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Wells Fargo.. Card Expired... Cant Wire Funds On Line To Thailand... Advice Needed!

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hello there

I would really appreciate some help here as I think I may be totaly and utterly screwed.

I have a Wells fargo bank account registered to an address in Florida. I live in Thailand however, and I am British. The address that the account is registered to was a friends house who actualy has vacated the house. Essentialy, I do not live at my address registered with WF.... Actualy I never have.

Its never been an issue before as I have always used my debit card for transactions. This has now expired (09/12). They sent a new card to my registered address which was returned to them (presumably by the new tenant).

They will not send my card overseas to Thailand and they will also not send it to my local branch in Florida. I am so reliant on this debit card that I would have flown over to the US just to collect it from my local branch.

I have on-line banking, but It seems I am not able to wire funds out to my Thai account as I dont have a social security number in the US.

I have just hooked up my Paypal account to my WF account and Im hoping that i can withdraw from WF to PP but as of yet, i cant see an option to do so.

I dont have a huge amount in there - though its enough to be severely p1ssed off at lossing as its around 7000 USD.

Whats more worrying is that i have two US customers who deposit funds weekly into this account. If i am unable to give them this option, I will probaby not be able to do business with them.

I have no idea what to do here. If I am honest with WF and inform them that i dont reside at this address and have no address in the US, they will probably freeze my account.

Im totaly freaking out here and have no clue how to move forward with this.... Are there any kind souls out there that can advise how I should play this?

Many thanks


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I have a Wells Fargo debit card but never use it. Prior to leaving the U.S. I set up a reoccurring wire transfer service to my Kasikorn account. You .transfer funds by calling their 800 number and following the computer voice prompts.Funds are in my account next day.Cost is $40. Very easy and works every time.$1,000 minimum and $20,000 maximum per day. Must complete 2 forms while in the U.S.Possibly use mail forwarding service for address in U.S. to receive yournew card,Google for mail forwarders.


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I have a Wells Fargo debit card but never use it. Prior to leaving the U.S. I set up a reoccurring wire transfer service to my Kasikorn account. You .transfer funds by calling their 800 number and following the computer voice prompts.Funds are in my account next day.Cost is $40. Very easy and works every time.$1,000 minimum and $20,000 maximum per day. Must complete 2 forms while in the U.S.Possibly use mail forwarding service for address in U.S. to receive yournew card,Google for mail forwarders.


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Get yourself a pre paid credit card like the one offered on payoneer dot com. upload the funds from your u.s account to the card. then you can use the card to withdraw funds from any atm, or just use it as a credit card in shops. Long term, you need to sort your address out, or they will shut your account down. In the u.k, there are mail forwarding services which have residential looking addresses - don't know about the U.S.

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If you have the funds, Wells Fargo has an account called a PMA that requires a minimum balance of $25k. This can be any combination of deposits, stocks, etc. If you maintain this amount, you can get complimentary wire transfers. Even at one a month that's a heck of a lot more than you might earn in interest over a years time. $480 vs $250 at 1 % rate.

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A round trip ticket to Florida will cost about 1,500$, You decide if it's worth it to you.. Take a little holiday, go see Disney World, get your new card.

Thanks. Yes it would be worth it and I was prepared for that situation, however the issue lies with the address: I no longer have one and WF are not prepared to send the card to anywhere else other than the registered address.

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Open a Bankok Bank account then go online at WF and set up Bankok Bank New York as an external account. You can find Bankok Bank of New York online and they have the US routing Number you use to transfer funds to your Bankok Bank account using your Thailand account number.

Thats a brilliant bit of advice, thank you. I will definatley look into that. My only concern is that im almost certian that I cant wire funds out of my account on-line, owing to the fact that I dont have a social security number. I have no idea why that is a pre-requisite but there you go. As I said though I will look into it and had no idea BKB had representation in NYC so great advice, thanks.

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I have a Wells Fargo debit card but never use it. Prior to leaving the U.S. I set up a reoccurring wire transfer service to my Kasikorn account. You .transfer funds by calling their 800 number and following the computer voice prompts.Funds are in my account next day.Cost is $40. Very easy and works every time.$1,000 minimum and $20,000 maximum per day. Must complete 2 forms while in the U.S.Possibly use mail forwarding service for address in U.S. to receive yournew card,Google for mail forwarders.


Thanks. The problem is though that I need my debit card sending somewhere as I use that two or three times a week to pay suppliers. Also the amounts I need to move around are not fixed, depending on what type of week I am having business wise.

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Get yourself a pre paid credit card like the one offered on payoneer dot com. upload the funds from your u.s account to the card. then you can use the card to withdraw funds from any atm, or just use it as a credit card in shops. Long term, you need to sort your address out, or they will shut your account down. In the u.k, there are mail forwarding services which have residential looking addresses - don't know about the U.S.

