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My Experience With Thai Police Last Night , And I Have Few Questions


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I cant speak for most western police forces as i only know what i read or am told. However Racial profiling doesn't exist in UK police forces. They would love to use it, and some people think it would be effective. However it has been deemed Racist and is illegal. In fact British law has gone so far the other way towards liberalism that it is hugely ineffective. Combine this with a lot of illegal immigrants and criminals on trial exploiting the ECHR and you have a frustrated citizenship. A large, yet more and more ineffectual police force; and those who should be subject to the law having a pretty good time of it!!

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In many EU countries one could be taken to the police station for not being able to show proper identification. Photocopies are not allowed in the EU countries I am familiar with. Nowadays even in once liberal countries like Holland there similar check points, where cars, drivers and passengers are subject to agonizing scrutiny, and where both car is searched through and people are thoroughly frisked.

The few experiences I had with Thai police in the 3 years that I lived here have all been excellent. Speeding some 30 km/h was rewarded with a 400 baht fine, payable on the spot, and a parking offense, normal fee 400 baht, was reduced to 200 baht when I told the police officer at the police station that I was not aware of that particular rule.

But in the netherlands i would not worry about police planting evidence. The fact that there are so many bad police and the fact that they take bribes for speeding and everything and that they get part of that money makes me worry. They stand to gain to find drugs, they can shake you down then.

I just don't like to be searched by police that are not known for their honesty even though most of my experiences with the police have been good.

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I cant speak for most western police forces as i only know what i read or am told. However Racial profiling doesn't exist in UK police forces. They would love to use it, and some people think it would be effective. However it has been deemed Racist and is illegal. In fact British law has gone so far the other way towards liberalism that it is hugely ineffective. Combine this with a lot of illegal immigrants and criminals on trial exploiting the ECHR and you have a frustrated citizenship. A large, yet more and more ineffectual police force; and those who should be subject to the law having a pretty good time of it!!

Well I thought at first we were on the same wavelength but maybe not - I maintain racial profiling is still rife and as my ex-wifes 3 brothers were policemen I used to get to hear exactly what they and their colleagues thought of the coloureds. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, they just use a bit of cunning to hide it (a bit like Tony Blair and his WMD fiasco). As for corruption a lot of senior police are freemasons and there's a lot of 'you scratch my back' business going on at top levels.

As for your last part then I agree there that the criminals are wising up and exploiting loopholes but it was bound to happen, gone are the days of 'it's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rights'

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As for your last part then I agree there that the criminals are wising up and exploiting loopholes but it was bound to happen, gone are the days of 'it's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rights'

It was only ever like that in Tv shows.

Professional criminals never admit anything, even if caught 'on the job'.

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As for your last part then I agree there that the criminals are wising up and exploiting loopholes but it was bound to happen, gone are the days of 'it's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rights'

It was only ever like that in Tv shows.

Professional criminals never admit anything, even if caught 'on the job'.

What about us 'straight-up' people?

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As for your last part then I agree there that the criminals are wising up and exploiting loopholes but it was bound to happen, gone are the days of 'it's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rights'

It was only ever like that in Tv shows.

Professional criminals never admit anything, even if caught 'on the job'.

Sorry for delay - another power cutsad.png

Again I find I'm disagreeing because when I was young I was caught for a minor offence and my solicitor just said 'fess up and take the fine'. Today it would be sue them for wrongful arrest, police brutality or any loophole they can exploit. The ambulance chaser society is turning the world on it's head and not for the better. Last year my father had a minor scrape backing out of a disabled parking spot that an asian taxi driver was illegally partly obstructing, no damage whatsover but the outcome was the taxi driver and fictitious passengers were paid out something like a grand each for 'whiplash injuries'. I'm in Thailand to escape the corruption, can't even afford to run a car in the UK with skyhigh insurance and robdog tax on petrol, road tax etc.

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The problems are systemic, not just a few bad cases. Unlike in Thailand, in the UK there is an Independent Police Complaints Commission; yet the reality is that rigid evidence shows that most complaints to the IPCC never make it. For those few that are taken, up a substantial amount is drop on the way, and when the IPCC does take up a case (due to the pressure of the media) the Crown Prosecution Service drops it --as the death of Ian Tomlinson has shown-- until in rare instances and under very lucky circumstance a parliamentary inquiry overturns this.

