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Bahraini Teen Sentenced To Prison For Insulting Prophet Mohammed'S Wife


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It would be interesting to know why she is hated by Shiites.

That's a long and intricate one. It goes back to the original succession following Muhammed's death. In a nutshell:

Muhammed left no sons to inherit. Muhammed's cousin and son-in-law was Ali, and the Shiites claim that Ali was rightfully appointed to lead after Muhammed's death. This is based upon speeches given by Muhammed which indicated that Ali was the successor.

After Muhammed's death, Abu Bakr was elected by the muslims to be the first caliph (instead of Ali). Abu Bakr was the father of Ayisha, who was the wife of Muhammed (and whom the Sunni's believe to be Muhammed's favorite wife). Ayisha took part in a battle for leadership.

Eventually there was a split between Sunni and Shiite. The Sunnis think very favorably of Ayisha because she was the wife of Muhammed and the daughter of the first elected Caliph. The Shiites think that Ali should have been made the leader following Muhammed. Technically, the Shiites (nor any Muslim) should "hate" any relatives of Muhammed.

This is a "nutshel" summary.

Where do the Sufis fit into all this?

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If you are a non-Muslim and insult Islam or the Prophet in anyway a Muslim may come up to you and inform you kindly that you are insulting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and try to refrain from doing it any further. If you are in Iran the people and government take it more seriously and often hang those who do insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

And do you think such a punishment is acceptable in today's world regards the remarking of one live 'human being' about one long-dead 'human being'? From a local perspective, all I can say is thank Sohn Uttar Sthavira for bringing Buddhism to Thailand!

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I really do not understand why a non muslim would want to be anywhere near an Islamic country. It would be like tiptoing around in a lions den. I keep well clear of muslims for the safety of my family and myself it is just not worth the risk. Personally muslims scare the hell out of me.

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I really do not understand why a non muslim would want to be anywhere near an Islamic country. It would be like tiptoing around in a lions den. I keep well clear of muslims for the safety of my family and myself it is just not worth the risk. Personally muslims scare the hell out of me.

I live in a Muslim area in Thailand and have never had any hint of a threat to my personal safety. There have been a number of posts on this forum saying that they find Thai Muslims more honest and hard working than any other peoples in Thailand. There are many foreigners living in or in countries bordering Islamism countries. For people like you who espouse all Muslims have the same end goal, please let me know why non Muslims living in Islamic countries have not been wiped out years ago.

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Submaniac: Thanks for the explanation. I always feel something is amiss when I have to read something to explain why I should hate someone.

Softgeorge: Some people end up living in Islamic countries because they get assigned there for work reasons. The time I spent in the Middle East was rather enjoyable. Frankly, with a few exceptions, they were way to busy fighting and disliking one another to give me much notice.

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I would be to terrified to go to an islamic country and to afraid to speak in case I offended someone unintentionally. I will stay in the safety zone of the west and S/E asia.

It's very possible to offend someone unintentionally in a non Islamic country and receive harsh punishment..........nuff said.

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Most religions don’t like it when you insult there religious leader in most cases. Islam or Muslims hold the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH – peace be upon him) to a higher standard. Since he is the one who helped establish Islam for his people and the rest of the world. I have read on different occasions were someone insults the Prophet through cartoons, writings and etc and that person or organization is put on notice. Some demand the death penalty or flogging etc.

If you are a non-Muslim and insult Islam or the Prophet in anyway a Muslim may come up to you and inform you kindly that you are insulting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and try to refrain from doing it any further. If you are in Iran the people and government take it more seriously and often hang those who do insult the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

I wouldn't recommend it in Dewsbury West Yorkshire either. My home town.

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I used to like to spend time in Malaysia and the people seemed nice to me. It is a mistake to lump all Muslims together as most are not hostile.

Softgeorge: Some people end up living in Islamic countries because they get assigned there for work reasons. The time I spent in the Middle East was rather enjoyable. Frankly, with a few exceptions, they were way to busy fighting and disliking one another to give me much notice.

Yup. It needs to be understood that Islam is spread accross a very wide geographic area and encompasses many different races, ethnicities, and cultures. Islam is a native religion in the middle east, africa, and asia. They are really not "all the same". And yes, they fight with each other. Like the Shiites don't consider the Sunni's to be "real muslims" and vice versa. The Muslims in Iran are not an arab people and do not consider themselves to be an arab race. (They consider themselves to be Aryan, and Iran means land of the Aryans.) The Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia are not arab people either. The people do share common beliefs (Muhammed, The Quran), but they don't unanimously agree on everything else (like the Hadith and the Sharia). So they shouldn't necessarily be lumped in together.

