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Rowdy Students Severely Beat High School Teacher: Samut Prakan

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I find it perfectly acceptable that having given a gobshite little spoilt brat of a kid a clip round the ear for being a cheeky gob <deleted> spoilt little brat with no understanding of respet for anyone, older or not, this Head Teacher was smashed in the face with a motorbike helmut, and then set upon by the gang of grown men and a few kids until he was pummelled. I also find it completely acceptable that when a female teacher tried to intervene she was threatened and called a Bitch. This is completely normal behaviour and they should be applauded for standing up for themselves; the whole gang of them en masse, against the nasty vindictive head teacher who dared to touch a hair on the head of one of the little turds.

well actually, no. I don't think this is acceptable, What planet are all you fluffy Thai defenders on where you leap to the defence of these bastards? Seriously! What is wrong with you. He is the head teacher. These "untouchable" kids mouth off at him, no doubt in a threatening manner, and he cuffs on. So according to the "when in Thailand" brigade therefore it is open season for him to have his head smashed in. Do you seriously believe that this is positive thing in society? Beggars belief.

So it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to hit students over the head for using bad language?! In what society?

I can't see any people commending the retaliation assault in this thread (apart from your own dramatic attempt at sarcasm), just pointing out that that the teacher had no right to use violence, specifically not blows to the head - This is Thailand, surely even you understand the connotations of touching another persons head, let alone hitting them? As a teacher he should have known better.

If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

I expect parents and soap-box society commentators will see this one quite differently...

Oh c'mon. Corporal punishment in Thailand, and much of East Asia for that matter, is the norm. Many Thai teachers strike their (especially male) students when there is misbehaving. In Korea, it is worse. The 39 year-old, head ajarn was given the finger when he first questioned the three youths. That is deviant, highly disrespectful behavior in a country that bestows inordinate respect to the elderly and teachers in general. So he did what many teachers before him have done: he struck the boys on the head, which he would be in a position to do as an ajarn significantly the senior of any of the boys. The older brother of one of the boys came back and, with the others, beat the teacher senseless. Stories like this are exactly why elderly Thai people are always lamenting the complete collapse of their culture. This story defies everything Thai culture is supposed to stand for: respect for seniority, teachers, jai yen, etc.

Please don't try to scrub this off as a Thai cultural issue - it has never been acceptable for any teacher to strike a child about the head in Thailand. Beating on the legs/ arms with bamboo? In the past yes, much like the cane in Europe, but I can't recall head trauma ever being a cultural icon of discipline, can you?

Never heard of a 'clip round the ear' - are you still in nappies or something?whistling.gif


If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

Now, I use this phrase advisably because, well, we don't exactly get along. However, I don't think one of your children would be part of a gang like this, and if it was raised to your attention I guess that assuming it was not Kaftan wash day or something, you would actually discipline your kids.

However, these are not your kids. Their behavior smacks of spoilt little mummy boys that Thailand pops out at a ratio of 90 brats to 10 decent members of the human race. If the head teacher went to his parents to complain, do you believe the result would have been something different? Or could there have been a couple of uncles, a dad, and a grandad all giving him a kicking as well, whilst mummy brought little somchai to her titties for milk time consoling him be being told off by the brute teacher.

Unless you have completely given up on your upbringing and culture and imparting that to your kids, you can not compare your reaction to the local reaction. The brother smashed him in the face. THis is not exactly a model family.

Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Next time I see your kid messing up and I clip him round the ear, you are ok with that?

Although your question was directed at PattayaPhom, if that was Sysardman jr showing disrespect for authority you would have my blessing!!!!!


Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

Aye, the good old days, when exactly are we talking? Earlier last century when the world ripped itself apart twice and people killed millions upon millions of each other or shall we go back further to a time when women were regularly burned as witches and millions were killed in the name of religion while the poor starved? When was this perfect, idyllic time that you speak of?

I don't follow the reasoning here, it's because of all these new fangled liberal PC laws that parents are being prevented from disciplining their kids. Also anybody who feels that a 'clip round the ear' merits being put in a hospital bed doesn't know the meaning of proportion. If a mosquito bites you is your reaction to toss a grenade in the room?

No I kill it... your point is?

