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Calls For U.S. Rep. Akin To Drop Out Of Senate Race Over Rape Comments


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Paul Ryan and Mr. Akin sponsored a bill banning all abortion with no exception for rape. Some of these conservatives ( not saying all) have developed their on interpertation of science hence the statement in the case of a legtimate rape the womans body will stop the event of pregnancy. I often wonder about these people and how these ideas get such traction and do they really believe this stuff are is it just being used on small conservative population who are ill informed and lack proper education.

The republicans controlled the White house, Senate, and House of Represenatives for a number of years during bthe Bush presidency and not one bill was presented to ban abortion purely a political football that they keep kicking around.

They believe it for the same reason they believe men walked with dinosaurs and that the World was made in 7 days. You can hit them with every piece of scientific factual data you wish, but a made up book from scraps of carefully selected manuscripts 2000 years ago wins hands down every time.

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What a disaster for Republicans in this Senate race and in the November election generally. What the party platform says and what the candidate is saying is that if your wife or daughter was raped by Willie Horton she couldn't have an abortion. To so would be a criminal act. It's a PR disaster. An absolute disaster.

You are right. The truth of the matter is, if this crazy misogyny was coming from the Ayatollahs in Iran, or the Taliban in Afghanistan the usual suspects on here, ie Ulysses g and Chuck d would be screaming from the rooftops. But they are strangely silent when it is coming from their heros in the Republican party! Double standards? Hypocrisy? You tell me.

Since Exsexyman invited me to do my "screaming from the rooftops" I will be happy to accommodate him.

Firstly, when did Roe v. Wade get overturned? I seem to have missed it in the news and I am certain it would have been in most of the papers. If it hasn't been overturned, then surely it must still be the law of the land that Abortions are legal. Anybody?

Now, on to the real crux of the matter, which is what do Romney, Ryan and the Republicans believe. Akins belief is insignificant since he is running in a Senate race from one state against an incumbent that has been on shaky ground for some time.

Romney made this pledge in June 2011 and has not changed his stance since.


My Pro-Life Pledge

By Mitt Romney

June 18, 2011 12:50 P.M.

I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

I support the reversal of Roe v. Wade, because it is bad law and bad medicine. Roe was a misguided ruling that was a result of a small group of activist federal judges legislating from the bench.

I support the Hyde Amendment, which broadly bars the use of federal funds for abortions. And as president, I will support efforts to prohibit federal funding for any organization like Planned Parenthood, which primarily performs abortions or offers abortion-related services.

Continued here: http://www.nationalr...dge-mitt-romney


How about Paul Ryan, you ask? Ryan has been pro-life for a long time, with exceptions only for the danger of health to the mother. Since he is now on the national stage and this distraction from Obama's performance as President is in the MSM, he has simply come out and said this:

"I'm proud of my record. Mitt Romney is going to be president and the president sets policy. His policy is exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. I'm comfortable with it because it's a good step in the right direction."



As far as the Republican Party platform is concerned, it is irrelevent because of one simple fact. The platform calls for a Constitutional Amendment calling for the banning of abortions.


"We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the 14th Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it," says the platform. "At its core abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life. Women deserve better than abortion."



You people do know what it takes to pass a Constitutional Amendment, right? Of course, I am certain all the Brits and Aussies do, so let me address this to the Yanks that do not understand.

"Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment.

The other method of passing an amendment requires a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States. That Convention can propose as many amendments as it deems necessary. Those amendments must be approved by three-fourths of the states."

More here: http://www.lexisnexi..._howitsdone.asp

In the first place, there is no way that 67% of both the House and Senate will ever agree to an amendment calling for banning abortions. Secondly there is not one chance in a thousand that 38 states would pass it as well. This is a non-starter for obvious reasons.


In closing, if you people want to get outraged at something, you might consider partial birth abortions as being a cause worth fighting for.

If you don't know what they are, simply google it and let us know if you are not a little outraged at this procedure which, since it is not specifically banned by the Democratic party platform calling for ALL abortions to be legal, it is included as a procedure approved by Democrats in general.

Now I will climb down from my rooftop so ably invited to go up by my good friend, Exsexyman.

Edited to add a link I forgot.

Edited by chuckd
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The problem is that abortion is a very personal issue.

