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Essential Forum Maintenance - 1-2AM (Bangkok time) Friday 7th Feb. ×

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Hello People,

the last few days i was trieing to find some vaccines for my goats named Glanvac-6 (or 5 or 3)_(Companyname CLS) and some vaccine against food and mouth disease.

I visit a big dairy goat farm and asked for it, exspecially how they handle with enterotoxemia (pulpy kidney disease) the boss was hanging in the doorframe and smiled stupidly, didnt helped me because him doesnt knew what i mean.

After i went home a worker was running after my car stopped me and want i write him the word on

a paper :o

Is here somebody who know where i could get it in Thailand, its a try and thanks a lot.



randomchances says that the gov vets are supposed to do the foot and mouth, etc... here the gov also does entero for some stupid reason....so maybe the thai agri.extension people do also....

by the way, the entero isnt the pulp kidney its the quasi tetnus that they get when eating too much green forage; its optional in israel the vet says it when u are moving the kids from the does to grain, or putting out to pasture after long dry season so dont know if u need it in thailand.... the glanvac isnt that for cheesy gland kidney pulp etc in sheep??? will trly to check out things also.... try to pm randomchance he is really knowledgeable for thailand and maybe can help u get vacs (he gets for his dairy cows)

will double check also when have time;;; had tons of rain for week no end in sight and births coming up and everything soggy.... :o:D no time....

what goat place where u at ?? the big famous guy that does the cow milk also?? or just a goat farm??

hang in there....


Hello bina :D

I have my information from Australia where i asked about the Coccidiosis Problem and they wasnt so sure that it was really Cocci. Later i studied some reports about Thai Nativ breeds crossed with Anglo Nubians, and i read that it is a standard procedure to vaccinate against mouth and food, enterotoxemia and tuberculosis. So i would like to do it to prevent and to exclude that deseases from my list of possible problems (Now everything goes good along).

My vet here is an A him wont help me (or is unable) what makes me more strong to find it out for myself. It is only me who have to fight against all baricades of noknowledgement or dont wannado's ?!?!

If somebody knows where I can get the ministery of livestock or so in Korat let me know please.

"Maybe it was" the famous farm but i think there is something wrong and they lied to me, but I dont know how long the arms reaches (very long i guess) so i will wisper.

I was really impressed by the size at the luxury of the facilities, but something looks wrong or maybe i am wrong :o

For example Bina if you have Supergood breeding bucks, wouldnt you be proud to show me them (maybe only one!? )

If you would be scared i bring a desease with me, and i agree with a desinfektion bad would it be possible to see them.

If not if i ask you for paper (Import) could you show me some ?!

And if your worker tell me drive around the wall and look over the wall (maybe use your car to get more high) and I would do it and see nothing about the 100 special bucks (so told me so) even no normal buck, what would you think :D

If you would tell me you Imported your animals from Importland and I tell you that i couldnt believe that without seeing papers but that i have knowledge about Imports from Phantasyland over Carrierland to Thailand and later u agree that u got them from Phantasyland ?!?! Questions, over Questions.

The animals which i could see wasnt so healty (my eye is sharp now) and they told me the best quality they just sold, but next month .... "Could i have a phonecall for first choice", "Impossible because we are not so sure when it exactly will be" ?!?!?!?!

Ok i will let it be, I have your smart people :D



hey shingdam.

hoof and mouth is required almost anywhere since it causes financial losses among herds and spread so neibhoring countries also cooperate in vaccination programs (israel has a problem with hoof and mouth due to gazelles who dont recongnize borders between syria, jordan, etc so they 'import' back to us again)

tuberculosis.... vaccinate?? here we dont, not requried, even milk testing for home sale isnt required since it isnt prevalant here like in the states

entero: also, not required but for reasons only know to israeli gov. vets, only they can vaccinate and uhave to beg for it (and pay of course its not subsidized as the hoof and mouth etc is), but for donkeys any vet can vaccinate this, go figure the ways of government agricultural departments anywhere

cheesy gland etc... still checking...

yeah, sounds like a tax rightoff (a business venture meant from the beginning to 'lose ' money to keep from paying high taxes.... or animal experimental facilities... or just obtuseness... i've been invited to see some amazing studs, anywhere i go, people dont always like to talk about their breeding plan for developing a 'super duper' milch goat but they do let u see the stock.... except for babies sometimes due to infections etc....

shngdam, u should try the maryland handbook for goats, thats the 'bible' of a large majority of the goat people here, including several of my 'large animal' vets.... unfortunately i lost the link... just type in , its from the university of maryland which is an extension of thegov. agric. research dept (near where i grew up)in maryland.....

u can get a cheap micrscope and check foecals for yourself maybe for some of the parasites???

btw, entero is not a contagioius disease but a food related problem due to toxins being secreted in the rumen/stomach area so doesnt spread from one to an other unless u had problem food'also tuberculosis wouldnt suddenly appear and then go

still sounds parasitic in nature, or a combination due to prebirhting stress etc....

would be curious to see pics of native thai breeds/types; are they more for meat?? i like to stick with native types, there's ususally a common sense to this as to any breed that fits its native area; unless its like the buffalo in thailand that know the thais are slaughtering the strong big ones for meat and therefore decreasing size and health and strenghth (bad breeding program there)...


The point is that not only I had the problems you know. It was and is allaround here only people dont like to confess it.

A farmer went to me (because my goats are looking very nice now, altough my style is going down because of the stress) and told him like my animals and after a while him broke down (no joke) and told me about his problems (hard for him that his herd is 3 times bigger than mine).

Although him have much more land than me (also more per goat) his goats starving to death.

I am only so crazy because i really want to find out what it is and where it come from.

In Australia they vaccine against all of i told you and repeat it every year.

So i will do it and see what happens (exspecially in the raintime and after).

Brebirthing stress couldnt be, because the kiddies was 6 to 9 month old already ?!

I cant believe that somebody poissoned my goats, and the signs looks similor to enterotoxemia, isnt it ?

Worms could be ( i deworm regular ). Cocci could be, but Australia told me only in young goats.

In elder one it uncommon ?!

I guess it wont be easy to see a native thai goat because they could be mixed up in all that trials already. (They are very small, neither to much beef nor to much milk).

They started to mix them about 15 to 20 years ago. :o

Thank you for the Maryland Tip, looks great i will sneak in and read, read read.

If i would have a microscope, isnt it hard to count all that eggs or whatelse (brrrrr...) but even that i will try. How it works (take a piece of shit in sugar water or what and the check) I think there are some statistical procedures (i hated that subject at the uni, although i passed) to get it right ?!

How you treath your thai workers, do they learn a lot during their work or are they unwilling to learn ?! Would be good to get some knowledge transfer. :D

Ok, ok, thank you really !!!!!

Shing Dam (If i will see a native breed i let you know i promise )

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