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Chick-Fil-A "Hate Chicken" Fast Food Controversy In The United States

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This controversy has become quite the big deal in the USA.

This is a big fast food chicken chain whose owner is actively anti-gay in policies.

In other words he speaks out and gives money to groups fighting same sex marriage equality and also to Christian groups promoting cures for homosexuality. Interestingly, the exact same thing is true of President Obama's challenger, Mr. Romney.

Some big city mayors are saying don't bring your hate chicken to our city!

Supporters of the chicken chain, such as right wing anti-gay ex-Governor Huckabee are openly promoting that anti-gay fundamentalist Christian types give the chain MORE business.

Supporters of same sex civil rights are of course calling for boycotts and also staging KISS INs at the actual restaurants.

So what's this all about?

Well, within the American political context, free speech is always OK, and promoting or boycotting a private business because you like or dislike the politics of its owner is also always OK.

So what line was crossed here?

Well the pro gay civil rights politicians saying don't open your hate chicken shacks is the key here.

Do they have the right to do that?

Probably not.

But here is where I think this gets even more interesting and it's not really being discussed much in the media.

If a business owner gives money to groups that are supporting anti-gay policies are they actually anti-gay PEOPLE; in effect, bigots.

Don't get this confused with the chicken chain saying they have no problem selling their dreck to gays (I have no doubt!) or hiring gay people. I do have doubts that an openly gay person could be promoted there, don't you?

I say, yes, they are bigots.

Is bigotry acceptable in the US? Yes and no. It is acceptable against gays. It is not acceptable against other groups.

For example, Jews.

Imagine this, an owner of a major fast food chain gives money to groups trying to stop Jews from legally marrying Christians and gives money to groups specifically trying to target Jews for conversion.

Would that openly be called bigotry by almost all the press in the USA? Yes, absolutely. But funny when gays are involved we aren't there yet.

But what about the poultry?


The fast food chain Chick fil-A

Apparently is anti-gay.

So I interviewed (to make things clear)

Some pullets and a chanticleer.

They said the quarrel made them sick,

They wished there were no bone to pick:

But this gay diversion left them stricken

Because to poultry, the place is anti-chicken.

Personally, I don't care about Chick-fil-a either way. I don't think their food is anything to get excited about and I would boycott that stuff even if I loved their owner. But the ISSUES this has raised, yes, I do find that interesting.

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It's a shame. As much as I love the US, and am not so surprised this type of attitude still exists towards gays, I still shake my head.

Now that I'm in Thailand it's such a change, though I still encounter it, just in a different area.

I wonder if this will boost his business up even more ...


Yes business is up but the same sex Chick-Fil-a Kiss Ins are set for Friday. That is sure to be a media circus. Perhaps another way to view the haters that are lining up for the so called hate chicken. It's unhealthy lifespan shortening fast food and this is the same political demographic that is opposed to universal access to health care services for Americans ...


Based on reports from around the country, many Chick-fil-As had lines out the door come lunchtime

It's looking like Chick-Fil-A, already in the middle of the ongoing debate on gay marriage, will serve as ground zero for the increasingly heated culture war this week.


BTW, don't believe the chicken supporters are lining up about freedom of speech, religion, or commerce. They are there to eat chicken AND to support an anti-gay agenda.


Lol ... Chick-Fil-A kiss-ins.

America's my home country - and as much I really do love it, it's still fairly new, compared to others. Screw-ups are going to pop up here and there - so many problems, so many problems. But hopefully one day something positive will come from it, I just don't know when (though more than likely far, far after I have been laid to rest.

It's bad enough the obsession with celebrities and other crap that allows people to keep their eyes in space while all the crap goes down right in front of them ... but back on topic - very true, fastfood is something that belongs in the trash, not in people's stomachs.

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OK, the circus has begun! This Chick-fil-a culture war has (chicken) legs! And wings, breasts, etc.

Funny homoerotic reviews on the popular web user review site yelp:


So some people are having fun and it's not over yet but is all this going to help achieve gay civil rights equality any faster in America? No, I don't think so. At this point, getting Obama is reelected is the most important thing. The democratic party platform now for the first time in history will have include support for same sex marriage equality.



i Saw on tv the bible belt area's were rammed full of people wainting in long lines to buy. I am a Brit non gay but was suprised they went that far to show anti gay feelings. Romney on his recent visit to the UK, well he is scary. he insulted the country and both leaders of political parties. Foreign policy will be a nightmare, is it common knowledge he is anit gay?


i Saw on tv the bible belt area's were rammed full of people wainting in long lines to buy. I am a Brit non gay but was suprised they went that far to show anti gay feelings. Romney on his recent visit to the UK, well he is scary. he insulted the country and both leaders of political parties. Foreign policy will be a nightmare, is it common knowledge he is anit gay?

