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Bail Granted To A 17-Year-Old Boy Who Hit A Woman In The Face With A Chair: Bangkok


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Not withstanding how the woman obtained the watch, does beating a defenceless 51 year old woman become an acceptable act here....this lad is a coward.

Absolutely, but HE thinks, everyone else thinks, he is a tough guy. sad.png
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Reading stuff here and me getting an ear bashing it seems the consensus of some is if a woman is being attacked by a yob we must stand back and assess the nationality of the lady before we think about intervention w00t.gif . Cowards talk.

Any farang country has ooooodles of nationalities, every street has different colour faces, so what do you do there ?. Yep, don't answer, you would run the other way.

Agree - why is it acceptable to stand back & do nothing, whether you are a resident or a visitor, when a women is assaulted by a male - whatever his age.

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This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

What is wrong with farang thinking (just using your way of grouping everyone together over singular act) that they think it is okay for them not get involved for safety reasons but thinks a Thai should get involved because magically they would face no risk against a violent youth who has already showed his willingness to bash open the face of another Thai.

You are mistaken about why farang don't get involved, it's nothing to do with safety reasons. Our visas are difficult enough to obtain and renew without getting involved in domestic disturbances. If Thais don't get involved then they are allowing apathy to dominate their society and by allowing this sort of thing you are sending a message to wrongdoers that they can get away with breaking the law. This lad was only caught because he turned himself in - did anybody identify him on the video and report him?

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This kid is a little sh#t. Having seen the video clip http://www.pattayada...ady-with-chair/ this little bastard should be locked up and left to rot. And now from the photo he hasn't got the courage to show his face - What a man!!

When I read the news report I thought "$#@ck her, she was reluctant to return the watch", but after watching the video I think "what a $#@$ the $#@ kid". She apologizes for whatever happened and the retarded kid still hits her.

As an aside note, how could this little $hit go away from the scene? What's wrong with Thai people that didn't hold him and call the police? (I could understand the farangs not getting involved coz it could turn agaisnt them, but the Thais??)

I understand why foreigners wouldn't get involved, but how could any Thai man, boy, or other women just stand by after some punk kid hit a grown woman in the face with a chair?

And why do Thai males so quickly turn to violence with weapons? Knives, clubs, chains, bricks, guns, bottles, chairs... In over a decade living here, I've never seen two Thai males just duke it out. They ALWAYS go for a weapon of some sort.

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You are mistaken about why farang don't get involved, it's nothing to do with safety reasons. Our visas are difficult enough to obtain and renew without getting involved in domestic disturbances.

Bull crap. Visa or no visa, I've watched countless farang get involved in Thai on Thai fights and every single time without fail, he gets destroyed by every Thai there. They ALL turn on the foreigner as soon as he gets involved.

Personally, I could care less about my visa if it means I can stop a women from getting beaten by some punk. I do however, care about my well being and the 100 stitches I will probably get from the gang that will jump me with whatever weapons they may be carrying at the time. No thanks. There are plenty of other place I could live should Thailand revoke my visa, which I may add you only pay a fine to get it reinstated. Like everything else here, even a a revoked visa and a black list can be bought.

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now this guy will end up dead or in jail for a long time

not for this assault but because he will get away with it and go on to bigger and better things

these guys grow up seeing dad hit mum or daughter or sister and think this is the right way -= thai man

som nom na or what goes around comes around

expect this little <deleted> to be taken out in one way or another

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You are mistaken about why farang don't get involved, it's nothing to do with safety reasons. Our visas are difficult enough to obtain and renew without getting involved in domestic disturbances.

Bull crap. Visa or no visa, I've watched countless farang get involved in Thai on Thai fights and every single time without fail, he gets destroyed by every Thai there. They ALL turn on the foreigner as soon as he gets involved.

Personally, I could care less about my visa if it means I can stop a women from getting beaten by some punk. I do however, care about my well being and the 100 stitches I will probably get from the gang that will jump me with whatever weapons they may be carrying at the time. No thanks. There are plenty of other place I could live should Thailand revoke my visa, which I may add you only pay a fine to get it reinstated. Like everything else here, even a a revoked visa and a black list can be bought.

Good job you warned us that you are writing 'Bull crap', that's a very cavalier attitude about your visa and good luck to you. I think the majority of TV members would agree with me and really don't want to start paying off to get a visa re-instated etc. I'm also happy and settled in Thailand so unlike you I don't want to go live some other place.

I'm also not talking about getting involved in bar brawls which is what your post implies. If people are fighting due to excess of alcohol then that is their problem entirely and I would not hesitate to walk away.

Poodmaidai - Poodmaakbpai

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