Another great bit of advice, thanks. I did not know I could transfer funds from WF to a pre pay debit card. Im not certain if I can, owingto the whole wire situation in terms of not having a SSN but I will look into it.

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If you have the funds, Wells Fargo has an account called a PMA that requires a minimum balance of $25k. This can be any combination of deposits, stocks, etc. If you maintain this amount, you can get complimentary wire transfers. Even at one a month that's a heck of a lot more than you might earn in interest over a years time. $480 vs $250 at 1 % rate.

I have a turnover exceeding 25K a month (only just though) but these are funds that are moved around to pay suppliers, or me. I doubt I could maintain 25K without needing to dip into it occasionaly. Thanks though.

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Just spoke to a senior person at WF (at least, more senior than first point of contact) who has agreed to send me my new debit card to my Thai address. Thats a brilliant result. The only worry is that the card is being sent standard US post with no tracking number so I just pray the local PO do not get lazy with this, lookk at the envolope from US to a ferang and think "I'll deal with this later" lol.

Its a step forward for sure but as another poster said, I realy need to sort out an address or some other sollution.

I genuinely dont see that I am doing anything wrong here... I pay federal tax on money in, pay a huge amount of bank charges each month and have maintained the account responsibly for 2 years. I just want to continue without the account being frozen owing to the whole address issue

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Just spoke to a senior person at WF (at least, more senior than first point of contact) who has agreed to send me my new debit card to my Thai address. Thats a brilliant result. The only worry is that the card is being sent standard US post with no tracking number so I just pray the local PO do not get lazy with this, lookk at the envolope from US to a ferang and think "I'll deal with this later" lol.

Its a step forward for sure but as another poster said, I realy need to sort out an address or some other sollution.

I genuinely dont see that I am doing anything wrong here... I pay federal tax on money in, pay a huge amount of bank charges each month and have maintained the account responsibly for 2 years. I just want to continue without the account being frozen owing to the whole address issue

Make sure you transfer all funds out of the account as soon as they arrive, so that if they freeze your account you won't lose anything. Can be a bit of a hassle living here and banking abroad. You could enrol with a service that forwards your mail, but WF might not accept it if it's not a residential address. What about your friends in the US, can't you use their new address?

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The OP has his account in Florida because it does not have a State Income Tax

If he want's to continue with it I would suggest getting a mail forwarding service in Florida and if you send WF a signed letter changing your address to that of the mail forwarder then it would be accepted

Here is just one that Google found for me


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Just spoke to a senior person at WF (at least, more senior than first point of contact) who has agreed to send me my new debit card to my Thai address. Thats a brilliant result. The only worry is that the card is being sent standard US post with no tracking number so I just pray the local PO do not get lazy with this, lookk at the envolope from US to a ferang and think "I'll deal with this later" lol.

Its a step forward for sure but as another poster said, I realy need to sort out an address or some other sollution.

I genuinely dont see that I am doing anything wrong here... I pay federal tax on money in, pay a huge amount of bank charges each month and have maintained the account responsibly for 2 years. I just want to continue without the account being frozen owing to the whole address issue

Make sure you transfer all funds out of the account as soon as they arrive, so that if they freeze your account you won't lose anything. Can be a bit of a hassle living here and banking abroad. You could enrol with a service that forwards your mail, but WF might not accept it if it's not a residential address. What about your friends in the US, can't you use their new address?

Thanks for this. I am begining to worry about my options here going forward now. If I lose the new card or if the bank learns that the address is not actualy valid, im screwed with no notice so yes I am considering alternatives now

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The OP has his account in Florida because it does not have a State Income Tax

If he want's to continue with it I would suggest getting a mail forwarding service in Florida and if you send WF a signed letter changing your address to that of the mail forwarder then it would be accepted

Here is just one that Google found for me


Hi there. Thanks for the link - very good suggestion and something else to strongly consider.

Actualy I didnt seek out a bank in Florida. To be honest I had a spell for a couple of years visiting FL on holiday to see a fellow Brit buddy that lived out there for a couple years. Whilst there I opened the account just for holiday use. I was suprised out how easy it was. Actualy it was far more easy than opening an account in my home country (probably) as I have been away for 9 years. Around this time I was starting my own on-line based business and pciked up a couple of customers in the US. They both banked with Wachovia (now WF) and so I just started using that. Its been so usefull and now the way I am set up would be a massive drag without it.

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You do know that a card with a 09/12 expiry date expires 30th September right?

Regardless of them having sent a new card, the old card would still be alive until you activated the new one (with most banks).

Have you actually tried it in an ATM?

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Longshoot, maybe a little late since the cat is already out of the bag with WF on this house address, but often you can register a mailing address apart from the account's physical address.

