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Problems With Business Development In Our Moo Baan


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I'd like to know how many of you that are saying "go home" or "western values" actually own homes?

Easy for a renter not be so concerned about pride in ownership and what takes place in his Moo Baan.

I for one dislike the fact that a certain (foreign owned) restaurant has opened at the entrance of my place that has limited parking and sometimes creates a traffic problem. Also a Thai owner has opened up a coffee shop at the back of the Moo Baan.

Not a problem so far ,but I'm not so keen on the extra public traffic it will bring to a private housing Estate.

My Idea is if it starts to be a problem, Is I will just open a small bamboo hut with twinkly lites and a couple of girls sitting at it, sell Hong tong and Sangsom with a nice selection of Issan karaoke music playing. (see how long that lasts)

After all, It's just business and It's my house.

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I doubt anyone can do anything about this type of situation or change anything. This is Thailand, not the West.

In our residential moobaan over the last 5 years we have seen no less than 3 factories open up, 3 coffee shops, day care centers, a huge office building with perhaps 150 employees and endless cars and motorcycles coming and going from 07:30 to 01:00 every day and night, as well as numerous other businesses all over the moobaan. Now there are 3 parking lots opening up to accommodate the amount of people coming each day to work and/or do business here. Along with that comes the street vendors showing up all day to offer food and drinks to the workers.

Besides, foreigners can't own property here so all the complaining doesn't much matter, does it?

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Nope your wrong, you can do something about it.

I'm a resident of my Moo Baan and have a say in what happens here.

Couple of years ago they installed a speed bump right in font of my house. Candy cane red stripes and all.

Every time a big truck ran over it or even a pick up it would make allot of noise. Got fed up and spoke to the Moo Baan president about it and it was removed the next day.

Also, if I have to hear one more time that I don't own my house I'm going to go crazy....

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Nope your wrong, you can do something about it.

I'm a resident of my Moo Baan and have a say in what happens here.

Couple of years ago they installed a speed bump right in font of my house. Candy cane red stripes and all.

Every time a big truck ran over it or even a pick up it would make allot of noise. Got fed up and spoke to the Moo Baan president about it and it was removed the next day.

Also, if I have to hear one more time that I don't own my house I'm going to go crazy....

They installed a speed bump right in front of my nearest neighbor's house about 300 meters down the soi. After about 4 months, they had 2 guys show up one morning and demolish it for them. smile.png I'm sure it was due to the same reason.

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Nope your wrong, you can do something about it.

I'm a resident of my Moo Baan and have a say in what happens here.

Couple of years ago they installed a speed bump right in font of my house. Candy cane red stripes and all.

Every time a big truck ran over it or even a pick up it would make allot of noise. Got fed up and spoke to the Moo Baan president about it and it was removed the next day.

Also, if I have to hear one more time that I don't own my house I'm going to go crazy....

You don't own your house.


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Nope your wrong, you can do something about it.

I'm a resident of my Moo Baan and have a say in what happens here.

Couple of years ago they installed a speed bump right in font of my house. Candy cane red stripes and all.

Every time a big truck ran over it or even a pick up it would make allot of noise. Got fed up and spoke to the Moo Baan president about it and it was removed the next day.

Also, if I have to hear one more time that I don't own my house I'm going to go crazy....

You don't own your house.


He owns his house. His wife owns the land it sits on.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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I'd like to know how many of you that are saying "go home" or "western values" actually own homes?

Easy for a renter not be so concerned about pride in ownership and what takes place in his Moo Baan.

As foreigners aren't allowed to own homes in a MooBaan, this shouldn't be a concern.

The answer is NONE of us actually own homes on a MooBaan.

(@thaicbr unless you built it yourself, you can't own the house either)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I'd like to know how many of you that are saying "go home" or "western values" actually own homes?

Easy for a renter not be so concerned about pride in ownership and what takes place in his Moo Baan.

As foreigners aren't allowed to own homes in a MooBaan, this shouldn't be a concern.

The answer is NONE of us actually own homes on a MooBaan.

(@thaicbr unless you built it yourself, you can't own the house either)

Really! I'm pretty sure that once bought you can do paper work to show the building as yours.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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I'd like to know how many of you that are saying "go home" or "western values" actually own homes?

Easy for a renter not be so concerned about pride in ownership and what takes place in his Moo Baan.

As foreigners aren't allowed to own homes in a MooBaan, this shouldn't be a concern.

The answer is NONE of us actually own homes on a MooBaan.

(@thaicbr unless you built it yourself, you can't own the house either)

Really! I'm pretty sure that once bought you can do paper work to show the building as yours.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

No, it's not allowed to separate the house and land ownership, once both have been registered as owned by the same person.

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I'd like to know how many of you that are saying "go home" or "western values" actually own homes?

Easy for a renter not be so concerned about pride in ownership and what takes place in his Moo Baan.

As foreigners aren't allowed to own homes in a MooBaan, this shouldn't be a concern.

The answer is NONE of us actually own homes on a MooBaan.

(@thaicbr unless you built it yourself, you can't own the house either)

Really! I'm pretty sure that once bought you can do paper work to show the building as yours.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

No, it's not allowed to separate the house and land ownership, once both have been registered as owned by the same person.

Tommy, Where did you get this information?


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Really! I'm pretty sure that once bought you can do paper work to show the building as yours.

Don't believe this to be the case. It has to be listed as seperate ownership when first registered, so I believe. I'm sure there's plenty of threads about it though and this isn't one of them.

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To the OP, I suggest that you read the thread I started about how to deal with a problem from a "friendly neighbor." I asked a specific question about what would be my neighbor's response if I re-deposited the leaves falling from his trees that hang over my wall back to his property. I got many of the same responses that you got, from mostly the same persons. I wouldn't take them too seriously, as they obviously have a pointed agenda to push, as it has nothing to do with the rule of law (either in Thailand or in the West). You got a couple of common sense answers. Good luck!

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