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Thais Don't Care For The Soda Drinker!


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It's not a big deal, but has anyone experienced that when you eat out in a restaurant and drink whisky that you brought yourself, the waiter/waitress takes real good care of you, making sure your glass is never empty? Whereas, if you only drink soda they don't give a <deleted>, leaving you to shout them over all the time. This happens a lot to me, and I wondered about for years, as I don't drink whisky anymore, and even on the airplane I've noticed that if I ask for a beer they automatically give me a can, but when ask for sprite they usually try to give me a glass and act strange when I ask for the whole bloody can.

This even happens when I go in with my Thai workmates who don't drink.

The only reason I can think of is that if the waiter sees a group of people drinking soda only, he automatically thinks they are 'stingy' or 'economical', therefore doesn't expect a big tip, so doesn't waste his time, giving it to the group drinking whisky. Then when he gets no tip he seems pissed off!

I only ever met a couple of Thai people who drink soda, and they had been educated abroad.

What's so wrong with soda?

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There's nothing wrong with drinking soda pop, in and of itself. I drink about a dozen diet sodas every day. But whereas a can of soda at 7-11 costs 13 baht, a beer Singha costs about 38, and Heinekin even more.

When I go to a bar (very seldom), I order Coke Light. It costs about 30 baht (unless there's a floor show, then up to 150 baht). But in the West and here, too, when I drink a third or fourth soda, I start getting them for free (if they think I'll leave a decent tip, and I'm acting properly).

I suspect that cans of soda pop are relatively recent in Thailand. I used to take my can with me as I walked around campus or the teachers' staff room, drinking it on the run. Apparently Thais wouldn't do that.

I do have a problem getting the waitress' attention at times to get another soda, but I thought that was just typically bad service.

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There's nothing wrong with drinking soda pop, in and of itself. I drink about a dozen diet sodas every day. But whereas a can of soda at 7-11 costs 13 baht, a beer Singha costs about 38, and Heinekin even more.

I drink about 10 bottles of soda chang or singha a day, more if I'm out. I buy it 5 crates at a time and get it for about 4 baht a bottle. I get weird looks when I drink soda "preeow preeow' straight, but got equally weird ones when I refused to drink whisky with soda, only drinking it straight, as it's supposed to be drank.

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The only reason I can think of is that if the waiter sees a group of people drinking soda only, he automatically thinks they are 'stingy' or 'economical', therefore doesn't expect a big tip, so doesn't waste his time, giving it to the group drinking whisky.

I don't think this would be the reason. Thailand has never traditionally been a tipping society although it is turning into that more and more. In BKK I think service people expect tips now but when I am in the provinces, they seem to be surprised when I give a tip.

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In BKK I think service people expect tips now but when I am in the provinces, they seem to be surprised when I give a tip.

You must not have been to Chiang Mai lately. Even Thais tip in some upscale places now, however, I don't think that is the only reason that Thai look down their noses at soda drinkers. They just think of them as cheap skates in general.

My favorite bar used to think of me that way until they finally figured out that I pay more bar fines than anyone else in Chiang Mai. Now they don't care if I sit and drink one soda water over a long period of time. They know that they are going to get at least 500 baht more out of me before I leave. :o

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I'm a recovered sodaholic and belongs to SA (sodaholic anonymous) . I could never stop drinking soda until the straight truth hits me in the face. "COLD WATER" taste best after in hot sun for long period of time. Time to Time however, I do have an urge to drink a liter or two of orange & red soda.

TO answer your question, nothing wrong with drinking soda, its good and cheap :o

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good to see all the sodaholics coming out of the closet.

i rarely drink alcohol , and soda water is my preferred drink in restaurants and bars.

most bars charge almost as much for a soda as for a beer and the profit margins on a soda will be much higher , so we should be getting better service than the low profit beer swillers.

in bars , my sodas are always delivered with a smile and in restaurants my glass is regularly topped up and iced.

must be the taxexile charm and good looks. :o

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In BKK I think service people expect tips now but when I am in the provinces, they seem to be surprised when I give a tip.

You must not have been to Chiang Mai lately. Even Thais tip in some upscale places now, however, I don't think that is the only reason that Thai look down their noses at soda drinkers. They just think of them as cheap skates in general.

My favorite bar used to think of me that way until they finally figured out that I pay more bar fines than anyone else in Chiang Mai. Now they don't care if I sit and drink one soda water over a long period of time. They know that they are going to get at least 500 baht more out of me before I leave. :o

And people complain Thai Visa has no class!

