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Rowdy Students Severely Beat High School Teacher: Samut Prakan

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Rowdy students pummel high school teacher

By Coconuts Bangkok

SAMUT PRAKAN: -- A school teacher was set upon and severely beaten by a gang of high-school students and their relatives at a school in Samut Prakan’s tough Samrong District on Wednesday.

Earlier the same day, unknown parties had lobbed three “ping pong ball” explosives into the grounds of Khlong Krathum Rat Bamrung Uthit School. Fortunately, no students were injured by the blasts.

That evening, Panya Chanyoi, a 41-year-old teacher, was checking the school’s perimeter on a scooter as a security measure following the attack.

He had also received reports that students from another institution planned to attack pupils from his school later that day.

Later in the evening, Panya came across three teenage students on two motorbikes: Tun, 15, Iang, 14, and Phon, 15. Their names have been changed in accordance with Thai law.

When he confronted them, they gave him “the finger”, so he took down their names and ID numbers.

The teenagers cursed at him, so he slapped Tun and Phon on the head. Then Iang and Phon rode away on their motorbike, shouting that they were going to come back to get their revenge. [more...]

Full story: http://www.coconutsb...school-teacher/

-- COCONUTS Bangkok 2012-08-20


Tun, 15, Iang, 14, and Phon, 15. Their names have been changed in accordance with Thai law.

Now, who could've guessed that ! :rolleyes:


No teacher has the right to slap a student. I thought corpral punishment was banned in civilised societies 40 yrs ago. However having said that the teacher didn't deserve to be set upon by a group of thugs. The best course of action for the students would have been to report it thier parents and then the students and parents take it up with the school principal. The teacher would face disciplinary action and possible criminal charges and very possibly dismissed by the education department.

Getting a gang of people to beat on an individual is a display of complete cowardice by all. It appears that the brother did not have the guts to go and speak to the teacher alone, (probably not his place to anyway) All they have achieved is transfering the aggressor into the victim.

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By abusing your position and resorting to violence as a teacher you are just reinforcing the misconception that violence is an acceptable means of enforcing your authority. I have very little sympathy with someone who acts violently and gets the favour returned in kind.

He has no right to be slapping children around. As well, he would be stupid to do that, and not think they would lose face and come back to get even. Som nam na I guess.


While clearly students shouldn't be beating up teachers for any reason the old saying "violence begets violence" comes to mind... what the hell is any teacher doing slapping children in the head?

And how about the old saying 'He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes'. (Proverbs 13:24)

Unfortunately parents reluctance to discipline has led to today's 'spoilt brat' society where a child thinks they can do anything if denied what they want. @Chooka talks about civilised societies but from world news I fail to see any of these. Today the news is full of rioting and looting everywhere and when caught on camera the majority appear to be youngsters.

If you want to get biblical how about "an eye for an eye"...?! The bible is full of utter contradictions and as a manual for learning life skills is somewhat lacking I'm afraid.

Please save us the "in my day" BS. If you can't see that the way your parents treated you and you in turn treated your children has led us to the current situation today you are totally blinkered. The "kids of today" learnt their tricks from someone, guess who it was? The kids of yesteryear, their parents... and them before them. The fact is violence only leads to more violence and is no way to educate someone in a modern society.

What goes around comes around, you slap someone about the head, expect to get slapped yourself, you can debate the rights and wrongs to your hearts content but that won't heal your wounds... perhaps a better bible quote would be that one about doing unto others as you would have done to yourself.

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I find it perfectly acceptable that having given a gobshite little spoilt brat of a kid a clip round the ear for being a cheeky gob <deleted> spoilt little brat with no understanding of respet for anyone, older or not, this Head Teacher was smashed in the face with a motorbike helmut, and then set upon by the gang of grown men and a few kids until he was pummelled. I also find it completely acceptable that when a female teacher tried to intervene she was threatened and called a Bitch. This is completely normal behaviour and they should be applauded for standing up for themselves; the whole gang of them en masse, against the nasty vindictive head teacher who dared to touch a hair on the head of one of the little turds.

well actually, no. I don't think this is acceptable, What planet are all you fluffy Thai defenders on where you leap to the defence of these bastards? Seriously! What is wrong with you. He is the head teacher. These "untouchable" kids mouth off at him, no doubt in a threatening manner, and he cuffs on. So according to the "when in Thailand" brigade therefore it is open season for him to have his head smashed in. Do you seriously believe that this is positive thing in society? Beggars belief.

So it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to hit students over the head for using bad language?! In what society?

I can't see any people commending the retaliation assault in this thread (apart from your own dramatic attempt at sarcasm), just pointing out that that the teacher had no right to use violence, specifically not blows to the head - This is Thailand, surely even you understand the connotations of touching another persons head, let alone hitting them? As a teacher he should have known better.

If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

I expect parents and soap-box society commentators will see this one quite differently...

