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U S Embassy In Bangkok Issues Security Warnings To Citizens In Thailand


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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

North Korea agrees with you about the internet. And the islamic leaders would also like to put severe limitations on the internet... except when they need to broadcast a beheading.

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I think that I Like Thai has hit the nail on the head. There is residual hostility dating back from the days of the Crusades beginning in 1096. The crusaders were merciless, believing that it was their mission to kill every Muslim - man, woman or child and they slaughtered whole cities full of people not even sparing their animals. It is also significant that the man behind the film is a Coptic Christian. The Coptic Christians have been killed and driven out of their homes in the wake of the Arab Spring so you can see why he would have serious grievances with the Muslims. It would be nice if America could reduce its presence in the Muslim lands. The problem is that we can't evacuate ALL of the Jews to New York so we're stuck in a situation that really sucks.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

How right you are, Muslims hate Westerners, just think how happy the world would be if we could find a way to remove all Muslims to Muslim countries and make them stay there.

Good idea. While I was looking for the movie trailer on youtube, I came across a thing called "Draw Mohamed day". This guy suggests that we should all draw a picture of Mohamed. If the world is 80% non muslim and all those 80% drew a picture of him, that should really send the 20% bat sh-it crazy.

Not only that, they should be banned from from building mosques, have you heard that noise a 5 in the morning, no consideration for people that are still asleep.biggrin.png

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

How right you are, Muslims hate Westerners, just think how happy the world would be if we could find a way to remove all Muslims to Muslim countries and make them stay there.

I think Europe would be pretty full with all the whites returning from USA/Australia/NZ etc. But the native peoples in those countries would probably be happy if it happened.

Oh sorry, I misread. I thought you wanted everyone to go back where they come from, but no, your idea only applies to Muslims.

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

Then what you're saying is that the Muslims shouldn't protest tomorrow because it's not really in their culture. They don't have freedom of speech so Thailand should not allow this .? I think you are brainwashed. Muslims or anyone should have the right to say what they believe. It goes both ways.
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Considering how close we are to Mynmar/Burma. Muslims have a lot of sack to protest anything here. Historically Buddhists and Muslims have had many clashes. The latest from Burma is pretty scary. The south of Thailand also. I'm very sure the Thai's won't put up with $hit tomorrow. I hope no one gets hurt.

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

I wouldn't disagree with that but isn't that a problem that the coutries that allow for viewing of American material on the internet should take care of as opposed to Making America take care of it ? America isn't the one who needs to police other countries internet is it ? They are free to censor whatever they want all by themselves.

Thanks for your input. I donot know either exactly where the policing should or could be done. But i feel there should be some quide lines on what is sent globally. And even this should or could again be tactfully filtered, in the countries receiving it.

Like rijb said they can post beheadings in post 271 I would have a problem watching that online.But in their culture if it is acceptable who am I to judge.Freedom within like mind cultures I quess.But I donot need or want access to seeing that kind of stuff. So it would be nice to have some policing of what is shown to the world.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

It doesn't allow for meaningless hatred of any kind but does allow for hatred that is attached to a number of things like political dissent . artistic expression and so on ....... Less hatred would be a good thing however lesser ability to express your hatred would not be because unfortunatly some things deserve to be hated and it's not up to the Law to decide that it's up to the people to lisiten and decide for themselves ....... unless like I said it's a "meaningless" act , which is in fact againt the law in the USA.

Also, Freedom of Expression and/ or speech in such forms usually ends up with loss of life.. someone (or someones!) die and someones' family/families get to suffer terribly.. simple, sad facts.. if a 'film-maker' wants so badly to make something he/ she knows is going cause such a reaction, let em go do it in the hub of the religion, country, culture they're 'knocking'!! Let 'em put their own a**e on the line!! 'Freedom of Expression'?? Wake up and smell the thorns!!!

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I'm having trouble understanding how a Thai person doesn't understand internet censorship frankly ...... Thailand has no problem at all censoring whatever they don't want , blocking certian vids we all know about so where does your lack of understanding that it's the country that is allowing it's citizens to view things that needs to act not the country where it's legal , because Thailand understands that concept quite well ?

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Daily, hourly, the Jewish religion is blasphemed by the Arab world ... yet, and do we see Jewish and Zionist gangs torching embassies, murdering and assaulting diplomats? Do we see Jews rioting in western cities and beating unbelievers senseless? Do we see beheadings, amputations, stonings, and Jewish women veiled and owned as chattel? Certainly not.

Just a day ago, Sydney Australia was awash with murderous street violence and children carrying signs asking for the beheading of non-believers - and these are immigrants, guests in Australia.

Time to come out of your politically correct daze folks.

Though I am not Jewish I totally agree with you. These have been acts of ignorance.

