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Govt Smearing Abhisit Ahead Of Censure, Democrats Claim


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The cartoonist, Khuad, in the Daily News, a rival to Thai Rath newspaper, has attacked Apisit nearly every day for the last 2 years. In spite of government follies, Yingluk's gaffes, the punchline is usually at Apisit's expense, even if he's alomost irrelevant to the issue at hand.

I wonder how much Khuad's salary is.

"usually at Apisit's expense, even if he's alomost irrelevant to the issue at hand."

Funny, I seem to remember some TVF posts sharing that same feature

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Business as usual for this so called government. Useless trash who can't solve the problems of the people. But if it comes to smearing and threatening people who don't agree with them, they're just great at it! Red democracy at its finest!

Would love to know how the PTP supporters on TVF see Thailand if the PTP policies were implemented un-opposed.

Once it gets to the openly wished for single party state, Thailand will be screwed for a long time.

The monacled red farang red brigade will have fled a la Thaksin and the people who love Thailand will remain

Any input from the TVF PTP supporters?

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If Abhisit has done nothing wrong, what has he got to be afraid?

You know how it is, esecially in politics: repeat a lie 100,000 times and all stupid people end up believing it.

Now since PT politicians and Red Shirts are stupid people, a smearing campaign makes prefect sense.

There is a Thai saying: "Real gold are not afraid of fire".

Unless Mark is not for real.

Well sorry but that's a stupid saying. If real gold could think it would be very afraid of fire. Because it would melt :D

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Probably the topic title is a wee bit misleading. The smearing doesn't seem to be related to the upcoming censure debate, but just SOP.

BTW what happened with the terrible bad thing k. Abhisit allegedly did, the 24 year old fake document which got him a plushy military job? Item dropped like maybe not really true and/or relevant, but enough to get make people wonder?

Another daft idea, run up the flag pole and no one saluted.

So back in the bin again.

Edited by animatic
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What I watch is the actions of people reposting a highly questionable group of assertions,

just so they can be repeated over and over again,

and thus attain a searchable aura of truth, where little or none exists.

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What I watch is the actions of people reposting a highly questionable group of assertions,

just so they can be repeated over and over again,

and thus attain a searchable aura of truth, where little or none exists.

That is rich...

So Abhisit never lied about the little or the big things?

Rather than counter Phiphidon's statements with facts, just call him the poster of "highly questionable ... assertions" - IMO, just another way to call a poster a liar, not offer any evidence that the poster lied, and then walk away.

Why not just post some facts in place of fudge... too rich?

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What I watch is the actions of people reposting a highly questionable group of assertions,

just so they can be repeated over and over again,

and thus attain a searchable aura of truth, where little or none exists.

Not dissimilar to the supposed Yingluck 4 Seasons Shagathon then really.....

Edited by mca
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Probably the topic title is a wee bit misleading. The smearing doesn't seem to be related to the upcoming censure debate, but just SOP.

BTW what happened with the terrible bad thing k. Abhisit allegedly did, the 24 year old fake document which got him a plushy military job? Item dropped like maybe not really true and/or relevant, but enough to get make people wonder?

You obviously fail to see the importance not of the substance but the act. In other words, it seems as Abhisit is unique in Thai Politics where he relies on this aura of a non corrupt squeaky clean image (and a lot of you still fall for it) where he appears to rise above the occasion. In many cases, like this one, it is seen that what he is being accused of doing is insignificant, which when compared to what others do is miniscule and so his image as the teflon don carries on.

But he still lies about it. He lied about his birthplace, another seemingly unimportant fact. He lied about Thaksin meeting with insurgents in the south. He lied about the deaths in the Wat being caused by ground level shots. He lied about the status of the Rohingya, he lied about their eventual fate, he lied about an international arrest warrant for Thaksin, He lied about the reason for for setting up ISOC (sales of military fatigues at Chatuchak Market and water pipes being bought to make guns <deleted>) and paving the way for an SOE.

How many more lies will it take before you realise that if he is capable of lying about the small matter of his dual nationality (which he must have known was liable to be found out about easily) what do you think he is going to do when faced with his part in letting loose the army with their snipers and live fire zones - tell the truth?

Actions speak louder than words.

Watch what people do. DINO, Democrats in name only...

It would be nice if PHUA THAI took that to heart. And actually did all that they say they will. Dont you think? After all they are the biggest blow hards.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

It's just a tool of observation...