Some believe that women have the right to a decision over their own bodies, others believe that an embryo has equal 'rights'.

Akin expressed his own personal views and should be respected for that - if only all politicians would do the same!

His views though are contrary to those held by most people - so he is in trouble for revealing his own, personal viewpoint.

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I'm sure that Aiken appreciates your endorsement, but most Republicans think that his views are ridiculous and have asked him to get out of the race.

Really, or is it that he let the cat out of the bag. You forget Paul Ryan opposes all abortion along with a lot of other Republicans. Personally i do not care what they do as I will not have an abortion but men should not be telling woman what to do with their bodies. To have an abortion is not an easy decision for any woman and they should be left alone to make that decision
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The problem is that abortion is a very personal issue.

Some believe that women have the right to a decision over their own bodies, others believe that an embryo has equal 'rights'.

Akin expressed his own personal views and should be respected for that - if only all politicians would do the same!

His views though are contrary to those held by most people - so he is in trouble for revealing his own, personal viewpoint.

I do not think it was his views on abortion that caused the problem but his invention of a new science that woman do not get pregrant from a legitmate rape, what ever that is. he also let the cat out and brought the conversation around to a social issue that Mitt doesn't want
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What a disaster for Republicans in this Senate race and in the November election generally. What the party platform says and what the candidate is saying is that if your wife or daughter was raped by Willie Horton she couldn't have an abortion. To so would be a criminal act. It's a PR disaster. An absolute disaster.

You are right. The truth of the matter is, if this crazy misogyny was coming from the Ayatollahs in Iran, or the Taliban in Afghanistan the usual suspects on here, ie Ulysses g and Chuck d would be screaming from the rooftops. But they are strangely silent when it is coming from their heros in the Republican party! Double standards? Hypocrisy? You tell me.

Since Exsexyman invited me to do my "screaming from the rooftops" I will be happy to accommodate him.

Firstly, when did Roe v. Wade get overturned? I seem to have missed it in the news and I am certain it would have been in most of the papers. If it hasn't been overturned, then surely it must still be the law of the land that Abortions are legal. Anybody?

Now, on to the real crux of the matter, which is what do Romney, Ryan and the Republicans believe. Akins belief is insignificant since he is running in a Senate race from one state against an incumbent that has been on shaky ground for some time.

Romney made this pledge in June 2011 and has not changed his stance since.


My Pro-Life Pledge

By Mitt Romney

June 18, 2011 12:50 P.M.

I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

I support the reversal of Roe v. Wade, because it is bad law and bad medicine. Roe was a misguided ruling that was a result of a small group of activist federal judges legislating from the bench.

I support the Hyde Amendment, which broadly bars the use of federal funds for abortions. And as president, I will support efforts to prohibit federal funding for any organization like Planned Parenthood, which primarily performs abortions or offers abortion-related services.

Continued here: http://www.nationalr...dge-mitt-romney


How about Paul Ryan, you ask? Ryan has been pro-life for a long time, with exceptions only for the danger of health to the mother. Since he is now on the national stage and this distraction from Obama's performance as President is in the MSM, he has simply come out and said this:

"I'm proud of my record. Mitt Romney is going to be president and the president sets policy. His policy is exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. I'm comfortable with it because it's a good step in the right direction."



As far as the Republican Party platform is concerned, it is irrelevent because of one simple fact. The platform calls for a Constitutional Amendment calling for the banning of abortions.


"We support a human life amendment to the Constitution, and we endorse legislation to make clear that the 14th Amendment's protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion and will not fund organizations which advocate it," says the platform. "At its core abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life. Women deserve better than abortion."



You people do know what it takes to pass a Constitutional Amendment, right? Of course, I am certain all the Brits and Aussies do, so let me address this to the Yanks that do not understand.

"Article V of the Constitution prescribes how an amendment can become a part of the Constitution. While there are two ways, only one has ever been used. All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment.

The other method of passing an amendment requires a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States. That Convention can propose as many amendments as it deems necessary. Those amendments must be approved by three-fourths of the states."

More here: http://www.lexisnexi..._howitsdone.asp

In the first place, there is no way that 67% of both the House and Senate will ever agree to an amendment calling for banning abortions. Secondly there is not one chance in a thousand that 38 states would pass it as well. This is a non-starter for obvious reasons.


