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U S Wants The Film "innocence Of Muslims" To Be Removed From Google

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Latest I've heard is that the U.S government is negotiating with Egypt for the return of the blind sheik to Egypt (He of the world trade centre bomb plot), which was one of the demands made at the first U.S embassy demo in Cairo. If true the cowardice and incompetence of the current administration has hit new depths.

Here is an interesting link from someone who was removed from their post at the defence department for exposing the modus operandi of the Islamic OIC control tantrum day of rage so accurately that he predicted in advance the course of events after the Danish cartoons were published. Remember Hillary Clinton is very enthusiastically pushing the OIC blasphemy motion at the U.N. It's half an hour long but required viewing to understand what is going on.


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Latest I've heard is that the U.S government is negotiating with Egypt for the return of the blind sheik to Egypt (He of the world trade centre bomb plot), which was one of the demands made at the first U.S embassy demo in Cairo. If true the cowardice and incompetence of the current administration has hit new depths.

Here is an interesting link from someone who was removed from their post at the defence department for exposing the modus operandi of the Islamic OIC control tantrum day of rage so accurately that he predicted in advance the course of events after the Danish cartoons were published. Remember Hillary Clinton is very enthusiastically pushing the OIC blasphemy motion at the U.N. It's half an hour long but required viewing to understand what is going on.


I've tried a search on Clinton and OIC blasphemy motion and all I get is hits on anti Islamic web sites where you get your informed insights. Can you point to any independent reporting? In the meantime I did locate a report in the NY Times dated 12/2011 that said "Clinton on Wednesday naively importuned Islamist diplomats: “We have to get past the idea that we can suppress religious minorities, that we can restrict speech, that we are smart enough that we can substitute our judgment for God’s and determine who is or is not blaspheming".


On Sunday the Islamic community will be having another demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, now there is a text message going around urging all non muslims to come along and prepare for battle against Islam. The text has words to the effect of "Come and prepare for battle against these muslim dogs and goat f#$kers. (not my words).

This has the potential to get extreemly ugly and all because of one stupid person residing in the U.S. Most Aussies would know of the Cronulla Riots and I hope this doesn't go the same way.


Exactly, "one stupid person" or even a whole raft of stupid people are not making Muslim hot-heads show their infantile true colors. If I pop a bottle of champagne in my neighborhood, and a thousand hot-heads run out on the street and start shooting each other, is it my fault or the fault of the hot-heads' paranoid mind sets?

Also: it takes some creative thinking abilities and alacrity to plan, fund, make and distribute a film. Have you ever planned, made and distributed a film with actors and actresses? I'm not talking about the creative attributes or drawbacks of the film in question, but merely the act of putting it all together. Let's see if any Muslims can get the logistics and creative juices together to make a film or two. My guess is they'll try and make one or two which (they hope will) offend Christians/westerners, but later they'll be sorely disappointed that westerners are too mature to freak out over a parody of their beliefs.


On Sunday the Islamic community will be having another demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, now there is a text message going around urging all non muslims to come along and prepare for battle against Islam. The text has words to the effect of "Come and prepare for battle against these muslim dogs and goat f#$kers. (not my words).

This has the potential to get extremely ugly and all because of one stupid person residing in the U.S. Most Aussies would know of the Cronulla Riots and I hope this doesn't go the same way.

It will only get ugly if the participants choose to be violent. If the gathering is public knowledge, then it is up to the civil authorities to intercede and take appropriate measures. If people are violent they should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I have confidence in the civil authorities to respond appropriately. Failing that, then it is up to Australians to impress upon their elected officials to take the gloves off.


you seem to have quite some insight on al-Qaeda. have you been in Waziristan for training?

oh darn. Allah be cursed, my secret is out. How did you know?

It was obvious to me. You have used the photograph from when you were undercover. wink.png


you seem to have quite some insight on al-Qaeda. have you been in Waziristan for training?

oh darn. Allah be cursed, my secret is out. How did you know?

It was obvious to me. You have used the photograph from when you were undercover. wink.png

Wouldn't mind getting undercover with one of Bin Laden's widows. Naww, just kidding. whistling.gif


Latest I've heard is that the U.S government is negotiating with Egypt for the return of the blind sheik to Egypt (He of the world trade centre bomb plot), which was one of the demands made at the first U.S embassy demo in Cairo. If true the cowardice and incompetence of the current administration has hit new depths.

Here is an interesting link from someone who was removed from their post at the defence department for exposing the modus operandi of the Islamic OIC control tantrum day of rage so accurately that he predicted in advance the course of events after the Danish cartoons were published. Remember Hillary Clinton is very enthusiastically pushing the OIC blasphemy motion at the U.N. It's half an hour long but required viewing to understand what is going on.


