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Jealous attack by Thai gang on Beer Bar in Central Pattaya.

A case of violence now from a beer bar near the “Made in Thailand” Market on Pattaya Second Road. Police were called to the Thai Thae Beer Bar late on Friday afternoon after the bar owner, Khun Siripon aged 43 requested Police presence after a group of Thai men armed with steel bars had caused a disturbance which left a customer of the bar, Khun Anoosara aged 20, injured. She had already been transported to hospital when officers arrived. They questioned bar patrons and the bar owner and it soon became clear that the attack took place because of a relationship problem. The injured woman had gone to the bar with her English boyfriend; however her movements were being tracked by her former Thai boyfriend who decided he wanted to force the woman to finish the relationship with the English man using violence. Luckily the injuries sustained in the attack were not life threatening and Police are now hunting for the former boyfriend and the rest of his gang who will face charges of assault causing actual bodily harm when caught.

Please dont turn this into a BG bashing. I have posted this to highlight the fact that when guys come here and fall in love with any Thai girl, you dont know their history.....

It interesting to note that the farang wasnt injured only the girl.....interesting also is that he smart enough to not be the hero....after all the odds were against him.


I vaguely remember this story but wasn't this a few months ago....? :o


Is that a copy of a news report? If so, please credit your source. :o


Oooopps...sorry mate....PCN website is the source.

LaoPo....probably something similar... again something that is becoming more prevalent now. Unfortunately one day this will happen and the farang out of a sense of honour will step in and end up seriously hurt.



Is that a copy of a news report? If so, please credit your source. :o


Oooopps...sorry mate....PCN website is the source.

LaoPo....probably something similar... again something that is becoming more prevalent now. Unfortunately one day this will happen and the farang out of a sense of honour will step in and end up seriously hurt.


What are you trying to say? Such things happen in every country, it's not an exclusivity for Thailand.



Is that a copy of a news report? If so, please credit your source. :o


Oooopps...sorry mate....PCN website is the source.

LaoPo....probably something similar... again something that is becoming more prevalent now. Unfortunately one day this will happen and the farang out of a sense of honour will step in and end up seriously hurt.


Only if the farang is a pussy. Everyone thinks the best thing to do in a situation like this is to stand aside and let the person you are with get the crap kicked out of them Personally if I was this girl I waould not have anything to do with this coward after I got out of the hospital. Ride together die togther.

I am not mucho macho but I subscribe the taking up for who you are with no matter the possible out come. I have had a couple of good fist fights where my "freinds" have stood by while 3 or more punks had a go with me. I dont consider them friend anymore nor will I ever. I hope the poor girl realises what a pansy she took up with and stays away from him.


Is that a copy of a news report? If so, please credit your source. :o


Oooopps...sorry mate....PCN website is the source.

LaoPo....probably something similar... again something that is becoming more prevalent now. Unfortunately one day this will happen and the farang out of a sense of honour will step in and end up seriously hurt.


What are you trying to say? Such things happen in every country, it's not an exclusivity for Thailand.


LaoPo.....the point I am trying to make is that, with the seemingly increased prevalence of ex bf's trying to get their girls back, it is likely that a farang will eventually get caught up in a dispute and may get badly hurt over someone he has only known for a couple of hours...

I am merely saying that farangs who maybe on their first trip need to be aware that the love of his night that he has only just met or maybe known for just a few days, might have a jealous ex hanging around...and the dangers that may come with it.

Yes it does happen everywhere....but the situation in Thailand is somewhat unique and this is a Thai forum :D

Only if the farang is a pussy. Everyone thinks the best thing to do in a situation like this is to stand aside and let the person you are with get the crap kicked out of them Personally if I was this girl I waould not have anything to do with this coward after I got out of the hospital. Ride together die togther.

I am not mucho macho but I subscribe the taking up for who you are with no matter the possible out come. I have had a couple of good fist fights where my "freinds" have stood by while 3 or more punks had a go with me. I dont consider them friend anymore nor will I ever. I hope the poor girl realises what a pansy she took up with and stays away from him.

Trying to see your relevent point here.....nope still cant see it :D ....However please dont increase the size of a quote to make your point....there are better ways to do that. Thanks :o


Only if the farang is a pussy. Everyone thinks the best thing to do in a situation like this is to stand aside and let the person you are with get the crap kicked out of them Personally if I was this girl I waould not have anything to do with this coward after I got out of the hospital. Ride together die togther.

I am not mucho macho but I subscribe the taking up for who you are with no matter the possible out come. I have had a couple of good fist fights where my "freinds" have stood by while 3 or more punks had a go with me. I dont consider them friend anymore nor will I ever. I hope the poor girl realises what a pansy she took up with and stays away from him.

Trying to see your relevent point here.....nope still cant see it :D ....However please dont increase the size of a quote to make your point....there are better ways to do that. Thanks :o

If you cant see my relevent point then you are stupid :D .

If there is a better way of making your point "you do it your way" and I will increace the size of the fonts to make my point.


Please dont turn this into a BG bashing. I have posted this to highlight the fact that when guys come here and fall in love with any Thai girl, you dont know their history.....

Same as in any other country when you meet up with a women/gal/lady,you still do not know the history of that person.

Get over it!!!!!!!



Augustus stop being a tool. Flaming just reveals a lack of ability to properly articulate your arguements. Next flame, you go away for a while.



Augustus...............I can see the point you are making but you must take some additional factors into consideration

1.you are in a foregn country and tthis does place some restricions on what action you can and should take, if this happened in a pub back home I would certaintly act as you suggest.

2, There are a lot of guns and gangs around pattaya and taking actions against any Thai person could end up very sadly for you, very risky.