In closing, if you people want to get outraged at something, you might consider partial birth abortions as being a cause worth fighting for.

If you don't know what they are, simply google it and let us know if you are not a little outraged at this procedure which, since it is not specifically banned by the Democratic party platform calling for ALL abortions to be legal, it is included as a procedure approved by Democrats in general.

Now I will climb down from my rooftop so ably invited to go up by my good friend, Exsexyman.

Edited to add a link I forgot.

Roe v Wade doesn't have to be over turned as they have used murder, intimidation and threats to limit abortions. The Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and White House for several years during the Bush adminstration and not one bill to over turn Roev Wade was presented, the republicans use this as a vote getting issue but are not serious about it.
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The problem is that abortion is a very personal issue.

Some believe that women have the right to a decision over their own bodies, others believe that an embryo has equal 'rights'.

Akin expressed his own personal views and should be respected for that - if only all politicians would do the same!

His views though are contrary to those held by most people - so he is in trouble for revealing his own, personal viewpoint.

I do not think it was his views on abortion that caused the problem but his invention of a new science that woman do not get pregrant from a legitmate rape, what ever that is. he also let the cat out and brought the conversation around to a social issue that Mitt doesn't want

You're right, but I still prefer politicians that actually express their views - it makes it far easier for the electorate to understand their underlying beliefs.

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The problem is that abortion is a very personal issue.

Some believe that women have the right to a decision over their own bodies, others believe that an embryo has equal 'rights'.

Akin expressed his own personal views and should be respected for that - if only all politicians would do the same!

His views though are contrary to those held by most people - so he is in trouble for revealing his own, personal viewpoint.

I do not think it was his views on abortion that caused the problem but his invention of a new science that woman do not get pregrant from a legitmate rape, what ever that is. he also let the cat out and brought the conversation around to a social issue that Mitt doesn't want

You're right, but I still prefer politicians that actually express their views - it makes it far easier for the electorate to understand their underlying beliefs.

Yes I think we all do but when they are as crack pot as this guys it gets you in a lot of trouble as he has found out. The RNC will no longer fund or help him in anyway during his Senate race, the republican leadership are playing hardball on his screw up.
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I'm sure that Aiken appreciates your endorsement, but most Republicans think that his views are ridiculous and have asked him to get out of the race.

Really, or is it that he let the cat out of the bag.

As you have said yourself, the controversy is not about his views on abortion, it is about his claim that women do not get pregnant when raped because they can "shut" their system down somehow. blink.png

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Roe v Wade doesn't have to be over turned as they have used murder, intimidation and threats to limit abortions. The Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and White House for several years during the Bush adminstration and not one bill to over turn Roev Wade was presented, the republicans use this as a vote getting issue but are not serious about it.

Some would argue that an abortion, in and of itself, is also murder.

Roe v. Wade was a decision by the Supreme Court in 1973 upholding the rights of a woman to have an abortion.

There are only two ways this decision can be done away with. One is a later ruling by the Supreme Court overturning the original decision made in 1973.

The other way is a Constitutional amendment, as explained in my earlier post.

Congress can pass all the bills they want, but they cannot overturn a Supreme Court decision.

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I'm sure that Aiken appreciates your endorsement, but most Republicans think that his views are ridiculous and have asked him to get out of the race.

Shouldn't the voters of Missouri decide?

Yes. And in past elections for the house, Mr. Akin won strong mandates. Mr. Akin represents the views of a great many in the GOP. Mr. Akin's views are so popular, the party passed a platform position UNOPPOSED in respect to the banning of abortion with NO exceptions. That is the reality. Some Republicans may object, but they do not call the shots anymore. It is the group of 100+ representatives and senators that have these strong views and that represent the direction of the GOP. Mr. Akin is only one of many. Mr. Akin's views on abortion are no different than those of Rick Santorum, Barbara Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich. Mr. Akin is being lambasted by the GOP for being honest and by those who feel the best strategy is to deceive the electorate.

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Some would argue that an abortion, in and of itself, is also murder.

Roe v. Wade was a decision by the Supreme Court in 1973 upholding the rights of a woman to have an abortion.

