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Us Ambassador Chris Stevens Killed In Libya


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I believe he was scheduled to testify but has been excused by the committee(s). His Deputy will attend instead. If they feel they need to talk to the General, they can subpoena him. I did post something earlier to that effect but I can't be arsed trawling back through the posts.

A House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staffer told The Daily Caller that former CIA Director David Petraeus will not testify before the committee next week. The committee, however, expects to have a CIA witness at its November 15 hearing.

Petraeus was slated to testify about the September 11, 2012 attack that resulted in the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. His testimony was to come before both the House committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee in closed door hearings.

He unexpectedly announced his resignation Friday, citing an extramarital affair.

CBS News’ Mark Knoller reported on Twitter that Petraeus also will not testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee and that acting CIA Director Michael Morrell will testify in his place.

The House and Senate panels could choose to subpoena Petraeus to compel his testimony.

Yes, that by itself seems to indicate that they are not looking for a smoking gun. We'll see.

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You do realise that you are not making any sense, don't you?

That it does not make sense to you is of no concern to me.

Since I was not addressing you when I wrote it.

If it is important to you I will try to explain why I wrote it.

1- You do know what the acronym FUBAR means yes?

2- I do not watch TV news & prefer to get my facts off of websites

that I trust to be unbiased or even gov transcripts of actual events like this one

I posted in another thread


Lastly if looking at TV news I tend to watch a International news to get a general idea as I feel

it is least biased.

3- Given what all happened & how it was handled before, during & especially after the event

being discussed here I felt like writing FUBAR.

It is my opinion of the state of things. I hope it is still allowed to have an opinion

such as this?

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You do realise that you are not making any sense, don't you?

That it does not make sense to you is of no concern to me.

Since I was not addressing you when I wrote it.

If it is important to you I will try to explain why I wrote it.

1- You do know what the acronym FUBAR means yes?

2- I do not watch TV news & prefer to get my facts off of websites

that I trust to be unbiased or even gov transcripts of actual events like this one

I posted in another thread


Lastly if looking at TV news I tend to watch a International news to get a general idea as I feel

it is least biased.

3- Given what all happened & how it was handled before, during & especially after the event

being discussed here I felt like writing FUBAR.

It is my opinion of the state of things. I hope it is still allowed to have an opinion

such as this?

I know what FUBAR means, but you didn't explain if you were relating it to the actual Benghazi incidents, the media hype surrounding it or the events surrounding the departure of Petraeus - but now I know it was a general term of exasperation. Thank you for the explanation.

I wasn't denying you the right to say FUBAR, but you posted it in a public forum, are you saying I'm not allowed to comment on it? Of course not.

But it helps the discussion along if you can post comments of more than one word, don't you think?

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The implication is not that anyone didn't answer the "bat-cellphone", but that they did answer it and gave orders not to do anything to save the lives of our people. I get it...the last thing they (our gov't) wanted was another drone strike killing innocents in the Middle East in a country that we helped. Of course, that should have been the second-to-last thing they wanted. The last thing they should have wanted was four of our people getting slaughtered including the ambassador.


I'm sure the last thing they wanted was four Americans dying needlessly, and let's hope whatever mistakes led to it get fixed.

But I have yet to see evidence that says they did anything but trust the intelligence from an Agency that got it wrong.

You addressed Chuck but you quoted my post so I'll reply...we have seen no evidence because the Obama administration has been covering up. They have been "investigating" for two months yet have shown us nothing while CNN & Fox reporters and congressmen are finding information on their own and telling the people.

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What it comes down to is Benghazi-Gate is now over. The blame will be placed solely on the shoulders of Gen. Petraeus and the film maker is already back in jail.

Nothing will come of the facts that the Clinton/Obama vaudeville act had months of advance notification the Consulate was poorly constructed, completely indefensible, an Embassy security detail was inadequately manned and the Ambassador was virtually alone on 9/11. It will be conveniently forgotten the Ambassador had called for help for months and had called for help early on in the attack.

Maybe not,...

Ed Klein stated that the Clinton’s legal team told him that there were documents that showed President Obama denied the requests for additional security at the Benghazi Consulate despite Hillary Clinton’s request for more security. He also said that Bill Clinton wants to release the documents to exonerate his wife.

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despite Hillary Clinton’s request for more security. He also said that Bill Clinton wants to release the documents to exonerate his wife.

