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Okily dokily gents. Here we have the first weeks sc ores on the doors. Massive score to the BigToe this week putting him ahead in both comps. I'm using the new fandangled automated sheet this week, so could you please check your scores and get back to me if you think any are wrong.

This weeks scores


JacknDanny 26

mrbojangles 26

JustinCredible 25

zaphodbeeblebrox 25

LeungKen 24

MrRed 24

Mouserless 23

TheBlether 22

Bangrakbob 21

Oldgit 19

redrus 19

Alfieconn 18

binnsy 17

MrMuddle 17

Cardholder 16

LiteBeer 15

Jockstar 14

smokie36 14

tw25rw 0

Dosh League


mrbojangles 26

Justin Credible 25

zaphodbeeblebrox 25

MrRed 24

Mouserless 23

TheBlether 22

redrus 19

Alfieconn 18

smokie36 14

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

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Scores for week 26/08/12

MrRed 33

Bangrakbob 22


Jockstar 20

redrus 20

MrMuddle 19

Alfieconn 16

binnsy 16

LiteBeer 15

LeungKen 14

Mouserless 14

JacknDanny 13

Justin Credible 13

mrbojangles 13

TheBlether 12

zaphodbeeblebrox 12

Cardholder 11

Oldgit 11

smokie36 9

tw25rw 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 57


Bangrakbob 43

JacknDanny 39

mrbojangles 39

MrMuddle 39

redrus 39

Justin Credible 38

LeungKen 38

Mouserless 37

zaphodbeeblebrox 37

Alfieconn 34

Jockstar 34

TheBlether 34

binnsy 33

LiteBeer 30

Oldgit 30

Cardholder 27

smokie36 23

tw25rw 0

Dosh League

MrRed 57


mrbojangles 39

redrus 39

Justin Credible 38

Mouserless 37

zaphodbeeblebrox 37

Alfieconn 34

TheBlether 34

smokie36 23

Well done to MrRed for getting top score this week and shooting up the league to first place.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 02/09/12

mrbojangles 29

LeungKen 26

MrRed 22

redrus 22

Bangrakbob 21

zaphodbeeblebrox 18

binnsy 16

Jockstar 16

JustinCredible 16

LiteBeer 16

Alfieconn 13


JacknDanny 12

smokie36 12

TheBlether 12

Mouserless 11

Oldgit 10

MrMuddle 8

Cardholder 5

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 79

mrbojangles 68

MrMuddle 68


Bangrakbob 64

LeungKen 64

redrus 61

zaphodbeeblebrox 55

JustinCredible 54

JacknDanny 51

Jockstar 50

binnsy 49

Mouserless 48

Alfieconn 47

LiteBeer 46

TheBlether 46

Oldgit 40

smokie36 35

Cardholder 32

Dosh League

MrRed 79

mrbojangles 68


redrus 61

zaphodbeeblebrox 55

JustinCredible 54

Mouserless 48

Alfieconn 47

TheBlether 46

smokie36 35

I am happy to report that I got top score this week. wai.gif However, MrRed remains at the top of the overall and dosh leagues. A weeks break now chaps for the internationals.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 3 weeks later...

Scores for week 17/09/12

MrRed 31

binnsy 30

LeungKen 28

Cardholder 26

Jockstar 26

redrus 25

TheBlether 25


JustinCredible 24

LiteBeer 23

Alfieconn 22

JacknDanny 21

mrbojangles 18

smokie36 17

Mouserless 14

zaphodbeeblebrox 13

MrMuddle 12

Oldgit 12

Bangrakbob 11

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 110

LeungKen 92


mrbojangles 86

MrMuddle 86

redrus 86

binnsy 79

JustinCredible 78

Jockstar 76

Bangrakbob 75

JacknDanny 72

TheBlether 71

Alfieconn 69

LiteBeer 69

zaphodbeeblebrox 68

Mouserless 62

Cardholder 58

Oldgit 52

smokie36 52

Dosh League

MrRed 110


mrbojangles 86

redrus 86

JustinCredible 78

TheBlether 71

Alfieconn 69

zaphodbeeblebrox 68

Mouserless 62

smokie36 52

Don't know what has happened to MrRed this year but that is his second top score of the season already and thus he is storming ahead of both the overall and dosh leagues. Congrats MrRed who was closely followed by binnsy. The new sheets are also now up for the next 4 weeks games.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 23/09/12

