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Thailand Grapples With Killer Student Gangs


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Profanity posts as well as other overly derogatory posts and replies have been removed.

Yes I noticed that you'd deleted my post. And you're deleting derogatory posts are you? Selectively it would seem.

Ok, if i edit my statement to:

TB67 is a bigot and a troller,

it is no longer profane, and it is certainly no more derogatory than describing all vocational students as soi dogs with motorbikes.

oh wait, must dash.........fox news is on, maybe i can get away from all these right wing, factually incorrect speculations..........hahahahahahahahahaha

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Lack of proper punishment for most crimes in Thailand is the problem. Motoring offences at best cost a couple of hundred baht - no licence suspension, pay offs by those with "friends", and the easy bail conditions, where murderers caught in the act are not only bailed after arrest, but bailed pending an appeal against conviction.

Hurt the criminals hard. Minimum fines of 5000bt, nobody exempt, no matter who you are or who you know, and meaningful prison sentences when required.

The youth (mainly just troublemakers rather than hardened criminals) should be pushed into minimum 2 years military service, and do away with conscription.

Fortunately, Thailand does not seem to have too many do -gooders, but I suppose with corrupt practices, they would not be required!

Seems s it always leads back to "Saving Face"! This thought is deeply instilled in every Asian. No matter where they live or at what level... they are and their families are enjoying.

Also the respect and fear they have of the Temple... would be a alternative to the Boot Camp, "Joy Ride"! Take them away from society, to the Depths of the Country. Away from Boose, Sex and Cigarettes and be under the strickest Monks we can find. Shave their heads, put them to work restoring, maintaining our Temples! No breaks, passes.. tickets to town for the weekend... Also 3 months is Bull Shit! 2 years here, then a manditory transfer to do their Military duty, 2 more years.

First if they screw-up while at Temple, it will affect their Family! Also the way society will judge them... They will totally "Lose Face"! No matter how hard faced they were before, they will be hard fought to gain any respect back period! Families will suffer pain more deeply then any Monitary Fine would have afflicted.

There is a plus to this... The Military will inherit and reap the Benifits. Having to spend less Time and Money, trying to instill and change their thinking! Money Saved! A more disapplined Military. Maybe even some life-ers who would reap the Benifits of a lifetime of Military Duty.

And then comes the Pride.... This time "Well Placed"!!

If some of my wording offended anyone, I appologize. But it got the Point across.

In the end, let them come back and show their Underclassmen, what its about. What path to follow, Speach's do go a long way when the right person is talking.....

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Sticking a teenager or very young adult in a drug and gang infested prison for years is not the answer, that is obvious.

Where are these "gang infested prisons", in the US?

the only way i can answer your question, is with a question. What prison in the US isnt gang infested? What is is the point you are trying to make?
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I have heard a few comments about the army. Its real simple. Give every offender 6 years in the REAL army! They would have grown up by the time they finish. They would be fit, have a trade and hopefully be good citizens.

Why on earth would you want to throw them in a useless half cut military camp? with the very same other Sons of B*tches that are trying to kill each other? Makes no sense and is a half baked idea by uneducated bureaucrats trying to make a name for themselves.

I know one of my Thai Nephews is a utter shit. Has caused untold damage, rape and embarrassment to the family, started at one of these amazingly run vocational colleges which turned him into devils advocate over night. The last i heard of him he was in trouble trying to score yabba, then tried to take on the entire local mafia. He never made it to either the camp or the army.

Its plain to see, and I bet 90% of the parents would gladly sign them off for 6 years rather than put up with a cesspool of teenage rage and death.

Another no brainier obscured by the never ending Thai wisdom. clap2.gif

But, would the Army want them ?

Ahh... who remembers the good old French Foreign Legion. Was/is a great place to send riff-raff for a bit of de-raffing...