If that is true I would feel the same as Bill

No reason Hillary should be thrown under the bus

if she was in fact doing her part by requesting.

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You addressed Chuck but you quoted my post so I'll reply...we have seen no evidence because the Obama administration has been covering up. They have been "investigating" for two months yet have shown us nothing while CNN & Fox reporters and congressmen are finding information on their own and telling the people.

No they aren't. In Fox's case they are inventing it.

They have had private briefings from the press with an individual timeline, and the Senate will have closed door hearings.

That's because they don't really want to advertise to their enemies through witless Fox bigmouths what military resources they have, where they are, and how quickly they can deploy them.

One would think it would be quite obvious why.

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Mrs. Broadwell wrote an article for Newsweek last week.



5. We all will make mistakes. The key is to recognize them and admit them, to learn from them, and to take off the rear­ view mirrors—drive on and avoid making them again.

Hope her husband takes that one to heart.

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You addressed Chuck but you quoted my post so I'll reply...we have seen no evidence because the Obama administration has been covering up. They have been "investigating" for two months yet have shown us nothing while CNN & Fox reporters and congressmen are finding information on their own and telling the people.

No they aren't. In Fox's case they are inventing it.

They have had private briefings from the press with an individual timeline, and the Senate will have closed door hearings.

That's because they don't really want to advertise to their enemies through witless Fox bigmouths what military resources they have, where they are, and how quickly they can deploy them.

One would think it would be quite obvious why.

Don't tell any terrorists you might know about all this sensitive information being available to anyone with a computer and internet access.

This from the internet on NAS Sigonella. Sigonella is where many of the US aircraft that were handling the bulk of the Libyan no fly zone were flying from in their daily sorties. Sigonella is also the home port for the US 6th fleet and is located less than 500 miles from Benghazi with a subsonic flight time in the minutes. My guess is the QRA in Sigonella could have been over Benghazi within 30-45 minutes after the initial attack was beamed to the White House, State Department, CIA, et al.

All that was required was an order to deploy forces to meet the attack.


"Among the aircraft that fly from this island base are U.S. Air Force C-130, C-17 and C-5 airlifters, KC-135 and KC-10 tankers and U.S. Navy P-3 Orions, C-2 Greyhounds C-130s, and C-9B Skytrain IIs and C-40A Clippers. It is one of the most frequently used stops for U.S. airlift aircraft bound from the continental United States to Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean.

NAS Sigonella has the best claim to be hub of U.S. naval air operations in the Mediterranean. The base command is landlord to more than 40 other U.S. units. Among the largest are a rotating P-3C patrol squadron; a Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station; and a U.S. Naval Hospital. The hospital was built in 1992. Previously, there was only a clinic and the closest U.S. Naval Hospital was at Naples. Sigonella is home to more than 4,000 troops, civilian personnel, and family members.

NAS Sigonella is the Navy's second largest security command, second only to that located at Naval Support Activity Bahrain. NAS Sigonella also has a large support of security personnel from NR NSF Sigonella, a Navy Reserve command based out of NOSC Detroit at Selfridge ANGB, Michigan."



Psssst. Don't tell anybody now!

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And that tells you what aircraft are there and their munitions and other capabilities right?

Good old Wikileaks, er, I mean Wikipedia.


(Actually, Wikipedia is probably where Fox get all their "Facts"!).

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The Patraeus affair seems to be getting even more sordid.

Clearly he was banging Ms. Broadwell when she was "embedded" with him in Afghanistan, so while he was still on active duty - a definite no-no.

It sounds like that affair came to light as a result of Ms. Broadwell sending threatening emails to a woman at the CIA who was "close to the Director". Maybe Patraeus had moved on and she was feeling scorned?

Why do I think there will be more female military personnel who have been intimate with Patraeus? From a Washington Post article" "Current and former U.S. military officials said suspicions of infidelities had followed Petraeus for several years."

(Reuters) - The FBI investigation that led to the discovery of CIA Director David Petraeus' affair with author Paula Broadwell was sparked by "suspicious emails" that initially did not contain any connection to Petraeus, U.S. law enforcement and security officials told Reuters on Saturday. But the CIA director's name unexpectedly turned up in the course of the investigation, two officials and two other sources briefed on the matter said. It was "an issue with two women and they stumbled across the affair with Petraeus," a U.S. government security source said.