Alfieconn 42

mrbojangles 38

Mouserless 37

MrRed 30


JustinCredible 25

binnsy 23

LiteBeer 23

zaphodbeeblebrox 23

LeungKen 22

Jockstar 21

Oldgit 18

smokie36 17

Bangrakbob 16

TheBlether 14

JacknDanny 13

Cardholder 0

MrMuddle 0

redrus 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 140

mrbojangles 124

MrMuddle 124


LeungKen 114

Alfieconn 111

JustinCredible 103

binnsy 102

Mouserless 99

Jockstar 97

LiteBeer 92

Bangrakbob 91

zaphodbeeblebrox 91

redrus 86

JacknDanny 85

TheBlether 85

Oldgit 70

smokie36 69

Cardholder 58

Dosh League

MrRed 140

mrbojangles 124


Alfieconn 111

JustinCredible 103

Mouserless 99

zaphodbeeblebrox 91

redrus 86

TheBlether 85

smokie36 69

Well done to Alfiecon for getting top score this weeks but MrRed still leads both the overall and dosh leagues. 3 people forgot to submit predictions this week but there's still plenty of time left to make it up, so don't forget to submit them this week gents

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 01/10/12

LiteBeer 38

redrus 36

Bangrakbob 32

TheBlether 30

Cardholder 29

Jockstar 26

Alfieconn 25

binnsy 25

mrbojangles 25

MrMuddle 24

Mouserless 23

MrRed 23


JustinCredible 22

LeungKen 19

zaphodbeeblebrox 16

JacknDanny 14

Oldgit 14

smokie36 11

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 163

mrbojangles 149


Alfieconn 136

LeungKen 133

LiteBeer 130

binnsy 127

JustinCredible 125

Bangrakbob 123

Jockstar 123

Mouserless 122

redrus 122

TheBlether 115

zaphodbeeblebrox 107

JacknDanny 99

Cardholder 87

Oldgit 84

MrMuddle 80

smokie36 80

Dosh League

MrRed 163

mrbojangles 149


Alfieconn 136

JustinCredible 125

Mouserless 122

redrus 122

TheBlether 115

zaphodbeeblebrox 107

smokie36 80

Well done to LiteBeer for his first score this season, followed closely by Redrus. Much to the annoyance of Smokie, MrRed is still getting good scores and therefore still leads both the overall and dosh leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 08/10/12

LeungKen 54

TheBlether 41

redrus 40

MrMuddle 33

Cardholder 30

smokie36 30

MrRed 29

Mouserless 25

Bangrakbob 24

zaphodbeeblebrox 23


JustinCredible 22

Alfieconn 20

Jockstar 20

LiteBeer 19

mrbojangles 19

binnsy 16

Oldgit 15

JacknDanny 11

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 192

LeungKen 187

mrbojangles 168


redrus 162

Alfieconn 156

TheBlether 156

LiteBeer 149

Bangrakbob 147

JustinCredible 147

Mouserless 147

binnsy 143

Jockstar 143

zaphodbeeblebrox 130

Cardholder 117

MrMuddle 113

JacknDanny 110

smokie36 110

Oldgit 99

Dosh League

MrRed 192

mrbojangles 168


redrus 162

Alfieconn 156

TheBlether 156

JustinCredible 147

Mouserless 147

zaphodbeeblebrox 130

smokie36 110

Well done to Leungken for a huge score this week, I can't remember there being an higher one for a week where the teams only played once. Also, well done to TheBlether and Redrus on their scores as on a normal week they would have been high enough to be winners. MrRed is still getting good scores and therefore still leads both the overall and dosh leagues. Week off this week gents due to the Internationals.....again !!