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I would be to terrified to go to an islamic country and to afraid to speak in case I offended someone unintentionally. I will stay in the safety zone of the west and S/E asia.

It's very possible to offend someone unintentionally in a non Islamic country and receive harsh punishment..........nuff said.

If I took my 5 yr old son to Australia and he unintentionally said something about jesus that someone did not like nothing would be done. If I took him to an islamic country and he unintionally said something Mohamad he would be publically executed or lashed. The girl in this story probably has absolutely no idea as to what she did wrong or why she is being severly punished. Entirely different standards between civilized developed countries and those countries and peoples that are still thousands of years behind civilisation. Just for having this opinion I could be executed in an islamic country.

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I really do not understand why a non muslim would want to be anywhere near an Islamic country. It would be like tiptoing around in a lions den. I keep well clear of muslims for the safety of my family and myself it is just not worth the risk. Personally muslims scare the hell out of me.

I live in a Muslim area in Thailand and have never had any hint of a threat to my personal safety. There have been a number of posts on this forum saying that they find Thai Muslims more honest and hard working than any other peoples in Thailand. There are many foreigners living in or in countries bordering Islamism countries. For people like you who espouse all Muslims have the same end goal, please let me know why non Muslims living in Islamic countries have not been wiped out years ago.

You are echoing my experience and also the observations my wife made about Muslim friends she had during her youth. That said I suggest you look at what is happening to the non-Muslim populations in Islamic Countries worldwide at present. Hindus are being oppressed in Sindh state of Pakistan or Christians anywhere in Pakistan. In Egypt persecution of women is at a record high in the last 3 months. 200,000 Christians have fled Mali and 140,000 Syria in recent month due to persecution. Looking further back around 1 million Jews lived in Islamic lands in 1948, nearly all have been driven out, as have the majority of Christians in places such as Nazareth and Bethlehem.

Your anecdotal evidence as to how Muslims behave when they are a minority is in sharp contrast to how Islamic ideology oppresses all other religions as a majority, I think theories as to why are probably too far away from the original topic, suffice to say though that blasphemy laws can be and are used as yet another device to oppress minorities, whether this be state sanctioned or initiated by individuals.

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I would be to terrified to go to an islamic country and to afraid to speak in case I offended someone unintentionally. I will stay in the safety zone of the west and S/E asia.

It's very possible to offend someone unintentionally in a non Islamic country and receive harsh punishment..........nuff said.

If I took my 5 yr old son to Australia and he unintentionally said something about jesus that someone did not like nothing would be done. If I took him to an islamic country and he unintionally said something Mohamad he would be publically executed or lashed. The girl in this story probably has absolutely no idea as to what she did wrong or why she is being severly punished. Entirely different standards between civilized developed countries and those countries and peoples that are still thousands of years behind civilisation. Just for having this opinion I could be executed in an islamic country.

What a complete load of nonsense.

I question your judgement when you make the outlandish claim your five year old son would be executed or lashed for something he said.

Living in an Islamic country is really quite simple. All it takes is a little common sense and an inkling of what is correct according to the customs of the country in which you live. Perhaps you simply need to develop a better feeling of your surroundings.

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I really do not understand why a non muslim would want to be anywhere near an Islamic country. It would be like tiptoing around in a lions den. I keep well clear of muslims for the safety of my family and myself it is just not worth the risk. Personally muslims scare the hell out of me.

I live in a Muslim area in Thailand and have never had any hint of a threat to my personal safety. There have been a number of posts on this forum saying that they find Thai Muslims more honest and hard working than any other peoples in Thailand. There are many foreigners living in or in countries bordering Islamism countries. For people like you who espouse all Muslims have the same end goal, please let me know why non Muslims living in Islamic countries have not been wiped out years ago.

You are echoing my experience and also the observations my wife made about Muslim friends she had during her youth. That said I suggest you look at what is happening to the non-Muslim populations in Islamic Countries worldwide at present. Hindus are being oppressed in Sindh state of Pakistan or Christians anywhere in Pakistan. In Egypt persecution of women is at a record high in the last 3 months. 200,000 Christians have fled Mali and 140,000 Syria in recent month due to persecution. Looking further back around 1 million Jews lived in Islamic lands in 1948, nearly all have been driven out, as have the majority of Christians in places such as Nazareth and Bethlehem.