The Washington Post reported on Saturday that the FBI probe was triggered when Broadwell sent threatening emails to an unidentified woman close to the CIA director.


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Sounds like a great drama about Petraeus in spite of everything else. BTW, a somewhat similar story line has taken place in the new (2nd) year TV series Homeland. Great TV show if you get the time. (Not sure if Republicans will like though, because Obama said it's one of his favorite TV programs) I download it every week. Claire Danes, who won an emmy for first season, plays a CIA agent turned nutcase who falls in love with a married returned hostage marine Iraq war hero turned terrorist.

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Is there any chance this Petraeus "affair" could be another turf war between FBI and CIA? Things have gotten confused in an era of Homeland Security, and all these agencies competing with one another.

The Washington Post reported on Saturday that the FBI probe was triggered when Broadwell sent threatening emails to an unidentified woman close to the CIA director.

The woman went to the FBI, which traced the threats to Broadwell and then uncovered explicit emails between Petraeus and Broadwell, the Post said.

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Nah. Ms. Broadwell clearly thought this new woman was moving in on her man, so started sending threatening emails to her. I suspect there is some protocol re: investigating threatening emails, and since it may have been obvious these were of a "domestic" (pun intended) nature, the FBI would investigate. We all know the CIA shouldn't be dealing with domestic matters. Or maybe it is protocol to involve another agency to avoid a cover up? We wouldn't want Ms. Broadwell suffering an accidental, premature death now would we?

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Is there any chance this Petraeus "affair" could be another turf war between FBI and CIA? Things have gotten confused in an era of Homeland Security, and all these agencies competing with one another.

If I could caution Americans of one thing it would be this.

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

Do not be so taken in by side shows.

Watching one waving hand is usually just a distraction of what the other hand

is doing or did.

As juicy as side shows may be to folks who like TV it is

just a side show at the end of the day. Keep your eye on the core issue.

In this & all govt related issues

REGARDLESS of party affiliations

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Is there any chance this Petraeus "affair" could be another turf war between FBI and CIA? Things have gotten confused in an era of Homeland Security, and all these agencies competing with one another.

If I could caution Americans of one thing it would be this.

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

Do not be so taken in by side shows.

Watching one waving hand is usually just a distraction of what the other hand

is doing or did.

As juicy as side shows may be to folks who like TV it is

just a side show at the end of the day. Keep your eye on the core issue.

In this & all govt related issues

REGARDLESS of party affiliations

That's why we have you, isn't it? And Faux News of course.

Until more of Patraeus'es liaisons become public this story is "put to bed".

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And that tells you what aircraft are there and their munitions and other capabilities right?

Good old Wikileaks, er, I mean Wikipedia.


(Actually, Wikipedia is probably where Fox get all their "Facts"!).

Perhaps you should spend a little more time on Wikipedia and a little less time on Fox News.

About that secret intelligence on a C-130's armament???


All of the weaponry aboard is mounted to fire out from the left or port side of the aircraft. During an attack, the gunship performs a pylon turn over the target area (flying in a large circle around a fixed point on the ground, the fixed point being the target). This allows it to maintain fire at a target far longer than a conventional attack aircraft. The AC-130H "Spectre" was armed with two 20 mm M61 Vulcan cannons, one Bofors 40mm autocannon, and one 105 mm M102 cannon, although on most missions after 1994 the 20mm cannons were removed due to their incompatibility with precision targeting and to enable transport of more 40mm and 105mm ammunition. The upgraded AC-130U "Spooky" has a single 25 mm GAU-12 Equalizer in place of the Spectre's twin 20 mm cannons, as well as an improved fire control system and increased ammunition capacity. New AC-130J gunships based on MC-130J Combat Shadow II special operations tankers are planned. The AC-130W is armed with one 30MM Bushmaster Cannon.[5]



...you want some more top secret weapons information? Try the F-18 Hornet, which is the carrier "aircraft of choice"



Guns: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61 Vulcan nose mounted gatling gun, 578 rounds

Hardpoints: 11 total: 2× wingtips, 6× under-wing, and 3× under-fuselage with a capacity of 17,750 lb (8,050 kg) external fuel and ordnance


Air-to-air missiles:

4× AIM-9 Sidewinder or 4× AIM-120 AMRAAM, and

2× AIM-7 Sparrow or additional 2× AIM-120 AMRAAM

Air-to-surface missiles:

AGM-65 Maverick

Standoff Land Attack Missile (SLAM-ER)

AGM-88 HARM Anti-radiation missile

AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW)

Anti-ship missile:

AGM-84 Harpoon


JDAM Precision-guided munition (PGMs)

Paveway series of Laser guided bombs

Mk 80 series of unguided iron bombs

CBU-87 cluster

CBU-78 Gator


Mk 20 Rockeye II



Turn off Fox and look up some of this on the internet.

