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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Bisexual?


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Why is it that as soon as a hetrosexual man says something that a gay guy does not like they immediatly accuse us of being closet gays?

you really are a moron im not gay whats that got to do with it.wow another ex pat moron in thailand.

by that remark i assume that you are just a moron who does not live in Thailand?

oh and as a post script in 842 posts you are the first to show abuse to another poster ,well done.

I think he has used the wrong quote as I was the one who suggested he could be a closeted gay.

He was so angry about someone suggesting he could be gay that he couldn't concentrate on what he was doing.

He didn't disappoint - this is exactly the response I expected.

Edited by tropo
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I have not read the entire thread, just snippets.

One post mentioned something along the lines of, you are either born gay, bi, or not.

I do not believe it is as cut and dry as that. There is a thing called 'change' there is evolution etc and people do change through their life. Something they may have loved as a youngster or early adult, they may hate with a passion when older.

Up until a year or 3 ago I was never attracted to, nor intrigued by ladyboys, nor obviously any men, even the feminine types at all in any shape or way.

In the last few years I have had some encounters with 3 ladyboys and enjoyed each one, moreso the second and third as the first was just an experiment.

I am not attracted to a ladyboy for any type of relationship other than discreet sexual ones. I have no interest in taking one to lunch or dinner or a movie.

As a transgression of these encounters, I have now been attracted to try an encounter with a man, but not any man, not a big hairy brute with muscles for example. The thought intrigues me to try, but I am not gay in any way shape or form. I would never be interested in it for anything than discrete sexual adventure of the less than vanilla kind.

I am only attracted to females and only look at them in the street and cannot ever see that changing. Because of that, I will also look at very feminine and attractive ladyboys, but they have to be extremely feminine and not the type you see wandering the streets normally or with most foreigners hand in hand, or somewhat sheepishly.

So I am living proof of 2 things here, it is not a 'born like this' phenomena and moving to Thailand can turn you Bi.

And that was the original question ,so for you it did seem to turn you Bi ,thanks for the answer ,but for an original post that i thought would recieve a few replies it does seem to have generated a lot of comments

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I have not read the entire thread, just snippets.

One post mentioned something along the lines of, you are either born gay, bi, or not.

I do not believe it is as cut and dry as that. There is a thing called 'change' there is evolution etc and people do change through their life. Something they may have loved as a youngster or early adult, they may hate with a passion when older.

Up until a year or 3 ago I was never attracted to, nor intrigued by ladyboys, nor obviously any men, even the feminine types at all in any shape or way.

In the last few years I have had some encounters with 3 ladyboys and enjoyed each one, moreso the second and third as the first was just an experiment.

I am not attracted to a ladyboy for any type of relationship other than discreet sexual ones. I have no interest in taking one to lunch or dinner or a movie.

As a transgression of these encounters, I have now been attracted to try an encounter with a man, but not any man, not a big hairy brute with muscles for example. The thought intrigues me to try, but I am not gay in any way shape or form. I would never be interested in it for anything than discrete sexual adventure of the less than vanilla kind.

I am only attracted to females and only look at them in the street and cannot ever see that changing. Because of that, I will also look at very feminine and attractive ladyboys, but they have to be extremely feminine and not the type you see wandering the streets normally or with most foreigners hand in hand, or somewhat sheepishly.

So I am living proof of 2 things here, it is not a 'born like this' phenomena and moving to Thailand can turn you Bi.

You're not changing, you're just letting go and coming out a little. You're still afraid of being caught in the act as you wouldn't be seen with a ladyboy in public. You say you're "obviously" not intrigued by any man. Why would this be obvious when you've admitted that you want to try a man.

I'd say you're a very confused gay or bisexual man.

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2dawgz post supports the theory that a LB is like a gateway drug, a slippery slope, a familiar doorway to new territory. first the LB then the twink, then the full leatherboy.

It certainly does - this will get them all started again....

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Forget how pretty and lady like they look with all the makeup on. How lady like does he look when he's taking the makeup off? 555

I put it down to some inner urge to experiment that has been brewing for some time but he could not experiment in his own back yard due to a number if issues, of which one is surely that in the west they dont look as girly.

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Forget how pretty and lady like they look with all the makeup on. How lady like does he look when he's taking the makeup off? 555

Many ladyboys will look fine without the makeup just as many girls wouldn't.

Have a look at Nok Yollada as one example. She's been on female hormones since age 13, as many of them have been. This means that male secondary sex characteristics are absent. Add to that additional surgical procedures and you're got a super model.