Sorry but what new fangled PC laws preventing parents disciplining children are you talking about? When exactly was slapping a child in the head acceptable behaviour for a teacher?


Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

Exactly right - this is exactly right. Raised by a generation who believe corruption is better than fair play and hard work (if you can avoid hard work with corruption that is), where earning something through merit is 5th place to bribes, nepotism, sycophancy, and bullying; a generation who believes personal accountability starts and end when paying for their lunch or tin of beer. A generation where the men are tied to their mommies aprons no matter how old they are and can do no wrong. What's the old saying; it takes a village to raise a child. The Village of Thailand is rotten and the odd one or two like this teacher, like the prison guard murdered for doing his job properly, like the cop who was hounded to the point where he topped himself for doing his job with integrity. These unfortunates are the black sheep of the village where instead they should be held up as the true role models.

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Never heard of a 'clip round the ear' - are you still in nappies or something?whistling.gif

It's quite clear you are simply trolling now, in an ironically childish fashion given your comment...thumbsup.gif

I guess the whole head connotation in Thailand was lost on you... ah well, I guess "head" has only one meaning in the bars of Pattaya...whistling.gif


If one of my children used bad language at school I would expect the teacher to inform me so that as a parent I could punish them accordingly. If I was informed that a teacher, or anyone else for that matter, had taken it upon themselves to assault any member of my family you better believe that I would respond appropriately.

Now, I use this phrase advisably because, well, we don't exactly get along. However, I don't think one of your children would be part of a gang like this, and if it was raised to your attention I guess that assuming it was not Kaftan wash day or something, you would actually discipline your kids.

However, these are not your kids. Their behavior smacks of spoilt little mummy boys that Thailand pops out at a ratio of 90 brats to 10 decent members of the human race. If the head teacher went to his parents to complain, do you believe the result would have been something different? Or could there have been a couple of uncles, a dad, and a grandad all giving him a kicking as well, whilst mummy brought little somchai to her titties for milk time consoling him be being told off by the brute teacher.

Unless you have completely given up on your upbringing and culture and imparting that to your kids, you can not compare your reaction to the local reaction. The brother smashed him in the face. THis is not exactly a model family.

Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

What utter rubbish!!!! I'm assuming that if you can write you can read too. The article clearly states that the older brother and a gang of men including the students set upon the teacher. They aren't even honourable enough to go one on one, the bunch of little @#$@$ cowards. If they had a beef against the teacher they should have gone to the police and not resorted to mob rule.

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Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

This is lovely - just like the good old day heh Mr F?

OK - So you are making a lot of speculation as well. Mr Head Teacher heard that troublemakers from another school were coming to make trouble, on the same day no doubt that the bombs flew in. Teach, very bravely, checks around the place for the protection of the kids at his school. That is very brave as KIDS WERE THROWING BOMBS in his school earlier in the morning. Sees 3 kids, asks them what they are doing. They get aggressive. He cuffs them. Has his face smashed in. Bombs. 3 bombs. Small bombs for sure; small bombs take off limbs. Small bombs blind. Small bombs kill. Would you be brave enough to check the perimeter when you are actually a teacher? Not a Soldier? (guessing he paid his way out of national service like most other educated people do here).

Maybe he was wrong to cuff the kid. The kids deserved it for sure, but maybe he was wrong. However, a normal reaction of a matured adult (parent) is to go in and ask what happened, not to barge in, say "who hit my brother" and smash someone in the face, beat to a pulp, and threaten a female teacher who probably saved the guys life.

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Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Next time I see your kid messing up and I clip him round the ear, you are ok with that?

Are you a teacher? If not, then you post is pointless.


Looks like a number of posters kids go to fee paying schools. The children where I live, Pattaya, go to government schools & if they are rude to the teacher they sometimes get a slap around the head. They tell the parents & the response is "your fault". None of this OMG head trauma! The parents do whack the kids when they are out of order & very quickly get a wai & apology.

  • Like 2
Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Next time I see your kid messing up and I clip him round the ear, you are ok with that?

Are you a teacher? If not, then you post is pointless.

I am not a teacher, but have no compunction at all in telling kids to behave. Just because some people are no prepared to be parents to their children preferring to be cool, and be their friend, does not mean the rest of the world has to put up with their tantrums and histrionics. Kids need to learn right and wrong. When a whole society just sits back and smile whilst the kids do what ever they like, you end up with a massively dysfunctional society. Thailand. Land of smiles.