The full briefing (1hr 14 minutes) is here:

A bit long, but a detailed analysis, well argued. Certainly worth watching; one wonders at the real reason for Stephen Coughlin's non-renewal of contract at the Pentagon.

I was especially interested in the discussion starting at 36 minutes on the part played by politically correct language in confusing and eviscerating one's objectives and strategy by prohibiting core defining terms. Effectively, PC language undefines the core enemy by disallowing any reference to him. Hence, in the report on the Fort Hood killings by Major Hassan, a self-declared Islamist and jihadist, in touch with al-Qaeda, there was no mention of Muslim, Jihad, al-Qaeda, or indeed of Major Hassan himself.

The latter section is eloquent in its analysis of how the US State Department, and Hillary Clinton herself, have been suckered into acceptance of a view on freedom and restraint in speech that is closer to Battered Wife Syndrome ("don't upset me or I'll bash you again") than to anything intended in the First Amendment.

I wondered a bit about Coughlin's frequent reference to an individual Islamic legal text, "Reliance of the Traveler"; however, it appears to have widespread acceptance in the Islamic world.

Sad to say, it seems that the more we know about institutional, legalistic Islam (which is the main substance of Islam in the world), the more threatening it appears to be. Having said that, I exclude Sufi Islam, philosophical Islam and aesthetic Islam. Omar Khayyam, Avicenna, Averroes and the Taj Mahal are not part of the legalistic, totalitarian and literalist cult that is fuelling its aggressive policy in the world today.

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On Sunday the Islamic community will be having another demonstration in Melbourne, Australia, now there is a text message going around urging all non muslims to come along and prepare for battle against Islam. The text has words to the effect of "Come and prepare for battle against these muslim dogs and goat f#$kers. (not my words).

This has the potential to get extreemly ugly and all because of one stupid person residing in the U.S. Most Aussies would know of the Cronulla Riots and I hope this doesn't go the same way.

It will onlly get ugly if the participants choose to be violent. If the gathering is public knowledge, then it is up to the civil authorities to intercede and take appropriate measures. If people are violent they should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I have confidence in the civil authorities to respond appropriately. Failing that, then it is up to Austraians to impress upon their elected officials to take the gloves off.

The media is fueling this. Most people in Victoria had not receieved the text message or knew anything of the call for non muslims to go only to the protest being held by muslims and be prepared for a battle with the muslims. Even the muslim rally itself has been oposed by islamic leaders in Melbourne and they have called for muslims not to attend.

I was listening to talk back radio from Melbourne this morning, as I always do and there were numberous callers from both sides. The bogan element from Australia saying it is payback time for how islam is destroying Australian culture and for what they did in Sydney last week with riots about the movie and those from the muslim community who said they will now be going along to protect the muslim brothers from Australians.

This so called proposed call to arms is making headline news in the Melbourne press and if the media had of kept thier mouths shut very few would have know about it. They have given it huge publicity all in the name of headlines and hoping for a dramatic news story. They did exactly the same and fueled the Cronula riots in 2005.

For those of you who do not know what the Cronula Riots were.

"On 4 December 2005, a group of volunteer surf lifesavers were assaulted by a group of young men of Middle Eastern appearance, with several other violent assaults occurring over the next week. These incidents were widely reported and commented on in Sydney media.

An initially peaceful crowd gathered in the morning of Sunday, 11 December 2005, and, by midday, approximately 5,000 people gathered at Cronulla beach to protest against a recent spate of violence against locals.


Latest I've heard is that the U.S government is negotiating with Egypt for the return of the blind sheik to Egypt (He of the world trade centre bomb plot), which was one of the demands made at the first U.S embassy demo in Cairo. If true the cowardice and incompetence of the current administration has hit new depths.

Perhaps you should wait for this unlikely bit of information to be confirmed or cite your sources before damning the administration.

Unless you simply mean "some protesters made the demand the blind sheik is returned." but no, you don't.

Slightly pertinent.........did you know the State Dept is known as Little Jerusalem?

Latest I've heard is that the U.S government is negotiating with Egypt for the return of the blind sheik to Egypt (He of the world trade centre bomb plot), which was one of the demands made at the first U.S embassy demo in Cairo. If true the cowardice and incompetence of the current administration has hit new depths.

Perhaps you should wait for this unlikely bit of information to be confirmed or cite your sources before damning the administration.

Unless you simply mean "some protesters made the demand the blind sheik is returned." but no, you don't.

Slightly pertinent.........did you know the State Dept is known as Little Jerusalem?