Indeed one can easily ask one's "friendly Bobby" on the street for direction, but it does make policing in the UK less problematic than it is in Thailand.

Most complaints are not upheld because they're not valid. The average Brit has faith in their police service, the average Thai despises theirs.

I have no "faith" in the U.K police whatsoever.

Racial profiling and a Murder of an innocent black man in England which caused rioting by minorities is certainly a highlight of a worthless police force....

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The problems are systemic, not just a few bad cases. Unlike in Thailand, in the UK there is an Independent Police Complaints Commission; yet the reality is that rigid evidence shows that most complaints to the IPCC never make it. For those few that are taken, up a substantial amount is drop on the way, and when the IPCC does take up a case (due to the pressure of the media) the Crown Prosecution Service drops it --as the death of Ian Tomlinson has shown-- until in rare instances and under very lucky circumstance a parliamentary inquiry overturns this.

Indeed one can easily ask one's "friendly Bobby" on the street for direction, but it does make policing in the UK less problematic than it is in Thailand.

Most complaints are not upheld because they're not valid. The average Brit has faith in their police service, the average Thai despises theirs.

I have no "faith" in the U.K police whatsoever.

Racial profiling and a Murder of an innocent black man in England which caused rioting by minorities is certainly a highlight of a worthless police force....

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The problems are systemic, not just a few bad cases. Unlike in Thailand, in the UK there is an Independent Police Complaints Commission; yet the reality is that rigid evidence shows that most complaints to the IPCC never make it. For those few that are taken, up a substantial amount is drop on the way, and when the IPCC does take up a case (due to the pressure of the media) the Crown Prosecution Service drops it --as the death of Ian Tomlinson has shown-- until in rare instances and under very lucky circumstance a parliamentary inquiry overturns this.

Indeed one can easily ask one's "friendly Bobby" on the street for direction, but it does make policing in the UK less problematic than it is in Thailand.

Most complaints are not upheld because they're not valid. The average Brit has faith in their police service, the average Thai despises theirs.

I have no "faith" in the U.K police whatsoever.

Racial profiling and a Murder of an innocent black man in England which caused rioting by minorities is certainly a highlight of a worthless police force....

Hmmm just checked my email and after closing and being taken to Yahoo news was greeted by this:

Supporters of a black college student who says he was severely beaten by Los Angeles police who stopped him for skateboarding in traffic rallied on Wednesday at the scene of his arrest to protest what they called excessive force and racial profiling.

'nuff said

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Ok, so lets wrap this up for the OP.

He was traveling late at night in an area notorious for dodgy stuff.

He was legally stopped and searched and briefly questioned and despite breaking the law by not carrying his passport the police let him continue on his way without penalty after finding no illicit substances on his person.

The bastards...

And no,Thailand is not a democracy, not really.

what does democracy have to do with any of this? The rights of people during a police search fall under the category of civil and constitutional rights and liberties.

It was one of the OP's questions.

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As for your last part then I agree there that the criminals are wising up and exploiting loopholes but it was bound to happen, gone are the days of 'it's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rights'

It was only ever like that in Tv shows.

Professional criminals never admit anything, even if caught 'on the job'.

Sorry for delay - another power cutsad.png

Again I find I'm disagreeing because when I was young I was caught for a minor offence and my solicitor just said 'fess up and take the fine'.

I said professional criminals never admit anything.

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I can speak from one western police force (does NZ count? who cares?) experience in the flesh (pants on of course).

They are liars when it suits them.

They even lie to their own employees.

In fact my brother (civilian police) had to sue the bast@rds to get equal pay. He won They also lied latter on to him, me and the whole family when a major incident happened involving family.

They never apologized for those lies, but they did apologize for incompetence after an inquiry was conducted and published.

Do I trust the NZ police... yes when it's no skin off their nose, but otherwise NO WAY.

I do not trust the Thai police because I have paid them too many baht for speeding when I was only going 140 odd.

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2 weeks ago I was in front of The landmark Hotel having a drink and within 30 minutes, undercovers arrested about 12 black dudes, All selling "coke" as per the guy sitting on the table next to us.