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Never heard of a 'clip round the ear' - are you still in nappies or something?whistling.gif

It's quite clear you are simply trolling now, in an ironically childish fashion given your comment...thumbsup.gif

I guess the whole head connotation in Thailand was lost on you... ah well, I guess "head" has only one meaning in the bars of Pattaya...whistling.gif

Not trolling but to most people 'a clip round the ear' is a very familiar term.

As for your second point, I happen to live amongst Thais where the only farang are ones that pass now and again on motorbikes. I can assure you the whole head thing is not strictly observed and is only a thing touted in guide books for tourists. Please throw your Lonely Planet guide in the trash and come and live in the real world (and that is not Pattaya).


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I may have missed whilst scanning through the posts and my appologies if I have, but this school we are refering to, is it a private school or a government school. People are talking about the spoilt little kids of the elite so I can only assume it is a private school.

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I may have missed whilst scanning through the posts and my appologies if I have, but this school we are refering to, is it a private school or a government school. People are talking about the spoilt little kids of the elite so I can only assume it is a private school.

No one is mentioning spoilt little kids related to any particular school type. Just spoilt little brats in general.


Looks like a number of posters kids go to fee paying schools. The children where I live, Pattaya, go to government schools & if they are rude to the teacher they sometimes get a slap around the head. They tell the parents & the response is "your fault". None of this OMG head trauma! The parents do whack the kids when they are out of order & very quickly get a wai & apology.

And perhaps that's where the culture of violence originates??!!! No what am I thinking, it's these lunatic kids that dropped out of space and started misbehaving... a few good slaps about the head should solve that surely??!!!


Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Kids these days learned from kids before them (called their parents) who in turn learnt from kids before them (yes, you guessed it, their parents). A convenient lack of responsibility from previous generations has led to any problems society currently has... these "youngsters" did not land on earth from outer space, they were born and raised in a society created by previous generations of their own kin.

Aye, the good old days, when exactly are we talking? Earlier last century when the world ripped itself apart twice and people killed millions upon millions of each other or shall we go back further to a time when women were regularly burned as witches and millions were killed in the name of religion while the poor starved? When was this perfect, idyllic time that you speak of?

I don't follow the reasoning here, it's because of all these new fangled liberal PC laws that parents are being prevented from disciplining their kids. Also anybody who feels that a 'clip round the ear' merits being put in a hospital bed doesn't know the meaning of proportion. If a mosquito bites you is your reaction to toss a grenade in the room?

No I kill it... your point is?

Sorry but what new fangled PC laws preventing parents disciplining children are you talking about? When exactly was slapping a child in the head acceptable behaviour for a teacher?

Well I went to a fairly good grammar school and it was not uncommon to have a quick clout from the teacher if we misbehaved and to everybody (teachers, parents, students) that was accepted and I am not talking about too many decades ago.

Thing is we didn't get students coming into school with assault rifles and handguns killing everone in sight because they got bad grades or something - or are you going to defend them too.

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Students today. ummm. I remember when I was at school and got into a fight with another guy (just providing some entertainment for students during lunch) we were marched up to the Principals Office where we both got two of best on the palms with the strap. When we walked out of the office we were cult figures school yard heros before our fellow students and the school yard was ours for the afternoon. (incidently we became lifetime friends after that) We never ran home to tell the parents because we knew we would get six of best from mum or dad. What happened in school yard always stayed in the school yard.

Yep, that's the way it was once. If you were out of line you got the cane accross your palm. You knew the risks and accepted it.

But your biggest fear was your parents finding out!

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Looks like a number of posters kids go to fee paying schools. The children where I live, Pattaya, go to government schools & if they are rude to the teacher they sometimes get a slap around the head. They tell the parents & the response is "your fault". None of this OMG head trauma! The parents do whack the kids when they are out of order & very quickly get a wai & apology.

And perhaps that's where the culture of violence originates??!!! No what am I thinking, it's these lunatic kids that dropped out of space and started misbehaving... a few good slaps about the head should solve that surely??!!!

