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ps can somebody please tell me how to do quotes??????????????? :o

make sure there's no blank lines between the (quote) and (/quote) and the parts being quoted



insert quoted phrase here

and here

****ok to have blanks within the quote, just not adjoining the quote /quote**

and here


Just be sure to substitute ( for [


I noticed that the bottle of Sang Som says it's 80 proof so I'm wonderin how to convert that to alcohol percentage. I would guess it's around 30% but maybe some of your alkies got the formula :o

proof is twice the alcohol percentage- so 80 proof is 40%.


I noticed that the bottle of Sang Som says it's 80 proof so I'm wonderin how to convert that to alcohol percentage. I would guess it's around 30% but maybe some of your alkies got the formula :o

Proof is always double the alcohol %.

80proof = 40% by volume




ps can somebody please tell me how to do quotes??????????????? :o

make sure there's no blank lines between the (quote) and (/quote) and the parts being quoted



insert quoted phrase here

and here

****ok to have blanks within the quote, just not adjoining the quote /quote**

and here


Just be sure to substitute ( for [


i just cant do it

can i be a gay icon insted?


Great thread BTW Soph... :o

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I noticed that the bottle of Sang Som says it's 80 proof so I'm wonderin how to convert that to alcohol percentage. I would guess it's around 30% but maybe some of your alkies got the formula :o

proof is twice the alcohol percentage- so 80 proof is 40%.


Thanks for the info. Another thing learned :D


I noticed that the bottle of Sang Som says it's 80 proof so I'm wonderin how to convert that to alcohol percentage. I would guess it's around 30% but maybe some of your alkies got the formula :o

Proof is always double the alcohol %.

80proof = 40% by volume


Wow, you learn something new every day, especially on this thread!!!!!

So, anyone got a funny story, opinion, drunken incident last night, funny morning at work kind of thread to start.

Come on guys, lets have it!

Yesterday I retrieved some food that was stuck in my teeth by using my tongue. When I bit on it, it was something spicey. Haven't had spicey food for days. :o

Went for a massage a few nights ago and asked for a 'Happy Ending'. I was told a story where everyone lived happily ever after. Nice story but I left a little bemused. :D

Apart from that....every day same-same but different. :D


I have been in the gay forum once but I said the 'f' word - and I don't mean the one that rymes with duck.

Is there a slang term which isn't offensive? The H word is too long for me but bum-bandits will no doubt get me in hot water also.

I don't mind people calling me a Canuk and ladies don't mind being called chicks so what do we have for men who like male company? :o


Try "gay." :o

And while we're on the topic, I was trying to think the other day for a good nickname for "homophobic troll sh??????d," but I couldn't think of one. Anybody help me out?

Hope the homophobic troll sh??????ds won't be upset at my asking- they're so sensitive, you know.




Awe, I missed the beginning of a good thread again.

Can someone call me next time, please...... :o


I'll bring food and booze. No party hats though.

Awe, I missed the beginning of a good thread again.

Can someone call me next time, please...... :D


I'll bring food and booze. No party hats though.

You could always get Wes to "fill" you in on whats been going on :o


I am going to a Disco tonight with my wife. Should I start a new thread or write a blog ?

if you still use the term disco,you are too old and have no business being there :o

Thats the word for niteclub in most of asia.


Actaully, in Thai - the most popular word for a nightclub is a 'Pub'.

A 'Pub' in Thailand is a usually a huge hall with scad-looking girlie and hunky handsome singers giving a few reditions of the popular Thai songs of 'the moment'.

An hour or so before closing-down, the place turns into a so-called 'disco' with pop music blaring away.

Thailand doesn't really have 'proper' discos with actual dancefloors etc.... Most western style discos in Thailand are to be found in the tourist areas of say Silom, Sukhumvit, South Pattaya, Patong beach etc.... targetted mainly to western tourists.

But..... Bangkok does have its fair share of 'proper' discos thesed days catering mostly to younger trendy Thais. Can be mainly around ealry-soi Sukhumvit area.

So, in Thailand, there is a difference. Outside of the flashy Bangkok, Pattaya areas - a nightclub is known as a - PUB.


Awe, I missed the beginning of a good thread again.

Can someone call me next time, please...... :D


I'll bring food and booze. No party hats though.

You could always get Wes to "fill" you in on whats been going on :o

Yeah, Wes, my new PA..... :D

I'll stick with my Christie Turlington lookalike, cheers for the advise though. Mate...... :D:D


Try "gay." :D

And while we're on the topic, I was trying to think the other day for a good nickname for "homophobic troll sh??????d," but I couldn't think of one. Anybody help me out?

Hope the homophobic troll sh??????ds won't be upset at my asking- they're so sensitive, you know.



I need a bigger hint as to what "sh??????ds" are. :o

And while we're on the topic, I was trying to think the other day for a good nickname for "homophobic troll sh??????d," but I couldn't think of one. Anybody help me out?

