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What Countrys Are Eu Visa Free?

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after reading long time about shengen visa,i find out,that not every citizen,or country needs a visa for eu!

i dont know the reason why every country not have the same entry rules!

i read china,brazil,and taiwan,not need any visa,only the passboard must have a serial number,if there is no serial number inside the passboard visa in the eu must be applyed!

any other countrys,that not need visa?

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For nationals who can enter the Schengen area without a visa, see Visa-exempt individuals*. Note that the maximum stay is usually 90 days out of any 180.

EU countries which are not members of the Schengen area, e.g. the UK and Republic of Ireland, will have their own rules on entry. If visiting one of these countries you should check to see if you need a visa.

*Wikipedia page; therefore cannot guarantee it's accuracy.

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