Mr F - What other consequences work for kids then? I mean really work? Telling a kid a thousand times to do something; what if they do bad again? What you going to do, tell them not to again? A clip round the ears works. A slap around the legs works. It just does. Fine line between discipline and abuse for sure, but in nature every animal effectively uses a clip round the ears to their young to keep them on the straight and narrow. Just like abusive parents, there are very bad drivers as well. Do we ban driving? No, because for the most it is the best way to get from A-B. Same with raising kids.

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Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

This is lovely - just like the good old day heh Mr F?

OK - So you are making a lot of speculation as well. Mr Head Teacher heard that troublemakers from another school were coming to make trouble, on the same day no doubt that the bombs flew in. Teach, very bravely, checks around the place for the protection of the kids at his school. That is very brave as KIDS WERE THROWING BOMBS in his school earlier in the morning. Sees 3 kids, asks them what they are doing. They get aggressive. He cuffs them. Has his face smashed in. Bombs. 3 bombs. Small bombs for sure; small bombs take off limbs. Small bombs blind. Small bombs kill. Would you be brave enough to check the perimeter when you are actually a teacher? Not a Soldier? (guessing he paid his way out of national service like most other educated people do here).

Maybe he was wrong to cuff the kid. The kids deserved it for sure, but maybe he was wrong. However, a normal reaction of a matured adult (parent) is to go in and ask what happened, not to barge in, say "who hit my brother" and smash someone in the face, beat to a pulp, and threaten a female teacher who probably saved the guys life.

I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!

The fact is that there is no evidence linking these students to anything other than bad language, not even an allegation from the teacher concerned. The facts are as I reported - "Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head"... yes following that and in direct response one of the students brother decided to kick the sh@t out of the teacher. Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with, can't recall anyone disputing that or defending his reaction only acknowledging that they can understand why he did it. Pretty obvious really, the teacher was out of order, so was the brother, both guilty of a lack of self control and assault... but one was direct cause for the other, hence focusing on the actions of the teacher. In my mind the kids were simply being kids, by their very nature they push the boundaries, copy the actions of others and look to the elders (and supposedly betters) to set an example. Sadly with teachers like this and a vigilante family member they don't stand much chance do they?

One simple question for you...

Would the brother have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? Do you get where I am going with this... we're back to my first post here, violence begets violence, cause and effect...coffee1.gif


I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!


I dare you to put one in your hand and let it go off. I dare you.

"Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with,"

No he won't. He will get away with it. As will all the others because mummy will protect him.

Kids these days just have no respect for their elders...Nothing wrong with a clip round the ear...the world is in the state it is due to the leftist liberal ideas of the ruling elite and those thay have brainwashed over the past few decades. Catch em and birch em, show them a lesson.

Next time I see your kid messing up and I clip him round the ear, you are ok with that?

Are you a teacher? If not, then you post is pointless.

I am not a teacher, but have no compunction at all in telling kids to behave. Just because some people are no prepared to be parents to their children preferring to be cool, and be their friend, does not mean the rest of the world has to put up with their tantrums and histrionics. Kids need to learn right and wrong. When a whole society just sits back and smile whilst the kids do what ever they like, you end up with a massively dysfunctional society. Thailand. Land of smiles.

Asking and slapping are two different things. I don't care if a non teacher ask my kid to behave, but if non teacher slaps or touches my kid in anyway, then it becomes a different story. Please do not mix the two up.


Looks like a number of posters kids go to fee paying schools. The children where I live, Pattaya, go to government schools & if they are rude to the teacher they sometimes get a slap around the head. They tell the parents & the response is "your fault". None of this OMG head trauma! The parents do whack the kids when they are out of order & very quickly get a wai & apology.

And perhaps that's where the culture of violence originates??!!! No what am I thinking, it's these lunatic kids that dropped out of space and started misbehaving... a few good slaps about the head should solve that surely??!!!

You live in Thailand so you will sometimes see the Thai parents hitting their child as I do. However, once when the beating was over the top I stepped in & stopped the assault, because that is what it was. Disciplining a child is effective, even if sometimes requires a slap. Sorry but in my opinion you are incorrect, this does not lead to a culture of violence.

