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Not at all sure of the point or motive behind your post. If it was to give me advice on my forum conduct then why not PM me and we could have had a mature, private and amiable discussion. But I suspect that was not your motivation. Probably more to do with egotism.

I wouldn't normally respond to such a puerile, pointless personal attack but on this occasion I'll make an exception.

"For a prophet, you are not very prescient....laugh.png"

You do understand it's a username don't you? It describes as much about me as yours does about you, nothing. Or do you believe that as a "Bobbin" your purpose in life is to be permanently wrapped in thread?

"A fellow looking for a lot of opinions and answers on a topic unfamiliar to them should avoid antagonizing the people trying to answer their questions."

I think any impartial observer reading my posts would fail to see any sign of obvious uncalled for, unprovoked antagonistic behaviour. That said, I am always happy to stand corrected.

"You are also p®etty territorial about your threads...

Remember "don't hijack my thread, start your own!"? whistling.gif "

So on the basis of one post in one thread in which I reminded someone about a particular forum rule (a necessary one at that) you've labelled me as territorial about all of my threads.

All pretty silly really.

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