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Half Of Surveyed Thai Women Face Sexual Abuse: Nida Poll


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How does abuse among Thai Women connect to Yingluck being a role-model?

- they are completely separate issues.

the article is about the % of women in Thaiand that have been faced with abuse. - ok. so thats the article.

its like saying: ".. but Jimmy Carter has a nice smile" at the end of the article.

yingluck being a role model is nothing to do with thai women getting abuse

Answer might be petty easy. Nobody abused Yingluck yet, but she's abusing many others in this country.....wai.gif

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How does abuse among Thai Women connect to Yingluck being a role-model?

- they are completely separate issues.

the article is about the % of women in Thaiand that have been faced with abuse. - ok. so thats the article.

its like saying: ".. but Jimmy Carter has a nice smile" at the end of the article.

yingluck being a role model is nothing to do with thai women getting abuse

While I agree with you I did think that it was a strange post.

But Yingluck is a mother and if you want to believe this pole there is a strong chance that she has been sexually abused. Many women are sexually abused by their brothers

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It seems that this is a survey of perceptions, not experiences. As women do experience greater levels of apprehension / fear than men in all societies (and regarding all facets of life) I am aware of, this result is no surprise.

The only issue I have with this is that it is another drop of the feminist diatribe that paints all women as eternal victims and all men as violent bashers / rapists dressed up as "research". This type of survey confirms my belief that feminism is not exactly the most unbiased ideology, nor the most ethical source of research.

Here we go . . . rolleyes.gif

Responses like this are to be expected given the number of foreign men in this country continually bitching about western women. I guess it was inevitable that one or two would crawl out from under their rocks to sound off about feminism and misandry at the merest hint that some Thai women might want it known that they have a shit time at the hands of some Thai men.

and so? they do surgery to have more sex appeal and that's exactly what they get... I don't see what the problem is... I made my boobs to get more sex and that's exactly what I get! I can't complain if guys ask me when I don't have time for it... I'm not going to file a complaint about that... The day I won't like it anymore i'll just remove my implants.

The world is gone mad... "I want to be more sexy but I don't want that guys show it..." How pathetic is that!

Notwithstanding the fact that you're obviously the mother of all trolls and although I'm not quite sure where silicone tits were mentioned in the article I think it's fair to say that Thai society is still relatively conservative; well, outwardly, at least.

The ordinary, everyday Thai women outside "the industry" that I've seen don't really show that much flesh if they can help it.

They don't want to be seen as strumpets. Short skirts and dresses usually have a pair of shorts underneath or at least a pair of "apple-catcher" pants to protect their modesty so it's not as if they're "asking for it", is it?

Hardenedsoul, I think you are being a bit strong, although I understand your anger. I too am bothered by the sexist treatment of women here in this country, but it seems they bring it on themselves.

Thailand is a Matriarchal country. A male is raised from infancy to adulthood by Thai women. He is treated with all the pleasures that a boy could want, until he hits that golden age where he is cast out and seen as a bother and just like the father who is not usually there as a nurturing parent.

So, in many ways you are correct, but in many ways you are not correct. it goes even-handed in dishing out the blame for abuse.

I do agree that there is a bit of base brutality that is often accepted as the norm, which allows men to use their physical superiority as a culturally accepted means to prove a point. That crap has to stop, but yet again, that crap lies in the lap of the women who by and large raise these males.

Another point is that there is a generational gap that you are not recognizing. The old generation (the ones who were probably interviewed) do not usually go around in skirts with a hemline that barely conceals their bum cheeks (I reference my 17 year-old niece who just this morning came to the shop to go to Central with her aunty). Most older Thai women are from a time when dress was modest and not sexy.

I believe that if you were honest, and understood men's sexual drive a bit more then you would have to admit that men are turned on by what they see and women are turned on by how they feel.

Both men and women have character defects that contribute to this issue. Jumping to conclusions by bashing the one and ignoring the other will only alienate you and make you feel more comfortable to subscribe to biased views for support.