There are only two ways this decision can be done away with. One is a later ruling by the Supreme Court overturning the original decision made in 1973.

The other way is a Constitutional amendment, as explained in my earlier post.

Congress can pass all the bills they want, but they cannot overturn a Supreme Court decision.

Technically correct, but the election of a Republican President means more nominations like that judicial heavyweight and deep thinker Clarence Thomas and the election of a Republican controlled senate means easy approval of nominees for the SCOTUS who would attempt to dismantle the limited rights protected in Roe v. Wade. If Mr. Akin was elected o the senate, one of his stated goals is to ensure the appointment of judges that support his agenda, including the outright ban on abortions. Sorry, but you can not refute this.

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I'm sure that Aiken appreciates your endorsement, but most Republicans think that his views are ridiculous and have asked him to get out of the race.

Really, or is it that he let the cat out of the bag.

As you have said yourself, the controversy is not about his views on abortion, it is about his claim that women do not get pregnant when raped because they can "shut" their system down somehow. blink.png

On the contrary, his lame brained explanation was an attempt to justify his position on abortion.

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Mr. Akin is being lambasted by the GOP for being honest and by those who feel the best strategy is to deceive the electorate.

Au contraire. Mr. Akin is being lambasted by the GOP for being stupid and claiming that women who are raped can stop from becoming pregnant by using some sort of hocuspocus to stop nature's course.

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I'm sure that Aiken appreciates your endorsement, but most Republicans think that his views are ridiculous and have asked him to get out of the race.

Shouldn't the voters of Missouri decide?

Yes. And in past elections for the house, Mr. Akin won strong mandates. Mr. Akin represents the views of a great many in the GOP. Mr. Akin's views are so popular, the party passed a platform position UNOPPOSED in respect to the banning of abortion with NO exceptions. That is the reality. Some Republicans may object, but they do not call the shots anymore. It is the group of 100+ representatives and senators that have these strong views and that represent the direction of the GOP. Mr. Akin is only one of many. Mr. Akin's views on abortion are no different than those of Rick Santorum, Barbara Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich. Mr. Akin is being lambasted by the GOP for being honest and by those who feel the best strategy is to deceive the electorate.

Mr. Akin represents the interests of his constituents. That is his primary responsibility as a member of the House of Representatives.

Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann and Newt Gingrich are not running in a national election and neither is Rep. Akin.

Who is Barbara Bachmann?

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Of course the question was about abortion, but the controversy is not about his views on abortion, it is about his bizarre claim that women do not get pregnant when raped because they can "shut" their system down somehow. That is why Republicans are telling him to get out of the race.

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Mr. Akin represents the interests of his constituents.

Well a subset of them anyway. ;) But we understand what you meant.

At least Mike Huckabee is standing with Rep. Aiken. Here is a link to his support letter...



"The Party’s leaders have for reasons that aren’t rational, left him behind on the political battlefield, wounded and bleeding, a casualty of his self-inflicted, but not intentional wound. In a Party that supposedly stands for life, it was tragic to see the carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican. Not for a moral failure or corruption or a criminal act, but for a misstatement which he contritely and utterly repudiated. I was shocked by GOP leaders and elected officials who rushed so quickly to end the political life of a candidate over a mistaken comment in an interview. This was a serious mistake, but it was blown out of proportion not by the left, but by Akin’s own Republican Party. Is this what the party really thinks of principled pro-life advocates? Do we forgive and forget the verbal gaffes of Republicans who are “conveniently pro-life” for political advantage, but crucify one who truly believes that every life is sacred?"

Here, here.

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Know what is even more depressing?

Mr. Akin sits on the House Committee for science, space and technology.

The statement on abortion was just one of many policy gems the Republican party has. Mr. Akin cannot drop out of the senate race as he shares the views of a large number if not a majority of republican representatives.


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Most Americans are pro-life, so that is not a real issue. However, Republicans and most other Americans think that his claim that women who are raped can stop from becoming pregnant by willing it somehow is ridiculous. and therefore he has been asked to get out of the race. Those trying to manipulate the issue for political reasons are just spinning their wheels. The two things are not related.