Edited by tropo
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I have not read the entire thread, just snippets.

One post mentioned something along the lines of, you are either born gay, bi, or not.

I do not believe it is as cut and dry as that. There is a thing called 'change' there is evolution etc and people do change through their life. Something they may have loved as a youngster or early adult, they may hate with a passion when older.

Up until a year or 3 ago I was never attracted to, nor intrigued by ladyboys, nor obviously any men, even the feminine types at all in any shape or way.

In the last few years I have had some encounters with 3 ladyboys and enjoyed each one, moreso the second and third as the first was just an experiment.

I am not attracted to a ladyboy for any type of relationship other than discreet sexual ones. I have no interest in taking one to lunch or dinner or a movie.

As a transgression of these encounters, I have now been attracted to try an encounter with a man, but not any man, not a big hairy brute with muscles for example. The thought intrigues me to try, but I am not gay in any way shape or form. I would never be interested in it for anything than discrete sexual adventure of the less than vanilla kind.

I am only attracted to females and only look at them in the street and cannot ever see that changing. Because of that, I will also look at very feminine and attractive ladyboys, but they have to be extremely feminine and not the type you see wandering the streets normally or with most foreigners hand in hand, or somewhat sheepishly.

So I am living proof of 2 things here, it is not a 'born like this' phenomena and moving to Thailand can turn you Bi.

You're not changing, you're just letting go and coming out a little. You're still afraid of being caught in the act as you wouldn't be seen with a ladyboy in public. You say you're "obviously" not intrigued by any man. Why would this be obvious when you've admitted that you want to try a man.

I'd say you're a very confused gay or bisexual man.

Bullshit, not confused at all as I know exactly what I want, what I like and what I might like to try.

Confusion is for weak minded individuals, I am not.

2dawgz post supports the theory that a LB is like a gateway drug, a slippery slope, a familiar doorway to new territory. first the LB then the twink, then the full leatherboy.

I do not agree with this either, much for the very reason that weed is not a gateway to harder substances.

I like weed but have no inclination for anything else, never have, never will.

I do like leatherboys though, very comfy chairs.

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Bullshit, not confused at all as I know exactly what I want, what I like and what I might like to try.

Confusion is for weak minded individuals, I am not.

Maybe you're not confused, but we only have your post to go by, and in that you come across as confused. Perhaps you should read it again and edit out the conflicting statements.

Confusion is confusion, nothing to do with strong or weak minds.

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I have not read the entire thread, just snippets.

One post mentioned something along the lines of, you are either born gay, bi, or not.

I do not believe it is as cut and dry as that. There is a thing called 'change' there is evolution etc and people do change through their life. Something they may have loved as a youngster or early adult, they may hate with a passion when older.

Up until a year or 3 ago I was never attracted to, nor intrigued by ladyboys, nor obviously any men, even the feminine types at all in any shape or way.

In the last few years I have had some encounters with 3 ladyboys and enjoyed each one, moreso the second and third as the first was just an experiment.

I am not attracted to a ladyboy for any type of relationship other than discreet sexual ones. I have no interest in taking one to lunch or dinner or a movie.

As a transgression of these encounters, I have now been attracted to try an encounter with a man, but not any man, not a big hairy brute with muscles for example. The thought intrigues me to try, but I am not gay in any way shape or form. I would never be interested in it for anything than discrete sexual adventure of the less than vanilla kind.

I am only attracted to females and only look at them in the street and cannot ever see that changing. Because of that, I will also look at very feminine and attractive ladyboys, but they have to be extremely feminine and not the type you see wandering the streets normally or with most foreigners hand in hand, or somewhat sheepishly.

So I am living proof of 2 things here, it is not a 'born like this' phenomena and moving to Thailand can turn you Bi.

Good honest answer. I'm sure you represent a lot of men in Thailand, if they would dare to be as candid as you. Of course you will get a bashing from certain individuals now who are convinced that sexual preferences are determined and fixed at birth whistling.gif

I wonder what my preference for coffee was at birth. I used to like 2 sugars, then in my adolescence I switched to no sugar and now in my middle ages I like 1 sugar. I'm so confused biggrin.png

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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



Edited by tropo
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I for one never asserted that most people are BORN gay, straight, trans, or bi.

However lots of evidence does suggest that sexual orientation in MEN is usually set in concrete at an EARLY age and that sexual orientation is much less fluid in men than in women. Early doesn't mean the same thing as a baby. It can also extend to sexual feelings and experiences as teenagers. Got it?

