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Slow Internet For The Last Few Days. Anyone Else?


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I live in Rayong and the Internet has been really slow for the last 2 or 3 days. Some websites are fast to open while other take ages (like most International site). My internet connection is usually really fast. Sometimes the sites open quick but 99% of the time they open really slow. Like I said only for the last few days. I can't open speedtest.net properly to test the speed. It takes ages to load which in not normal. Anyone else in Thailand experiencing the same problem?

Edited by rhino533
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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

Could it be that the 6 million people WHO HAVE ALSO PROBLEMS don't bother to post as it will not improve anything anyway, or are no member of this forum.
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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

Could it be that the 6 million people WHO HAVE ALSO PROBLEMS don't bother to post as it will not improve anything anyway, or are no member of this forum.

Whoosh, the sound of my point soaring over your head. whistling.gif

"Without a lot more detail..."

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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

Provider/Service: TOT 10/1 Home Internet


Almost all International Websites have a problem.

Speedtest: Bangkok: Ping: 75ms, 7.34mb (Down), 848kb (Up) Not to bad but usually around 9.3mb (Down).

Speedtest: NewYork: Ping: 331ms 0.07 (Down) it takes so long I gave up so I'm not to sure the upspeed.

The Internet usually has speeds of: Ping 26ms, 8-9.5mb (Down), 800-900kb (Up) and never usually has an issue.

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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

Could it be that the 6 million people WHO HAVE ALSO PROBLEMS don't bother to post as it will not improve anything anyway, or are no member of this forum.

Whoosh, the sound of my point soaring over your head. whistling.gif

"Without a lot more detail..."

My comment was not intended as a personal attack, but you have to be serious.His provider,service type,line characteristics or dns servers have most probabaly not changed from 3 days earlier or even since he opened the contract with his provider.

It is a public secret that internet service in Thailand sucks big time, and that complaining or even pointing out the issues to to the provider will change nothing.

I personally are connected with Dtac 3G and I will get a decent service about 5-6 days a month,while the other days are crap. e.g. have to reset my modem probably 10 times a day,get download speeds on for example google attachements of 20 KB,download files larger than 1 Gb are automatically disconnected or acctually show a jump from 20% downloaded straight to 100% while they are not.

I can tell you that those 5-6 days that it works better, I don't change anything in my house or in my settings and I doubt they move the antenna.

Now let me tell you something else.For the past week I have run out over my limit of 3Gb so I am restricted to 384 Kbs.

Since that day I had to reset my modem maybe 2 times,all downloads come all in without a single disconnection andf I get a steady 43 KB down speed.

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DSL? Post line stats.

Try Google DNS servers:

report back.

Yeah it's DSL

Ok I changed the DNS to and

When I speedtested the Download and the Upload speed was slightly better using the Bangkok Server. Ping was the same

Nothing changes when I used the New York Server. Really Really Slow!!!

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DSL? Post line stats.

Try Google DNS servers:

report back.

Yeah it's DSL

Ok I changed the DNS to and

When I speedtested the Download and the Upload speed was slightly better using the Bangkok Server. Ping was the same

Nothing changes when I used the New York Server. Really Really Slow!!!

You re-started the router and any PCs attached?

Can you provide any DSL line statistics?

Which websites? Post traceroute results.

I've worked on a few problematic TOT DSL installs, invariably the issues have been with DNS servers - the TOT DNS servers crap out - and/or line problems, esp. cross-connects at the CO as a result of bad work when adding newer subscribers. With DSL, esp TOT, things change almost daily.

Edited by lomatopo
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DSL? Post line stats.

Try Google DNS servers:

report back.

Yeah it's DSL

Ok I changed the DNS to and

When I speedtested the Download and the Upload speed was slightly better using the Bangkok Server. Ping was the same

Nothing changes when I used the New York Server. Really Really Slow!!!

You re-started the router and any PCs attached?

Can you provide any DSL line statistics?

Which websites? Post traceroute results.

I've worked on a few problematic TOT DSL installs, invariably the issues have been with DNS servers - the TOT DNS servers crap out - and/or line problems, esp. cross-connects at the CO as a result of bad work when adding newer subscribers. With DSL, esp TOT, things change almost daily.

After restarting all the computers in the house. The speed has seemed to improve. I just got a speedtest of: Ping:320ms 9.5mb down and 430kb up (NewYork Sever). That was pretty much the same for servers all over North America. One thing I noticed was that when testing the down speed it wasn't smooth it jumped around

Here are my Router Stats:


Edited by rhino533
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websites? traceroute? router log?