Well this is a layered issue.

I think it is very unfortunate that some big city mayors have said that Chick-fil-a is not welcome in their cities. That is not what the gay civil rights movement is about. It is not about restricting freedom of speech, commerce, or religion. Now the anti-gay civil rights side has the protection of this diverting issue, that gays are out to suppress their religious and commercial expression, when they actually are not. These politicians, obviously pandering to the gay and liberal voting base have actually harmed this base. It is not appreciated. This should have been purely about making people aware of Chick-fil-a's owners actions and giving people the choice to boycott the business or not. Spending money at Chick-fil-a is indeed giving money to someone who is actively opposing same sex civil rights.

Also, there are levels here in what Chick-fil-a's owner has done. Giving money to groups fighting marriage equality is one thing. Giving money to groups working to convert gay people and promoting the notion that being gay is not OK is another, and obviously worse.

As far as Romney, yes I do think a majority of Americans are aware his political position is opposed to same sex marriage equality. I think only a small minority is aware he has PERSONALLY contributed directly to "cure the gay" organizations which yes many including me consider hate groups. This is in addition to his mandated 10 percent tithing to the Mormon church, which is a very anti-gay church, but you can't blame a religious man for doing what is expected in his religion.

I agree Romney has no foreign policy experience and so far he isn't showing any promise in that department, but that of course is off topic here.

Overall, I think this Chick-fil-a circus is going to be somewhat of a setback for the gay civil rights movement in America. That is because those silly mayors have given the anti-gay side a political weapon they didn't have before. I hope they have learned their lesson! That kind of help we do NOT need.

...... These politicians, obviously pandering to the gay and liberal voting base have actually harmed this base. It is not appreciated. ....

But aren't they gay activists, the bravest of the brave, adorable, etc, etc?

...... These politicians, obviously pandering to the gay and liberal voting base have actually harmed this base. It is not appreciated. ....

But aren't they gay activists, the bravest of the brave, adorable, etc, etc?

No. They are straight politicians pandering for the gay vote and not thinking before they open their mouths. Actual gay activists have explicitly tried to distance themselves from the misguided agenda of governments telling businesses whether they can operate or not because of the political views of their owners. These foolish mayors have given our enemies a GIFT. That is really sad.

Interestingly, IF these mayors had consulted with probably the most prominent American gay activist politician alive today, Congressman Barney Frank (who I do not know in any way), he would have told them to back off with the city bans on Chick-Fil-a because of the owners political views. I know this for a fact because of media reports of Frank's statement about this controversy.

If you want an example of a REAL gay activist heterosexual big city mayor, that would of course be Gavin Newson when he was mayor of San Francisco. Of course that didn't take a lot of bravery in modern San Francisco but still very much appreciated.

Now some cities (including San Francisco) have actively tried to suppress fast food outlets from proliferating in their cities for obvious cultural and health reasons. That is entirely different and personally I support that. However that isn't based on the politics of ownership of the fast food firms at all, nor should it ever be.

BTW, folks you really, really should watch the Daily Show clip I linked to above. I doubt you will regret it. Very hilarious (and hopefully true)!


....I read that this product line is touted as 'Christian fare'..........

.....but in fact, it is full of the most unhealthy additives......


....I read that this product line is touted as 'Christian fare'..........

.....but in fact, it is full of the most unhealthy additives......

It's unhealthy fast food like any other unhealthy fast food. I think there is nothing in the bible recommending it!

A more serious take on the Chick-fil-a kerfuffle from a closeted gay employee. Very touching stuff. Gives some truth to what the firm is being called: Hate Chicken.

No one really stopped talking about the reasons why today was as busy as it was. The people I work alongside kept going on and on about how powerful it was to be part of such a righteous movement, and how encouraged they were to know that there were so many people who agree with Dan Cathy. They went on at great length about how it was wrong not just for gays to marry, but to exist. One kid, age 19, said “I hope the gays go hungry.”

I nearly walked out then and there. That epitomizes the characteristics of these evangelical “Christians” who are so vocally opposed to equal rights. Attitudes like that are the opposite of Christ-like.



OK, expect lots of humor about all this and here is a great example:

Chick-fil-a content starts at: 1:14


That is how I found out about this. I particularly liked the line:

Mike Huckabee: "This is a big day not just for Chick-fil-A but for America and for people who believe the 1st amendment applies to everybody including Christians."