One person reporting a personal experience about anything proves nothing about wider theories related to the scientific sexual field.

There is now some evidence, in the earlier stages, that some people ARE born gay. But even if that turns out to be true, that doesn't mean that all people who become gay adults fit into that subset.

Bottom line, human sexuality is a massively complex field that spans a lot of academic areas.

Edited by Jingthing
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I wonder what my preference for coffee was at birth. I used to like 2 sugars, then in my adolescence I switched to no sugar and now in my middle ages I like 1 sugar. I'm so confused biggrin.png

... so your theory is that sexual orientation equates to food & beverage preferences.


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Forget how pretty and lady like they look with all the makeup on. How lady like does he look when he's taking the makeup off? 555

Many ladyboys will look fine without the makeup just as many girls wouldn't.

Have a look at Nok Yollada as one example. She's been on female hormones since age 13, as many of them have been. This means that male secondary sex characteristics are absent. Add to that additional surgical procedures and you're got a super model.



I must say that when you look at the pictures it would seem tempting ,but to be honest phycologicaly if it came to it i would still think in my mind that she was a man at birth, however as i will never be put in that position i will never put it to the test.

Edited by thenervoussurgeon
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Forget how pretty and lady like they look with all the makeup on. How lady like does he look when he's taking the makeup off? 555

Many ladyboys will look fine without the makeup just as many girls wouldn't.

Have a look at Nok Yollada as one example. She's been on female hormones since age 13, as many of them have been. This means that male secondary sex characteristics are absent. Add to that additional surgical procedures and you're got a super model.



She / he / she-he is fit

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I for one never asserted that most people are BORN gay, straight, trans, or bi.

However lots of evidence does suggest that sexual orientation in MEN is usually set in concrete at an EARLY age and that sexual orientation is much less fluid in men than in women. Early doesn't mean the same thing as a baby. It can also extend to sexual feelings and experiences as teenagers. Got it?

One person reporting a personal experience about anything proves nothing about wider theories related to the scientific sexual field.

There is now some evidence, in the earlier stages, that some people ARE born gay. But even if that turns out to be true, that doesn't mean that all people who become gay adults fit into that subset.

Bottom line, human sexuality is a massively complex field that spans a lot of academic areas.

Nok Yollada was running around the house in girl's clothes when she was a little boy - and stealing her mother's makeup.... long before any sex hormones kicked in.

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Am I stupid... or a little naive,

Maybe. If you went to your room with a ladyboy and didn't pay her, that's stupid (because it is dangerous). She has no obligation to explain everything to you. If you think that they will always divulge full details before you go with them, that's naive.

Yes, there would be "normal" heterosexual men around who have had sex with ladyboys and didn't even know it. I don't want to go into graphic details about how this can be achieved so you'll have to use your imagination, but it's doable as ladyboys are very skilled at hiding their penises. Here we're discussing p4p, not dating. It's a cut throat business.

I have no idea why you would consider sex with a ladyboy "disgusting". That's a bit over the top, isn't it? That's the type of comment I would expect from my 82 year old church going mother, not a person living in Thailand.

Maybe. If you went to your room with a ladyboy and didn't pay her, that's stupid (because it is dangerous). She has no obligation to explain everything to you. If you think that they will always divulge full details before you go with them, that's naive.

Naive I maybe, stupid I hope not, nonetheless, I will never pay a man for going to bed, I never ever had the smallest problem in LOS but in that case maybe I would have, on the other hand, I practiced english boxing at a good level, I never ever hit first but believe me it's like bicycle, one never forget I know how to defend myself that is why I am not aggressive at all, it's only theoretical for I do not butterfly since I am very happy with my Thai wifewub.png

I love your last sentence!

First of all if you read me properly I said first that I do not want to hurt any one, and said clearly disgusting FOR ME because whether you like it or not I certainly do not wish to go to be bed with another penis, in Thailand or on the moon.

But not at all disgusting if other people do it, it's certainly none of my business so I do not use my imaginationrolleyes.gif

I said too I could be friend with gay and ladyboy... as far as I do not have to go further, your 82 years old church going mother maybe not... not sure in fact for neither you nor me know every nooks and crannies of your mother's mind LOL

Plus let me add it's impossible for me to believe what you said "Yes, there would be "normal" heterosexual men around who have had sex with ladyboys and didn't even know it". Not only I dot not believe but it's ridiculous or they just had a blow-job or something, otherwise those men are naive (like me) plus real fool!