Glad to hear WF agreed to send the new card across to you.

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Just spoke to a senior person at WF (at least, more senior than first point of contact) who has agreed to send me my new debit card to my Thai address. Thats a brilliant result. The only worry is that the card is being sent standard US post with no tracking number so I just pray the local PO do not get lazy with this, lookk at the envolope from US to a ferang and think "I'll deal with this later" lol.

Its a step forward for sure but as another poster said, I realy need to sort out an address or some other sollution.

I genuinely dont see that I am doing anything wrong here... I pay federal tax on money in, pay a huge amount of bank charges each month and have maintained the account responsibly for 2 years. I just want to continue without the account being frozen owing to the whole address issue


I Might be a little late in the game of all these good suggestions, but one thing for sure being a W.F. client, I experienced a few things, one YOU CAN have a international address and YOU CAN CHANGE IT ONLINE, but when they sent me my card, it took 3 failed (LOST IN THE MAIL)attempts in the regular mail before they sent it "FedExpress"...................Good Luck......... email for any further questions

Edited by BigSkip
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I'm just wondering, why can't you tell them you don't live there anymore? I've moved many times (within the USA) and changed the address well after I already moved. People move out of the country all the time. You haven't defrauded anybody. I really don't see why you can't tell them you've moved. Wells Fargo has always been a-holes about fees and penalties, but they're always great when you haven't done anything wrong or aren't pissed at them.

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I'm just wondering, why can't you tell them you don't live there anymore? I've moved many times (within the USA) and changed the address well after I already moved. People move out of the country all the time. You haven't defrauded anybody. I really don't see why you can't tell them you've moved. Wells Fargo has always been a-holes about fees and penalties, but they're always great when you haven't done anything wrong or aren't pissed at them.

Knowing WF, I'd bet if you told them you live in Thailand and have no U.S. address that they would close the account.
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You do know that a card with a 09/12 expiry date expires 30th September right?

Regardless of them having sent a new card, the old card would still be alive until you activated the new one (with most banks).

Have you actually tried it in an ATM?

Yah... Thats what I was actualy geared up for. My plan was to move customers over to paypal maybe or find an alternative. WF however sent a new card on August 12th (way before end of sep!). This card was returned to sender, and so they cancelled both cards.

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Longshoot, maybe a little late since the cat is already out of the bag with WF on this house address, but often you can register a mailing address apart from the account's physical address.

Glad to hear WF agreed to send the new card across to you.

Thanks. To be honest I had no idea you could do this - another poster mentioned something simmilar - my next debacle is to register this new mailing address and hope they will take proof remotley from Thailand.

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Just spoke to a senior person at WF (at least, more senior than first point of contact) who has agreed to send me my new debit card to my Thai address. Thats a brilliant result. The only worry is that the card is being sent standard US post with no tracking number so I just pray the local PO do not get lazy with this, lookk at the envolope from US to a ferang and think "I'll deal with this later" lol.

Its a step forward for sure but as another poster said, I realy need to sort out an address or some other sollution.

I genuinely dont see that I am doing anything wrong here... I pay federal tax on money in, pay a huge amount of bank charges each month and have maintained the account responsibly for 2 years. I just want to continue without the account being frozen owing to the whole address issue


I Might be a little late in the game of all these good suggestions, but one thing for sure being a W.F. client, I experienced a few things, one YOU CAN have a international address and YOU CAN CHANGE IT ONLINE, but when they sent me my card, it took 3 failed (LOST IN THE MAIL)attempts in the regular mail before they sent it "FedExpress"...................Good Luck......... email for any further questions

Ahhh man... Your kidding. Thats totaly took the wind out of my sails. THREE failed sends? Jesus that would hit me for six in terms of time frame.

Are you sure I can have an international address considering I am not a US citizen?

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I'm just wondering, why can't you tell them you don't live there anymore? I've moved many times (within the USA) and changed the address well after I already moved. People move out of the country all the time. You haven't defrauded anybody. I really don't see why you can't tell them you've moved. Wells Fargo has always been a-holes about fees and penalties, but they're always great when you haven't done anything wrong or aren't pissed at them.

Thats what is always present at the back of my mind. I havent actualy commited a fraud here. I pay my fee's and taxes. Im just being a little cute regarding the address. Im just worried that if I lay my cards on the table and come clean - that Im not a US citizen, I live in Thailand, and have no US address - they may flip[ the whole thing on its head.

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It use to be relatively easy to open a U.S bank account, if you are not a U.S ciitizen and not resident in the U.S. But after 9/11, they changed some laws and made it almost impossible to do now. So i think they will shut your account down, if they are aware you do not have a U.S address - so i would use the mail forwarding option. Also, i would be very worried that your card is coming through the regular mail, especially if it does not require activation.

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