Jon Stewart: "You go Christians! Don't you stop until there is a church in every town in America....oh really?...well how about every block...really?...oh well."

It's so pathetic how conservatives continually claim that the 1st amendment should protect them from the consequences of making unpopular or hateful speech. The 1st amendment protects their right to say it, and from government censorship, not from public backlash. 1st amendment has nothing to do with that, yet right out the gate it's the first thing all the pundits are Faux News are spouting.

Also caught a bit of Huckabee, were I guess this whole thing started. He was so GD proud of himself, practically breaking his arm patting himself on the back. Ironically going on and on about how "fair and equal" the CEO was that made the homophobic comments. The adjectives Huckabee used to describe this guy were the opposite of the ones I, and the Oxford English dictionary, would use.


A more serious take on the Chick-fil-a kerfuffle from a closeted gay employee. Very touching stuff. Gives some truth to what the firm is being called: Hate Chicken.

No one really stopped talking about the reasons why today was as busy as it was. The people I work alongside kept going on and on about how powerful it was to be part of such a righteous movement, and how encouraged they were to know that there were so many people who agree with Dan Cathy. They went on at great length about how it was wrong not just for gays to marry, but to exist. One kid, age 19, said “I hope the gays go hungry.”

I nearly walked out then and there. That epitomizes the characteristics of these evangelical “Christians” who are so vocally opposed to equal rights. Attitudes like that are the opposite of Christ-like.


I liked the last sentence:

Disagree with equal marriage rights? Then don’t marry someone of the same sex, and you’re fine.


I was tempted to say how sad it was that a country that once, a couple of centuries ago, held so much promise for freedom, equality of opportunity, and human rights had been reduced to opposing groups of kissers and eaters at a second-rate fast-food chain, but that would have been very unfair and to overlook the reality that at least those involved at grass roots level are, apparently, making their views known peacefully and without resorting to physical and verbal abuse. For that, as long as it lasts, they deserve some respect.

What is sad, though, is to see just how opposed the two sides are and how impossible the current chances of finding any solution that is acceptable to both sides is.


I was tempted to say how sad it was that a country that once, a couple of centuries ago, held so much promise for freedom, equality of opportunity, and human rights had been reduced to opposing groups of kissers and eaters at a second-rate fast-food chain, but that would have been very unfair and to overlook the reality that at least those involved at grass roots level are, apparently, making their views known peacefully and without resorting to physical and verbal abuse. For that, as long as it lasts, they deserve some respect.

What is sad, though, is to see just how opposed the two sides are and how impossible the current chances of finding any solution that is acceptable to both sides is.

I would think that those people who eat at a certain fast food chain because their local religious leaders told them to show their unchristian value of intolerance are stuck somewhere in those past centuries that you mention.

I would respect them if they didn't try to cause problems for other people that don't cause any problems to them.


There is nothing to respect in a group using denying basic civil rights to a minority group as an excuse pig out on fried chicken! Imagine if the same kind of group did that when interracial marriage was illegal in some states of America, not so long ago? Would we give those people one speck of respect for promoting bigotry and discrimination? Of course they have a right. But respect. No.

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It's just America at work ..... People are free to say what they want and people are free to complain or support it.

Nazi groups , Hatespeech bands , and all the rest of the crazys are free to speak and think as they please and while it's unfortunate it's actually what makes sure the non crazies get to speak their minds as well so in the end it's actually a good thing.

The world will always have people who are incorrect , some more than others , this is just another song from a different CD in the endless supply of bad music of life.

I am glad America allows the Hate Chicken people to speak as loudly as the rest of the people so I am assured of a voice as well.

I don't find people who think marriage is for a man and women to always be hatefilled sometimes yes but sometimes no , they are mostly just incorrect not mostly hatefilled crazys. It's just the hatefilled crazys get more attention in the news.

I would also add that while you may think and it is probabbly even true that gay conversion is a bad thing , someone who is donating money to people who want to try it is doing something to try and benefit others not out of hate at all , now that person might very well be wrong about the end result .... we have been over this of course before ...... but they are still trying to help another who wants the help not out of hate but out of charity and out of a belief that their donation will help that person who wants the help not because they hate that person and don't want to help them ..... Even though we would agree they are not helping at all the vast majority of the time and the donation would be better spent on something else.

My point is that HATE and disagreement over gay marriage are usually 2 different animals. ....... Hate chicken ? ...... naaaaa More like incorect side of the issue chicken from someone who actually donates to the people he is accused of hating.