PS: For your information I am not a native English speaker (sorry) so may be I am not capable of making myself understood properly in the Shakespeare's language?.. even thought I do my best but not easy sometimes smile.png

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Forget how pretty and lady like they look with all the makeup on. How lady like does he look when he's taking the makeup off? 555

Many ladyboys will look fine without the makeup just as many girls wouldn't.

Have a look at Nok Yollada as one example. She's been on female hormones since age 13, as many of them have been. This means that male secondary sex characteristics are absent. Add to that additional surgical procedures and you're got a super model.



I must say that when you look at the pictures it would seem tempting ,but to be honest phycologicaly if it came to it i would still think in my mind that she was a man at birth, however as i will never be put in that position i will never put it to the test.

Mate, just print the pictures and take them to the bathroom to conduct your own "test".... no need to report back here with the results, but at least you might start to understand what tropo et al have been trying to explain to you after your experience

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Plus let me add it's impossible for me to believe what you said "Yes, there would be "normal" heterosexual men around who have had sex with ladyboys and didn't even know it". Not only I dot not believe but it's ridiculous or they just had a blow-job or something, otherwise those men are naive (like me) plus real fool!

I understand many would have difficulty believing this, but if a guy is only interested in anal action, the deed could easily be completed without full disclosure.

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Plus let me add it's impossible for me to believe what you said "Yes, there would be "normal" heterosexual men around who have had sex with ladyboys and didn't even know it". Not only I dot not believe but it's ridiculous or they just had a blow-job or something, otherwise those men are naive (like me) plus real fool!

I understand many would have difficulty believing this, but if a guy is only interested in anal action, the deed could easily be completed without full disclosure.

Hmmm, only 2 stops on that round the world ticket? I'll fly a different airline, thanks.
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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



Sometimes not possible on sight alone, but I have never failed to pick one when all senses are available.

So yes, I have never been fooled.

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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



Sometimes not possible on sight alone, but I have never failed to pick one when all senses are available.

So yes, I have never been fooled.

Do they ever complain when you sniff them in the street?

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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



Sometimes not possible on sight alone, but I have never failed to pick one when all senses are available.

So yes, I have never been fooled.

Do they ever complain when you sniff them in the street?

Not practical amongst the sewers.

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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



Sometimes not possible on sight alone, but I have never failed to pick one when all senses are available.

So yes, I have never been fooled.

I was referring to guys looking for girls accidentally getting a ladyboy. You were looking for ladyboys, but even then, you said you've only done 3 so far, so you don't have much of a track record yet.

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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



Sometimes not possible on sight alone, but I have never failed to pick one when all senses are available.

So yes, I have never been fooled.

I was referring to guys looking for girls accidentally getting a ladyboy. You were looking for ladyboys, but even then, you said you've only done 3 so far, so you don't have much of a track record yet.

You do not have to Do to gain experience.

I have been wondering throughout this thread if there is a light in tropo's closet ?

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I wonder what my preference for coffee was at birth. I used to like 2 sugars, then in my adolescence I switched to no sugar and now in my middle ages I like 1 sugar. I'm so confused biggrin.png

... so your theory is that sexual orientation equates to food & beverage preferences.


That food stuff has always interested me.


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I forgot to mention that this little stunner made some fake ID and entered and won many female beauty pageants. Perhaps this will educate the geniuses out there that claim they would never be fooled.



A claim that one could never be fooled rings hollow without some statistics. How many and how close and under what conditions did they make a determination? 1000 lady boys, one at a time, late at night in a suite of rooms with at least one pole dancing station after 12 beers and that might be impressive.

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I for one never asserted that most people are BORN gay, straight, trans, or bi.

However lots of evidence does suggest that sexual orientation in MEN is usually set in concrete at an EARLY age and that sexual orientation is much less fluid in men than in women. Early doesn't mean the same thing as a baby. It can also extend to sexual feelings and experiences as teenagers. Got it?

One person reporting a personal experience about anything proves nothing about wider theories related to the scientific sexual field.

There is now some evidence, in the earlier stages, that some people ARE born gay. But even if that turns out to be true, that doesn't mean that all people who become gay adults fit into that subset.

Bottom line, human sexuality is a massively complex field that spans a lot of academic areas.

Nok Yollada was running around the house in girl's clothes when she was a little boy - and stealing her mother's makeup.... long before any sex hormones kicked in.

Yes that happens, but not always.
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