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Being a teacher you must show patience for the students. A student giving a teacher the bird goes with the territory and therefore the teacher has no right and authority to discipline the child. Slapping another person child is probably not in the job description. Now as far as being smashed in the face with a motor bike helmet that is assault with a deadly weapon and the striker should be severally punished. Pinpong bombs being thrown into the school should warrant some kind of government or police protection around the school 24 hrs a day. At the end of the day sounds like everybody in this story have set a bad example for the future of Thailand.

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Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

Aye, the good old days, when exactly are we talking? Earlier last century when the world ripped itself apart twice and people killed millions upon millions of each other or shall we go back further to a time when women were regularly burned as witches and millions were killed in the name of religion while the poor starved? When was this perfect, idyllic time that you speak of?


Every week, we heard story of student brawl, student killing each other, student caught with knife, gun, ping pong ball. Student who are not even yet 18 y.o.

And every week we got weirdo-troll-thai apologist moaning : "its petty offense, its happen all over the world, blah blah"

For once a courageous teacher try to bring order, but got his face smashed.... And we have the weirdo-troll-thai apologist moaning: "he deserve it..."

Some people on this webboard really deserve to get their head smashed with a helmet.

What a perfectly balanced perspective you bring to this discussion... I personally love the way that you label anyone that doesn't support your own perspective a "weirdo-troll-thai apologist", that lends such credibility to your post...! Then insinuating that they should also be subjected to a violent assault themselves.. pure class! Only on TV!

Yes, what a "courageous teacher" smacking two teenagers about the head for use of bad language... he should be commended, perhaps a medal ceremony? A Silver star for violent bravery in the face of confused adolescence perhaps?!

Of course by the same token, if any teenager is now fair game for a beating because others have done something wrong in the past we should cull all Muslims in Thailand because a few are violent fundamentalists, in fact a few Buddhists have stepped out of line in the past, let's add them to the fair game for a beating list and those Christians are a dodgy group, throw them in for good measure... in fact by your guilty by proxy/ association definition, who isn't liable for an open season beating? I heard there was an elderly gent in Pattaya arrested for being a kiddie-fiddler, let's add all the OAPs of the world in to, dirty old b'stards... etc etc etc Do you get the point or need I go on? coffee1.gif


If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

Exactly. As well, just because some of you feel that hitting, slapping, and other forms of abuse are going to actually improve somebody's behaviour, doesn't mean it will. No doubt there are many irresponsible children out there who could use some discipline. As well, they need people they can look up to. If some yobbish headteacher gives his example of discipline by smacking youngsters on the head, how in the world is he to think that they will not learn from his example and do the same back? Possibly if he had been able to calm himself down and speak to them reasonably they would not have reacted in a violent way back to him.

There seem to be a lot of old timers on this board who love the idea of older men spanking, pinching and smacking boys to get them to behave. These same people also seem to revel about the times they were spanked and smacked and pinched as the "good old days". Quite curious!

Understand your points entirely. But as if often the case what happens when the teacher informs the parents of the 'yobbish' behavior and the parents turn around and show no interest in the behavior of their son or daughter and even less in rectifying it. The parents lack of corrective action reinforces the sense of impunity in their offspring and as a result all of society has to accept the behaviour.

What's the solution move the student to a different school. That simple makes it someones else problems. I spent 5 years teaching in secondary schools in the UK before coming to Thailand and believe me often the parents were more aggressive towards the teachers than the students and on several occasions when i confronted parents about the behaviour of their children they simply told me " that's your problem you sort it out" whilst their child sneers from behind the back of the parents ' you can't do nuffin' and they were right!

So the simple point I'm trying to make is that often the parents see their children's bad behavior as someone else's problem and assuming all parents will have the same sense of responsibility towards the upbringing of their children as you do is simplistic. So if the teachers don't have the tools to rectify students behaviour and parents don't care - What's your solution?

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Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Agree 100%. You never saw or heard of a student touching a teacher when I went to school in the 60's and 70's. The teacher should not have touched the kids for giving him the finger I agree, but how are we to know the tension that is surrounding this school and many more like it. We only hear a few of the stories and I'm sure it's a battle ground out there.

Touch what?

Touch where?


I find it perfectly acceptable that having given a gobshite little spoilt brat of a kid a clip round the ear for being a cheeky gob <deleted> spoilt little brat with no understanding of respet for anyone, older or not, this Head Teacher was smashed in the face with a motorbike helmut, and then set upon by the gang of grown men and a few kids until he was pummelled. I also find it completely acceptable that when a female teacher tried to intervene she was threatened and called a Bitch. This is completely normal behaviour and they should be applauded for standing up for themselves; the whole gang of them en masse, against the nasty vindictive head teacher who dared to touch a hair on the head of one of the little turds.

well actually, no. I don't think this is acceptable, What planet are all you fluffy Thai defenders on where you leap to the defence of these bastards? Seriously! What is wrong with you. He is the head teacher. These "untouchable" kids mouth off at him, no doubt in a threatening manner, and he cuffs on. So according to the "when in Thailand" brigade therefore it is open season for him to have his head smashed in. Do you seriously believe that this is positive thing in society? Beggars belief.

So it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to hit students over the head for using bad language?! In what society?

