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Picture Gallery Of Our Loved Ones,,,The Pigs,,,Lol

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about our own prossesing,

im going to be looking at having a couple slaughted a week and see if we cant sell it from home,

ive talked to the wife about this and she has talked to the head man in the village to get his go a head, so we can try it, we have spoken to the slaughter house, ive got to get some of the transport crates, but ive got our feed merchant/vet on that for us,

so when i get back from this stint in scotland thats on my to do list build a room well insulated and fridges to try and sell the pork, i personaly think itll be ok, in our village and around us, it will mean they dont have to travel far to get there pork, and there is a couple of noodle shops ect,

well just give it a try and see what happens, but it does make it better for us as we sell for say 60bht a kilo to the buyers who then sell for ,what is pork now at the mrkt 130,,that a lot of markup,

so fingers crossed,


come on IA you have some of the best looking pigs around,, show them off,,lol

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ps,, sorry forgot to say, ive been speaking to a suppier in the uk for castings and flavours so im going to bring a sousage machine back with me and give that a try too, even if just for myself,,lol, good old lincolnshire sousage, yes im from lincs,


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ps,, sorry forgot to say, ive been speaking to a suppier in the uk for castings and flavours so im going to bring a sousage machine back with me and give that a try too, even if just for myself,,lol, good old lincolnshire sousage, yes im from lincs,


try this link. I've bought from them. They deliver quick and everything was OK



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about our own prossesing,

im going to be looking at having a couple slaughted a week and see if we cant sell it from home,

ive talked to the wife about this and she has talked to the head man in the village to get his go a head, so we can try it, we have spoken to the slaughter house, ive got to get some of the transport crates, but ive got our feed merchant/vet on that for us,

so when i get back from this stint in scotland thats on my to do list build a room well insulated and fridges to try and sell the pork, i personaly think itll be ok, in our village and around us, it will mean they dont have to travel far to get there pork, and there is a couple of noodle shops ect,

well just give it a try and see what happens, but it does make it better for us as we sell for say 60bht a kilo to the buyers who then sell for ,what is pork now at the mrkt 130,,that a lot of markup,

so fingers crossed,


come on IA you have some of the best looking pigs around,, show them off,,lol

Good Luck with the Local Sales. I'm sure you've discussed the competition. It certainly wouldn't work in our Village. We have a Guy, Ex-headman who Buys and slaughters pigs in the Village . He pays some sort of tax to be able to do this. There's also a local woman who will buy or rear her own pigs and slaughter them in the village but she gets people to buy a share of the pig first and avoids paying tax. so there's never any shortage of cheap meat, maybe low quality meat but thats what they like. And no doubt the meat finds itself in the local noodle shops.

Having said that every Village is different , our village has a sort of 'wild west' feel to it, maybe its different in Villages a few kilometres closer to urban centre's

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at the moment no body is doing it, but like ive allways said if you do something in thailand that makes money there will be 10 doing it the next day, but a bit of compatition is ok, got to get more for a pig selling it ourselfs,

yes you do have to pay tax, but its next to nothing,

im looking at things that the wife and her mama can do while im away earning the proper money, im going to build them a mushroom house too, mama land is next to the raod, so the can sell there too, mushrooms,eggs, veg and of course pork, god i missed the fish,,lol there more for us,

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When I first came to Thailand I was struck by how much tastier pork ( even the non fatty cuts) was here than in the UK. Now the reverse is true.

I find that I am having to add more salt/rod dee when cooking to make it at all flavoursome. I can get pork occasionally from a market about 19 Kms from here, I believe that they raise the pigs themselves and it tastes like it should do. Higher price (approx + 20Bt/Kg) and you have to look beyond the flies although they do their best to limit them. Unfortunately they are not there all the time. Their customers are almost exclusively Thais, so there is obviously a demand for tasty pork even if it is slightly more expensive.

Same thing with eggs, most are lacking in flavour nowadays. Whenever we find a supplier of tasty eggs (always in a market) they seem to disappear after a while. Maybe because they charge the same as for crappy tasteless eggs and their production costs are higher?

