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Nuts Internet Speed Up To 60Mbps


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Speed test most unusable because:

1. Caching by Provider means the message are cached (stored Memory/Disk) and u read the results with the same numbers as the Test to the Provider.

2. If u use e.g. Chrom, then the results are stored in a FiFo Memory in ur Computer. The readout in Blocks will be most randomized and often results in fantastic numbers like 100kbps.

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I have tested Internet speed from my bangkok True 20Mb cable to various countries and cities around the world and it appears that singapore is by far the best and that the speed to europe would not allow any streaming of TV. I have thus taken today a vpn service for a two days trial. And the results are extremely good. I connect to the server in singapore and now :

-I can download from usenet at 16 Mb/s !!! Never had this speed before, the max was around 4Mb/s only.

-I am now able to see real time streaming TV from France by using a VPN within a VPN. Although I am not sure it is the most elegant solution at least it works. The first VPN is connected to Singapore. The second one is operated from the same computer on a virtual (vmware) windows 7 machine and is connected to a second VPN service located in France in order to have a local IP. In order to do that you need to pay for two VPN services.

I am very excited by this solution that bypasses True limitations but I am not sure how long True will let me download from Singapore at 16Mb/s.

Which vpn service is this?and how much?

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I have tested Internet speed from my bangkok True 20Mb cable to various countries and cities around the world and it appears that singapore is by far the best and that the speed to europe would not allow any streaming of TV. I have thus taken today a vpn service for a two days trial. And the results are extremely good. I connect to the server in singapore and now :

-I can download from usenet at 16 Mb/s !!! Never had this speed before, the max was around 4Mb/s only.

-I am now able to see real time streaming TV from France by using a VPN within a VPN. Although I am not sure it is the most elegant solution at least it works. The first VPN is connected to Singapore. The second one is operated from the same computer on a virtual (vmware) windows 7 machine and is connected to a second VPN service located in France in order to have a local IP. In order to do that you need to pay for two VPN services.

I am very excited by this solution that bypasses True limitations but I am not sure how long True will let me download from Singapore at 16Mb/s.

I fail to understand how a VPN is going to help.. The bottleneck is your ISP and the VPN is simply you -> isp -> vpn -> server. Its just an extra step in the chain which is fine if your trying to fudge geolocation but dont see how it helps get a faster net connection when the bottleneck is closer to you.

I have tried 3 different VPNs and all slowed down my connection to some extent, some much worse than others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tested Internet speed from my bangkok True 20Mb cable to various countries and cities around the world and it appears that singapore is by far the best and that the speed to europe would not allow any streaming of TV. I have thus taken today a vpn service for a two days trial. And the results are extremely good. I connect to the server in singapore and now :

-I can download from usenet at 16 Mb/s !!! Never had this speed before, the max was around 4Mb/s only.

-I am now able to see real time streaming TV from France by using a VPN within a VPN. Although I am not sure it is the most elegant solution at least it works. The first VPN is connected to Singapore. The second one is operated from the same computer on a virtual (vmware) windows 7 machine and is connected to a second VPN service located in France in order to have a local IP. In order to do that you need to pay for two VPN services.

I am very excited by this solution that bypasses True limitations but I am not sure how long True will let me download from Singapore at 16Mb/s.

I fail to understand how a VPN is going to help.. The bottleneck is your ISP and the VPN is simply you -> isp -> vpn -> server. Its just an extra step in the chain which is fine if your trying to fudge geolocation but dont see how it helps get a faster net connection when the bottleneck is closer to you.

I have tried 3 different VPNs and all slowed down my connection to some extent, some much worse than others.

VPNs can make the connection faster since the data route is different.

Imagine True Internet connection to Europe is 2Mbps with 400ms ping and to Singapore is 16Mbps with 70ms ping.

A VPN provider in Singapore with a massive pipe direct to Europe with a speed of 200Mbps with 150 ping.

You can use True to pull data off from this VPN provider. The result should be somewhere along 16Mbps with combined ping (plus a bit of delays) of 250ms. There.

Bottleneck isn't at the ISP. The bottleneck is at the ISP's connection to certain destination.

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Internet network are like pipes, you can get a big traffic/speed in some countries but some another have a small pipe so your conenction is limited by that.

Catching is very normal for ISP and big networks, not make sence download millons of time the same file if you can get stored one time in your local server, and download from there. example youtube.

I am not sure how works many of the related test, but sure they have an anti-cached system, cached files can be bypassed with simple adding ?&random=34523452347527 or wherever another number at the end of the url, simple because dinamic/new url cannot be cached.

VPN is other example the a very small pipe, not make sence test speed by a VPN

If you want to know real your speed use a software of downloads like jdownloader, go to download linux distros centos DVD for example more than 4 gB by ftp, try servers from different countries or downlaod wherever, youtube videos, torrent etc.

Http protocol have another systems in the headers to bypass cached files, but this is hide from the normal browsers, Wget or Curl can managed that

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