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Hello Board!

I'm back in the Kingdom after 11+ months in the USA. I've read posts that have alleged theft from inactive accounts and while I'm not disputing any one, my personl experience has been otherwise (good!)

I made my last withdrawl from my Kasikorn account on Sep 3, drawing the balance down to about 30 baht. I returned to Bangkok on early August and attempted my first deposit transaction on August 15. However it was unsuccessful because my Kasikorn card had expired and I was attempting to do a cash depost from the teller machine outside th e bank.

Yesterday I went to the Kasikorn branch nearest to my hotel (not my home branch.) I was promptly waited on, issued a new book, my balance had risen to almost 95 baht (Yeah!) due to interest deposits while I was abroad and I was issued a new K-Max Debit card. I changed my mobile number, sine my old number had expired and updated my address. I was issued a new PIN number which I immediately went to the ATM machine and changed.

Over all a very positive experience and I didn't have to return to my "Home" branch (Where I originally opened the account.)

By the way, I do have K-Cyber banking (online banking) and was able to moniter my account remotely.

Yeah, my balance wa hardly worth stealing but I was happy that the account remained opened since there was no acrivity for nearly one year :)


I have always had positive experiences with Kasikorn Bank, it's the other bank that has the name of the capital of Thailand that gives poor customer service.


Good. Yet, I wouldn't exalt Kasikorn too much for restraining themselves from taking all of 30 baht from you.


Kasikorn is a great bank, never had a problem.

Customer for 15 years plus too, inactive for about 8 years and the account was still there and the balance correct.

BAY is great too.

Thai Military Bank can go shoot bullets, but they made me a profit in 97 as I got all my money out into USD because they would not even give me a CC application form.

Bangkok Bank, they are useless and I used to sub-contract to them too (the executive dining was great and free!).

But the OCBC bank in Singapore, American Express Bank in HK are the worst banks in the world. Incompetence doesn't come close. Between them they lost a TT of quiet a bit of money (for me) for 3 farting weeks, no interest was credited even though AE had it!

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