It was about time too, when you walk past they are looking at you and say "whats up" when you get 5 of them doing it in one night, it's not half obvious.

I had a few clients bring weed with them on meetings, after a few beers they seem to grow some gigantic balls lol I mean I had a smoke one time, but dam_n. I won't do that again knowing the penalties.

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How dare you, people can compare RTP to any western police? Its beyond me, it let me completely speechless.

In UK i never heard tourist got shot by drunken police, and never got justice?

But in thailand it does happen, do you remember Joe Del Pinto, shot by a cop in Pai?

Sometimes i wonder if all these nonsensical message are not wrote by only 1 guy who hold many account on TV. Canot believe there are so many stupid people around...whistling.gif

You must walk around with your eyes shut - in the UK there are many instance besides the Tomlinson case of people dying in custody or resisting arrest. If you check on Youtube there's tons of video evidence of people being shot by US police under dubious circumstance. Its just been in the news recently about a coloured guy being shot in a hail of 46 bullets (Google it) when all he had was a knife - what happened to tasers????

You've baffled me. First you say there are many cases in the UK of people dying at the hands of the British police, then to prove your point, you quote evidence of wrong doing by the US police.

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How dare you, people can compare RTP to any western police? Its beyond me, it let me completely speechless.

In UK i never heard tourist got shot by drunken police, and never got justice?

But in thailand it does happen, do you remember Joe Del Pinto, shot by a cop in Pai?

Sometimes i wonder if all these nonsensical message are not wrote by only 1 guy who hold many account on TV. Canot believe there are so many stupid people around...whistling.gif

You must walk around with your eyes shut - in the UK there are many instance besides the Tomlinson case of people dying in custody or resisting arrest. If you check on Youtube there's tons of video evidence of people being shot by US police under dubious circumstance. Its just been in the news recently about a coloured guy being shot in a hail of 46 bullets (Google it) when all he had was a knife - what happened to tasers????

You've baffled me. First you say there are many cases in the UK of people dying at the hands of the British police, then to prove your point, you quote evidence of wrong doing by the US police.

We're talking western police in general so I was quoting both US and UK instances, if my wording wasn't very clear then I apologise.

OK just to satisfy you - Jean Charles de Menezes

Edited by sysardman
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As for your last part then I agree there that the criminals are wising up and exploiting loopholes but it was bound to happen, gone are the days of 'it's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rights'

It was only ever like that in Tv shows.

Professional criminals never admit anything, even if caught 'on the job'.

What about us 'straight-up' people?

I'm not sure if taking Viagra would have any effect on people admitting or not admitting to crimes.

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There seems to be many FARANG posters saying that the Thai police are on a par with the British police

And some even suggest that they are better. Yet when I speak with my THAI friends, they ALL say they

Dispise and hate the Thai police. I have also spoken with Thais who have lived for a considerable length of time in the UK, again all of them have only praise for the British police, so why is it that some Farangs on TV

Have opposite experiences and thoughts ?.

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There seems to be many FARANG posters saying that the Thai police are on a par with the British police

And some even suggest that they are better. Yet when I speak with my THAI friends, they ALL say they

Dispise and hate the Thai police. I have also spoken with Thais who have lived for a considerable length of time in the UK, again all of them have only praise for the British police, so why is it that some Farangs on TV

Have opposite experiences and thoughts ?.

The LOS farang are talking bollo...s, and probably have been lifted by their police countrymen. clap2.gif
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I usually just empty out my pockets for them. I don't allow anyone to put his or her hand into my pockets.

Was stopped at about 10.00 p.m. last week Friday and asked to get out of the car to answer lots of questions.

One was, "Where are you coming from this late?" It was just ten and I was actually alone on my way home.

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There seems to be many FARANG posters saying that the Thai police are on a par with the British police

And some even suggest that they are better. Yet when I speak with my THAI friends, they ALL say they

Dispise and hate the Thai police. I have also spoken with Thais who have lived for a considerable length of time in the UK, again all of them have only praise for the British police, so why is it that some Farangs on TV

Have opposite experiences and thoughts ?.

Well you were nit picking with my post - who are these Thai people you are quoting and what experiences are we talking about. I live amongst the Thais, have taken the trouble to read and speak some Thai and have made many Thai friends and they (including me) are never troubled by all these 'corrupt' cops.