Conversion groups are all about promoting the idea that Gay Is Not OK. That is the kind of culture that leads to high rates of suicide among gay people. They are not helping. They are promoting intolerance.


Conversion groups are all about promoting the idea that Gay Is Not OK. That is the kind of culture that leads to high rates of suicide among gay people. They are not helping. They are promoting intolerance.

I don't disagree with that ...... What I said was that in his mind he is trying to help them , he is not donating in an effort to hurt them , even though a reasonable case can be made that he is hurting them. Thats why I think hate is the wrong adjective to use ..... If he was donating in an effort to hurt them it would be hate , I don't believe thats his motavation at all.

Even if your donation hurts the people you are trying to help , you are still trying to help them , and thats not hate , thats just ignorance, and on the wrong side of the help wagon as it were.

Being ignorant and incorrect are quite different than being hatefull although oftentimes one leads to the next. I don't find him hatefull at all just ignorant and incorrect.


There is no way you can know whether people donate to cure groups because they want to "help" gay people. They want to "help" us not exist. The Spanish Inquisition wanted to "help" Jews convert in a similar way.


There is no way you can know whether people donate to cure groups because they want to "help" gay people. They want to "help" us not exist. The Spanish Inquisition wanted to "help" Jews convert in a similar way.

That would render the assumption that someone is doing it out of hatred just as incorect as the assumption that they are not ..... I believe what I believe because I have hear the man talk and he seems lacking of any hatred and sincere in his beliefs.

But you are correct their is no way you can know he is a hatefull person just by his belief and because he donates to a group you dislike.

If you actually listened to him .... and others ..... you would find he is not hatefull at all , he just has a different opinion than yours.

Prejeduce doesnt mandate hate ..... some people are scared of Black people for example so they avoid them not out of hatred like a neo nazi but from fear , the same could apply to some homophobics , you should not accuse people of hate unless you have some evedence of what their mindset is , I have stated that I believe what I believe based on evedence not based on assumptions ...... what remarks or hatefull actions has this man done that you know of to allow you to slander his name and call him hatefull in his heart ?


It's just America at work ..... People are free to say what they want and people are free to complain or support it.

Nazi groups , Hatespeech bands , and all the rest of the crazys are free to speak and think as they please and while it's unfortunate it's actually what makes sure the non crazies get to speak their minds as well so in the end it's actually a good thing.

The world will always have people who are incorrect , some more than others , this is just another song from a different CD in the endless supply of bad music of life.

I am glad America allows the Hate Chicken people to speak as loudly as the rest of the people so I am assured of a voice as well.

I don't find people who think marriage is for a man and women to always be hatefilled sometimes yes but sometimes no , they are mostly just incorrect not mostly hatefilled crazys. It's just the hatefilled crazys get more attention in the news.

I would also add that while you may think and it is probabbly even true that gay conversion is a bad thing , someone who is donating money to people who want to try it is doing something to try and benefit others not out of hate at all , now that person might very well be wrong about the end result .... we have been over this of course before ...... but they are still trying to help another who wants the help not out of hate but out of charity and out of a belief that their donation will help that person who wants the help not because they hate that person and don't want to help them ..... Even though we would agree they are not helping at all the vast majority of the time and the donation would be better spent on something else.

My point is that HATE and disagreement over gay marriage are usually 2 different animals. ....... Hate chicken ? ...... naaaaa More like incorect side of the issue chicken from someone who actually donates to the people he is accused of hating.

What? You condone hate speeches, and you say that "gay conversions" (i.e. brain washing gay people into adopting a straight life) has something to do with charity?


There is no way you can know whether people donate to cure groups because they want to "help" gay people. They want to "help" us not exist. The Spanish Inquisition wanted to "help" Jews convert in a similar way.

That would render the assumption that someone is doing it out of hatred just as incorect as the assumption that they are not ..... I believe what I believe because I have hear the man talk and he seems lacking of any hatred and sincere in his beliefs.

But you are correct their is no way you can know he is a hatefull person just by his belief and because he donates to a group you dislike.

If you actually listened to him .... and others ..... you would find he is not hatefull at all , he just has a different opinion than yours.

Prejeduce doesnt mandate hate ..... some people are scared of Black people for example so they avoid them not out of hatred like a neo nazi but from fear , the same could apply to some homophobics , you should not accuse people of hate unless you have some evedence of what their mindset is , I have stated that I believe what I believe based on evedence not based on assumptions ...... what remarks or hatefull actions has this man done that you know of to allow you to slander his name and call him hatefull in his heart ?

You are sick. I wish you weren't allowed to post here. Moderators?

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