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How does abuse among Thai Women connect to Yingluck being a role-model?

- they are completely separate issues.

the article is about the % of women in Thaiand that have been faced with abuse. - ok. so thats the article.

its like saying: ".. but Jimmy Carter has a nice smile" at the end of the article.

yingluck being a role model is nothing to do with thai women getting abuse

Answer might be petty easy. Nobody abused Yingluck yet, but she's abusing many others in this country.....wai.gif

Are you sure ?

I heard that she had a thing with her brother.

Oh yea, that was consensual.......thumbsup.gif

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Would like to see the format used to ask the questions in the poll! And know what the other multi choice answers were.

Ask the question the right way, you will get the answer you are after.....................thumbsup.gif

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I once had a thai guy on the bts during a crowded monday morning rush hour try to rub my privates. I feel so abused, where do I sign up for the next survey?

I wonder why you didn't hand out some corporal punishment.

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It seems that this is a survey of perceptions, not experiences. As women do experience greater levels of apprehension / fear than men in all societies (and regarding all facets of life) I am aware of, this result is no surprise.

The only issue I have with this is that it is another drop of the feminist diatribe that paints all women as eternal victims and all men as violent bashers / rapists dressed up as "research". This type of survey confirms my belief that feminism is not exactly the most unbiased ideology, nor the most ethical source of research.

I agree with this one hundred percent. There is a book called '' War against Boys" it is worth reading. One only needs to look at western countries to see what has happened. You don't even need to look there. The feminist groups came here about 12 years ago and now you have hundreds of dikes showing more aggressive behavior towards males and making themselves known in public places... while I dont' have a problem with. I know this was induced by the feminist groups from America....and they always talk about the men..Yet we see hundred of sex tourist dike women here. Nothing is ever said about them.

The higher level of fear/apprehension bit I agree with.

Second paragraph I don't. Mainly as I did not see it as a feminist issue but rather as one where in the poorer Isaan villages you see enough teen girl suffering to know that these youngests have more to content with than those born into most western "government welfare" countries. Also in those same western countries it is women who get extra health benefits. Why? Cause the majority of guys avoid doctors like the plauge yet bitch and moan when women who will be active and voicing their health and welfare concerns get their squeaky wheels greased. .

The old myth about men avoiding doctors needs to be laid to rest. Men do attend doctors at a later stage than women in the course of disease, often from a "wait and see" attitude, and sometimes from ignorance about meaning of symptoms. Also, many community & preventive health services are not male oriented. Open only during work hours, staffed by females - even the magazines lying about declare this is a woman's place. The problem is the health services, not the men. If you throw a party and no-one comes, should you really blame the guests??

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The sexual abuse reports do not surprise me.

There is a form of sexual abuse going on, but not so much in the category of molestation, it is more what can be describe as sexual economics.

In many professions there are company employers that view desirable women as a resource for securing deals with male clients, the securing of contracts, commissions, high end insurance policies and so on. Even among those connected with Government institutions, the police and local authorities, the girls that are more willing, so to speak, to please the boss are more likely to achieve promotions and higher status within these establishments.

The Thai business community can be analyzed as a marketplace in which men seek to acquire sex from women by offering other resources in exchange. Thai society therefore intends to define gender roles as if women are sellers and men buyers of sex and will bestow female sexuality, but not male sexuality, with value.

So yes, Thai women are under pressure to achieve by allowing themselves to be sexually exploited, which could be defined as a form of sexual abuse.

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and so? they do surgery to have more sex appeal and that's exactly what they get... I don't see what the problem is... I made my boobs to get more sex and that's exactly what I get! I can't complain if guys ask me when I don't have time for it... I'm not going to file a complaint about that... The day I won't like it anymore i'll just remove my implants.

The world is gone mad... "I want to be more sexy but I don't want that guys show it..." How pathetic is that!

