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U.s. Woman Forced To Eat Maggots While Locked Up In Thai Prison For 9 Years


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Seems she didn't learn anything

She still is judging by her facebook page which says she is a "public figure"

Been fighting this comment. but...

Dang won't stay in;

Graduate of the Bangkok Hilton campus of

Carnagie Watermellon School of Hard Knocks.

Sorry couldn't help it. whistling.gif

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Why do they let these scumbags out after only a short time. She didnt care about the problems her actions would inflict on others so she should still be rotting there now!!!

Obviously you have never heard of the principle of proportionality. Yes, she committed a very serious crime, but it may well have been her first and she was in her twenties. You would not allow a human being a second chance in life? Says a lot about you. Hope you don't have kids, or even pets. And make sure never to make any mistake!

I agree with you to a large extent - she was young and stupid, and we all make mistakes when we are young.

However, she was also looking for easy money, and her greed overcame any thought for the consequences.

She's been given her second chance in life as she was released.

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She a human being O.K. she made a Big Mistake so who is perfect,maybe she was a little mental after break up with BF,I am not saying,that she did not deserve punishment she did a very bad thing made proably many bad choices in her life but I fell people even in prison shoud be teated with some sore of respect. Very sad story. Not funny to me I hope shehas learned from her mistakes who has never maded a bad choice or mistake? SAD

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That is exactly how all prisons around the world should be! Squalid and uninviting.

Yeah..that will really help them succeed when they get released back into society. Your view is short-sighted, uncompassionate, vengeful, and ignorant.

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In another video of her story,


she's lucky she wasn't charged with attempted murder of another inmate during her incarceration.


If that really happened and is not just another story from this blimp she's very lucky she was not severely beaten - or worse - by a gang of other Thai inmates for that assault; Thais tend to stick together, particularly against obnoxious Farang.


not to mention the fact that her thai sounds pretty crap for 9 years immersion in a 100% thai environment

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That is exactly how all prisons around the world should be! Squalid and uninviting.

Yeah..that will really help them succeed when they get released back into society. Your view is short-sighted, uncompassionate, vengeful, and ignorant.

Let's see if she re-offends...

Edit - I agree with Phospho - a nasty experience is needed to ensure offenders don't decide 'its worth the risk' and become repeat offenders.

Edited by F1fanatic
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One should pause and consider how many killed by drugs or drug related crimes are eating maggots before feeling sad for her. In that light, I'd say her experience was not all that bad. Do the crime - do the time.

Edited by SNGLIFE
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"Bang Kwang Central Prison in Bangkok", the article says. Good story. The problem is that Bang Kwang is a men only prison located in Nonthaburi province.

But since when has the Daily Mail let the facts get in the way.

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"After being caught at Bangkok airport, she was sentenced to life in a Thai prison in 1993 - where she was forced to eat rotting food teeming with maggots, sleep next to prisoners with leprosy and survive without running water.

Took loads of tissues to dry my tears. I've lost too many friends back in Europe, who were addicted to heroin. Not all of them died smoothly

Those who suffered from AIDS, Hepatitis B,C, D and so on had a real hard time.

Well, usually drug smugglers don't mix it with strychnine, but some guys in the chain do so.

I miss many of them who had to suffer for so many years, without the chance to be healthy after nine years.......

And this "woman" complains about rotten food.......wai.gif




Edited by sirchai
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Whilst I cannot condone what this lady did the real criminal is any justice system that treats anyone in this way.

The only people who are more stupid than those who smuggle these illegal substances are those that think that this is right to have these laws and that these laws work .

They do not work , have never worked and will never work.

The vast majority of drug smugglers get away with it( I mean the private ones, not the state sponsored ones which are very much in place here)

And the only really losers are those that pay the bill and think these retarded laws work .

The smugglers at the top care not a jot and it does nothing good for society to condone this sort of treatment of anyone.

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Whilst I cannot condone what this lady did the real criminal is any justice system that treats anyone in this way.

The only people who are more stupid than those who smuggle these illegal substances are those that think that this is right to have these laws and that these laws work .

They do not work , have never worked and will never work.

The vast majority of drug smugglers get away with it( I mean the private ones, not the state sponsored ones which are very much in place here)

And the only really losers are those that pay the bill and think these retarded laws work .

The smugglers at the top care not a jot and it does nothing good for society to condone this sort of treatment of anyone.

OK, let's see if this lady re-offends.

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Whilst I cannot condone what this lady did the real criminal is any justice system that treats anyone in this way.

The only people who are more stupid than those who smuggle these illegal substances are those that think that this is right to have these laws and that these laws work .

They do not work , have never worked and will never work.

The vast majority of drug smugglers get away with it( I mean the private ones, not the state sponsored ones which are very much in place here)

And the only really losers are those that pay the bill and think these retarded laws work .

The smugglers at the top care not a jot and it does nothing good for society to condone this sort of treatment of anyone.

Well the drug laws dont seem to curb drug abuse but do you have a solution? Should a heroin smuggler get a couple of months in a comfortable jail and a little fine. What are you suggesting...

Edited by BKKBobby
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While I didn't watch this particular episode, I have seen the show before. It isn't about people trying to garner sympathy for being locked up, it is a "scared straight" type of show. It is a warning to people not to break the law when traveling because if you think that prison in your western country is bad, then you have a lot to learn about the conditions in other countries. I have heard enough horror stories about the prisons in my home country of the USA that I can only imagine how bad the jails are in other countries such as my current home inThailand. I have seen the show several times and it documents in the prisoners own words their experiences. None that I have seen have tried to garner sympathy. This woman says she had to eat maggots, shower in the cold outside and stand in sewage. I've done all of that inThailand without being arrested and being dragged off to jail! I'd also say that I would be surprised if I could survive 9 years in a Thai jail.

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