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 21/10/12

Bangrakbob 39

binnsy 34

JacknDanny 34

JustinCredible 34

Alfieconn 32

Mouserless 31

Jockstar 27

mrbojangles 27

zaphodbeeblebrox 27

Cardholder 25

LeungKen 25


LiteBeer 24

Oldgit 24

MrRed 17

redrus 16

smokie36 15

MrMuddle 14

TheBlether 14

Overall Leader Board

LeungKen 212

MrRed 209

mrbojangles 195

Alfieconn 188

Bangrakbob 186


JustinCredible 181

Mouserless 178

redrus 178

binnsy 177

LiteBeer 173

Jockstar 170

TheBlether 170

zaphodbeeblebrox 157

JacknDanny 144

Cardholder 142

MrMuddle 127

smokie36 125

Oldgit 123

Dosh League

MrRed 209

mrbojangles 195

Alfieconn 188


JustinCredible 181

Mouserless 178

redrus 178

TheBlether 170

zaphodbeeblebrox 157

smokie36 125

Well done to Bangrakbob for getting top score this week. Congrats to Leungken who has come up on the blind side and leaped into top spot of the overall league. MrRed still tops the dosh league but is also starting to get reeled in on there also.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 28/10/12


Oldgit 39

JustinCredible 38

MrMuddle 38

mrbojangles 36

MrRed 36

LeungKen 32

Cardholder 31

Mouserless 31

Jockstar 27

redrus 25

smokie36 22

zaphodbeeblebrox 21

Alfieconn 19

JacknDanny 16

LiteBeer 15

binnsy 13

TheBlether 11

Bangrakbob 10

Overall Leader Board


MrRed 245

LeungKen 244

mrbojangles 231

JustinCredible 219

Mouserless 209

Alfieconn 207

redrus 203

Jockstar 197

Bangrakbob 196

binnsy 190

LiteBeer 188

TheBlether 181

zaphodbeeblebrox 178

Cardholder 173

MrMuddle 165

Oldgit 162

JacknDanny 160

smokie36 147

Dosh League


MrRed 245

mrbojangles 231

JustinCredible 219

Mouserless 209

Alfieconn 207

redrus 203

TheBlether 181

zaphodbeeblebrox 178

smokie36 147

Well done to BigToe3 for getting a monster of a top score this week (Mouserless isn't gonna help you submit them from now on) laugh.png That has got to be the record so far. That score has knocked Leungken off the Overall Leader Board and MrRed off his Dosh Perch.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 05/11/12

binnsy 40

Cardholder 36

Oldgit 29

JustinCredible 26

Mouserless 25

Alfieconn 24

MrRed 23

LeungKen 21

MrMuddle 21

JacknDanny 20

Jockstar 20

mrbojangles 19

Bangrakbob 18


smokie36 17

zaphodbeeblebrox 17

redrus 15

TheBlether 11

LiteBeer 7

Overall Leader Board


MrRed 268

LeungKen 265

mrbojangles 250

JustinCredible 245

Mouserless 234

Alfieconn 231

binnsy 230

redrus 218

Jockstar 217

Bangrakbob 214

Cardholder 209

LiteBeer 195

zaphodbeeblebrox 195

TheBlether 192

Oldgit 191

MrMuddle 186

JacknDanny 180

smokie36 164

Dosh League


MrRed 268

mrbojangles 250

JustinCredible 245

Mouserless 234

Alfieconn 231

redrus 218

zaphodbeeblebrox 195

TheBlether 192

smokie36 164

Well done to Binnsy for getting top score this week and to Cardholder coming in second. BigToe3 still leads both the Overall Leader Board and the Dosh League.

Edit:- Sorry guys. I missed Jockstars score off. His e-mail somehow went into my spam box. Sorry JS