I can't see any people commending the retaliation assault in this thread (apart from your own dramatic attempt at sarcasm), just pointing out that that the teacher had no right to use violence, specifically not blows to the head - This is Thailand, surely even you understand the connotations of touching another persons head, let alone hitting them? As a teacher he should have known better.

If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

I expect parents and soap-box society commentators will see this one quite differently...

Oh c'mon. Corporal punishment in Thailand, and much of East Asia for that matter, is the norm. Many Thai teachers strike their (especially male) students when there is misbehaving. In Korea, it is worse. The 39 year-old, head ajarn was given the finger when he first questioned the three youths. That is deviant, highly disrespectful behavior in a country that bestows inordinate respect to the elderly and teachers in general. So he did what many teachers before him have done: he struck the boys on the head, which he would be in a position to do as an ajarn significantly the senior of any of the boys. The older brother of one of the boys came back and, with the others, beat the teacher senseless. Stories like this are exactly why elderly Thai people are always lamenting the complete collapse of their culture. This story defies everything Thai culture is supposed to stand for: respect for seniority, teachers, jai yen, etc.

Please don't try to scrub this off as a Thai cultural issue - it has never been acceptable for any teacher to strike a child about the head in Thailand. Beating on the legs/ arms with bamboo? In the past yes, much like the cane in Europe, but I can't recall head trauma ever being a cultural icon of discipline, can you?

Was the teacher really such a paragon of Thai cultural values? Jai Yen? I think not... I think you fail to miss the point that the reaction was actually appropriate to Thai cultural beliefs... Please go outside, find a young thai misbehaving and strike them about the head...better yet, go and pat a few Thai males on their heads and see what transpires.

Oh yes, the good old days of Thailand... those heady days of social responsibility, equality and justice, get a grip!


If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

Exactly. As well, just because some of you feel that hitting, slapping, and other forms of abuse are going to actually improve somebody's behaviour, doesn't mean it will. No doubt there are many irresponsible children out there who could use some discipline. As well, they need people they can look up to. If some yobbish headteacher gives his example of discipline by smacking youngsters on the head, how in the world is he to think that they will not learn from his example and do the same back? Possibly if he had been able to calm himself down and speak to them reasonably they would not have reacted in a violent way back to him.

There seem to be a lot of old timers on this board who love the idea of older men spanking, pinching and smacking boys to get them to behave. These same people also seem to revel about the times they were spanked and smacked and pinched as the "good old days". Quite curious!

Understand your points entirely. But as if often the case what happens when the teacher informs the parents of the 'yobbish' behavior and the parents turn around and show no interest in the behavior of their son or daughter and even less in rectifying it. The parents lack of corrective action reinforces the sense of impunity in their offspring and as a result all of society has to accept the behaviour.

What's the solution move the student to a different school. That simple makes it someones else problems. I spent 5 years teaching in secondary schools in the UK before coming to Thailand and believe me often the parents were more aggressive towards the teachers than the students and on several occasions when i confronted parents about the behaviour of their children they simply told me " that's your problem you sort it out" whilst their child sneers from behind the back of the parents ' you can't do nuffin' and they were right!

So the simple point I'm trying to make is that often the parents see their children's bad behavior as someone else's problem and assuming all parents will have the same sense of responsibility towards the upbringing of their children as you do is simplistic. So if the teachers don't have the tools to rectify students behaviour and parents don't care - What's your solution?

Sorry, I know this wasn't directed at me but your post begs the question that surely it is just as wrong to assume that all parents have no sense of responsibility towards the upbringing of their children and take it upon yourself to discipline them violently with a blow to the head?

Solution? Well that's simple, don't hit students randomly about the head for use of bad language and you'll stand much less chance of being violently assaulted for doing so...


If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

Now, I use this phrase advisably because, well, we don't exactly get along. However, I don't think one of your children would be part of a gang like this, and if it was raised to your attention I guess that assuming it was not Kaftan wash day or something, you would actually discipline your kids.

However, these are not your kids. Their behavior smacks of spoilt little mummy boys that Thailand pops out at a ratio of 90 brats to 10 decent members of the human race. If the head teacher went to his parents to complain, do you believe the result would have been something different? Or could there have been a couple of uncles, a dad, and a grandad all giving him a kicking as well, whilst mummy brought little somchai to her titties for milk time consoling him be being told off by the brute teacher.

Unless you have completely given up on your upbringing and culture and imparting that to your kids, you can not compare your reaction to the local reaction. The brother smashed him in the face. THis is not exactly a model family.


Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

Aye, the good old days, when exactly are we talking? Earlier last century when the world ripped itself apart twice and people killed millions upon millions of each other or shall we go back further to a time when women were regularly burned as witches and millions were killed in the name of religion while the poor starved? When was this perfect, idyllic time that you speak of?

I don't follow the reasoning here, it's because of all these new fangled liberal PC laws that parents are being prevented from disciplining their kids. Also anybody who feels that a 'clip round the ear' merits being put in a hospital bed doesn't know the meaning of proportion. If a mosquito bites you is your reaction to toss a grenade in the room?

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