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A Question About A Quick Exit From Thailand


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There is nothing to read between the lines, I have simply had enough of the shit here and I would like to take my 11 year old son out from a shit Thai school where he is learning to be a retarded mongoloid and take him over to the UK where at least in his formative years he may actually have a chance!

If he fuc_ks up, well he can always return to ####pland! He has dual nationality, but if I don't do it now it is a chance gone forerver. I am going on 50 and would have loved a second chance at a few things, but when you see your own kid being given the black ball in education, where he will never get a second chance......it is a parental thing, I don't want him growing rice up here like the rest of them, respect for their hard work, but I want bit better for my kid than milking buffalo and planting rice to keep the elite rich!

But why everything has to happen in the next few hours, a week or so isn't a lifetime isn't.

Actually, that is a good question, it can be answered by " IF I don't do it now - in the heat of the moment I may never do it - and my son can start the new School year with everyone else on the 4th of September - if I take him late he is an oddity before he even starts - I have planned this for 1 year already and I admit, I have really fuc_ked it up!

I will give you credit for wanting to do the best for your son... but the way you are now doing it is definitely not anymore in his best interest! Just think about an 11y old kid who is taken out of bed, might not get the chance to say bye to his mom, put in a van with 2 bikes and few bags, rushed to BKK, forced into the Embassy for some documents, might not have slept and then pushed through the airport by a father who is completely out of his mind... and you expect him to give the right answers... if the immigration officers are just a little bit awake, they will see how your son is completely confused and scared because he has NO idea what's going on...

You f*** up very big, man!

You see, you do not understand, I have sat down with my son on many occaisions and he repeatedly tells me that he HATES his mother and their family - (That is why I kept asking...it shocked me too) He tells me that he wants to go to England (He has been before) he hates Thailand, he hates the schools, he hate everything about the place...............................WHAT DO YO DO!?????

It isn't about taking an 11 year old out of bed at night and sneaking him on a plane! I have been trying for almost 1 year to try and get the 11 year old to enjoy this place, but he wont!

When he was 9 he was 50/50 about staying here, now it is like 90/10 to get him out!

I have been warning him that it is not something you can just change your mind about and you can be back in Thaind tomorrow, but he is 100% for leaving. What do you do? He has had a taste of the UK over the past few years, and it really is heartbreaking to see your own son HATE where hw is living! IT really has me a bit perplexed!

Edited by kingbilly
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I can understand the OP being in a stressful situation, that does not give him license to post in a profane manner. I got tired of editing profanities out of posts and started deleting posts that contained quoted posts containing profanities. Calm down and post in a civil manner and drop the profanities.

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Hi kingbilly

While we all appreciate your concern and your passion to do the right thing for your son, I think you need to take some minutes to read through the advice given by a few on this thread.

Many have tried to point out all the issues that will arise from trying to rush everything.

If you really must get your son to start on the 4th Sept, one option could be to take him there.....once passport is sorted, legal consent from his mom is sorted. And you can come back to Thailand to sort out the rest of your belongings and selling the car. I think youd be hard pushed to be able to sell it overnight. All the premium you are willing to pay in terms of luggage, transport, reduced price for car - can all easily be used to fund your trip back to sort them out. You can take your son to start school, stay couple weeks with him and your mom. Then leave son in her care for a bit? While u are in UK u can still work on selling the car through online ads.

I'm going to close this thread for a bit. Please send me or one of the online mods a pm when you have had some time to consider your options.

Take care

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I know you don't want advices, but here is the KEY question when you write " I need to take my son with me, he has an expired British passport, a UK birth certificate and a current Thai passport "

Do you HAVE the paperwork to prove that you are the sole guardian of your son (i.e. through divorce papers, proving that you are widower) or that the mother of your son approved your travelling alone with him? Otherwise you might get stuck with the airline / immigration while leaving the country and might even get charged with child abduction...

Just asking, as you sound pretty desperate and might not have thought about that one...

No, I don't have sole custody, but generally speaking she would be as glad to get rid of him as she would be to get rid of me.....providing they think they are still going to get some cash!!!!

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You say been planning this for a year, but why then is there all this last minute rush?

Not sure, but I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the kid out without mothers consent. Maybe even the UK embassy will flag it up to the Thai authorities - i dont know.

Honestly think you should play for time, cool out, and work it all out meticulously.

Play the mother so she signs the travel consent. Maybe she is agreeing now, but like you say when you disappear with kid, and the reality sinks in she can easily get on to immigration to stop the kid leaving - and then as others have said, you could be in a lot more shit.

Take a bit more time - think it all through, and cover everything!

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Hi kingbilly

While we all appreciate your concern and your passion to do the right thing for your son, I think you need to take some minutes to read through the advice given by a few on this thread.

Many have tried to point out all the issues that will arise from trying to rush everything.

