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Please Help Me!


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I really need some staff for my cafe.

It is beyond a joke!

I need a chef and a waiter, good money + free room, elec and water.

Does anyone else have this problem?

It just seems impossible to find staff here in Pattaya.

Any help or advice would be really appreciated.

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Join the club Stephen , I been having this problems for the past year and it's been getting worse in the past 3-4 months.

Another major problem is once you get the staff and offer them the job, they just do not show up, some stop showing up after a few days.

Then do not expect them to actually do any work, I have to tell my staff every single day to put water into a fish tank and it's still not done.

I think at the moment , being a low season, many go back to their village to help with the farm

PS. You have only had 5, I change staff almost monthly. My night shift would go to sleep at 23pm , while I am still there ( talking about crazy :) )

Edited by phl
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Also works both ways! I have a Thai friend who worked as a waiter for years , the owner did a runner so my friend went to college and attained professional qualifications in the food industry, he has been actively job hunting in Pattaya for some time but keeps getting told he has to pay a 6000 baht bond before they will give him a job! Bit difficult when you are unemployed! He is now thinking of going back home until November as it is impossible to pay rent etc without a job!

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craigslist, bahtsold.com, newspapers, bulletin boards ?

all useless!

hospitality is not the only industry to have the problem, was juts having a chat with my VET(Thai) has had clinic for 20 years in Pattaya and he also says, the same problem

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