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Mr. Akin represents the interests of his constituents.
Well a subset of them anyway. ;) But we understand what you meant. At least Mike Huckabee is standing with Rep. Aiken. Here is a link to his support letter... http://www.fitsnews.com/2012/08/23/mike-huckabee-i-wont-leave-todd-akin-behind/ excerpt: "The Party’s leaders have for reasons that aren’t rational, left him behind on the political battlefield, wounded and bleeding, a casualty of his self-inflicted, but not intentional wound. In a Party that supposedly stands for life, it was tragic to see the carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican. Not for a moral failure or corruption or a criminal act, but for a misstatement which he contritely and utterly repudiated. I was shocked by GOP leaders and elected officials who rushed so quickly to end the political life of a candidate over a mistaken comment in an interview. This was a serious mistake, but it was blown out of proportion not by the left, but by Akin’s own Republican Party. Is this what the party really thinks of principled pro-life advocates? Do we forgive and forget the verbal gaffes of Republicans who are “conveniently pro-life” for political advantage, but crucify one who truly believes that every life is sacred?" Here, here.

"Do we forgive and forget the verbal gaffes of Republicans who are “conveniently pro-life” for political advantage, but crucify one who truly believes that every life is sacred?"

dam_n, even Mike Huckabee is taking aim at Governor Romney's flip-foppery! "Conveniently pro-life for political advantage" indeed! It's like watching the hucksters for Congressman Ryan saying "don't worry about what he believes about criminalizing a 13 year rape victim seeking an abortion, he'll never act on his convictions anyway". This whole thing is turning into a carnival. At least Huckerbee can play the Bass.

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Karl Rove apologizes to Todd Akin over murder remark

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Republican strategist Karl Rove has apologized to Representative Todd Akin after joking about the Missouri candidate for senator being murdered.

Akin campaign adviser Rick Tyler said the representative accepted Rove’s apology during a phone call Friday. Bloomberg Businessweek’s website had quoted Rove as telling GOP donors in Florida: ‘‘We should sink Todd Akin. If he’s found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts!’’ Rove and other Republicans have urged Akin to drop his challenge to Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill after Akin spoke about women’s bodies being able to avoid pregnancy in cases of what he called ­‘‘legitimate rape.’’

Associated Press

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What an idiot. Hopefully, he will drop out immediately.

His positions are very close to Paul Ryan's and the republican party platform.

Horse manure. The Republican party has withdrawn funding and asked him to withdraw from the race. The controversy is about his claims that raped women have natural impediments to prevent pregnancy, not that he is against abortion. The majority of Americans are pro-life and there is nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I have always supported abortion, but I also understand why many people are against it. I think that there is truth on both sides and judging others for not wanting to destroy human life would be hypocritical.

Uh,believe he was using his "freedom of speech" his party hides behind. Nut job? Yes. Typical Republican in today's America......

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In closing, if you people want to get outraged at something, you might consider partial birth abortions as being a cause worth fighting for.

If you don't know what they are, simply google it and let us know if you are not a little outraged at this procedure which, since it is not specifically banned by the Democratic party platform calling for ALL abortions to be legal, it is included as a procedure approved by Democrats in general.

Aken is a moron for suggesting what he did. He was roundly criticized by every Republican out there. But the Democrats want to paint all Republicans as pro-life extremists (sounds kinda silly, being labelled extreme for trying to save lives). The Dems point to the Republican platform on abortion as proof how out of touch they are with mainstream America and women. Me personally, I am pro-choice. But being pro-choice doesn't mean I can accept the Democrats even more extreme position on abortion. If they media brought it to light, Dems would easily lose in November, and that's why the media keeps it under wraps.

DAVID GREGORY: Understanding, Mr. Speaker, the difference between Todd Akin talking about rape versus the abortion plank of the platform, I understand there is that distinction. Nevertheless, the question, social issues versus economic issues as being a big motivator for women, is a question.

NEWT GINGRICH: Let me just take a second to disagree with Carly [Fiorina]. I think Todd Akin was the choice of the people of Missouri. I think Todd Akin has publicly apologized, and the last poll shows he's beating the Democratic senator. I think that we ought to go on from that. Karl Rove said some terrible things on Friday for which he has apologized, which should remind us, people make mistakes.

... And I'm frankly fed up with the one-sided bias, OK? Let me give you two examples. ...