If you really must get your son to start on the 4th Sept, one option could be to take him there.....once passport is sorted, legal consent from his mom is sorted. And you can come back to Thailand to sort out the rest of your belongings and selling the car. I think youd be hard pushed to be able to sell it overnight. All the premium you are willing to pay in terms of luggage, transport, reduced price for car - can all easily be used to fund your trip back to sort them out. You can take your son to start school, stay couple weeks with him and your mom. Then leave son in her care for a bit? While u are in UK u can still work on selling the car through online ads.

I'm going to close this thread for a bit. Please send me or one of the online mods a pm when you have had some time to consider your options.

Take care

OK Thanks for your advice...things my end are a bit hectic, I sat down tonight with my son (YET AGAIN) and he just wants out, I warned him about possible racism in the UK, the fact that he is a different colour and he souldn't give a monkeys arse, he just wants to leave, The sad thin I have watched over the last year he was a wirey little 8 stone Thai, and over one year has turned into a 60 KG fat lump, he does not want to go out on his bike or excersise, he is shy that Thai people look at him and me as a foreigner and seem to make joke, enough is enough, he needs a bit more normality to his life than this

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I know you don't want advices, but here is the KEY question when you write " I need to take my son with me, he has an expired British passport, a UK birth certificate and a current Thai passport "

Do you HAVE the paperwork to prove that you are the sole guardian of your son (i.e. through divorce papers, proving that you are widower) or that the mother of your son approved your travelling alone with him? Otherwise you might get stuck with the airline / immigration while leaving the country and might even get charged with child abduction...

Just asking, as you sound pretty desperate and might not have thought about that one...

No, I don't have sole custody, but generally speaking she would be as glad to get rid of him as she would be to get rid of me.....providing they think they are still going to get some cash!!!!

You see, dear OP, while I understand that you want to do the right thing for your son, you are actually putting him in real danger when taking him out of Thailand without legal binding consent of his mother!

What if his mother changes her mind - maybe because she does not see enough money flowing... Since my previous post has been deleted (some included profanities, sorry mod...), I tell you again that there is an International Hague Convention about Child abduction, for which both Thailand and UK are signatories. That is, if your wife suddenly changes her mind, all she needs to do is go to the British Embassy, claim that you abducted her child and then the UK government - by the Convention - is forced to pursue actions against you on behalf of the mother (she does not need a cent for this). And you would not be able to provide the legal consent, which means that your son could be forced back to Thailand while you end up in jail...

So the right thing in my opinion is to calm down, tell your son you messed up a few things and tell him that you need some more time until you can leave with him. That will give you time to sort the legal stuff with your son's mother.

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You say been planning this for a year, but why then is there all this last minute rush?

Not sure, but I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the kid out without mothers consent. Maybe even the UK embassy will flag it up to the Thai authorities - i dont know.

Honestly think you should play for time, cool out, and work it all out meticulously.

Play the mother so she signs the travel consent. Maybe she is agreeing now, but like you say when you disappear with kid, and the reality sinks in she can easily get on to immigration to stop the kid leaving - and then as others have said, you could be in a lot more shit.

Take a bit more time - think it all through, and cover everything!

Mate, that is just the way I am...It takes a slegehammer at times to make me realise I need to change, for years I really believed that things could work out, finally, I know they won't, believe me I am being honest, I have tried millions of times but it is just not going to work and the only perso9n I am kidding is ME!

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You say been planning this for a year, but why then is there all this last minute rush?

Not sure, but I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the kid out without mothers consent. Maybe even the UK embassy will flag it up to the Thai authorities - i dont know.

Honestly think you should play for time, cool out, and work it all out meticulously.

Play the mother so she signs the travel consent. Maybe she is agreeing now, but like you say when you disappear with kid, and the reality sinks in she can easily get on to immigration to stop the kid leaving - and then as others have said, you could be in a lot more shit.

Take a bit more time - think it all through, and cover everything!

Mate, that is just the way I am...It takes a slegehammer at times to make me realise I need to change, for years I really believed that things could work out, finally, I know they won't, believe me I am being honest, I have tried millions of times but it is just not going to work and the only perso9n I am kidding is ME!

I understand what your saying. Just dont rush it. Find out what you have to do.

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You say been planning this for a year, but why then is there all this last minute rush?

Not sure, but I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the kid out without mothers consent. Maybe even the UK embassy will flag it up to the Thai authorities - i dont know.

Honestly think you should play for time, cool out, and work it all out meticulously.

Play the mother so she signs the travel consent. Maybe she is agreeing now, but like you say when you disappear with kid, and the reality sinks in she can easily get on to immigration to stop the kid leaving - and then as others have said, you could be in a lot more shit.

Take a bit more time - think it all through, and cover everything!

Mate, that is just the way I am...It takes a slegehammer at times to make me realise I need to change, for years I really believed that things could work out, finally, I know they won't, believe me I am being honest, I have tried millions of times but it is just not going to work and the only perso9n I am kidding is ME!