Your anecdotal evidence as to how Muslims behave when they are a minority is in sharp contrast to how Islamic ideology oppresses all other religions as a majority, I think theories as to why are probably too far away from the original topic, suffice to say though that blasphemy laws can be and are used as yet another device to oppress minorities, whether this be state sanctioned or initiated by individuals.

I agree non Muslims are now being harassed/persecuted in some Islamic states. As you know for centuries this wasn't a general policy and with some exceptions non Muslims peacefully co-existed in predominately Islamic areas.

From the late 1920's onwards the harassed/persecution of non Muslims has slowly accelerated and many put it down to the interference of Western nations in the Near/Middle East. Some examples starting with the broken promises to the House of Al Saud, Balfour Declaration, Suez Canal incident, US support for the overthrow of the Iranian government in the 1950s. US support for Iraq during the Iraqi war of aggression against Iran that lead to approx 500,000 Iranian deaths. US broken promise of support for a Shiite uprising in Gulf War 1 that lead to thousands of Shiites being murdered. US and allied invasion Iraq in Gulf War 2.

I am not suggesting the above justifies the repression of non Muslims and terrorism against civilian targets, but you can understand the opportunity for the extremist messages to be accepted by some and the anger generated. On the other side of the coin is the cruel tit for tat killings between Sunni and Shiites for poltical power plays. It is expressively forbidden in the Koran to kill other Muslims. The other suppression of human rights you mention is again forbidden in the Koran, It's not Islamic ideology, it's those bastards who deliberately misinterpret using bigotry & political agendas who should be removed.

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It is expressively forbidden in the Koran to kill other Muslims.

You've inadvertently nailed it. The Sunni don't consider the Shi'a to be proper muslims, and vice versa.

As I said " those bastards who deliberately misinterpret using bigotry & political agendas who should be removed." In other words the leaders of the Shiites & Sunnis who are actively promoting this killing to retain minority power e.g. current day Syria

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It is expressively forbidden in the Koran to kill other Muslims.

You've inadvertently nailed it. The Sunni don't consider the Shi'a to be proper muslims, and vice versa.

As I said " those bastards who deliberately misinterpret using bigotry & political agendas who should be removed." In other words the leaders of the Shiites & Sunnis who are actively promoting this killing to retain minority power e.g. current day Syria

Trust me, it isn't just the leaders who think this way.

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It is expressively forbidden in the Koran to kill other Muslims.

You've inadvertently nailed it. The Sunni don't consider the Shi'a to be proper muslims, and vice versa.

As I said " those bastards who deliberately misinterpret using bigotry & political agendas who should be removed." In other words the leaders of the Shiites & Sunnis who are actively promoting this killing to retain minority power e.g. current day Syria

Trust me, it isn't just the leaders who think this way.

yes of course some Imams and madrassas who teach hatred

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I agree non Muslims are now being harassed/persecuted in some Islamic states. As you know for centuries this wasn't a general policy and with some exceptions non Muslims peacefully co-existed in predominately Islamic areas.

From the late 1920's onwards the harassed/persecution of non Muslims has slowly accelerated and many put it down to the interference of Western nations in the Near/Middle East. Some examples starting with the broken promises to the House of Al Saud, Balfour Declaration, Suez Canal incident, US support for the overthrow of the Iranian government in the 1950s. US support for Iraq during the Iraqi war of aggression against Iran that lead to approx 500,000 Iranian deaths. US broken promise of support for a Shiite uprising in Gulf War 1 that lead to thousands of Shiites being murdered. US and allied invasion Iraq in Gulf War 2.

I am not suggesting the above justifies the repression of non Muslims and terrorism against civilian targets, but you can understand the opportunity for the extremist messages to be accepted by some and the anger generated. On the other side of the coin is the cruel tit for tat killings between Sunni and Shiites for poltical power plays. It is expressively forbidden in the Koran to kill other Muslims. The other suppression of human rights you mention is again forbidden in the Koran, It's not Islamic ideology, it's those bastards who deliberately misinterpret using bigotry & political agendas who should be removed.

It's not only non-Muslims. It's Ahmadis just about anywhere in the Islamic world and the Sufis or Mali are currently under the tyrannical control of AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb), which was apparently not Islamic enough hence the waiting list of 60 hands to be severed. I bet the Toireg tribesmen regret helping to overthrow their corrupt but secular rulers making temporary alliance with the Islamists.

It is true to say there are no bigger victims of Islam than Muslims themselves. Your list of gripes with western powers is imho a list of pretexts to violence rather than motive, the motive being jihad and Islamic supremacism.

