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British Man Missing In Thailand


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Island man missing in Thailand

A FORMER prison worker at HMP Isle of Wight is feared missing in Thailand. Friends of Island man, Michael Spall, known as Mick or Micky, are extremely concerned for his welfare after failing to make contact with him for more than eight months. Mr Spall, 70, a keen golfer and power-lifter, retired from the prison service, where he worked as a maintenance man, and moved to Sirin *, where he married a Thai woman and set up home with her and her family. Last year, Mr Spall returned to the Island to transfer his assets to Thailand and told friends he had no plans to come back.

His friend and former colleague, Stephen King, went to visit him in Thailand last November for a golfing holiday. However, he failed to track him down and now, months later, there has still been no contact from Mr Spall. Mr King stayed with a friend in Pattaya and tried contacting Mr Spall numerous times by telephone.

"A week before I left the Island, Mick phoned me to warn me about the floods in his area but, at the time, his village was fine but he complained about the number of 'strangers’ who had started residing in the village. "When I arrived in Thailand I tried calling him several times but I was met by a Thai voice who put the phone down each time. I was disappointed not to see him but at the time I was not overly concerned. "Recently, many of his friends on the Island have contacted me asking if I had heard from him. "He did not contact anyone around Christmas or New Year or for birthdays, which he always does. It has now been several months and we are very concerned," he said.



(Link above also contains a photograph of the missing man)

September 7, 2012


* most likely a typo of "Surin"


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What lines of inquiries have been made so far?

Does he have any other friends and family in the UK and have they been contacted?

Has his family in Thailand been contacted?

Has anyone checked out his social networking sites or online activities to see if these are up to date?

Does he have email addresses or on a p2p service such as Skype? Or is he, his family or friends on facebook?

Or is this simply a case where the guy is not answering his phone? Perhaps for some reason he just doesn’t want to stay in contact with certain persons anymore?

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Missing Brit in Thailand

By Staff Reporter


A FORMER Isle of Wight resident is feared missing in Thailand.

According to his local newspaper in the UK, Friends of Michael Spall, known as Mick or Micky, are worried about his welfare, following his move to Thailand some 8 months ago and his subsequent lack of contact with them since.

Seventy year old Mr Spall, 70, is reported to be a a keen golfer and to have moved to Sirin, to marry his Thai girlfriend after selling up his home in the Isle of Wight and transferred everything to Thailand.

Concern has arisen since a friend of his came to Thailand in the hope of visiting him and playing golf but failed to find him.

Full story: http://www.pattaya10...it-in-thailand/

-- pattaya103.com 2012-09-08


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As a "farang" living in Thailand I can understand your worries with the loss of contact with your friend for what is now an extended period of time..

However you do not say if you have had any contact with your friends wife or family in Thailand, or if indeed they have reported him as missing, do they have any information from any police investigation.

It does seem very strange that so soon after transferring all his assets & making a permanent move he should disappear??

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Unfortunately I believe the following could be the key to this case.

Last year, Mr Spall returned to the Island to transfer his assets to Thailand and told friends he had no plans to come back.

With emphasis on transfered his assets to Thailand.

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I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

I've read the links to the newspaper reports and cant see any mention of his g/f's age how do you know how old she is?

moved to Sirin, to marry his Thai girlfriend after selling up his home in the Isle of Wight and transferred everything to Thailand.

Sadly how many times have wee seen this before?

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Unfortunately I believe the following could be the key to this case.

Last year, Mr Spall returned to the Island to transfer his assets to Thailand and told friends he had no plans to come back.

With emphasis on transfered his assets to Thailand.

I confess that I usually get quite irritated, and occasionally even angry, at the amount of glib, wild, and unfounded, instant speculation; based on minimal facts, which seems to pervade this forum. Sadly, and unfortunately, I believe Pimay1 may well have stated the truth this time - but let us hope not, and that Mr Spall is found alive and well.

One other small peeve. It was stated that Mr Spall worked in maintenance for the Prison service. For a poster to suggest "I hope his past associations with criminals has not caught up with him" is........... Awg forget it, I'm starting to get stressed..

