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Non-immigrant B And Work Permits

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Does the company which writes my application letter for non-immigrant B visa actually have to employ me?

Do they have to employ me within a set time e.g. within the first 6 months of receiving my non-immigrant visa??

What happens if I am not employed by this company? What happens if I am offered a work visa from another company?

Many thanks for any advice you can provide.

I am UK citizen 44 years old, diving instructor, going back to UK for visit in March and want to use my time well in order to get best visa possible from UK


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Your visa is issued by a Thai diplomatic post, operated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Whatever letter you show them (outside Thailand) to get a non-immigrant Class B visa will never be seen by Thai Immigration officials at the border. If the diplomatic post issues you a non-immigrant ClassB visa, that is good enough for Immigration - they give you a 90 day entry permit.

With that non-immigrent entry permit, you are eligible for employment by any qualifying employer - meaning that they 1) have enough capoitalization; 2) enough Thai employess, and 3) are willing to pay you a high enough salary.

No consistency in employment intentions is required between getting visa, getting entry permit, and getting work permit.

With a Class B visa, you are free to apply for work, or not apply. If you do not apply, you will need to leave Thailand at least every 90 days.

Good luck.


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Indo Siam,I have additional question about non immigrant B.

I got this kind of visa in Singapore for 3 months,worked for some company but left before my work permit was done.Is it option to extend this kind of visa without existing work permit or any letter from company that interested to employe me? I heard even in this case I can get one month extension.Is It?

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A short, one-time extension is possible, by going to Immigration and applying - it is granted immediately. Normally, they do not ask for justification for one of these short extensions - but with trouble in south these days, I'm not sure.

After that one extension, you are finished - and must leave Thailand.

By the way, for an employer that meets qualifying criteria, and hasa clue about what they are doing, a work permit currently takes less than two weeks to obtain. Maybe 3-4 days to get packet and papers together (and you have to get doctor's certificate and photos), and 7-10 days turn around at Labor Ministry,obce you submit packet.





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