As for Islamic 'ideology' here we differ. There are four schools of Islamic jurisprudence - they are all basically a human rights disaster, archaic in their cruelty and backwardness. Fortunately much of the Muslim world quietly discards the most unpalatable aspects and emphasizes the more humane, which probably explains how many Muslims in South East Asia are peaceful and have the same apparent needs and aspirations as anyone else. Unfortunately the most extreme strands of Islam coming from Saudi Wahhabism or the Iranian regime are an evil ideology. Wahhabism actually stemmed from a rationalizing of why the Islamic Caliphates declined and western culture became dominant. Instead of copying the progressive strands of western thinking Wahhabism blamed the fall in Islam's fortunes on not being pious enough and hence returned to the most literal 7th century doctrine.

This doctrine is backed up by vast oil wealth, which is probably why our leaders are so coy about condemning the worst abuses. Hence we have OIC blasphemy laws being foisted on us on one hand and the U.S government quietly dropping it's annual report on religious persecution by nation on the other.

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Where do the Sufis fit into all this?

Above it all I would imagine.

Nope - Sufi's are actively suppressed by Shiite Iran and have been targeted and killed by Al Qaida and extremists in Pakistan

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Where do the Sufis fit into all this?

Above it all I would imagine.

Nope - Sufi's are actively suppressed by Shiite Iran and have been targeted and killed by Al Qaida and extremists in Pakistan

Yep, here is a Sufi mosque in Libya getting a makeover from one of their Sunni brothers who got hold of some heavy machinery.


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I really do not understand why a non muslim would want to be anywhere near an Islamic country. It would be like tiptoing around in a lions den. I keep well clear of muslims for the safety of my family and myself it is just not worth the risk. Personally muslims scare the hell out of me.

I lived in Turkey for several years in the Eastern part. My daughter and I enjoyed our stay there and on her return to australia kept wanting to return to Turkey to live. I never ever felt that I was walking on eggshells.

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Trust me, it isn't just the leaders who think this way.

yes of course some Imams and madrassas who teach hatred

No, the Shi'a are quite hostile to anyone else, they have a particular set of chips on their shoulders. This gets on every other muslim's tits.

Remember Iran was Sunni until it was invaded around the 15th century and people essentially told to convert or be executed.

It's not just the West that rolls its eyes when Hadmydinnerjacket starts spouting nonsense.

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Where do the Sufis fit into all this?

Above it all I would imagine.

Nope - Sufi's are actively suppressed by Shiite Iran and have been targeted and killed by Al Qaida and extremists in Pakistan

Yep, here is a Sufi mosque in Libya getting a makeover from one of their Sunni brothers who got hold of some heavy machinery.


Not to mention the desecration of British and Australian cemeteries by our new allies in Libya. Yes those Islamic fundamentalist radicals NATO installed, smashing up the gravestones of Allied servicemen from WW2, all shouting Allah Akbar at the tops of their voices. Well done NATO. Sickening.
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I used to like to spend time in Malaysia and the people seemed nice to me. It is a mistake to lump all Muslims together as most are not hostile.

Gosh, there's an insight! Not all Americans are dickheads, not all Brits are gay with bad teeth, not all Aussies are sheep loving ockers in string vests and not all Muslims are trigger-happy terrs.

Welcome to the real world....

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Let's try to stay roughly on the topic of the OP. Linking this to Syria is a pretty big stretch.

It isn't you know. You have the opposite polarity in the religious divide, but it's still a sectarian conflct, only the Sunni in Bahrain aren't quite as homicidal as Assad.

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How do people or religions get offended?

>>>> when they're unsure of themselves and their belief systems

>>>> when they have things to hide, and someone comes close to revealing them

>>>> When they impose their beliefs on others, and those 'others' don't embrace their beliefs in exactly the ways they're directed to.

>>>> When they don't tolerate any deviation of thinking, and someone comes along with a different viewpoint - especially if that alternative viewpoint makes a lot of sense.

.....the list could go on and on. I'm sooooooo removed from religious dictates. It's liberating. The more orthodox a religion becomes, the further it gets from true spirituality. It has happened with all the major religions in the world. I called myself a Buddhist for 40 years, but I've been liberated from that constricture also.

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What a complete load of nonsense.

I question your judgement when you make the outlandish claim your five year old son would be executed or lashed for something he said.

Living in an Islamic country is really quite simple. All it takes is a little common sense and an inkling of what is correct according to the customs of the country in which you live. Perhaps you simply need to develop a better feeling of your surroundings.

Yeah, but don't let him name his teddy bear Mohammed.

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