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Unfortunately I believe the following could be the key to this case.

Last year, Mr Spall returned to the Island to transfer his assets to Thailand and told friends he had no plans to come back.

With emphasis on transfered his assets to Thailand.

I confess that I usually get quite irritated, and occasionally even angry, at the amount of glib, wild, and unfounded, instant speculation; based on minimal facts, which seems to pervade this forum. Sadly, and unfortunately, I believe Pimay1 may well have stated the truth this time - but let us hope not, and that Mr Spall is found alive and well.

One other small peeve. It was stated that Mr Spall worked in maintenance for the Prison service. For a poster to suggest "I hope his past associations with criminals has not caught up with him" is........... Awg forget it, I'm starting to get stressed..

Sad, but get used to it. This is Thai Visa. Hope he will be found Ok. Everyone should be able to live his or her life as they choose.

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I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

Where does it say he is married to a young thai girl????

Nowhere. A generalised statement offering a very valid opinion was made. The opinion expressed did not infer or apply to any specific case.

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Did no one read until the end of the article?

Mr King, who believes Mr Spall’s sister could still be living on the Island, has contacted the Lucie Blackman Trust, which helps find missing people abroad.

Matt Searle, from the trust, said: "We are unable to disclose details but we do need to speak to a family member urgently. If anyone has any information about the family, call 01983 718802 or e-mail

Seems that it is already known as what may have occurred. I only hope that it isn't as bad as what one might imagine.

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Maybe I'm a bit naive , I'd have thought 8 months missing is a long time , whats been done in those months?

He hasn't been missing for 8 months. In fact no-one has reporting him missing, so we can assume he's ok. This is just one non-so-close friend who gets worried easily.

Edited by davejones
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I really think any retired man marrying a young thai should make a some kind of trust fund with trustees, rather than sign off all their assets.

I've read the links to the newspaper reports and cant see any mention of his g/f's age how do you know how old she is?

moved to Sirin, to marry his Thai girlfriend after selling up his home in the Isle of Wight and transferred everything to Thailand.

Sadly how many times have wee seen this before?

There is nothing sad about moving your assets to the country you intend to spend the rest of your life in. He had no intention of returning to the UK, so why should he leave his assets there? This guy is 70, so it's possible he might have died. Or that he doesn't want to be contacted. I also have no intention of returning to the UK, and there are many people there that I wouldn't answer the phone to. Perhaps this guy just wants to be left alone to get on with his life.

Please if you are going to quote me at least read what I wrote.....

There was no mention of an expat deciding to transfer his funds to Thailand being classed as sad my words were.

Sadly how many times have we seen this before?

After a few years living in Thailand the news of an older guy falling for a Thai girl, getting all his assets transferred and then going missing is far from rare.

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I highly doubt she or someone she hired murdered him, living there as a septuagenarian on his own, after he transferred all his assets there, seeing as how people from Isaan are generally very moral and not at all greedy.

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Being optimistic, he could have lost his address book/phone/computer during the floods, ie, all contact with UK addresses. As the OP stated that he was living with his Thai wife and family, perhaps he has moved to his own house.

Didn't look like his friend tried too hard to find him when he came over, but again it would have been the time of the floods judging from the phonecall he received a week before he left for Thailand.

Hope he does turn up OK.

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Please if you are going to quote me at least read what I wrote.....

There was no mention of an expat deciding to transfer his funds to Thailand being classed as sad my words were.

Sadly how many times have we seen this before?

After a few years living in Thailand the news of an older guy falling for a Thai girl, getting all his assets transferred and then going missing is far from rare.

Perhaps they don't want to found. Not sure what your definituon of missing is, but in this case it seems that no-one has actually called around his house to see if he is there on not. He could be sitting by the pool having a beer. If his family said he went out and never cam back then it would be odd. But there is nothign odd about this case or many other. The people just went to be left alone. If these friends care so much, then call around his house.

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Its easy to say that he as he potted by the family and they are now living wildly on the proceeds of his HMP pension . That's the normal path these sort of situations take.

In this case lets hope the guy is fit and healthy and just happy to be taking an extended break from all things farang.

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