Each to his own. The PTP for all their imperfections have a platform and work on it... Like it or not, they are doing what they promised to do before the people elected them.

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- deleted for quote limits -

You obviously fail to see the importance not of the substance but the act. In other words, it seems as Abhisit is unique in Thai Politics where he relies on this aura of a non corrupt squeaky clean image (and a lot of you still fall for it) where he appears to rise above the occasion. In many cases, like this one, it is seen that what he is being accused of doing is insignificant, which when compared to what others do is miniscule and so his image as the teflon don carries on.

But he still lies about it. He lied about his birthplace, another seemingly unimportant fact. He lied about Thaksin meeting with insurgents in the south. He lied about the deaths in the Wat being caused by ground level shots. He lied about the status of the Rohingya, he lied about their eventual fate, he lied about an international arrest warrant for Thaksin, He lied about the reason for for setting up ISOC (sales of military fatigues at Chatuchak Market and water pipes being bought to make guns <deleted>) and paving the way for an SOE.

How many more lies will it take before you realise that if he is capable of lying about the small matter of his dual nationality (which he must have known was liable to be found out about easily) what do you think he is going to do when faced with his part in letting loose the army with their snipers and live fire zones - tell the truth?


Prove any of the above wrong and then tell me it's a smear.

It doesn't work that way, dear phiphidon. You made the suggestions, you prove it.

For one side of the TVF debate, that is exactly how it works.

Bring some facts if you want to disprove his statements.

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Prove any of the above wrong and then tell me it's a smear.

It doesn't work that way, dear phiphidon. You made the suggestions, you prove it.

For one side of the TVF debate, that is exactly how it works.

Bring some facts if you want to disprove his statements.

You coming to the defence is rather touching, dear Tom, but still it doesn't work that way.

There's a saying, something like "a fool can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer" wink.png

Edited by rubl
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Umm as far as I'm aware he has NEVER lied about his birthplace.

As for dual nationality I believe he stated that he had never applied for dual nationality.

But why does it matter WHERE he was born? Or if in fact if he has/ had dual nationality???

sent from my Wellcom A90+

He denied he had dual nationality. As for your last questions of course it doesn't matter where you were born - it's the fact that he was not transparent about whether he had dual nationality. He lied over a small obvious fact. Why? Just for a laugh I've included the Nations take on this. With the great opening headline it immediately disagrees with itself in the first line - Classic "The Nation"

PM denies dual nationality

The Nation February 24, 2011 12:00 am

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Thursday confirmed his Thai citizenship even though he was born in England, rebutting an opposition lawmaker's allegation for having dual nationality.

"I am a Thai with clear intent not to hold British citizenship," he said.

Abhisit said he had to apply for entry visa to England just like other Thais and that he did not avail himself of any services such as education reserved for British citizens.

The Election Commission had already ruled out his dual nationality, he added.

Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan, speaking from the House floor during the performance debate, alleged the prime minister's dual nationality.


Wheras the Associated Press made rather less a mess of it

BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand’s prime minister has an confession to make: He is also British.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajjiva publicly acknowledged his dual nationality Thursday for the first time during a debate in Parliament.


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"I am a Thai with clear intent not to hold British citizenship," he said.

Good for him, those nasty Brits just made him a British citizen because that's how their bureaucracy upholds the law of the lands.

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It doesn't work that way, dear phiphidon. You made the suggestions, you prove it.

I'm just living up to your signature rubl. I know they are not smears . The onus is not on me to prove it. Mind you I suppose with the amount of denial you're used to these should be easy to denounce, shouldn't they?

With theNation writing "PM denies dual nationality", k. Abhisit saying "I am a Thai with clear intent not to hold British citizenship" and you interpreting "he lied", I think we have a clear example of how muddy you make the waters. Mere suggestions laced with a bit of truth and topped with possibly lies. I'm not even going to try to distangle the webermm.gif

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He lied about his birthplace, another seemingly unimportant fact.

Prove any of the above wrong and then tell me it's a smear.

It's a bid hard to prove something that didn't happen. Maybe you can provide some proof that it did.

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Prove any of the above wrong and then tell me it's a smear.

It doesn't work that way, dear phiphidon. You made the suggestions, you prove it.

For one side of the TVF debate, that is exactly how it works.