Also slightly pertinent is Google has only one reference to the US State Department being referenced to as "Little Jerusalem"

The link is here:


It is post number 27 and was made by you on 20 May 2011.

Now might be the time for you to cite sources, other than yourself that is.

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I worked for a number of years under contracts funded through the State Department. I don't know if you will find any official sources, but it was referred to as Little Jerusalem. But I don't think that's getting the thread off-topic.



Great post, you are right by the way to exclude some strands of Islam from the supremacists as the Ahmadis and Sufis are themselves victims in the firing line.

But why did someone who nailed the modus operandi of the day of rage get not get his contract renewed at the state department? Why did I have to get the link for his film from a site tarred with association with Anders Breivik? Why was it I, a multiply suspended poster accused of Islamophobia and having an agenda the one to post the link here? I'm showing of course the degree of effort the Islamists and their enablers put in to silence any debate.

The poll shows over 80% want google to defend freedom of speech, which I suspect is a comparable percentage to what you would find in the west as a whole, but for the most part our leaders seem to be confused or incoherent in reflecting these wishes. The OIC nations seem to be overwhelmingly in favour of blasphemy laws, which sums up exactly why we indeed do have a clash of civilizations despite the denials of some on the left.

I'm in the UK at present and have detected a large undercurrent of anger at how our leaders are dealing with this problem, the Emperor has no clothes and I suspect we are reaching tipping point where this manifests itself into large scale social unrest which the authorities are terrified of but have brought about through policies of appeasement and intimidation of those stating there is a problem. Fortunately Churchill wasn't silenced in the same manner when confronting the totalitarian threat of Nazi Germany.



Great post, you are right by the way to exclude some strands of Islam from the supremacists as the Ahmadis and Sufis are themselves victims in the firing line.

But why did someone who nailed the modus operandi of the day of rage get not get his contract renewed at the state department? Why did I have to get the link for his film from a site tarred with association with Anders Breivik? Why was it I, a multiply suspended poster accused of Islamophobia and having an agenda the one to post the link here? I'm showing of course the degree of effort the Islamists and their enablers put in to silence any debate.

The poll shows over 80% want google to defend freedom of speech, which I suspect is a comparable percentage to what you would find in the west as a whole, but for the most part our leaders seem to be confused or incoherent in reflecting these wishes. The OIC nations seem to be overwhelmingly in favour of blasphemy laws, which sums up exactly why we indeed do have a clash of civilizations despite the denials of some on the left.

I'm in the UK at present and have detected a large undercurrent of anger at how our leaders are dealing with this problem, the Emperor has no clothes and I suspect we are reaching tipping point where this manifests itself into large scale social unrest which the authorities are terrified of but have brought about through policies of appeasement and intimidation of those stating there is a problem. Fortunately Churchill wasn't silenced in the same manner when confronting the totalitarian threat of Nazi Germany.

Australia and the UK have identical problems. Makes one think why is every western country that has allowed islam to flourish on it's soils having the exact same problems. Is it muslims not intergrating into western society or the inability of western societies to change thier cultures and conform to the muslim way of life?

Latest I've heard is that the U.S government is negotiating with Egypt for the return of the blind sheik to Egypt (He of the world trade centre bomb plot), which was one of the demands made at the first U.S embassy demo in Cairo. If true the cowardice and incompetence of the current administration has hit new depths.

Perhaps you should wait for this unlikely bit of information to be confirmed or cite your sources before damning the administration.

Unless you simply mean "some protesters made the demand the blind sheik is returned." but no, you don't.

Slightly pertinent.........did you know the State Dept is known as Little Jerusalem?


An official denial from the administration confirming that the blind Sheik will not be released either before or after the next election would put the matter to rest.


I worked for a number of years under contracts funded through the State Department. I don't know if you will find any official sources, but it was referred to as Little Jerusalem. But I don't think that's getting the thread off-topic.

So, you are informing us that there are irrational anti-Semitic crackers well-entrenched in the State Department?

No, sympathetic to Israel


After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.


After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.

would you care to be more precise as to exactly what is your definition of a non-muslim?

I am a non-muslim but I don't hate muslims by a long way.


I worked for a number of years under contracts funded through the State Department. I don't know if you will find any official sources, but it was referred to as Little Jerusalem. But I don't think that's getting the thread off-topic.

So, you are informing us that there are irrational anti-Semitic crackers well-entrenched in the State Department?

No, sympathetic to Israel

Many liberal Jews - which is most of them in USA - are anything but sympathetic to Israel. Committed Christians are far more likely to be so.


