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Are The Young Thais Lazy?


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I knew it will be hard to find somebody who speaks very good English, but after some classified ads I got some contacts and decided to give the job to one girl. She worked last week 2 days, after weekend it was raining, so I tell her to do work on I-net from home. Next day I find out she did not work like I ask here to do, after talk what is wrong, she quit!!!???

Ok, I call another girl and make an appointment, she agree to give it a try as we pay very good money for the easy job. She told me she start today at 9 am, I wait and wait, at about 10 am I get a sms she changed her mind.

What’s wrong with these peoples???

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The payment is properly the highest you can get if you not a doctor or something like this.

All we ask to speak English and be friendly, the job is easy, just talking with Thai owners and collect properties, after show them to customers and get commission for every contract. On top of it we pay a monthly salary what is also a nice amount.

Not sure what to do now???

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If that is true, you can easily get a foreigner to do the "research" and pay them "the highest you can get if you not a doctor"

Just for giggles, what is the benefit package and job requirements? If it is as good as you say, I can have 50 qualified people there asking about the job.

The payment is properly the highest you can get if you not a doctor or something like this.

All we ask to speak English and be friendly, the job is easy, just talking with Thai owners and collect properties, after show them to customers and get commission for every contract. On top of it we pay a monthly salary what is also a nice amount.

Not sure what to do now???

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Foreigners are not allowed to work as agent / broker (Thai law)

I’m not posting prices on a forum, you can contact me if you real know somebody who likes to work.

We don’t care about the age, till now I just got contacts from young peoples, all we ask is to be Thai, speak a good English, have your own motorbike / motorcycle and a car driver license would be helpful, with car would be more helpful

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when you get paid peanuts and know there are no prospects of getting more in the foreseeable future, where would YOUR motivation be?

as if young farangs are such an industrious lot...cheesy.gif

Edited by samsara
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I've sent a PM, although I find it odd that you would boast about how well you pay but refuse to advertise the actual amounts....

If I pay now more or less then maybe in 1 year from now, then the post could be miss leading

I reply your PM

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What does this have to do with CM?

I find your title offensive, I find you arrogant and offensive.

If the job is so great do it yourself. Unless you are paying 30k+ a month then don't be bragging how much you pay and how great of a job it is.

You want someone to be fluent in English and have all these skills that you don't posess in yourself and I assume that you are paying them 1/10th of what you would like to earn and expect them to jump up and down in praise of your imperialistic generosity.

There are lazy people here as anywhere. I get so tired of these stupid generalizations.

If you want qualified and diligent workers, you need to take time to find them. As any boss would know finding a good workforce anywhere is a challenge.

Why not blame yourself for not screening during the interview process.

A bad craftsman blames the tools.


btw, cmweb, who built your real estate listings site? im guessing you paid some indian $100...

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Getting a good team together is not an easy thing to do. When setting up a company I think it even is the most difficult part. Both here and in the West.

I understand you are new to doing business in Thailand. There are a lot of cultural differences between Westerners and Thais. That is something that takes a long time to learn.

Confronting staff with their mistakes is very delicate stuff here.

People not showing up on their first day or after a few days means that there is something wrong and it will be better in the long run not to work with them.

Try jobnortthailand.com . A good site to get staff and it is free. Expect to get a load of rubbish applicants that dont even read the job description, but you'll find someone.

Good luck in your search

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Another of these appalling generalisations.... Thais this, Thais that. Like any other nationality, there are lazy ones and hardworking ones; maybe you picked the wrong kind of person for the job (or maybe they couldn't understand your English?).

That's a low blow.

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I always find it amusing how any discussion on TV can become a personal attack. This thread started off with a work related concern and ended up with unrelated personal attacks.

I find it amusing that a sponsor can come out with a quote "What’s wrong with these peoples???" from a sample of 2

Edited by MESmith
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"I always find it amusing how any discussion on TV can become a personal attack. This thread started off with a work related concern and ended up with unrelated personal attacks."

So you think that a racist and ignorant generalization as the title, is ok but telling them that it is offensive is wrong?

If the OP just asked where to find dependable, hard working staff and stated the situation, then no one including myself would have bothered saying anything. But the OP is quite offensive and narrowminded not to mention against forum rules.

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dont they say hire a youngster whilst they still know everything?

The younger end to me, no matter whether in the affluent areas or santi...other areas seem to place such a high priority on drinking to excess each and every night until the small hours that they simply are not fit to be diligent and alert at 9 in the morning. So yes you even get the clever graduates discussing how to make their millions over beer, but I bet they are not discussing what jobs are on offer, more likely which business or dot com site they will run.

they dont want to work for someone else do they?

ok obviously not everyone fits this category, lets just say, its a factor surely.

and as for the OP washing his dirty laundry in public, I would never discuss, even anonymously interviewees or ex employees becasue you simply dont know where or if a backlash will come that affects you or your business.

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My ex manages a subway in the Vancouver Canada area and will not hire any young people. She has found that middle age women are the best and most dependable. Some of them of India decent.

Your right when you say middle age women are the best and most dependable..However we are in Thailand now and most employers do not want to hire a woman over 30 years old.. Consequently they miss out on the best possible employees.
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If Thais or better young Thais are lazy was a simple question, I don't want to insult anybody no matter what nationality. I just ask this to find out if there are more owners with similar experiments so I know what I have to look for. I owned a company for over 10 years with 14 peoples but this was never happen to me.

Thanks stigvinck for the tip!

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Same everywhere I'm afraid. My son is a store manager in the UK and he finds it very difficult to get young people who want to put in a fair months work without pulling sickie's, trying to steal the goods from the shop, taking extended lunch hours without permission, arriving late for work, etc etc. He had one young girl of 20 who asked for a day off to move flat and he agreed. The girl came back in three days later and when he asked her why she had taken three days to move, and reminded her that she was only given permission for one day off, she gave him the filthy verbals and told him 'you can't tell me how long it takes me to move'. Fired for gross misconduct of course.

Seems it's a case of 'we've got the technology but can't get the staff ' !

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If Thais or better young Thais are lazy was a simple question, I don't want to insult anybody no matter what nationality. I just ask this to find out if there are more owners with similar experiments so I know what I have to look for. I owned a company for over 10 years with 14 peoples but this was never happen to me.

Thanks stigvinck for the tip!

A pretty Thai girl in CM that can speak good English and has a driving license will be expecting a wage of 20k+ a month. If you are expecting them to have a degree as well add another 5k a month.

If you pay less, or expect long hours, you won't find anyone that will stick at the job longer than a week.

I don't think the Thais are lazy, I suspect you want too much for not enough.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I always find it amusing how any discussion on TV can become a personal attack. This thread started off with a work related concern and ended up with unrelated personal attacks.

I find it amusing that a sponsor can come out with a quote "What’s wrong with these peoples???" from a sample of 2

Yes, that 'What's wrong with these people?" says a lot. Better ask yourself, what is wrong with you. They obviously found something wrong with you or what you think you are offering because if they did not, they would be working for you now.

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