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 11/11/12

JustinCredible 36

LeungKen 28

MrRed 28

binnsy 26

Jockstar 26

Mouserless 26

mrbojangles 26

Bangrakbob 23


Cardholder 19

smokie36 19

LiteBeer 18

Oldgit 17

zaphodbeeblebrox 17

redrus 16

JacknDanny 15

TheBlether 14

MrMuddle 13

Alfieconn 9

Overall Leader Board


MrRed 296

LeungKen 293

JustinCredible 281

mrbojangles 276

Mouserless 260

binnsy 256

Jockstar 243

Alfieconn 240

Bangrakbob 237

redrus 234

Cardholder 228

LiteBeer 213

zaphodbeeblebrox 212

Oldgit 208

TheBlether 206

MrMuddle 199

JacknDanny 195

smokie36 183

Dosh League


MrRed 296

JustinCredible 281

mrbojangles 276

Mouserless 260

Alfieconn 240

redrus 234

zaphodbeeblebrox 212

TheBlether 206

smokie36 183

Well done to JustinCredible for getting top score this week. Another good week for Leungken and MrRed. BigToe3 still leads both the Overall Leader Board and the Dosh League.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 19/11/12

Bangrakbob 26

binnsy 17

Cardholder 17

TheBlether 17

redrus 16

Oldgit 13

zaphodbeeblebrox 13

Alfieconn 12

JacknDanny 12

Mouserless 12


MrMuddle 11

MrRed 11

smokie36 11

Jockstar 10

JustinCredible 10

mrbojangles 10

LeungKen 9

LiteBeer 6

Overall Leader Board


MrRed 307

LeungKen 302

JustinCredible 291

mrbojangles 286

binnsy 273

Mouserless 272

Bangrakbob 263

Jockstar 253

Alfieconn 252

redrus 250

Cardholder 245

zaphodbeeblebrox 225

TheBlether 223

Oldgit 221

LiteBeer 219

MrMuddle 210

JacknDanny 207

smokie36 194

Dosh League


MrRed 307

JustinCredible 291

mrbojangles 286

Mouserless 272

Alfieconn 252

redrus 250

zaphodbeeblebrox 225

TheBlether 223

smokie36 194

Well done to Bangrakbob for getting top score on what was an overall low scoring week. BigToe3 still leads both the Overall Leader Board and the Dosh League but the lead has norrowed down to just 1 point.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 27/11/12

Cardholder 62

LeungKen 62

MrRed 61

JustinCredible 57

Bangrakbob 50

mrbojangles 47

smokie36 47

binnsy 44

JacknDanny 44

Mouserless 43

Alfieconn 38


MrMuddle 37

Oldgit 36

redrus 36

Jockstar 34

LiteBeer 34

TheBlether 31

zaphodbeeblebrox 19

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 368

LeungKen 364

JustinCredible 348


mrbojangles 333

binnsy 317

Mouserless 315

Bangrakbob 313

Cardholder 307

Alfieconn 290

Jockstar 287

redrus 286

Oldgit 257

TheBlether 254

LiteBeer 253

JacknDanny 251

MrMuddle 247

zaphodbeeblebrox 244

smokie36 241

Dosh League

MrRed 368

JustinCredible 348


mrbojangles 333

Mouserless 315

Alfieconn 290

redrus 286

TheBlether 254

zaphodbeeblebrox 244

smokie36 241

Well done to Cardholder and Leungken for getting joint top scores this week. BigToe3's miserable week means that MrRed has overtook him back into top spot of both the Overall Leader Board and the Dosh League.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 3/12/12

Cardholder 26

Mouserless 22

Jockstar 21

mrbojangles 21

Bangrakbob 20

LiteBeer 20

binnsy 19

JustinCredible 19

LeungKen 18


Alfieconn 15

MrRed 14

TheBlether 14

redrus 13

smokie36 13

zaphodbeeblebrox 12

Oldgit 11

JacknDanny 10

MrMuddle 0

Overall Leader Board

LeungKen 382

MrRed 382

JustinCredible 367


mrbojangles 354

Mouserless 337

binnsy 336

Bangrakbob 333

Cardholder 333

Jockstar 308

Alfieconn 305

redrus 299

LiteBeer 273

Oldgit 268

TheBlether 268

JacknDanny 261

zaphodbeeblebrox 256

smokie36 254

MrMuddle 247

Dosh League

MrRed 382

JustinCredible 367


mrbojangles 354

Mouserless 337

Alfieconn 305

redrus 299

TheBlether 268

zaphodbeeblebrox 256

smokie36 254

Well done to Cardholder again for getting top score this week. Leungken is now joint top with MrRed of the overall league with MrRed in top spot of the Dosh League.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 11/12/12

