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A thread in the same vein as the settlement visa waiting times.

We all know what the UKBA site says for settlement visa waiting times, but it varies greatly in practice and depending on each case as that thread pays testament to.

So, this thread is to state how long your partners had to wait for their citizenship to be granted etc. Four parts to the responses please.

1. How long from submission of application to getting the invitation for a citizenship ceremony.

2.How long from receiving the Invitaton through to attending the ceremony

3. How long from completing the ceremony through to getting the citizenship certificate

4. How long from submitting the passport application to receiving the passport

Thanks All.


From British Citizenship Basics (a link provided to you in another topic).

This can be a lengthy process. The naturalisation application may take at least 3 months to be decided, possibly 6 or even longer. Once naturalised you may have to wait up to three months for a citizenship ceremony, though usually less, and then up to 6 weeks for a passport interview.

BTW, there is no "How long from completing the ceremony through to getting the citizenship certificate" as being given the certificate is part of the ceremony.


Yep, got that. But we all know, as I said above, that inividual expereinces vary when it comes to the UKBA so good to get the posters feedback.

As for your last point, great stuff thank you.

So, revised questions Lads:

1. How long from submission of application to getting the invitation for a citizenship ceremony.

2.How long from receiving the Invitaton through to attending the ceremony (and getting issued the certificate)?

3. How long from submitting the passport application to receiving the passport


Most of March and early April applications seem to have been processed. Late April applications onwards seem to be undecided as yet.

The frequency of ceremonies depends to some extent on the demand. It is a requirement to attend within 90 days but most of the results I have seen have ceremony dates within a month.

As always there will be variation!


As for passport Direct gov says:

First time applicants will:

  • take a minimum of six weeks (not guaranteed) but you should allow more time in case IPS needs to contact you or a countersignatory for extra information
  • find that using Check & Send will help you reduce errors
  • find that during peak times appointments may not always be available at a time or place that is ideal and this can delay your application

An interview is required for first time applicants!

(I have avoided the bold and underline fonts - people here are just trying to help!smile.png

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