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Truevisions Upgrade From Gold To Platinum Package


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I was told that if a customer who is currently on the Gold package and wants to upgrade to Platinum they will get the 17 free HD channels, as it is only for new subscribers.

Reason I ask is because I recently signed up for the Gold package and they were supposed to do installation on Thursday. I called them on Tuesday because I decided to go with Platinum instead. Because of this they told me I need reschedule for the end of the month as they could not get a hold of the "back office", not sure what they mean by that, to change in time.

I asked them if I could just get Gold for now and upgrade to Platinum later, but was told if upgrading I would not get the HD channels free.

Does anyone know if this correct? I thought the Platinum package includes HD for both new and existing customers, or did they recently change promotion again?

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Will go to one the their shops to find out, guessing the guy I spoke to is wrong. Doesn't make sense to me that only new customers get free HD while existing one would have to pay extra, but then again this True. whistling.gif

Thanks for the reply.

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Have had the Platinum package for several years, and when they did their Big Upgrade, we started getting all the HD Channels and have continued to receive them.... There was some talk on line about there being a shortage of the HD Boxes, with slight waits in some areas of Thailand, could possibly be what your office was talking about...


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I asked them if I could just get Gold for now and upgrade to Platinum later, but was told if upgrading I would not get the HD channels free.

Maybe there was some confusion in that they thought you wanted to stay with the Gold package pending getting the Platinum package but upgrade your Gold package immediately to include the HD channels, which for folks on the Gold package incurs a B150/month charge for 10 HD channels. See this TrueVisions news Link.

I would think once you upgrade to the Platinum package you will get 17 HD channels for free.

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Have had the Platinum package for several years, and when they did their Big Upgrade, we started getting all the HD Channels and have continued to receive them.... There was some talk on line about there being a shortage of the HD Boxes, with slight waits in some areas of Thailand, could possibly be what your office was talking about...


They have the HD boxes available, they said problem was that the "admin office" that does the upgrade was closed.

I asked them if I could just get Gold for now and upgrade to Platinum later, but was told if upgrading I would not get the HD channels free.

I would think once you upgrade to the Platinum package you will get 17 HD channels for free.

I thought the same, but apparently they said the free HD is only for new customers, but I remember reading some TV members including yourself say that you were getting HD for free.

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They swapped out my two Standard Definition (SD) boxes for free...then I added a third HD box for free (free install and monthly cost)....and on 16 July when they began their new transmissions I got the 17 HD channels. I'm on the Platinum package....have been for years....no increase in price for the monthly package plus there is no additional cost per month for the 3d box rental. I'm on TrueVisions cable in Bangkok. When a person considers getting 17 HD channels for free and more SD channels if on the Platinum package compared to paying an extra B150/mo to get 10 HD channels on the Gold package, a couple hundred baht extra per month by going with the Platinum package over the Gold package is probably a better deal...but it all depends on what you want to watch.

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We have the gold package (we downgraded) but seem to have masses of hd channels ,is this right?

Not according to the TrueVisions Link in post number 8. Even through you downgraded to Gold, maybe the HD channels value added option is still in place (i.e., you will be charged for the HD channels on your Gold package) or you are on some kind of promotion. The HD channels are a valued added/added cost option for the Gold package.

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The 17 HD channels is part of the Platinum package. I up graded to the Platinum package from Gold last week and get the 17 HD channels. Really all I want is ASN, I could give a dam_n about the HD.

That is what thought as well, when the shop said extra HD is only for new customers I was confused, which is why I asked. Been reading customers on Gold upgrading to Platinum got them for free.

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No, the BBC Entertainment/ CBeebies add-on is an extra 100 baht/month on platinum. (170/month if on gold)

Thanks for clearing this up... was wondering if platinum subscribers were receiving free, like the HD lineup.

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No, the BBC Entertainment/ CBeebies add-on is an extra 100 baht/month on platinum. (170/month if on gold)

Thanks for clearing this up... was wondering if platinum subscribers were receiving free, like the HD lineup.

Actually I think Platinum does get it. I did see BBC Knowledge and I'm fairly certain I saw CBeeibes when I was flipping though the channels.

BBC Entertainment and I think BBC Lifestyle was blocked.

Edited by arkom
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We have the gold package (we downgraded) but seem to have masses of hd channels ,is this right?

Yes, 1 month free trial, ends ~ 16th August

Ah, that explains why I have Gold and get all 17 HD channels.

I've noticed that the programming is different to the corresponding SD channels but not the actual content, it's just shown at a different time. e.g. the programme episodes are the same on History and History HD but they're not on simultaneously.

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We have the gold package (we downgraded) but seem to have masses of hd channels ,is this right?

Yes, 1 month free trial, ends ~ 16th August

Ah, that explains why I have Gold and get all 17 HD channels.

I've noticed that the programming is different to the corresponding SD channels but not the actual content, it's just shown at a different time. e.g. the programme episodes are the same on History and History HD but they're not on simultaneously.

Actually the feed for History HD is from Europe but History SD is from Asia, so content is a little different.

With HBO and HBO HD, there is 1 hour difference between the two channels.

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