Oldgit 48

MrRed 46


mrbojangles 34

Jockstar 32

LeungKen 32

Bangrakbob 31

JacknDanny 31

Alfieconn 30

redrus 25

JustinCredible 24

Cardholder 22

TheBlether 22

zaphodbeeblebrox 22

LiteBeer 19

Mouserless 16

MrMuddle 16

binnsy 11

smokie36 9

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 428

LeungKen 414


JustinCredible 391

mrbojangles 388

Bangrakbob 364

Cardholder 355

Mouserless 353

binnsy 347

Jockstar 340

Alfieconn 335

redrus 324

Oldgit 316

JacknDanny 292

LiteBeer 292

TheBlether 290

zaphodbeeblebrox 278

MrMuddle 263

smokie36 263

Dosh League

MrRed 428


JustinCredible 391

mrbojangles 388

Mouserless 353

Alfieconn 335

redrus 324

TheBlether 290

zaphodbeeblebrox 278

smokie36 263

Well done to Oldgit for getting top score this week. MrRed is now back on top of both the Overall league and Dosh League.

Gents, I am going on holiday on Friday night so it would be appreciated if you could give me your predictions for this week ASAP. I haven't seen the Mrs and Daughter for over a week so they won't be impressed with me sitting at my laptop doing the scores. If you get my drift. thumbsup.gif Cheers.


Scores for week 18/12/12


Cardholder 39

LiteBeer 39

Bangrakbob 37

JustinCredible 37

JacknDanny 35

LeungKen 32

binnsy 31

Jockstar 29

Mouserless 29

MrRed 29

redrus 25

mrbojangles 24

Oldgit 22

smokie36 22

MrMuddle 21

zaphodbeeblebrox 18

Alfieconn 0

TheBlether 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 457

LeungKen 446


JustinCredible 428

mrbojangles 412

Bangrakbob 401

Cardholder 394

Mouserless 382

binnsy 378

Jockstar 369

redrus 349

Oldgit 338

Alfieconn 335

LiteBeer 331

JacknDanny 327

zaphodbeeblebrox 296

TheBlether 290

smokie36 285

MrMuddle 284

Dosh League

MrRed 457


JustinCredible 428

mrbojangles 412

Mouserless 382

redrus 349

Alfieconn 335

zaphodbeeblebrox 296

TheBlether 290

smokie36 285

Well done to BigToe for getting top score this week, very closely followed by Cardholde and Litebeer. MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues. A couple of non submissions this week. Don't forget to send them in chaps. I'm on my holidays and haven't got the time to send out reminders.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 26/12/12

Oldgit 49

Jockstar 47

smokie36 47

mrbojangles 43

JustinCredible 40

MrMuddle 40

Cardholder 38

Alfieconn 35

LeungKen 35

LiteBeer 33

zaphodbeeblebrox 31

MrRed 29

Bangrakbob 28

JacknDanny 28

redrus 27

binnsy 26


Mouserless 25

TheBlether 14

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 486

LeungKen 481


JustinCredible 468

mrbojangles 455

Cardholder 432

Bangrakbob 429

Jockstar 416

Mouserless 407

binnsy 404

Oldgit 387

redrus 376

Alfieconn 370

LiteBeer 364

JacknDanny 355

smokie36 332

zaphodbeeblebrox 327

MrMuddle 324

TheBlether 304

Dosh League

MrRed 486


JustinCredible 468

mrbojangles 455

Mouserless 407

redrus 376

Alfieconn 370

smokie36 332

zaphodbeeblebrox 327

TheBlether 304

Well done to Oldgit for getting top score this week, very closely followed by Jockstar and Smokie. MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues. Get this weeks in quickly please chaps.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 02/01/13