Second example: The Democratic Party plank on abortion is the most extreme plank in the United States.
The president of the United States voted three times to protect the right of doctors to kill babies who came out of an abortion still alive. That plank says tax-paid abortion at any moment, meaning partial-birth abortion. That's a 20 percent issue. The vast majority of women do not believe that taxpayers should pay to abort a child in the eighth or ninth month.
Now why isn't it shocking that the Democrats on the social issue of abortion have taken the most extreme position in this country, and they couldn't defend that position for a day if it was made clear and vivid, as vivid as all the effort is made to paint Republicans.

Emphasis mine. I may be pro-life, but not to the point of killing aborted babies who survive the procedure (has anyone seen the video of the woman who survived one? Powerful). Or to the point of taking a living baby in the 8th-9th month, partially out of the woman, puncturing a hole in the back of the head and sucking out the brains. Abortion is not an issue they want to debate this election because they can't win if both parties put their cards on the table for all to see.

Yes, what Akin said about rape and pregnancy was stupid. He tried to explain it away saying he misspoke but it's too far out there to be just that and a hard explanation to defend. Just like the Dems position on abortion is hard - impossible - to defend.

Edited by koheesti
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Emphasis mine. I may be pro-life, but not to the point of killing aborted babies who survive the procedure (has anyone seen the video of the woman who survived one? Powerful). Or to the point of taking a living baby in the 8th-9th month, partially out of the woman, puncturing a hole in the back of the head and sucking out the brains. Abortion is not an issue they want to debate this election because they can't win if both parties put their cards on the table for all to see.

Yes, what Akin said about rape and pregnancy was stupid. He tried to explain it away saying he misspoke but it's too far out there to be just that and a hard explanation to defend. Just like the Dems position on abortion is hard - impossible - to defend.

Your statement is inaccurate and misleading, just as the Republican party position is predicated on spreading disinformation.

A living baby as you term it, is not taken in the 8th-9th month partially out of a woman punctured and has its brain sucked out. (Note to you, a human has one brain not multiple brains.)

Why do you post incorrect information? I find it offensive.

The emphasis on a medically necessitated procedure in the 3rd trimester is intended to provide an excuse to ban abortion and has nothing to do with the subject matter itself for the simple reason that 3rd trimester procedures are a rarity and account for less than 0.25% of "abortion" procedures. More specifically, it is extremely difficult to obtain access to an abortion after 20 weeks and next to impossible to obtain a third trimester procedure. Do you know why? Or would you just prefer to spout off on the usual lies the Republican party has spread?

- Most later term abortions occur in weeks 21-24 and represent about 0.75% of all US abortion procedures. Although considered late term, hese technically are not late term procedures. Only the 0.25% that occur after week 24 are true late term procedures.

- The principal reason why there are few late term abortions is due to the fact that they are legally prohibited in a majority of US states. 37 states have a cutoff at approximately 24 weeks. You cannot undertake the procedure after the fetus has been in position for 24 weeks.

- A late term abortion must be performed in a health facility and is typically associated with a fetus that has a severe birth defect, such as no brain, or heart, or spinal cord. Indications of other lethal conditions including a threat to a mother's health are typically the basis for the procedure. Most hospitals will not perform the procedure unless the mother is in a critical state. This is not a procedure available at even most hospitals.

- I am particularly offended by your use of the 8-9 month period as it is not reflective of the actual facts. It is next to impossible to kill a fetus that has reached 32+ weeks +, even when the mother's life is at risk.

- Do you know why the cut off point is 24 weeks? It is the viability threshold for a fetus. There is a chance a fetus can survive after 6 months. However, typically fetuses that are removed from the womb in the 6-7 month stage die or have serious physical impairments including mental deficiencies.

Akin's position and those of his allies and defenders such as Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich rely on exagerations and falsehoods.

The reality is that most abortion procedures occur before there is even a fetus involved. They occur when all that there are is a clump of cells or an embryo, Lost in the discussion is that the most common form of abortion is what is called a miscarriage. Approximately 10-20% of pregnancies are spontaneouslyaborted (aka a miscarriage) and about 80% occur in the first 20 weeks. What's next? A ban on miscarriages too?

Edited by geriatrickid
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