Also, it looks like a D-Link? Model number?

Have you had this service for a while? It was fine until a few days ago?

Do you have a telephone on the line? Can you make/receive calls? Any noise on the phone line?

IME, speedtest are pretty much worthless for anything other than verifying basic connectivity.

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Same for me, Sankamphaeng CM, TOT ( only one available) can't get a decent connection to the UK to download BBC programmes, keeps stopping. ( using Google DNS)

Edited by msg362
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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

Provider/Service: TOT 10/1 Home Internet


Almost all International Websites have a problem.

Speedtest: Bangkok: Ping: 75ms, 7.34mb (Down), 848kb (Up) Not to bad but usually around 9.3mb (Down).

Speedtest: NewYork: Ping: 331ms 0.07 (Down) it takes so long I gave up so I'm not to sure the upspeed.

The Internet usually has speeds of: Ping 26ms, 8-9.5mb (Down), 800-900kb (Up) and never usually has an issue.

Same package, same problem here.

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I have the same TOT package near Chonburi and have the same problem locally speed is okay. Aussie also okay anywhere west of here forget it. Typical download figures are 6Kbs or less local 6Mbs. I would change but who is any better.

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Service provider? Service type? Line characteristics? DNS settings, Ping/Traceroute results? Websites? FTP results? BT issues?

Without a lot of detail, these threads are an exercise in futility; you'll get three people having issues and the other 6 million who have no problems will not post.

No issues on the ~ 12 True DSL installs in metro-Bangkok which I support.

Provider/Service: TOT 10/1 Home Internet


Almost all International Websites have a problem.

Speedtest: Bangkok: Ping: 75ms, 7.34mb (Down), 848kb (Up) Not to bad but usually around 9.3mb (Down).

Speedtest: NewYork: Ping: 331ms 0.07 (Down) it takes so long I gave up so I'm not to sure the upspeed.

The Internet usually has speeds of: Ping 26ms, 8-9.5mb (Down), 800-900kb (Up) and never usually has an issue.

Same package, same problem here.

I live in Nakhon Pathom, speeds here also crashed and burned the last few days.

I am on TOT Home DSL 6 Mb Down; 0.5 Mb Up. It got as bad as 0.68 Down and 0.15 Up. I normally am able to run 2 Java based streaming data stock trading platforms + 3 Outlook web email platforms of my clients + 1-2 more websites + Skype all at the same time with not many issues.

But lately, I can barely get an email off and even that requires closing down nearly all other applications. I called TOT and gave them a good earful as this is not the first time internet here has sucked. Speeds today are back to where they should be. Although Europe and Singapore are very slow; within Thailand, Hong Kong and the US are good.

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As I understand it from a Silicon Valley/US-based internet security/performance enhancement co. that is a client of mine and has in the past been trying sell into CAT, the issues with internet performance in Thailand rest with the handoff between the various ISP's like TOT, True, etc. and CAT. CAT is main connection point for the ISP's to the Internet backbone.

According to my client (this was a couple of years ago when they told me this), there are configuration capatibility issues between CAT and the various ISP's as well as lack of adequate bandwith in various locations. Add to the situation the proliferation of smartphones/tablets among the locals here, who like to use them to watch TV, streaming videos, play online games, etc. and all the ingredients are in place for a speed/bandwith clusterphuck.

Unbelievable such a thing could happen in such a technologically savvy place like the LOS...

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I just did a speedtest using Speedtest.net. All seems to be back to normal for now. The only thing not really fixed is my ping. It's usually around 26ms to a Bangkok server. I've never really seen it much higher than that except in the last few days.

I'm using TOT 10/1mbs home package.

Bangkok= Ping: 67ms Download: 9.78mbs Upload: 0.90mbs

Hong Kong= Ping: 95ms Download: 9.68mbs Upload: 0.89mbs

Singapore= Ping: 75ms Download: 9.85mbs Upload: 0.91mbs

London= Ping: 385ms Download: 9.56mbs Upload: 0.78mbs

New York= Ping: 335ms Download: 9.77mbs Upload: 0.82mbs

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Its 'better' but still unstable.. Peak speeds have started to recover but throughput and consistency is still weak.

On TOT 10 Mbit.

How are people finding the real world use of true ultra cable.. Thinking of having the 20 Mbit offering put in next week,

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