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Look, there are a number of things going on here. Lack of parental supervision/caring/discipline... lack of a consistent justice system... poor role models, etc. etc. But at the bottom of it is human nature. It is human nature for people--especially males--to seek high status. More than 'human nature', in fact, ... 'primate nature'. We likely evolved to compete for status because that's how you get the chicks (and, for course, we can achieve status through physical prowess, career success, political power, etc.). So you've got these students at the bottom rung of society where, in the scheme of things, they have little status. And do they do? They have to invent their own pecking order ... they both tribalise ('my school is better than your school') and they set up their own internal hierarchy ('I'm the toughest MF at my school'). The more stratified/rigid a society, the more likely this will happen (especially when you throw in the other factors mentioned by others). It's the same reason we see gangs among the poor of LA and NYC and London, and why ivy leaguers join fraternities. The only difference is that frat boys have other options to establish status than raw violence....

If you think I'm talking crap, read up on the Robbers Cave Experiment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Realistic_conflict_theory#Robbers_Cave_Study). Or simply read Lord of the Flies....

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Look, there are a number of things going on here. Lack of parental supervision/caring/discipline... lack of a consistent justice system... poor role models, etc. etc. But at the bottom of it is human nature. It is human nature for people--especially males--to seek high status. More than 'human nature', in fact, ... 'primate nature'. We likely evolved to compete for status because that's how you get the chicks (and, for course, we can achieve status through physical prowess, career success, political power, etc.). So you've got these students at the bottom rung of society where, in the scheme of things, they have little status. And do they do? They have to invent their own pecking order ... they both tribalise ('my school is better than your school') and they set up their own internal hierarchy ('I'm the toughest MF at my school'). The more stratified/rigid a society, the more likely this will happen (especially when you throw in the other factors mentioned by others). It's the same reason we see gangs among the poor of LA and NYC and London, and why ivy leaguers join fraternities. The only difference is that frat boys have other options to establish status than raw violence....

If you think I'm talking crap, read up on the Robbers Cave Experiment (http://en.wikipedia....bers_Cave_Study). Or simply read Lord of the Flies....

Lord of the Flies is an excellent reference suggestion!!!! Well said!

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Are all Thais of the human species? Sometimes I'm not sure.


I consider the Thai males that attend vocational colleges little more than soi dogs. Actually, they are soi dogs with motorbikes.

If visitors to Thailand make comments like this what chance does the system have to change the current "legend" behaviour.

Your inane and insulting comments are an embarrassment to decent Westerners. Akin to kicking a ticket collector who won't let you take balloons on the train, I politely suggest!

You would do well to leave Thailand, and live in a country where all students are at your "assumed" social level.

My wife teaches in a vocational college, and my experience of the students is a great willingness AND ABILITY to learn. Unlike the HiSo's who have their University places bought for them they achieve a great deal by their own efforts.

They don't have rich parents, so they have not had the advantage of expensive private or International schools.

From what I have seen of pupils from International schools they are mainly "new money" or farang and have learnt all the worst gestures and foul language that Westerners learn in the lowest grade of State school.

Until the HiSo's and the farang in particular learn to respect the way in which the poorer, less well funded students at vocational colleges are trying to better themselves then the gang fights will continue. Pride is a powerful emotion, especially in a culture where "face" is so important.

Don't lump me in with your "lefty" people, Attilla the Hun was a REAL "lefty" as far as I am concerned!

Well said Sir!

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Sticking a teenager or very young adult in a drug and gang infested prison for years is not the answer, that is obvious.

Where are these "gang infested prisons", in the US?

Gang-controlled prisons exist in nearly every country. Putting gangsters in prison does not stop them being gangsters.

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THe usual clap-trap from the "hang-em-high" brigade I see.

wouldn't life be lovely if all problems were simply a case of black and white?

Firstly it might be a good to bear in mind that the streets of Thailand are NOT crawling with "killer student gangs".

However in a country where MPs take automatic weapons into restaurants and shoot people with apparent impunity, what can you expect of their spawn?

Agreed -- TIT.

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