MrRed 68

mrbojangles 55

Jockstar 52

binnsy 46

Mouserless 45

redrus 44

Oldgit 44

Alfieconn 43

JacknDanny 42

JustinCredible 42

MrMuddle 41

LiteBeer 41

TheBlether 39

Cardholder 38

zaphodbeeblebrox 37

smokie36 37

Bangrakbob 35

LeungKen 33


Overall Leader Board

MrRed 554

LeungKen 514

JustinCredible 510

mrbojangles 510


Cardholder 470

Jockstar 468

Bangrakbob 464

Mouserless 452

binnsy 450

Oldgit 431

redrus 420

Alfieconn 413

LiteBeer 405

JacknDanny 397

smokie36 369

MrMuddle 365

zaphodbeeblebrox 364

TheBlether 354

Dosh League

MrRed 554

JustinCredible 510

mrbojangles 510


Mouserless 452

redrus 420

Alfieconn 413

smokie36 369

zaphodbeeblebrox 364

TheBlether 354

Well done to MrRed for getting top score again this week. MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues and opening up a significant gap now. Week off this week.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 16/01/13

MrMuddle 32

LeungKen 32

redrus 31

Jockstar 25

binnsy 24

Mouserless 21

Oldgit 15

mrbojangles 14

Cardholder 14

smokie36 13

JustinCredible 11


LiteBeer 10

TheBlether 10

zaphodbeeblebrox 10

MrRed 9

Alfieconn 9

JacknDanny 7

Bangrakbob 5

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 563

LeungKen 546

mrbojangles 524

JustinCredible 521


Jockstar 493

Cardholder 484

binnsy 474

Mouserless 473

Bangrakbob 469

redrus 451

Oldgit 446

Alfieconn 422

LiteBeer 415

JacknDanny 404

MrMuddle 397

smokie36 382

zaphodbeeblebrox 374

TheBlether 364

Dosh League

MrRed 563

mrbojangles 524

JustinCredible 521


Mouserless 473

redrus 451

Alfieconn 422

smokie36 382

zaphodbeeblebrox 374

TheBlether 364

Well done to MrMuddle and Leungken for getting top scores this week, closely followed by Redrus. Pretty much low scoring week for the rest of us.MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 23/01/13

JacknDanny 45

JustinCredible 32

Oldgit 28

LiteBeer 28

mrbojangles 25

binnsy 22

Mouserless 22

zaphodbeeblebrox 20

redrus 19

MrRed 19

Cardholder 18

Jockstar 17

smokie36 17


Bangrakbob 17

LeungKen 15

TheBlether 8

MrMuddle 0

Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 582

LeungKen 561

JustinCredible 553

mrbojangles 549


Jockstar 510

Cardholder 502

binnsy 496

Mouserless 495

Bangrakbob 486

Oldgit 474

redrus 470

JacknDanny 449

LiteBeer 443

Alfieconn 422

smokie36 399

MrMuddle 397

zaphodbeeblebrox 394

TheBlether 372

Dosh League

MrRed 582

JustinCredible 553

mrbojangles 549


Mouserless 495

redrus 470

Alfieconn 422

smokie36 399

zaphodbeeblebrox 394

TheBlether 372

Well done to JacknDanny for getting top score this week. MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues. Even though theere are no games on Saturday, you still need to get your predictions in by the usual time chaps.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 30/01/13

Jockstar 43

JacknDanny 37


JustinCredible 31

mrbojangles 29

MrRed 28

smokie36 28

MrMuddle 24

redrus 22

Cardholder 22

LeungKen 22

binnsy 15

Mouserless 14

zaphodbeeblebrox 14

Bangrakbob 12

Oldgit 9

LiteBeer 9

TheBlether 0

Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 582

LeungKen 561

JustinCredible 553

mrbojangles 549


Jockstar 510

Cardholder 502

binnsy 496

Mouserless 495

Bangrakbob 486

Oldgit 474

redrus 470

JacknDanny 449

LiteBeer 443

Alfieconn 422

smokie36 399

MrMuddle 397

zaphodbeeblebrox 394

TheBlether 372

Dosh League

MrRed 582

JustinCredible 553

mrbojangles 549


Mouserless 495

redrus 470

Alfieconn 422

smokie36 399

zaphodbeeblebrox 394

TheBlether 372

Very quick today as I'll have to get on with inputting this weeks predictions. Well done to Jockstar for getting top score this week. MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 30/01/13