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good to see all the sodaholics coming out of the closet.

i rarely drink alcohol , and soda water is my preferred drink in restaurants and bars.

most bars charge almost as much for a soda as for a beer and the profit margins on a soda will be much higher , so we should be getting better service than the low profit beer swillers.

in bars , my sodas are always delivered with a smile and in restaurants my glass is regularly topped up and iced.

must be the taxexile charm and good looks. :o

Have you tried this yet? Soda water mixed with either M150 or Krating Daeng in a large glass filled with ice! Aroi Maak Loei! :D

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It's not a big deal, but has anyone experienced that when you eat out in a restaurant and drink whisky that you brought yourself, the waiter/waitress takes real good care of you, making sure your glass is never empty? Whereas, if you only drink soda they don't give a <deleted>, leaving you to shout them over all the time. This happens a lot to me, and I wondered about for years, as I don't drink whisky anymore, and even on the airplane I've noticed that if I ask for a beer they automatically give me a can, but when ask for sprite they usually try to give me a glass and act strange when I ask for the whole bloody can.

This even happens when I go in with my Thai workmates who don't drink.

The only reason I can think of is that if the waiter sees a group of people drinking soda only, he automatically thinks they are 'stingy' or 'economical', therefore doesn't expect a big tip, so doesn't waste his time, giving it to the group drinking whisky. Then when he gets no tip he seems pissed off!

I only ever met a couple of Thai people who drink soda, and they had been educated abroad.

What's so wrong with soda?

Nothing wrong with soda, This might be an Isaan thing, i get the impression locals are pretty sure that 100 % farangs are billionaires and should be splashing money around accordingly. I often get strange looks when i eat at my favourite 25 baht street vendors place. The food is nicer than many restraunts i have been in and I have a laugh with the owner......but I have overheard the phrase farang kee nok uttered in the background more than once.

Just stick by your guns and ignore any location with crap service. sooner or later the penny will drop with the locals that good service tends to = good profits.

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I love soda! Nothing is wrong with soda. But to the uneducated masses who insist on mixing it with Sangsom or Regency :D it does seem slightly odd to drink what is and always will be to them a 'mixer', on its own.

So much so that I find whenever I order a soda, there is an inevitable pause / blank look, often followed by a 'soda plao?' just to confirm that I am not concealing the bottle of whisky under the table or something. Don't think it's got anything to do with money as I never get a second glance when I order a 'real' soft drink like a coke.

Also afterwards I don't recall ever not being topped up, but then I may fall into the charm / good looks camp of taxexile :o

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In BKK I think service people expect tips now but when I am in the provinces, they seem to be surprised when I give a tip.

You must not have been to Chiang Mai lately. Even Thais tip in some upscale places now, however, I don't think that is the only reason that Thai look down their noses at soda drinkers. They just think of them as cheap skates in general.

My favorite bar used to think of me that way until they finally figured out that I pay more bar fines than anyone else in Chiang Mai. Now they don't care if I sit and drink one soda water over a long period of time. They know that they are going to get at least 500 baht more out of me before I leave. :o

And people complain Thai Visa has no class!

How dare they? We have Miss Snooty-Two-Shoes. :D

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Also afterwards I don't recall ever not being topped up, but then I may fall into the charm / good looks camp of taxexile

membership qualifications for that camp are very high.

only a few manage to make it through the selection process. :o

So, will you let us in on the secret? What are the requirements for this exclusive club, other than being able to order a soda with consummate ease, and command enough respect for automatic top-ups? Now I have to know if I really qualify, or am just an amateur... :D

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I can order it no problem. The getting enough respect is another matter, if it is that. Even if I am with hi-sos, it is the same. Often when I have my daughter with me, they end up playing with her, which is fine, and I tip for that, but then they forget the bloody soda refill. The guy at the other table with the whisky is way more important, even if he is a bum.

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I switchup - water/soda at some point during a session or if I'm diving this is the drink of choice. The way I look at it - avoids major issues for me head the next day. No ill will towards me nor from the bar staff for drinking non-alcoholic beverages - they just laff.

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Very clever Britmav! I try to do the same but often forget...

A soda water with a a bit of lemon/lime juice is very refreshing and tastes almost like sprite without all the suger.

I am a softdrink/soda fan myself but there is bad news too, not even the soda water can be considered good for you:



Amazingly, Americans (and people in other countries) actually drink a product that can rightfully be called:

Osteoporosis in a can.

This poison goes by many brand names, such as Coca Cola and Pepsi. Generically, this poison is on the market in formulations known as soda, pop, and soft drinks. It includes all carbonated beverages--even carbonated plain water. The various substances in sodas compound the problem, especially the typical formulations with their carbonic acid or phosphoric acid.

It's tragic that the "beverage" industry shoves this toxic brew at human beings. Let's take a closer look at what it does.

The carbonation in all soft drinks causes calcium loss in the bones through a three-stage process:

The carbonation irritates the stomach.

The stomach "cures" the irritation the only way it knows how. It adds the only antacid at its disposal: calcium. It gets this from the blood.

The blood, now low on calcium, replenishes its supply from the bones. If it did not do this, muscular and brain function would be severely impaired.

But, the story doesn't end there. Another problem with most soft drinks is they also contain phosphoric acid (not the same as the carbonation, which is carbon dioxide mixed with the water). This substance also causes a drawdown on the store of calcium.

So, soft drinks soften your bones (actually, they make them weak and brittle) in three ways:

Carbonation reduces the calcium in the bones.