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There seems to be many FARANG posters saying that the Thai police are on a par with the British police

And some even suggest that they are better. Yet when I speak with my THAI friends, they ALL say they

Dispise and hate the Thai police. I have also spoken with Thais who have lived for a considerable length of time in the UK, again all of them have only praise for the British police, so why is it that some Farangs on TV

Have opposite experiences and thoughts ?.

The LOS farang are talking bollo...s, and probably have been lifted by their police countrymen. clap2.gif

And here we go with the guilty by association comments, if you defend somebody you must be one too - yawn, yawn.

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There seems to be many FARANG posters saying that the Thai police are on a par with the British police

And some even suggest that they are better. Yet when I speak with my THAI friends, they ALL say they

Dispise and hate the Thai police. I have also spoken with Thais who have lived for a considerable length of time in the UK, again all of them have only praise for the British police, so why is it that some Farangs on TV

Have opposite experiences and thoughts ?.

The LOS farang are talking bollo...s, and probably have been lifted by their police countrymen. clap2.gif

And here we go with the guilty by association comments, if you defend somebody you must be one too - yawn, yawn.

Perhaps l am/was. laugh.png
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There seems to be many FARANG posters saying that the Thai police are on a par with the British police

And some even suggest that they are better. Yet when I speak with my THAI friends, they ALL say they

Dispise and hate the Thai police. I have also spoken with Thais who have lived for a considerable length of time in the UK, again all of them have only praise for the British police, so why is it that some Farangs on TV

Have opposite experiences and thoughts ?.

The LOS farang are talking bollo...s, and probably have been lifted by their police countrymen. clap2.gif

And here we go with the guilty by association comments, if you defend somebody you must be one too - yawn, yawn.

Perhaps l am/was. laugh.png

It's a fair cop guv'nor you caught me bang to rightstongue.png

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How dare you, people can compare RTP to any western police? Its beyond me, it let me completely speechless.

In UK i never heard tourist got shot by drunken police, and never got justice?

But in thailand it does happen, do you remember Joe Del Pinto, shot by a cop in Pai?

Sometimes i wonder if all these nonsensical message are not wrote by only 1 guy who hold many account on TV. Canot believe there are so many stupid people around...whistling.gif

You must walk around with your eyes shut - in the UK there are many instance besides the Tomlinson case of people dying in custody or resisting arrest. If you check on Youtube there's tons of video evidence of people being shot by US police under dubious circumstance. Its just been in the news recently about a coloured guy being shot in a hail of 46 bullets (Google it) when all he had was a knife - what happened to tasers????

Some people on this webboard are completely hopeless, really hopeless.

What are we talking about? The thread started with OP suggesting thai cop planting drug, but some "hijacker" come and say that western police are worst and RTP are a lot better!

And these "hijacker" started talking about police blunder in west, about racism, about taser....a lot of nonsense as usual.

So lets make it clear:

Police blunder

There is a huge difference between a police blunder and police corruption.

First nobody never said that western police where perfect. When you do have a police force of hundred thousand men of course you do have badass, of course police blunder does happen and it will happen again. As its in the human nature.

But the hijacker do forget that police blunder a certainly X time higher in thailand, as there is no human right in this country.

Police corruption

RTP a famous for being totaly corrupt, this is a pure fact.

Back home i never heard of police planting drug in attempt to extort money.

Back home never heard police killing for loss of face.

Back home never heard police operating illegal gambling den or brothel.

Back home never heard police involve in robbery.

Back home never heard police abducting people and asking ransom.

Back home never heard police cheating at their exam.

Back home never witness police taking bribery for whatever reason.

In thailand its clearly a daily occurence. JUST READ TV FORUM, LOONY.

Few weeks ago on TV forum, we got an articles stating that DSI did register 25000 complaint against RTP!!!


No racism in thailand? oOviously because thailand dont have coloured people, but they do have poor people, they do have lao,

ethnies people, burmese people. These people also get shot and no investigation...


Agree, no taser in thailand, but they do have cosh and it can hurt...

( UK police dont even carry gun...)

Charles Menez

Yes of course this blunder was a horrible tragedy, as he was mistaken for a terrorist.