Jockstar 43

JacknDanny 37


JustinCredible 31

mrbojangles 29

MrRed 28

smokie36 28

MrMuddle 24

redrus 22

Cardholder 22

LeungKen 22

binnsy 15

Mouserless 14

zaphodbeeblebrox 14

Bangrakbob 12

Oldgit 9

LiteBeer 9

TheBlether 0

Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 610

JustinCredible 584

LeungKen 583

mrbojangles 578


Jockstar 553

Cardholder 524

binnsy 511

Mouserless 509

Bangrakbob 498

redrus 492

JacknDanny 486

Oldgit 483

LiteBeer 452

smokie36 427

Alfieconn 422

MrMuddle 421

zaphodbeeblebrox 408

TheBlether 372

Dosh League

MrRed 610

JustinCredible 584

mrbojangles 578


Mouserless 509

redrus 492

smokie36 427

Alfieconn 422

zaphodbeeblebrox 408

TheBlether 372

Sorry about that gents. Right, the tables have been updated to include this weeks scores but it remains that MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 04/02/13

Jockstar 30

MrRed 30

Oldgit 29

redrus 25

mrbojangles 20

TheBlether 20

JacknDanny 19

Mouserless 18


LeungKen 15

binnsy 14

JustinCredible 13

LiteBeer 13

smokie36 12

MrMuddle 12

Cardholder 11

zaphodbeeblebrox 11

Bangrakbob 9

Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 640

LeungKen 598

mrbojangles 598

JustinCredible 597

Jockstar 583


Cardholder 535

Mouserless 527

binnsy 525

redrus 517

Oldgit 512

Bangrakbob 507

JacknDanny 505

LiteBeer 465

smokie36 439

MrMuddle 433

Alfieconn 422

zaphodbeeblebrox 419

TheBlether 392

Dosh League

MrRed 640

mrbojangles 598

JustinCredible 597


Mouserless 527

redrus 517

smokie36 439

Alfieconn 422

zaphodbeeblebrox 419

TheBlether 392

Well done to Jockstar and MrRed for getting joint top scores this week. 2 on the bounce now for JS. MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 11/02/13

mrbojangles 41


Jockstar 38

MrMuddle 33

Mouserless 25

smokie36 23

Cardholder 23

MrRed 21

Oldgit 19

binnsy 19

JustinCredible 19

TheBlether 18

LeungKen 18

zaphodbeeblebrox 15

LiteBeer 14

Bangrakbob 14

redrus 13

JacknDanny 9

Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

MrRed 661

mrbojangles 639

Jockstar 621

LeungKen 616

JustinCredible 616


Cardholder 558

Mouserless 552

binnsy 544

Oldgit 531

redrus 530

Bangrakbob 521

JacknDanny 514

LiteBeer 479

MrMuddle 466

smokie36 462

zaphodbeeblebrox 434

Alfieconn 422

TheBlether 410

Dosh League

MrRed 661

mrbojangles 639

JustinCredible 616


Mouserless 552

redrus 530

smokie36 462

zaphodbeeblebrox 434

Alfieconn 422

TheBlether 410

Well done to MrBoJangles for getting top scores this week post-4641-1156694083.gif MrRed is still on top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues but the chasing pack are closing in.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 25/02/13

mrbojangles 46

redrus 38

Cardholder 35
JustinCredible 28

Mouserless 26

zaphodbeeblebrox 26

Jockstar 24

Bangrakbob 24


Oldgit 22

smokie36 22

MrRed 22

JacknDanny 21

LiteBeer 21

MrMuddle 21
binnsy 16
TheBlether 15
LeungKen 15
Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

mrbojangles 685
MrRed 683
Jockstar 645
JustinCredible 644
LeungKen 631
Cardholder 593
Mouserless 578
redrus 568
binnsy 560
Oldgit 553
Bangrakbob 545
JacknDanny 535
LiteBeer 500
MrMuddle 487
smokie36 484
zaphodbeeblebrox 460
TheBlether 425
Alfieconn 422