Phosphoric acid reduces the calcium in the bones.

The beverage replaces a calcium-containing alternative, such as milk or water. Milk and water are not excellent calcium sources, but they are sources.

Diabetes in a can

The picture gets worse when you add sugar to the soft drink. The sugar, dissolved in liquid, is quickly carried to the bloodstream, where its presence in overload quantities signals the pancreas to go into overdrive. The pancreas has no way of knowing if this sugar inrush is a single dose or the front-end of a sustained dose. The assumption in the body's chemical controls is the worst-case scenario. To prevent nerve damage from oxidation, the pancreas pumps out as much insulin as it can. Even so, it may not prevent nerve damage.

But, this heroic effort of the pancreas has a hefty downside. The jolt of insulin causes the body to reduce the testosterone in the bloodstream, and to depress further production of it. In both men and women, testosterone is the hormone that controls the depositing of calcium in the bones. You can raise testosterone through weight-bearing exercise, but if you are chemically depressing it via massive sugar intake (it takes very small quantities of sugar to constitute a massive intake, because refined sugar is not something the human body is equipped to handle), then your body won't add calcium to the bones.

Add this to what we discussed above, and you can see that drinking sweetened colas is a suicidal endeavor. And now you know why bone damage formerly apparent only in the very old is now showing up in teenagers.

Cancer in a can

In the spring of 2005, research showed a strong correlation between esophageal cancer and the drinking of carbonated beverages. We aren't providing extensive detail here yet, because the subject is still rolling through the medical community. Basically, it works like this:

You drink soda.

It makes you burp (acid reflux, actually).

The burping carries acid into the esophagus, causing lesions.

The lesions become cancerous.

So, maybe it's not so bad if you sip sodas instead of guzzle them. By the time this issue settles out through double blind studies (rather than statistical analysis only), that is probably what researchers will conclude. It's common sense.

Of course, the softdrink companies have conducted their own flawed studies using flawed methods to obtain the flawed results they want so they can deny that their toxic products also cause esophageal cancer on top of all else. I wonder if these folks have flawed sleep at night, or if they are just psychopathic?

Do a Yahoo search (Google has a flawed search algorithm, so why bother with them?) on softdrinks + esophageal cancer, and you'll get several thousand pages of results. Most of the articles say softdrinks "may" cause esophageal cancer. And that's true--in the sense that lying down on a railroad track "may" get you run over by a train or holding a revolver with one bullet in it and pulling the trigger "may" blow your brains out. It's a game of chance. How many chances do you want to take?

Stop doing acid!

Reader Jim Faulkner contributed the following to this article:


Refer to "The pH Miracle", Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health, written by Robert O Young, PhD and Shelley Redford Young (copyright 2002 by Robert Young, PhD, published by Warner Books Inc.)

We all know that our average body temperature is about 98.6 degrees F., but how many of us know our normal pH (Power of Hydrogen scale which measures Hydrogen from 0 to 14)? A rating of 7 is neutral. Healthy human bodies should be slightly alkaline at 7.365. Whenever your body moves away from 7.365, your system takes action to move you back to that value.

Water in most areas has a value of 7 or neutral. Carbonated drinks have a value of about 2.8, but the difference isn't just 4.2. The pH scale values vary exponentially. As the scale moves from 7 to 6, the difference is multiplied by 10. Food or beverage at 6 is 10 times as acidic as that at 7. So "that" carbonated beverage is approaching 100,000 times more acidic than water. With this information, the osteoporosis condition takes on greater LIGHT.


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Why do you want them to pour your sode for you? Just because they do it for others, so you feel they should show the same respect to you? I can see that, but I wish I had that problem. I hate waiters fawning over my table and trying to make drinks for me. I don't want them touching anything after they've given it to me, and usually tip them immediately and ask them not to make drinks for me. That usually works, and the waiter is happy to just bring more bottles when I need them. Look at it another way, and be happy someone isn't standing over you touching all your bottles and trying to refill your glass after every sip. Their hands could have been up their noses a few mintuse ago anyway.

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good to see all the sodaholics coming out of the closet.

i rarely drink alcohol , and soda water is my preferred drink in restaurants and bars.

most bars charge almost as much for a soda as for a beer and the profit margins on a soda will be much higher , so we should be getting better service than the low profit beer swillers.

in bars , my sodas are always delivered with a smile and in restaurants my glass is regularly topped up and iced.

must be the taxexile charm and good looks. :D


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Also afterwards I don't recall ever not being topped up, but then I may fall into the charm / good looks camp of taxexile

membership qualifications for that camp are very high.

only a few manage to make it through the selection process. :D

So, will you let us in on the secret? What are the requirements for this exclusive club, other than being able to order a soda with consummate ease, and command enough respect for automatic top-ups? Now I have to know if I really qualify, or am just an amateur... :D

the qualities are indefinable , but suffice it to say that if you are unsure as to what they are then it's doubtful you possess them. :o

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