I grew up with a Christian background though I don't practice it anymore. I have seen the extreme sides of Christianity and the brainwashing associated with it. There are so many churches that are cult like and will believe anything the preachers tell them. So this is not only a Muslim issue. This is a religious issue. How many wars would there be if it weren't for religion.?

In the same way that this trouble has nothing to do with the movie that was made, neither has it anything really to do with Religion. It is all down to Human Rights and the "Have's" and "Have Not's"

In every country of the world there are extremists of one description or another. Generally these extremists are ignored and don't have much influence or power. This begins to change when the population of a country becomes unhappy with their lot. They look for causes to their unhappiness. This is when extremists can rise and take advantage. They promise that they can make things better if the population follows them. Religion has always been an easy tool to abuse when extremists want to further their own ends.

The longer the unhappiness goes on, the stronger the extremists become, they can then focus on a target for their unhappiness.

Getting rid of a Movie, getting rid of religion or getting rid of a foreign government will never cure the problem. The unhappiness of the masses need to be solved first. Only they themselves can do this, foreign interference will never ever fix it.

Trying to kill a nettle by cutting off the head will never kill the nettle, the root needs to be removed.

It will never happen, but the West needs to remove itself completely from other countries, both militarily and politically. Leave these ares to their own devices and let them do as they wish. If you remove yourself from their problems, then they have no reason to resent you.

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

I wouldn't disagree with that but isn't that a problem that the coutries that allow for viewing of American material on the internet should take care of as opposed to Making America take care of it ? America isn't the one who needs to police other countries internet is it ? They are free to censor whatever they want all by themselves.

Thanks for your input. I donot know either exactly where the policing should or could be done. But i feel there should be some quide lines on what is sent globally. And even this should or could again be tactfully filtered, in the countries receiving it.

Like rijb said they can post beheadings in post 271 I would have a problem watching that online.But in their culture if it is acceptable who am I to judge.Freedom within like mind cultures I quess.But I donot need or want access to seeing that kind of stuff. So it would be nice to have some policing of what is shown to the world.

I could understand that IF you would run into beheadings by accident on the internet or if you didnt need to search out all the vile nasty stuff , but you do , you ever accidentally get a pop up ad of a beheading ! Do you believe anyone who says they got obscene and illegal porn on the computer by accident ?

I think you are confusing whats shown to the world with what people seek out to look at in the world but thats just my opinion I guess. If they had pop up ads of offensive stuff I would agree but pretty much anything really offensive including this film you have to make an effort to seek out and find.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

Agree. Muslims feel very strongly about thier religion same like we do of our loved ones. How would any of you feel if someone insulted your mother or father in front of everyone and posted an insulting movie about them on You Tube.

Id laugh it off i wouldnt go around threatening to kill them shoot them blow them up + I accept their right to post it however hateful.

I get tired of all religions telling me there is a God without a shred of evidence but I dont kill them, sadly though it is not kept to themselves they base laws and rules on their fanatsy

Edited by travelmann
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Gee, Ambassador, you really had my back on that one.

Why did I bother registering with the Embassy if I'm not even going to be on the "emergency message" mailing list? Had to read about this here.

Thank you, ThaiVisa.

Embassy sent me the email... I seem to always get them.

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Daily, hourly, the Jewish religion is blasphemed by the Arab world ... yet, and do we see Jewish and Zionist gangs torching embassies, murdering and assaulting diplomats? Do we see Jews rioting in western cities and beating unbelievers senseless? Do we see beheadings, amputations, stonings, and Jewish women veiled and owned as chattel? Certainly not.

Just a day ago, Sydney Australia was awash with murderous street violence and children carrying signs asking for the beheading of non-believers - and these are immigrants, guests in Australia.

Time to come out of your politically correct daze folks.

Though I am not Jewish I totally agree with you. These have been acts of ignorance.

I grew up with a Christian background though I don't practice it anymore. I have seen the extreme sides of Christianity and the brainwashing associated with it. There are so many churches that are cult like and will believe anything the preachers tell them. So this is not only a Muslim issue. This is a religious issue. How many wars would there be if it weren't for religion.?

In the same way that this trouble has nothing to do with the movie that was made, neither has it anything really to do with Religion. It is all down to Human Rights and the "Have's" and "Have Not's"

In every country of the world there are extremists of one description or another. Generally these extremists are ignored and don't have much influence or power. This begins to change when the population of a country becomes unhappy with their lot. They look for causes to their unhappiness. This is when extremists can rise and take advantage. They promise that they can make things better if the population follows them. Religion has always been an easy tool to abuse when extremists want to further their own ends.

The longer the unhappiness goes on, the stronger the extremists become, they can then focus on a target for their unhappiness.

Getting rid of a Movie, getting rid of religion or getting rid of a foreign government will never cure the problem. The unhappiness of the masses need to be solved first. Only they themselves can do this, foreign interference will never ever fix it.