But when Joe DelPinto was shot it was for a loss of face.

When his girlfriend was shot( but survive) also it was also for a loss of face.

When another young british couple were shot few year back in kanchanaburi by a cop, it was not a blunder, it was for a loss of face.

I remember what Chalerm say: "There are no police in thailand. Police are just businessman. If you want to settle a deal you go see them."

Edited by Bender
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How dare you, people can compare RTP to any western police? Its beyond me, it let me completely speechless.

In UK i never heard tourist got shot by drunken police, and never got justice?

But in thailand it does happen, do you remember Joe Del Pinto, shot by a cop in Pai?

Sometimes i wonder if all these nonsensical message are not wrote by only 1 guy who hold many account on TV. Canot believe there are so many stupid people around...whistling.gif

You must walk around with your eyes shut - in the UK there are many instance besides the Tomlinson case of people dying in custody or resisting arrest. If you check on Youtube there's tons of video evidence of people being shot by US police under dubious circumstance. Its just been in the news recently about a coloured guy being shot in a hail of 46 bullets (Google it) when all he had was a knife - what happened to tasers????

Some people on this webboard are completely hopeless, really hopeless.

What are we talking about? The thread started with OP suggesting thai cop planting drug, but some "hijacker" come and say that western police are worst and RTP are a lot better!

And these "hijacker" started talking about police blunder in west, about racism, about taser....a lot of nonsense as usual.

So lets make it clear:

Police blunder

There is a huge difference between a police blunder and police corruption.

First nobody never said that western police where perfect. When you do have a police force of hundred thousand men of course you do have badass, of course police blunder does happen and it will happen again. As its in the human nature.

But the hijacker do forget that police blunder a certainly X time higher in thailand, as there is no human right in this country.

Police corruption

RTP a famous for being totaly corrupt, this is a pure fact.

Back home i never heard of police planting drug in attempt to extort money.

Back home never heard police killing for loss of face.

Back home never heard police operating illegal gambling den or brothel.

Back home never heard police involve in robbery.

Back home never heard police abducting people and asking ransom.

Back home never heard police cheating at their exam.

Back home never witness police taking bribery for whatever reason.

In thailand its clearly a daily occurence. JUST READ TV FORUM, LOONY.

Few weeks ago on TV forum, we got an articles stating that DSI did register 25000 complaint against RTP!!!


No racism in thailand? oOviously because thailand dont have coloured people, but they do have poor people, they do have lao,

ethnies people, burmese people. These people also get shot and no investigation...


Agree, no taser in thailand, but they do have cosh and it can hurt...

( UK police dont even carry gun...)

Charles Menez

Yes of course this blunder was a horrible tragedy, as he was mistaken for a terrorist.

But when Joe DelPinto was shot it was for a loss of face.

When his girlfriend was shot( but survive) also it was also for a loss of face.

When another young british couple were shot few year back in kanchanaburi by a cop, it was not a blunder, it was for a loss of face.

I remember what Chalerm say: "There are no police in thailand. Police are just businessman. If you want to settle a deal you go see them."

Well to start with I'm not the one who started the corrupt police bit that hijacked the thread. As for your list of I've never heard ofs I'm not even going to start on that - not because you've won but you are obviously in denial and very naive and if you cared to sit and Google the stuff before making wild stupid statements you would find examples in the UK and US.

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Why is it so many people complain about things in Thailand not being like back home? Why not just go back home if you want to live like in a place like back home. Some people won't be happy until Thailand becomes the same as the places most of us left to get away from ... including radically raising the cost of living and taxes here in order to pay for all the first world things they want this developing nation to have like a highly paid, trained police force with lifetime benefits that would largely prevent a cop from taking couple hundred baht instead of hauling your behind to a police station.

Well said Nisa, I for one have tried to integrate with the Thais and have never been hassled by these 'corrupt' cops. What most of these moaners don't realise is to the Thais they are not regarded as superior white westerners to be looked up at and revered but are looked down on the same as the Burmese, Lao, and Cambodian invaders (what do you think Farang means?). The only difference is the westerners walk around flaunting 'loads a money' and this sets them up as targets by the cops who maybe make the same in a year as farang make in a month.

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