Because basically most women are posers, it`s probably part of the female genetic makeup and can be within their subconscious without them even realalising.

This is the same worldwide, not only in Thailand.

There maybe several reasons for this and extends much further than just trying to be attractive for the attention of men or for sexual reasons.

Sometimes it is a case of competivness with other women, a body language way of saying; I am better than you, fitter, healthier, of better quality and a more appealing person. Bitchiness in fact.

Or a way of advertising; that she is an achiever, has all the goods properly proportioned in the right places and maybe available for the right guy who can benefit her career.

Where as men have to prove themselves by displaying talent and skills in order to archive, women can influence people with they’re bodies, desirable, talented and good for promoting or as a window for any business.

The same applies to nude modelling, these women really do enjoy exhibiting their bodies and at times there is no sexual Innuendo behind the females thinking but in a way they are playing on sexual interpretation of an otherwise innocent activity to be used for they’re benefit of acquiring something, such as a career opportunity, attention seeking, fame or a wealthy partner.

Women use their bodies for gain one way or another. It`s the old philosophy, if you got it, flaunt it. Saves time and energy and in many cases can lead them up the golden path with the minimum of effort.

That’s the way it is and that’s the way it will always be. The mind of a women? Not so difficult to understand when you reach a certain age and have learnt what it`s all about.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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The ladies that work for my department are subjected to sexual harrassment very often by persons from other departments. They should be able to file harrassment complaints but that is just a pipe dream. Thing is that the perps do not even consider it harrassment. The ladies have complained about this to me. I make sure to be close by when that pervert is around to make him behave better. This happens after five p.m. His day is not complete until he touches the girls. What a pervert!

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I once had a thai guy on the bts during a crowded monday morning rush hour try to rub my privates. I feel so abused, where do I sign up for the next survey?

I wonder why you didn't hand out some corporal punishment.

Well, the problem with throwing the guy off the train, the locals would have seen some farang doing only that and would have missed his sexual assault on poor old me that started it. I feel so abused now... lol

Edited by bkkjames
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The ladies that work for my department are subjected to sexual harrassment very often by persons from other departments. They should be able to file harrassment complaints but that is just a pipe dream. Thing is that the perps do not even consider it harrassment. The ladies have complained about this to me. I make sure to be close by when that pervert is around to make him behave better. This happens after five p.m. His day is not complete until he touches the girls. What a pervert!

Wow....I almost clicked “LIKE" the tabs are so close together. Your thinking is the problem and it has a name. It's called the “Hero Mentality". You start making and enforcing laws like that then you end up facilitating tons of laws suits, then new laws and more laws as well as changing the Dynamics of the local perverts then we end up with bigger problems

Next thing you know it ends up like Canada, America, and England, where if you just touch a women on accident could end up in court with a sexual abuse charge that effects your life. So, listen hero, if you want to protect them against the very minimum few guys that feel masculine when they touch women that they don't know. There is nothing worse than a feminist run country and let me tell you this is the very last of the few frontiers left where it is still a man’s home. I wish we were all more civil to each other but by creating more laws you take responsibilities out of women’s hands, the more they feel relaxed the worse they get. Another thing, it is men like this that keep women on their toes, sorry to say. They're truly is a purpose for everything. The women in America and Canada are protected in every way shape and form. It hasn't helped them or stopped men now they rape them and kill them maybe this is the preferable way for you.

To limit this brutel way they allowed for low end brothels to open...they call them Adult video arcades with peep holes. Then they have the middle class Titty bars, you know if you touch women while she is taking off her clothes dancing provocatively in front of you it's a federal offense and you can be arrested, charged with a sex crime. She walks with the money stupid men tipped her with only to go to college and make more laws against men.

