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I'm a British mum in Thailand who wants to take her half-Thai child to England on holiday to meet his family. He has a Thai birth certificate and is registed on a Thai home lease (tabian ban) therefore me and his father are not married but are living together happily :)

My question is: how do i take him to England? Do i apply for both Thai and British passports? Ex. Leave Thailand on his Thai passport, arrive in England on his British passport. Leave England on his British Passport and arrive back to Thailand on his Thai passport to save Visa complications?

I'm really comfused but how do they do it?

I might be going on holiday with just only my son not his father, do i have to have a letter of consent?

Thankyou to any answers :-D


If your child only has a Thai passport he will need a visa.

The best thing is to apply for a British passport and a Thai one. Leave Thailand and enter the UK on the British passport (no visa). Leave the UK on either but enter Thailand on the Thai passport.

There are no overstay penalties for children but better to keep it all above board.

Thai passport will be quick and inexpensive. British one will be complex and more expensive and will have traveled quite a long way before he gets it as they are processed in Hong Kong

Best to have a letter giving permission to travel to avoid hassle!

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