I worked for a number of years under contracts funded through the State Department. I don't know if you will find any official sources, but it was referred to as Little Jerusalem. But I don't think that's getting the thread off-topic.

So, you are informing us that there are irrational anti-Semitic crackers well-entrenched in the State Department?

No, sympathetic to Israel

For once, and probably not for the last time, I misread, misinterpreted, and totally f*ed up: the State Department was NOT calling themselves 'Little Jerusalem'. Scott's co-workers apparently were.

My mistake, sorry.


After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.

would you care to be more precise as to exactly what is your definition of a non-muslim?

I am a non-muslim but I don't hate muslims by a long way.

you are a non-muslim and the divide between non-muslims and muslims is growing ever greater. Do agree with that?


The British Royal Family is seeking to have the photos of Kate censored. What's the difference?

For the record, I don't think they should be published but the only ones they seem to be upsetting are the Royal Family members.

I have heard of no riots allegedly caused by these photos and as far as I can determine there have been no deaths as a result. Somebody help me out here.


After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.

would you care to be more precise as to exactly what is your definition of a non-muslim?

I am a non-muslim but I don't hate muslims by a long way.

you are a non-muslim and the divide between non-muslims and muslims is growing ever greater. Do agree with that?

No I most certainly don't agree!

As Dr Mahathir Mohamad the former Prime Minister of Malaysia correctly reminded people as

far back as 1994 there was no reason for muslims and and non-muslims to be enemies at all.

It just required tolerance towards the customs and practice of each religion. By allowing that piece

of garbage to remain on you tube did nothing to cultivate such tolerance.


Well why not stoke the fire I say. I bet the French foreign office is ecstatic.



Police guard the offices of a French magazine which published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed (AP)

Wednesday September 19,2012

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A French magazine has published crude caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, prompting the government to increase security at some of its embassies.

It defended the right of magazine Charlie Hebdo to publish the cartoons, which played off of the US-produced film "The Innocence of Muslims," and riot police took up positions outside the offices of the publication, which was firebombed last year after it released an edition that mocked radical Islam.

The amateurish movie, which portrays the prophet as a fraud, a womaniser and a child molester, has set off violence in seven countries that has killed at least 28 people, including the US ambassador to Libya.

Government authorities and Muslim leaders urged calm in France, which has western Europe's largest Muslim population.

CFCM, an umbrella group for French Muslims, issued a statement expressing "deep concern" over the caricatures and warning that "in a very tense context, it risks exacerbating tensions and provoking reactions."

It urged French Muslims to "not cede to provocation and ... express their indignation in peace via legal means."

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said organisers of a demonstration planned for Saturday against "Innocence of Muslims" will not receive police authorisation.

"There's no reason for us to let a conflict that doesn't concern France come into our country," he said.

Paris prosecutors have opened an investigation into an unauthorized protest last Saturday around the US Embassy that drew about 150 people and led to scores of arrests.

The small-circulation weekly Charlie Hebdo often draws attention for ridiculing sensitivity around Mohammed, and an investigation into the firebombing of its offices last year is still open.


As Dr Mahathir Mohamad the former Prime Minister of Malaysia correctly reminded people as

far back as 1994 there was no reason for muslims and and non-muslims to be enemies at all.

It just required tolerance towards the customs and practice of each religion. By allowing that piece

of garbage to remain on you tube did nothing to cultivate such tolerance.

Dr Mahathir, who is probably still viewed in Australia as a Muslim hardliner, in fact tried to walk a middle path between Muslim fundamentalists and liberals in Malaysia. His daughter, Marina, is a leading Malaysian liberal.


After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.

would you care to be more precise as to exactly what is your definition of a non-muslim?

I am a non-muslim but I don't hate muslims by a long way.

you are a non-muslim and the divide between non-muslims and muslims is growing ever greater. Do agree with that?

No I most certainly don't agree!

As Dr Mahathir Mohamad the former Prime Minister of Malaysia correctly reminded people as

far back as 1994 there was no reason for muslims and and non-muslims to be enemies at all.

It just required tolerance towards the customs and practice of each religion. By allowing that piece

of garbage to remain on you tube did nothing to cultivate such tolerance.

You don't agree that there is a growing divide between muslims and non-muslims? Well that is certainly your right. I think there is a divide and I think it's growing rather than shrinking.


I don't think that most people care one way or another if someone is a Muslim, but, unfortunately, the radical Muslims are creating fear and hatred that affects how people feel about the moderates who do not speak out against the bad apples.

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You're right there, Ulysses. If the moderates dare to speak out they are harangued for being "Unislamic" or something equally ridiculous. These mad mullahs have an awful lot of sheep under their spell.

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