Remember what Abraham Lincoln famously said..."It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

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Now can any of you Obamaites explain away any of the following?

1. Five days before he is to testify before Congress, the CIA Director resigns over a leaked FBI investigation about adultery. The leak allegedly comes from inside the FBI. The FBI is a department of the Justice Department with Eric Holder, an Obama stooge, in charge. He would have known this information since the investigation began, allegedly some months ago. Coincidence that it broke on 11/10?

2. Hillary Clinton will not be able to testify since she will be in Australia attending a conference. Coincidence?

3. Leon Panetta will also not be able to testify since he will be in attendance at the same conference in Australia. Yep..coincidence?

Now we have three of the four top players in the Benghazi attack that are magically too busy, or too unemployed, to attend a Congressional oversight committee to tell under oath what happened. The only one left is Obama and he hasn't told the truth in years.


House asks Clinton to testify on Benghazi, but she declines due to scheduling conflict

November 10, 2012 | 1:05 pm

Joel Gehrke, The Washington Examiner

House investigators asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify next week about the September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, but she declined citing a scheduling conflict.

“[Clinton] was asked to appear at House Foreign Affairs next week, and we have written back to the Chairman to say that she’ll be on travel next week,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters yesterday. “She has a commitment with the Secretary of Defense to the AUSMIN Ministerial.” Per AFP, “AUSMIN is the highest level forum for Australia and US consultation on foreign policy, defense and strategic issues.” The United States is reportedly concerned about Australia’s plan to cut their defense spending.

Clinton has not been asked to testify at any of the other hearings next week, Nuland said.


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Remember what Abraham Lincoln famously said..."It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Clearly this statement was lost on you. whistling.gif

Hardly. Do you have a mirror handy?

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C'mon Chuck, you know as we as we all do that Congress can compel anyone to testify. Just because Clinton, Panetta, and Petreaus are (suspiciously I agree) absent, tells me that at this point there is no smoking gun, and Congressional leaders are not pushing it. They certainly have that right to do and if so, only then will I start suspecting this great conspiracy many Republicans are convinced exists.

I admit it does seem funny tho....

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Now can any of you Obamaites explain away any of the following?

What's to explain? As you've so adroitly highlighted this is a, "result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public."


You're not supposed to be able to figure these things out? Is there a "Deep Throat" helping you?

Hardly. Do you have a mirror handy?

I will remain silent on your query. tongue.png

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C'mon Chuck, you know as we as we all do that Congress can compel anyone to testify. Just because Clinton, Panetta, and Petreaus are (suspiciously I agree) absent, tells me that at this point there is no smoking gun, and Congressional leaders are not pushing it. They certainly have that right to do and if so, only then will I start suspecting this great conspiracy many Republicans are convinced exists.

I admit it does seem funny tho....

I am well aware that Congress has subpoena powers. I am also well aware that Obama isn't the President until he is sworn in on 20 January 2013. Until then he is the incoming President.

Could the administration be dragging their collective feet on yet another delaying tactic? You're the lawyer, you tell us?

Edit in: Obama can invoke Executive Privilege and anybody can invoke self incrimination. Congress can grant individual immunity from prosecution but could still not compel anyone to testify. Failure to testify, after immunity is granted, would only carry a charge of Contempt of Congress. How successful was that in holding Eric Holder responsible for Fast & Furious? Still a blank wall of testimony.

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Could the administration be dragging their collective feet on yet another delaying tactic? You're the lawyer, you tell us?

Chuck, I think the answer is a political one, not legal. Obama is still the President, and I suspect Republican leaders know if they're going to pick a fight, it better be the right one. I somehow suspect the evidence is less than compelling, or they would push it. Don't worry, if a cover-up is discovered, I still have some faith that justice will be done if you are right.

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Turn off Fox and look up some of this on the internet.

Remember what Abraham Lincoln famously said..."It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Says the person quoting Wikipedia as irrefutable fact.

Good lord.


Please note the reference to a "popular web-based encyclopedia".


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