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loong, got to agree with you there mate about the eggs, ours are great, the chickens as you see have the full run of the place, they have there food, but they grub about were they like, nest were they like, we often say we have a hen missing only for her to apear with a brood following her around,,lol,

i also agree with the pork, our get the best food, plus when i go to the market we ring first as we are on first name terms with all the ladys there and they bag all the rubbish as they call it for me, cabage leaves ect and they get them as a treat,pat bung from our pond at least once a week, and even when i go pulling grass up they get that too,

a thing i was told when i was a lad, as my grandad had pigs, he used to check a big grass sod in the corner of a pen with new babys, i can remember him doing it to this day, he said they get iron from the soil,

pork allways taisted better in the old days when you could give them swill my gandad used to go to all the schools and get the waist a couple of the big factorys who had canteens and thats what the pigs gopt most of the time swill,

dont get me going,,lol

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thanks very much for that bob,,

see this sites worked again, all the help we need is there amonst us,

thanks again mate


Don't be tempted by the artificial casings use real Hog casings, the keep ages in the salt and are easy to use. You can even get them ready spooled on to rods that you simply slide onto your nozzle. To sell locally, your Mrs can make a simple Thai sausage ( Pic below) just made from minced Pork, salt, a little MSG and boiled rice.


Mrs Grimleybob often makes these for her Thai friends ihre in UK

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A few comments on pigs and pork. From experience you need to be very careful assuming that there is more money in pork. The yield you get is often not as high as you might think, especially if you dont or cannot sell it all. Also for some reason Thai people dont seem to like frozen meat. My plans include a cold room which I will build at some stage to hang the meat for a while prior to butchering. I am using fridge and freezer but they do not hold a lot if you are talking about market size pigs. If I cull a sow then it fills them up.

Just remember that the meat quality is dependant on getting the temperature down as fast as possible from the time the pig is bleed out. Under an hour, preferrably in 45 mins. If you don't then the pH will drop too far and the meat will lose colour and moisture and become flaccid.

Handling an entire pig in ambient conditions is simply not possible. I cut into primal 6 pieces and deal with each separately. The side is then cut into back, middle and belly usually for instance. Having cut those three bits, two go back into the fridge whilst working on the other. Temperature maintenance is critical.

Anyway a photo of our dry cured back bacon. We cure in salt and sugar alone, I perfer molasses and black pepper and lately been doing honey and mustard as well.


And another that is of dry cured belly chop. Great for a BBQ "pig out" Bacon with a handle, frees up the other hand for a beer glass.


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great mate,

ive got all the tales of river cotage DVDs, and pig in a day, it shows how to cut the pig up,

i agree about the temp, ill build the cool room when i get back, along with a list of other jobs


I am going to use a split A/C system for my coolroom and control it with an electronic unit that will bring the temp range down to 2 to 4 C. Saves heaps on refrigeration gear. The unit is coming next month if you want one let me know quickly. Buy a suitable A/C locally. All up for both around 30,000 baht. Can get insulation foam here as well.

Edited to add, brokerage fee is a copy of these DVDs.

Edited by IsaanAussie
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bob i think you would only be able to keep these in thailand,

the poor f,,,,,s would freeze in the uk


Better than getting eaten in Issan.

For anyone not understanding Yorkshire humour, it' not really aTurkey. It is in fact a rare Black Miner once common in the Barnsley area but almost hunted to extinction by the Thatcherites in thr 80's ( with help from her ally Mr A Scargill)

The truth is it's a common male Blackbird that I have been watching for a couple of months in my garden. I don't know how he got into this state. His name is Ruff. No he didn't tell me, I just guessed. Can anyone knit him a waistcoat for the winter. I don't think he'll survive otherwise

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you couldnt of been far away from me then bob,

i used to live in gainsborough, and i used to get to eddlington a bit, doncaster of course to see a pigeon freind of mine

I only like woodies, casseroled


This one is safe, it lives in my garden

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  • 2 weeks later...

a couple more, she sends me them every week so i dont get home sick, never sends pics of the kids and her,, just all my animals,,lol, bless her,

ive asked her if she spilt her sleeping tablets,,lol

and the other one must be getting well trained,,SIT



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