I cannot just sit here pretending that everything will be roses in the morning, I have an 11 year old and it really won't be alright in the morning for him!

I understand what your saying. Just dont rush it. Find out what you have to do.

The problem I have is if I just don't do it now, there will allways be someone whispering in my ear and making me change my mind...I have to do do it when I am angry and pissed off!

Edited by kingbilly
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KB.......are you a fellow Scot?

Who gives a sh t if he's a scot or not, the chap has got a problem, he just needs help and advice.

Why do you always harp on about Scotland, if it's so important to you, cut short your holiday.

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KB.......are you a fellow Scot?

Who gives a sh t if he's a scot or not, the chap has got a problem, he just needs help and advice.

Why do you always harp on about Scotland, if it's so important to you, cut short your holiday.

The question is relevant.......so rather than indulging an an uncalled for and OTT flame stay out of it.

Not unless you're an expert on Scottish law........

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I can understand the OP being in a stressful situation, that does not give him license to post in a profane manner. I got tired of editing profanities out of posts and started deleting posts that contained quoted posts containing profanities. Calm down and post in a civil manner and drop the profanities.

Apologies, I did not think I posted profanities, and if I did...sorry, I am just in a bit of a REAL pickle!

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KB.......are you a fellow Scot?

Who gives a sh t if he's a scot or not, the chap has got a problem, he just needs help and advice.

Why do you always harp on about Scotland, if it's so important to you, cut short your holiday.

The question is relevant.......so rather than indulging an an uncalled for and OTT flame stay out of it.

Not unless you're an expert on Scottish law........

Believe I know why you asked as the decisions made in Scotland are by a different body to those in England

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If you haven't got legal permission from the mother to take your son out of the country it is possible that he won't be allowed to leave with you. This is the first thing you have to sort out. Without it all the rest of your plans are just wishful thinking.

Edited by endure
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KB.......are you a fellow Scot?

Who gives a sh t if he's a scot or not, the chap has got a problem, he just needs help and advice.

Why do you always harp on about Scotland, if it's so important to you, cut short your holiday.

The question is relevant.......so rather than indulging an an uncalled for and OTT flame stay out of it.

Not unless you're an expert on Scottish law........

Believe I know why you asked as the decisions made in Scotland are by a different body to those in England

Scottish law is different to that in the rest of the UK.

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KB.......are you a fellow Scot?

Who gives a sh t if he's a scot or not, the chap has got a problem, he just needs help and advice.

Why do you always harp on about Scotland, if it's so important to you, cut short your holiday.

The question is relevant.......so rather than indulging an an uncalled for and OTT flame stay out of it.

Not unless you're an expert on Scottish law........

Believe I know why you asked as the decisions made in Scotland are by a different body to those in England

That's correct......I have reason to believe that KB may be Scottish, I have a few pointers for him which are relevant if he is Scottish and intends to return to Scotland.

If not, I"ll stand down as I am not up to speed with English and Northern Irish law.

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You need to go with your wife and child to the amper they will issue a paper with all your photo's on it only takes an hour and is free this your wife must sign giving consent to take your child out of Thailand without her

If your child is on British passport don't forget his birth cert with out both these papers you will not be allowed to leave

If it's a problem with your wife try and make out she will be financially better off with said child in U.K you could say you can claim money for him and send it to her ( but don't)

Good luck

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If you haven't got legal permission from the mother to take your son out of the country it is possible that he won't be allowed to leave with you. This is the first thing you have to sort out. Without it all the rest of your plans are just wishful thinking.

I have an expired UK passport a UK Birth certificate, a UK birth certificate and a Thai passport plus a Thai Birth Cert!

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If you haven't got legal permission from the mother to take your son out of the country it is possible that he won't be allowed to leave with you. This is the first thing you have to sort out. Without it all the rest of your plans are just wishful thinking.

I have an expired UK passport a UK Birth certificate, a UK birth certificate and a Thai passport plus a Thai Birth Cert!

All useless unless you have the mothers agreement to let your son go.

If she contests you keeping your son in the UK you will lose.

As simple as that.

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Someone asked if Scottish law is different from English law

One example I think still stands is the verdict of Not Proven, means in the light of new evidence a new trial can be held.

Not an expert, I only know enough to be a danger to myself.

However, the OP needs to sit down and think quickly and clearly how to do what he wants to do. Inore the piss takers and make your decision on a cool head.

I didn't in UK and although I thought I'd won at the time I now realise I lost out in the long term.

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If you haven't got legal permission from the mother to take your son out of the country it is possible that he won't be allowed to leave with you. This is the first thing you have to sort out. Without it all the rest of your plans are just wishful thinking.

I have an expired UK passport a UK Birth certificate, a UK birth certificate and a Thai passport plus a Thai Birth Cert!

I guess you should read Endure's post once again.
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