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I am American and 35 years old.

I recently decided that I was fed up with living in the US and decided to pursue my dream of living in Thailand. So I gave my notice at my employer and made my plans to move to Thailand and see about starting a business or looking at other opportunities in the region. Or just take a year or so off and see if I like living in Asia.

However, my current employer has asked that I stay on as an independent contractor to manage the IT systems that I currently manage. The term of the contract right now is not to exceed two years. So this is a great opportunity for me to continue to make a decent income and also "live the dream" of living in Thailand.

My question for the forum is how can I work legally from Thailand doing this job, and what type of visa should I apply for? I would like to be by the book, and not have to make visa runs if possible. Is this possible? I will have no need to hire any staff or even have an office as the amount of work I can handle alone. If it helps the approx monthly income in THB is ~180K a month.

Any advice or help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

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This question comes up fairly often. If you root around on this forum and the Jobs forum, you should find some fairly detailed discussions. Short answer: the Thai bureaucracy is not set up to handle a foreign independent contractor as such. To obtain a work permit, one needs to be employed by a Thai-registered company.


The problem here is your age. If you were over 50 it would be easy.

1. You can get a triple entry tourist visa which will last you about 9 months, leaving every 3 months for a short trip across one of the Thai borders. You can do your work and not say anything. Just say "I am a tourist."

You are unlikely to be bothered by anyone.

2. You can set up a company as a consultant .

The problem is that this costs money.

The company has to be active, with income.

You will have to pay tax, accountant fees etc

You will need one employee.

But it will allow you to get a work permit and a one year visa.

As already stated, there is no convenient solution for you. Sorry.


Astral and Ovenman

Thanks for the information. I didn't see the consultant post, and didn't use that keyword. That helps a lot. Maybe the company route is the way to go, provided the cost is not too prohibitive.

Again, really appreciate your help.

I guess this is somewhat related to my original post, I am just not sure that this is the place for it. If I am not legally working in Thailand how does that effect paying US taxes and the foreign earned income credit? If there is another American on this board maybe they would know. If this is in appropriate to this forum sorry.


Another option is an investment visa. Assuming you can come up with 3 million Baht to purchase a condo you can get an annual visa, no visa runs and you get to live in the condo :o

Even if you take the simple option of a tourist visa, you only have to do a visa run every 60 days (90 if you take the route of extending by 30 days at immigration), Penang seem quite happy to keep handing out double entry visas to anyone who wants one.

As to the telecommuting, the Thai immigration system is not set up to handle this sort of operation. Most people in this position are simply operating out of their homes and not telling anyone. You are not earning income in Thailand and are not taking a job from a Thai so unless you are REALLY dumb you will remain well under the radar and ignored by the system.

To be honest, setting up a company to cover operations of this type is IMHO a waste of time and cash unless you also want to be able to own land.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"



Thanks for the idea. I did look at that type of visa, but I am not sure real estate in Thailand is where I want to put $$$. This is basically because I know nothing of the market etc.

I guess at least in the early stage I will just try to fly below the radar.

Thanks for the help.


Thanks for the idea. I did look at that type of visa, but I am not sure real estate in Thailand is where I want to put $$$. This is basically because I know nothing of the market etc.

I guess at least in the early stage I will just try to fly below the radar.

Thanks for the help.


I am an American. same exact situation. Two years ago left my company to move to Thailand for a year sabatical. They asked me to stay on board as project manager IS for their Asia sites, China, India, Etc. I work out of my home/office here and travel quite a bit. My company has no office in Thailand, does no business here, I do no business with any Thais here. No product, not a single converstaion with a Thai, nothing. Only e-mail and phone calls from my home. I file yearly income tax with the IRS as an expat, pay no taxes on anything under $85,000. I would not go looking to try and legitimize this job with Thai authorities. What you are doing here for work is the same as anyone travelling here on vacation, checking e-mail and making phone calls. You are not taking work away from a Thai and doing no business here that involves the Thai people or economy. I am over 50 so I do a retirement visa. For you I would do the 30 day visa runs, who knows you may meet a nice gal here and get married, I did. Cheers, Good Luck.


Thanks for the reply Dman. I think I will do as you mention. Seems that is the least complex and simplest way to go about it. I appreciate your advice.

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