3.how well do you know the girl in question

4.sometimes it is best to let the authorities deal with criminal activity

5. you could end up with a criminal charge against you and be deported or imprisoned



I have seen the results of many street fights involving Farangs fighting Thais. The Farangs did not look pretty afterwards.

A six foot, 18 stone Farang is never a match for a five foot, seven stone Thai, particularly when every other Thai in the near/far vicinity comes to the aid of their fellow countryman.

I've learned never to raise your voice in anger to a Thai, never raise a closed fist to a Thai.

Learn to smile and walk away, if you can. Run away if you must.

It 's no good be the bravest person in the cemetary.

Augustus stop being a tool. Flaming just reveals a lack of ability to properly articulate your arguements. Next flame, you go away for a while.


And you jumping in on my reply and calling me a 'tool' is not flaming? If your buddy wasnt being a smart ass I would not have said anything to him. Kind of like pick on me and I will pick on you. And to top it off with the threat of me "going away for a while" after I have only made a whole 8 now 9 post makes you a moderating NAZI. Send me away prick.

Augustus stop being a tool. Flaming just reveals a lack of ability to properly articulate your arguements. Next flame, you go away for a while.


Who are you to preach about flaming? You're the one who said I was a doofus who would end up on the news just because I asked for advice about baht bus drivers.

Get a life buddy.


Is that a copy of a news report? If so, please credit your source. :D


Oooopps...sorry mate....PCN website is the source.

LaoPo....probably something similar... again something that is becoming more prevalent now. Unfortunately one day this will happen and the farang out of a sense of honour will step in and end up seriously hurt.</b>


Only if the farang is a pussy. Everyone thinks the best thing to do in a situation like this is to stand aside and let the person you are with get the crap kicked out of them Personally if I was this girl I waould not have anything to do with this coward after I got out of the hospital. Ride together die togther.

I am not mucho macho but I subscribe the taking up for who you are with no matter the possible out come. I have had a couple of good fist fights where my "freinds" have stood by while 3 or more punks had a go with me. I dont consider them friend anymore nor will I ever. I hope the poor girl realises what a pansy she took up with and stays away from him.

See you in hospital then bigboy.

You obviously know nothing about pattaya or thailand for that matter :o

And yes, You are a complete tool :D


Hey let’s all give Augustus a good kicking. A newbie has no right to express an opinion.

He’s spot on. If someone attacks your wife/gf how do you know whether they’re an ex-bf or an escaped lunatic.

Of course normal conditions may not apply in Pattaya. :o


Depends on many issues IMO.

Is it a long term english boyfriend or a customer? Known each other long? Regular visitor?

I'd guess that this is not the case and they probably are'nt a long term couple (i might be wrong).

Long term then surely the ex boyfriend thing is well in the past and not hanging around (probably pissed off as she's not giving him any money) OR of course she's playing games with the thai man and the english guy thought "**** this i've only known her 2 days" and did'nt get involved! Why screw his holiday up by getting put in hospital.

Wife etc is a completley different situation because unless your stupid or nieve then there won't be another thai man in the picture.

just my opinion.

If i'm with a friend and he acts like a total **** to a thai and deserves a kicking! Will I fight with him?



Depends on many issues IMO.

Is it a long term english boyfriend or a customer? Known each other long? Regular visitor?

I'd guess that this is not the case and they probably are'nt a long term couple (i might be wrong).

Long term then surely the ex boyfriend thing is well in the past and not hanging around (probably pissed off as she's not giving him any money) OR of course she's playing games with the thai man and the english guy thought "**** this i've only known her 2 days" and did'nt get involved! Why screw his holiday up by getting put in hospital.

Wife etc is a completley different situation because unless your stupid or nieve then there won't be another thai man in the picture.

just my opinion.

If i'm with a friend and he acts like a total **** to a thai and deserves a kicking! Will I fight with him?



I agree with Dave 100% on this one. It is a completely different matter if the lady in question was a long term partner or wife. Unfortunately the story does not tell us enough information about the relationship between her and the farang.

Most of us would of course defend our girlfriend/spouse vigorously if it was not possible to diffuse the situation without violence.


I agree with Dave 100% on this one. It is a completely different matter if the lady in question was a long term partner or wife. Unfortunately the story does not tell us enough information about the relationship between her and the farang.

Most of us would of course defend our girlfriend/spouse vigorously if it was not possible to diffuse the situation without violence.

Here Here!


Hard to say what to do in this situation - domestics can turn rather ugly and a gang of thai lads with pipes doesnt bode well for one's health. Call police is best bet to avoid another person in the hospital.


very hard to call this one, but whay i would say is if every body lies down and does'nt make a stand with these gangs of youths, will they then take more and more liberties,

all one hears is never confront thai's, if the thai lads get the jist of this then in my opinion they could and most probably will take advantage of the situation.

at times you have to make your stand for what you believe is right


Agree that it is much different for long term girlfriend/wife and also different for ex-pat/vacationeer.

Long term partner/wife, mother of your children etc., would defend to the death. Casual bar aquaitance? I would be out the door and down the road faster than you could say adios.

How would a vacationeer explain to his family at home his broken jaw, fractured skull or knife wound? "My bar fine was accosted by her boy friend", that explanation would be a hit with your boss at work.


:o Ooofff...Adrenaline is rising to high levels with some of the strong macho men here :D



Problem is the word gang - not about lying down without a fight, but odds are against you say if its more than one/two and no one is coming to your aide. (slaughter comes to mind) If its family, loved ones, mates prob have no option to intervene - maybe even for someone you didnt know, but you have to use your head not get it bashed in.

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