Having watched my stepson going through school in a western country the PC attitude of his teachers would more likely lead to violence as no real discipline or ownership of actions was taught. Wouldn't even be told he would fail his exams because he refused to do homework, so ignored me "teacher doesn't say that". Lead to a number of disputes as being Thai, he believed the teachers.


I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!


I dare you to put one in your hand and let it go off. I dare you.

"Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with,"

No he won't. He will get away with it. As will all the others because mummy will protect him.

Much like those bangers we used to bring back on school trips and use to blow up cow pats/ dog shits and set the English teachers store room on fire... yes, I have had a ping pong ball bomb go off in my hand, lot of smoke, quite a bang, lost my eyebrows, minor burns on my hands... the distinct lack of any shrapnel however leaves nothing to actually injure, much like a banger. Try it yourself, you might gain a sense of perspective, they're not exactly bombs in the traditional sense of the word, but I guess that wouldn't have suited your story about a brave, bullet dodging teacher patrolling the schools grounds to protect his innocent students... before coming across two totally innocent students and deciding to assault them for the use of bad language... but against a backdrop of war torn BKK, with bombs a flying that's totally acceptable!!!


Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

This is lovely - just like the good old day heh Mr F?

OK - So you are making a lot of speculation as well. Mr Head Teacher heard that troublemakers from another school were coming to make trouble, on the same day no doubt that the bombs flew in. Teach, very bravely, checks around the place for the protection of the kids at his school. That is very brave as KIDS WERE THROWING BOMBS in his school earlier in the morning. Sees 3 kids, asks them what they are doing. They get aggressive. He cuffs them. Has his face smashed in. Bombs. 3 bombs. Small bombs for sure; small bombs take off limbs. Small bombs blind. Small bombs kill. Would you be brave enough to check the perimeter when you are actually a teacher? Not a Soldier? (guessing he paid his way out of national service like most other educated people do here).

Maybe he was wrong to cuff the kid. The kids deserved it for sure, but maybe he was wrong. However, a normal reaction of a matured adult (parent) is to go in and ask what happened, not to barge in, say "who hit my brother" and smash someone in the face, beat to a pulp, and threaten a female teacher who probably saved the guys life.

I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!

The fact is that there is no evidence linking these students to anything other than bad language, not even an allegation from the teacher concerned. The facts are as I reported - "Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head"... yes following that and in direct response one of the students brother decided to kick the sh@t out of the teacher. Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with, can't recall anyone disputing that or defending his reaction only acknowledging that they can understand why he did it. Pretty obvious really, the teacher was out of order, so was the brother, both guilty of a lack of self control and assault... but one was direct cause for the other, hence focusing on the actions of the teacher. In my mind the kids were simply being kids, by their very nature they push the boundaries, copy the actions of others and look to the elders (and supposedly betters) to set an example. Sadly with teachers like this and a vigilante family member they don't stand much chance do they?

One simple question for you...

Would the brother have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? Do you get where I am going with this... we're back to my first post here, violence begets violence, cause and effect...coffee1.gif

Please tell us which newspaper you're reading that claims it was only the brother? the article in the original post clearly states - Then the whole group, including the students, piled on the teacher, beating him heavily.

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Clearly the reaction was OTT but when it comes to inappropriate violence against family members one can expect a disproportionate response. That is common sense. The problem with your defence of the teacher's actions start with the fact that to justify them (as have all the other posters before you) you have made wild generalisations about these students and found them guilty of the crimes of all other Thai teenagers. Try sticking to the facts with no emotion, no additional speculative commentary, just the facts...

Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head. That's it, those are the two relevant facts here, make your judgement on that alone and don't label these students as violent, troubled youths responsible for all the ills in modern society, we have no evidence of that, nor do we have anything to suggest that their parents are anything other than stand up members of society doing their best as parents... the teenagers were at school, which is something in itself at that age in Thailand and suggests that someone is pushing them towards study as opposed to a life of crime. The reaction of the brother was clearly out of order but he at least has the benefit of an emotional charged motive in his defence, a teacher striking students over the head does not.

One person in this situation was in a position of responsibility, a professional with a job to do. He failed and acted irresponsibly and illegally when he struck the students, the events that this led to are therefore ultimately of his own making. I do not condone the actions of the brother but I understand them, the teachers I do not, he should have known better and is indeed paid to know better.