The last one is untouchable for men who have money. They put on things like the American pageant, have Hollywood parties at the playboy mansion. Have beauty contest and modeling contracts best of all "reality shows" all for the sake of marketing women. Hidden through deception. So go ahead start the ball rolling; the wealthy love hero’s, because they take away our rights by making law so governments can enforce them. If you want to help these girls let them learn on their own how to deal with it and stop trying to be a hero. In reality those so called perverts are not the masses they are the minority. So help women, " stop worring about it". blink.png

Edited by metisdead
: There is no need to post using bold font, bold font removed.
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Not sure about sexual abuse as can't see inside peoples houses, where most of it occurs. However; having lived rural here now for just over 4 years I do see men abusing women on a day to day basis, many men in these parts have 'Mia Noi' on the go and roll home in the early hours,quite often pissed and rows start up. So called 'Family Men' with good jobs and two or three kids keep their family as poor as Church Mice whilst they drive around in new 4x4's, many of the wives and kids only ever appear to have one set of clothes other than tatty School Uniforms. The men are always out on the Hootch, Gambling on Chicken fighting, etc etc, wife never goes anywhere other than market and has little knowledge of what's outside the village. My own Wife came from an abused and disfunctional family in a Northern village. Her Father was a useless drunkard who outlived five wives, spawned eight kids, left most of them High and dry with their Mothers left to cope and earn money to feed the families. Dare these women complain they would be beaten, as would the kids too if they tried to protect their Mother.

Abuse shows itself in many ways around the Globe and Thailand has a lot of it.


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The ladies that work for my department are subjected to sexual harrassment very often by persons from other departments. They should be able to file harrassment complaints but that is just a pipe dream. Thing is that the perps do not even consider it harrassment. The ladies have complained about this to me. I make sure to be close by when that pervert is around to make him behave better. This happens after five p.m. His day is not complete until he touches the girls. What a pervert!

Wow....I almost clicked “LIKE" the tabs are so close together. Your thinking is the problem and it has a name. It's called the “Hero Mentality". You start making and enforcing laws like that then you end up facilitating tons of laws suits, then new laws and more laws as well as changing the Dynamics of the local perverts then we end up with bigger problems

Next thing you know it ends up like Canada, America, and England, where if you just touch a women on accident could end up in court with a sexual abuse charge that effects your life. So, listen hero, if you want to protect them against the very minimum few guys that feel masculine when they touch women that they don't know. There is nothing worse than a feminist run country and let me tell you this is the very last of the few frontiers left where it is still a man’s home. I wish we were all more civil to each other but by creating more laws you take responsibilities out of women’s hands, the more they feel relaxed the worse they get. Another thing, it is men like this that keep women on their toes, sorry to say. They're truly is a purpose for everything. The women in America and Canada are protected in every way shape and form. It hasn't helped them or stopped men now they rape them and kill them maybe this is the preferable way for you.

To limit this brutel way they allowed for low end brothels to open...they call them Adult video arcades with peep holes. Then they have the middle class Titty bars, you know if you touch women while she is taking off her clothes dancing provocatively in front of you it's a federal offense and you can be arrested, charged with a sex crime. She walks with the money stupid men tipped her with only to go to college and make more laws against men.

The last one is untouchable for men who have money. They put on things like the American pageant, have Hollywood parties at the playboy mansion. Have beauty contest and modeling contracts best of all "reality shows" all for the sake of marketing women. Hidden through deception. So go ahead start the ball rolling; the wealthy love hero’s, because they take away our rights by making law so governments can enforce them. If you want to help these girls let them learn on their own how to deal with it and stop trying to be a hero. In reality those so called perverts are not the masses they are the minority. So help women, " stop worring about it". blink.png

You choose a very nice avatar that fits perfectly with your postings, congratulation oops!

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and so? they do surgery to have more sex appeal and that's exactly what they get... I don't see what the problem is... I made my boobs to get more sex and that's exactly what I get! I can't complain if guys ask me when I don't have time for it... I'm not going to file a complaint about that... The day I won't like it anymore i'll just remove my implants.

The world is gone mad... "I want to be more sexy but I don't want that guys show it..." How pathetic is that!

You are joking, right?!

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