anything happening though the courts to be virtually zero.

If it was my mum with a gash on the head like that. Well...........

One would hope that people would intervene in such situations. In the UK, people are worried about the consequences of intervention, being sued by the hooligans etc. My Army seargent son performed a citizen's arrest on a 20 year old bag snather. The very old lady victim screamed as the yob snatched her bag and attempted to ride off on his bike. There were plenty of people around - no one else reacted, or helped him keep the thief subdued until the police arrived. The "look the other way" society is not unique to Thailand.

I agree with you about the issue in the UK. But in Thailand, we are regaled regularly with the stories about how hit men are available so easily, so and so hired so and so to do something. I know why we never hear about so and so rich kid gets a good shoeing because he escaped prosecution, after taking out said pedestrians/ beating so and so/causing death by reckless behaviour etc. It really is a strange thing that there is never any private retribution meted up that goes up the social ladder. They really are untouchable by the law and everyone else.

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Found his watch? Stole his watch? Found it in a lucky bag? Whatever, the fact remains he hit an old women with a chair. Just another loose cannon on that crazy medicine.

Thai's like any other nation are brought up to respect their elders, this thug should be punished by the laws of the Kingdom.....oh wait a minute, he is a minor, just like the silly rich bitch who drove the Civic a few years ago.....

What if your Mom came home from work after being smacked on the face with a chair? Enough said......

Does that V8 guy live in Ye Olde England with Robin Hood?? Shillings and Pennies indeed coffee1.gif

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Can you elaborate a little. thumbsup.gif

Sorry to but in --BUT if we all had that attitude no one would alter anything it would only get worse. The same old cry it happens everywhere---please, NO EXCUSE, I for one will never "get used to it" I cannot do much about the lawlessness but still can object to these types of incidents. for the size of the country and the happenings here there is much hard work to do, whether it is violence-or road deaths-or a.n.other.

Totally agree with you ginjag.

This is the kind of people shouting "its happens all over the world" that making the situation worst. This is the kind of sh*t/sick mentality that driving thailand into the wall again and again.

Back home, when crime occurs, we dont sit and slip the problem under the carpet. Back home when some people get murdered we do public mourning.

Back home we put pressure on the police and officials. Back home we do have national debate.

We do launch national/tv campaign for less violence amongs youth, amongs domestic affair, car accident...

When we try to be pro active, you(thai apologist) try to hide.

And back home its might not be perfect, but at least we got(in europe) 5 time less murder than in thailand.

Try again so we/l can understand.

You seem to think farangland is clean. Do a search on old ladies/men being murdered for pennies.

WE or anyone does NOT think U.K. is clean-get a grip on the conversation. Just to add we are talking about HERE not there, or we would bring in Swaziland-Nigeria......FOR WHAT ??? no one is hiding from reality wherever it is. Thailand is not the worst, BUT we all have to live here-enjoy-with caution.
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This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

What is wrong with farang thinking (just using your way of grouping everyone together over singular act) that they think it is okay for them not get involved for safety reasons but thinks a Thai should get involved because magically they would face no risk against a violent youth who has already showed his willingness to bash open the face of another Thai.

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Whatever happened re. the watch,the little turd still picked up a plastic stool and struck on old lady in the face with full force

and the probable reason he was 'stressed and crying' was because he got caught and had to front the police.

Ah yes..............contact counselling. Used all too rarely I think. This seems a good case for it.

Sorry! Reply meant for Thai at heart. Finger trouble!

Edited by Fozfromoz
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This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

What is wrong with farang thinking (just using your way of grouping everyone together over singular act) that they think it is okay for them not get involved for safety reasons but thinks a Thai should get involved because magically they would face no risk against a violent youth who has already showed his willingness to bash open the face of another Thai.

There is an old saying-never get inbetween 2 women fighting unless you want mega probs. If Thais are around like this said incident let them deal with their own kind. If one advocates no Thai bashing then we farangs should distance ourselves from these incidents. It is NOT our business, If everything is so positive here, good. We posters can only add our feelings here on Thai Visa Forum, thats what it's for. Thai thinking is VASTLY different from European better to leave domestic matters to them(this is an example) Other matters that do concern us we are free to comment,
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This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

What is wrong with farang thinking (just using your way of grouping everyone together over singular act) that they think it is okay for them not get involved for safety reasons but thinks a Thai should get involved because magically they would face no risk against a violent youth who has already showed his willingness to bash open the face of another Thai.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect App

i mean if I witness this in my country I would confront the guy and would probably end in a fight. I am actually not too sure if I wouldn't do the same here, cannot just stand by watching how a young guy hits an older woman.

And yes, I think you are right I was wrong about differentiating farangs from Thais but I think I read too many stories here about getting in bigger trouble than locals when getting into a fight.

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Reading stuff here and me getting an ear bashing it seems the consensus of some is if a woman is being attacked by a yob we must stand back and assess the nationality of the lady before we think about intervention w00t.gif . Cowards talk.

Any farang country has ooooodles of nationalities, every street has different colour faces, so what do you do there ?. Yep, don't answer, you would run the other way.

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