Hope the homophobic troll sh??????ds won't be upset at my asking- they're so sensitive, you know.



How about Dirtbox Snapper?


Well its my wife who calls it a Disco, so I use her terminology.

It was good, kept drinking these large blue cocktails. Dancing, food etc. Oh yes the Prawns in a Coconut were really nice also.

I am not sure if I should just make this thread a personal Blog or not, and just ignore all the other stuff.

A memorable quote here

Anybody help me out?
I won't answer that, as I love mis-quoting people and getting into trouble.

I will reply to this one though

Is there a slang term which isn't offensive?
, Wes, probably not, as you can always find someone to offend with slang words. I know when I go to the Australian Embassy and enquire where the dunny is they get offended, and thats Australian slang in the Australian Embassy.

you lot crack me up... :D

Can't believe I missed all this... :D

totster :D

Hi there Totty... "the new gay icon"... :o


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

I will reply to this one though
Is there a slang term which isn't offensive?
, Wes, probably not, as you can always find someone to offend with slang words. I know when I go to the Australian Embassy and enquire where the dunny is they get offended, and thats Australian slang in the Australian Embassy.

You have to remember most Australian Embassy staff hail from Canberra where they are a little more sophisticated and cosmopolitan.

You should have asked for "The Sh1tter" :o


I read somthing that was kinda interesting in the "Ladies in Thailand" forum. Its under the subheading of "girls night out". :o. I think it started with you mrs. Soph. It didn't end will but was an intersting reading to say the least. :D



Nobody seems to have addressed the topic heading; is it boring?

No; it's full of useful information, as a commercial site, with lots of "members" I wish it well

However, and I will be flamed by the idiotic about this....low post count; therefore a "newbie" :D

and know nothing...... :D

- Does every thread have to turn into a slanging match (or, alternatively, I am (in my drunken opinion) ) cleverer (hic) than you?)

- Yes IMHO the repetition of useless information, repeated as informed wisdom, is definately boring; hence I guess the slack days........2 types I suppose, the sleeping the hangover off type, and those that really cannot be bothered..

- is this place getting so bad that it needs the ,excuse the phrase for the more delicate here, brownarsing to the moderators? I mod other sites and it's much more friendly. I dunno; the desperation to be a big fish in a small (internet) pond is amazing.. :D

I sort of slip in between this, not entirely innocent in life; I hope it picks up for the better, or like many others I will be away to other forums that reflect the life in Thailand outside the BKK/Pattaya/Phuket bar scene



My interesting life right now is to watch a TV programme (UK C4) on male efforts to improve their membership. A second prog tomorrow deals with the chap who lost his membership 2 years back, and on Wednesday another about the world's largest membership!

I'll report back, perhaps, if the progs don't upset me. :o


Nobody seems to have addressed the topic heading; is it boring?

No; it's full of useful information, as a commercial site, with lots of "members" I wish it well

However, and I will be flamed by the idiotic about this....low post count; therefore a "newbie" :D

and know nothing...... :D

- Does every thread have to turn into a slanging match (or, alternatively, I am (in my drunken opinion) ) cleverer (hic) than you?)

- Yes IMHO the repetition of useless information, repeated as informed wisdom, is definately boring; hence I guess the slack days........2 types I suppose, the sleeping the hangover off type, and those that really cannot be bothered..

- is this place getting so bad that it needs the ,excuse the phrase for the more delicate here, brownarsing to the moderators? I mod other sites and it's much more friendly. I dunno; the desperation to be a big fish in a small (internet) pond is amazing.. :D

I sort of slip in between this, not entirely innocent in life; I hope it picks up for the better, or like many others I will be away to other forums that reflect the life in Thailand outside the BKK/Pattaya/Phuket bar scene


I managed as far as the is it boring bit.. then ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D:D

totster :D


i had a nice sandwich today

I've just downed a coupla leftover pizza slices... :o

HEY! so did I. How`s that.

In a couple of weeks I am going upcountry and will be able to see my wife eat ants, grasshoppers and frogs with sticky rice. Can hardly wait

In a couple of weeks I am going upcountry and will be able to see my wife eat ants, grasshoppers and frogs with sticky rice. Can hardly wait

Are you going to join in Vegemite? :o

Personally, I enjoy a good mott daeng omelette, but you gotta watch those fried grasshopper legs... they stick in your gums and can get painful... that's why I break them off and only munch their heads and bodies.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


This forum is the biggest and busiest I have ever seen and any question regarding anything to do with Thailand is usually answered withing 30 minutes.

I think what my friend means is that some days the topics are better than others, I suppose it depends what you're after.

Some are after inormation some are after discussion and others like to get stuck into a good catfight. Was it another boring day at work Soph? :o:D

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