Dosh League

mrbojangles 685
MrRed 683
JustinCredible 644
Mouserless 578
redrus 568
smokie36 484
zaphodbeeblebrox 460
TheBlether 425
Alfieconn 422

Well done to MrBoJangles for getting top score again this week post-4641-1156694083.gif Which means.........drum roll please............we have a new leader of the overall league and Dosh Leagues and that would be.................. me.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • Like 1

Scores for week 4/03/13

Mouserless 46

Bangrakbob 32
MrMuddle 30

Jockstar 27
binnsy 26
redrus 26
mrbojangles 26
JustinCredible 26
TheBlether 24
MrRed 24
LeungKen 23
LiteBeer 22
Cardholder 20
zaphodbeeblebrox 18
smokie36 16
Oldgit 12
JacknDanny 7
Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

mrbojangles 711

MrRed 707
Jockstar 672
JustinCredible 670
LeungKen 654
Mouserless 624
Cardholder 613
redrus 594
binnsy 586
Bangrakbob 577
Oldgit 565
JacknDanny 542
LiteBeer 522
MrMuddle 517
smokie36 500
zaphodbeeblebrox 478
TheBlether 449
Alfieconn 422

Dosh League

mrbojangles 711
MrRed 707
JustinCredible 670
Mouserless 624
redrus 594
smokie36 500
zaphodbeeblebrox 478
TheBlether 449
Alfieconn 422

Well done to Mouserless for getting top score this week. MrBoJangles remains at the top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time


Scores for week 10/03/13

Bangrakbob 39

zaphodbeeblebrox 36


JustinCredible 32
mrbojangles 31
JacknDanny 28
redrus 26
TheBlether 26
Oldgit 19
binnsy 18
MrRed 17
LiteBeer 14
Cardholder 13

MrMuddle 10

smokie36 10

Mouserless 9
LeungKen 8
Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

mrbojangles 742

MrRed 724
Jockstar 704
JustinCredible 702


LeungKen 662

Mouserless 633

Cardholder 626
redrus 620
Bangrakbob 616
binnsy 604
Oldgit 584
JacknDanny 570

LiteBeer 536
MrMuddle 527
zaphodbeeblebrox 514
smokie36 510
TheBlether 475
Alfieconn 422

Dosh League

mrbojangles 742
MrRed 724
JustinCredible 702
Mouserless 633
redrus 620
zaphodbeeblebrox 514
smokie36 510
TheBlether 475
Alfieconn 422

Well done to Bangrakbob for getting top score this week. Looks like quite a few of you benefitted from me changing your Bankers this week. thumbsup.gif MrBoJangles remains at the top of the overall league and Dosh Leagues.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

  • 2 weeks later...

Scores for week 18/03/13

Bangrakbob 24
MrRed 23
binnsy 23
MrMuddle 23
redrus 22
JacknDanny 18
Mouserless 16
mrbojangles 16
LiteBeer 15
LeungKen 15
Oldgit 15
Cardholder 15
TheBlether 15
zaphodbeeblebrox 15
JustinCredible 14
Jockstar 13
smokie36 6
Alfieconn 0

Overall Leader Board

mrbojangles 758
MrRed 747
Jockstar 717
JustinCredible 716
LeungKen 677
Mouserless 649
redrus 642
Cardholder 641
Bangrakbob 640
binnsy 627
Oldgit 599
JacknDanny 588
LiteBeer 551
MrMuddle 550
zaphodbeeblebrox 529
smokie36 516
TheBlether 490
Alfieconn 422

Dosh League

mrbojangles 758
MrRed 747
JustinCredible 716
Mouserless 649
redrus 642
zaphodbeeblebrox 529
smokie36 516
TheBlether 490
Alfieconn 422

Well done to Bangrakbob for getting top score again this week. Followed closely by the gaggle that is MrRed, binnsy and MrMuddle. MrBoJangles remains at the top of the Overall League and Dosh Leagues but the gap is closing.

PLEASE NOTE. All submissions have to be in by 07:00 Thai time on the Saturday morning of that weeks matches. If you live in a country were the clocks change for daylight saving, it is upto you to allow for the movement of time

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