This is lovely - just like the good old day heh Mr F?

OK - So you are making a lot of speculation as well. Mr Head Teacher heard that troublemakers from another school were coming to make trouble, on the same day no doubt that the bombs flew in. Teach, very bravely, checks around the place for the protection of the kids at his school. That is very brave as KIDS WERE THROWING BOMBS in his school earlier in the morning. Sees 3 kids, asks them what they are doing. They get aggressive. He cuffs them. Has his face smashed in. Bombs. 3 bombs. Small bombs for sure; small bombs take off limbs. Small bombs blind. Small bombs kill. Would you be brave enough to check the perimeter when you are actually a teacher? Not a Soldier? (guessing he paid his way out of national service like most other educated people do here).

Maybe he was wrong to cuff the kid. The kids deserved it for sure, but maybe he was wrong. However, a normal reaction of a matured adult (parent) is to go in and ask what happened, not to barge in, say "who hit my brother" and smash someone in the face, beat to a pulp, and threaten a female teacher who probably saved the guys life.

I love this response, the brave teacher patrolling the grounds after the potentially lethal bomb attack!!! They were ping-pong balls filled with gun powder/ similar, the same sort my Dad used to make at school in the 50s... made from emptying shotgun cartridges into ping pong balls, to be thrown at other kids when playing cowboys and indians with sharpened sticks and shotguns! The most you could do was set fire to your eyebrows or burn your hands if you set the fuses too small... it was the arrows you had to watch out for, one uncle blinded and a dodgy knee for life for my Dad... oh yes, the kids of today, where do they get this from I wonder?!!!

The fact is that there is no evidence linking these students to anything other than bad language, not even an allegation from the teacher concerned. The facts are as I reported - "Students used bad language - Teacher hit them over the head"... yes following that and in direct response one of the students brother decided to kick the sh@t out of the teacher. Very OTT and a criminal assault for which I'm sure he will be charged with, can't recall anyone disputing that or defending his reaction only acknowledging that they can understand why he did it. Pretty obvious really, the teacher was out of order, so was the brother, both guilty of a lack of self control and assault... but one was direct cause for the other, hence focusing on the actions of the teacher. In my mind the kids were simply being kids, by their very nature they push the boundaries, copy the actions of others and look to the elders (and supposedly betters) to set an example. Sadly with teachers like this and a vigilante family member they don't stand much chance do they?

One simple question for you...

Would the brother have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? Do you get where I am going with this... we're back to my first post here, violence begets violence, cause and effect...coffee1.gif

Please tell us which newspaper you're reading that claims it was only the brother? the article in the original post clearly states - Then the whole group, including the students, piled on the teacher, beating him heavily.

Was that a yes or a no then? Seems to be a running theme on here that intelligent discussion is lost.... perhaps this makes it easier for you...

Would the brother (edit - and other students) have assaulted the teacher had the teacher not first assaulted the two students? thumbsup.gif


Much like those bangers we used to bring back on school trips and use to blow up cow pats/ dog shits and set the English teachers store room on fire... yes, I have had a ping pong ball bomb go off in my hand, lot of smoke, quite a bang, lost my eyebrows, minor burns on my hands... the distinct lack of any shrapnel however leaves nothing to actually injure, much like a banger. Try it yourself, you might gain a sense of perspective, they're not exactly bombs in the traditional sense of the word, but I guess that wouldn't have suited your story about a brave, bullet dodging teacher patrolling the schools grounds to protect his innocent students... before coming across two totally innocent students and deciding to assault them for the use of bad language... but against a backdrop of war torn BKK, with bombs a flying that's totally acceptable!!!

What a load of dribble you write. A complete load of tosh. There is no way you could fill a ping pong ball full of black powder, place it in your hand, light it, and it not take your hand off. At the very least the ball shell would act as the shrapnel and melt into your skins with nasty results. In your mind the teacher was going around the school, say three (not two) kids, went over to have a go at them when all they were doing were making daisy chains and collecting flowers for their grannies.

The whole school knew, after the bombs, that same said little brats were coming back to the school to "get revenge". They arrive. He confronts them. He has he head smashed in. You are a sick twisted man with very low moral fibre if you still contend he deserved his beating because he clipped the kids around the ear.

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