Bring some facts if you want to disprove his statements.

You coming to the defence is rather touching, dear Tom, but still it doesn't work that way.

There's a saying, something like "a fool can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer" wink.png

Actually, nothing touching about it at all. Don't tear up on us Rubl ;)

Observation of TVF shows that a pro-Abhisit or anti-Gov't poster can say the most outlandish things and the troops rally around with praise, 'likes', emoticons, and supportive redmob thuggery, convicted fugitives on the lamb, ignorant/uneducated, vote (and perhaps soul) selling unemployed rent-a-mob comments...

So, yes, it does normally work that way.

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BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand’s prime minister has an confession to make: He is also British.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejajjiva publicly acknowledged his dual nationality Thursday for the first time during a debate in Parliament.


A debate in Parliament!

Well at least he was there

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Prove any of the above wrong and then tell me it's a smear.

Prove any of it is true and not just rumour, lies and smear...

Well I've done the dual nationality one, what next? Why don't you check things up yourself or are you one of those "I don't like what I'm hearing so I don't believe it' posters?

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What I watch is the actions of people reposting a highly questionable group of assertions,

just so they can be repeated over and over again,

and thus attain a searchable aura of truth, where little or none exists.

Not dissimilar to the supposed Yingluck 4 Seasons Shagathon then really.....

Well actually my statements are true,

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Actually, nothing touching about it at all. Don't tear up on us Rubl ;)

Observation of TVF shows that a pro-Abhisit or anti-Gov't poster can say the most outlandish things and the troops rally around with praise, 'likes', emoticons, and supportive redmob thuggery, convicted fugitives on the lamb, ignorant/uneducated, vote (and perhaps soul) selling unemployed rent-a-mob comments...

So, yes, it does normally work that way.

That's a complete untruth. The reds lie like billy-o and everyone else tells the truth.

What's this about a lamb? Are we adding some form of bestiality to the red repertoire?

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It doesn't work that way, dear phiphidon. You made the suggestions, you prove it.

I'm just living up to your signature rubl. I know they are not smears . The onus is not on me to prove it. Mind you I suppose with the amount of denial you're used to these should be easy to denounce, shouldn't they?

With theNation writing "PM denies dual nationality", k. Abhisit saying "I am a Thai with clear intent not to hold British citizenship" and you interpreting "he lied", I think we have a clear example of how muddy you make the waters. Mere suggestions laced with a bit of truth and topped with possibly lies. I'm not even going to try to distangle the webermm.gif

That was the statement to parliament on the 24th after he finally got round to admitting that yes he did have dual nationality, something that he denied he had. It's all very well saying it's too hard for you to work out, if so just read the AP report. Then tell me he didn't lie about his dual nationality. You say I'm topping off with possibly lies. Grow some balls rubl and come out and call me a liar if you can. And I'll show you where you're wrong. If I could be bothered I'd dig up the thread and we'll see what you had to say there if you like, I can't imagine you didn't have an opinion on Abhisit.

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I'm not sure if I'm going to be accused of posting on topic, but here goes.

Is it the role of the democratically elected Opposition to challenge the Government?

If so, is the character of the democratically elected Leader of that Opposition relevant?

Digging out the same old truths/half-truths/lies about the past doesn't, (IMHO), contribute to the subject matter in the topic.

Although there are no (as far as I can see) actual statements of "what", I believe the issue is "should the Leader of the Opposition be subject to a smear campaign", purely because he is performing his elected duty

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What I watch is the actions of people reposting a highly questionable group of assertions,

just so they can be repeated over and over again,

and thus attain a searchable aura of truth, where little or none exists.

Not dissimilar to the supposed Yingluck 4 Seasons Shagathon then really.....

Well actually my statements are true,

I missed your statement showing that Abhisit lied about where he was born. Can you repeat it?

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What I watch is the actions of people reposting a highly questionable group of assertions,

just so they can be repeated over and over again,

and thus attain a searchable aura of truth, where little or none exists.

Not dissimilar to the supposed Yingluck 4 Seasons Shagathon then really.....

An elegant turn of phrase, or should it better be described as "purple prose"? :)

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Well it was a choice between that and "bonkathon" but I seem to recall that Poet Laureate John Skelton used it in his 1493 work " Ode To A Springtime Bonkathon" and didn't want to be accused of plagiarism. smile.png

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