Trying to kill a nettle by cutting off the head will never kill the nettle, the root needs to be removed.

It will never happen, but the West needs to remove itself completely from other countries, both militarily and politically. Leave these ares to their own devices and let them do as they wish. If you remove yourself from their problems, then they have no reason to resent you.

Thats pretty sensible except for the last part if we removed ourselves from even allys like Germany they would resent it , if we removed ourselves from Korea they would resent it , if we removed ourselves from all points inbetween and stated we would let the world do as it wanted and no other policeing was done by russia or china as examples, the world would turn into one big free for all of fighting and even then it would be all our fault for destabalising the world. It's simply MUCH more complex than the way you stated it.
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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

The problems between Christians and Muslims has been going on a long time. What is happening now is just another episode in a very old war


The First Crusade

Pope Urban II (1088-1099, see art below) was responsible for assisting Emperor Alexus I (1081-1118) of Constantinople in launching the first crusade. He made one of the most influential speeches in the Middle Ages, calling on Christian princes in Europe to go on a crusade to rescue the Holy Land from the Turks. In the speech given at the Council of Clermont in France, on November 27, 1095, he combined the ideas of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels.1

Dr. E.L. Skip Knox gives a summary of the pope's speech, which has been recorded differently in various sources: urban.jpg

"The noble race of Franks must come to the aid their fellow Christians in the East. The infidel Turks are advancing into the heart of Eastern Christendom; Christians are being oppressed and attacked; churches and holy places are being defiled. Jerusalem is groaning under the Saracen yoke. The Holy Sepulchre is in Moslem hands and has been turned into a mosque. Pilgrims are harassed and even prevented from access to the Holy Land.

"The West must march to the defense of the East. All should go, rich and poor alike. The Franks must stop their internal wars and squabbles. Let them go instead against the infidel and fight a righteous war.

"God himself will lead them, for they will be doing His work. There will be absolution and remission of sins for all who die in the service of Christ. Here they are poor and miserable sinners; there they will be rich and happy. Let none hesitate; they must march next summer. God wills it!

If the Muslims are still smarting over whatever happened a thousand years over, I'd suggest they get over it.

There in lies the problem, since those early days Christians/The West have never ever left the Muslim lands, they have never ever stopped interfering in Muslim lands.

These riots and protests have absolutely nothing to do with this movie, It is just a rallying call to those that are angry at the never ending western interference in their lands.

Whose land do you think it was 100 million years ago?

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

The really sad thing is that the USA does have some pretty strong laws about Hate Crimes. They have withstood several challenges to the fundamental right of Free Speech called out in the US constitution. Can Free speech be abused? Of course it can, and of course it often is. That is what an open society has to continually with it.

The other really sad thing is how free religion in the USA really is. Count the number of mosques in the USA. I believe it is well over 1,000 and those are mosques that are big enough to be counted. Look how many muslims that had the gumption and energy or just plain luck to leave their country and get to the USA. They aren't running back to their homeland. Visit the Commerce casino in Los Angeles. See how many of the Middle Eastern people are having the ball of their life drinking and playing poker or the baccarat or pai gow poker games.

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Daily, hourly, the Jewish religion is blasphemed by the Arab world ... yet, and do we see Jewish and Zionist gangs torching embassies, murdering and assaulting diplomats? Do we see Jews rioting in western cities and beating unbelievers senseless? Do we see beheadings, amputations, stonings, and Jewish women veiled and owned as chattel? Certainly not.

Just a day ago, Sydney Australia was awash with murderous street violence and children carrying signs asking for the beheading of non-believers - and these are immigrants, guests in Australia.

Time to come out of your politically correct daze folks.

Great Post!! Best Post of the Day!! No doubt about it! thumbsup.gif

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You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

By personally I mean that I have known them for most of my life and are actually good friends of mine, I have met and talked with many others, spent time with some of their friends and they are just people. Throwing around the word 'muslims' is stupid like I said, there are people who are dedicated to that religion across the world who are very respectable and people from that religion who are not, like with Christianity and Buddhism etc. The US or whatever western country going to war and killing a bunch of people, innocent people in the process as well is still killing people. There may be a 'cause' for it and if you look at why these people around the world now are pissed there are many reasons above this movie. I am pretty sure if I lived in Iraq my entire life trying to get by, I would be fuc_king pissed at the west as well.

I too know some great peaceful muslims. The other guy was talking about the extreme ones who want violence against people who DON"T believe in the Islamic way.

You only have to see some of the footage of these riots and what my friend witnessed in Australia, where many of them were shouting "Behead those responsible"; how in any walk of life can anyone stick up for an extreme minority who want to kill people because they've been offended. It's sick.

I agree with many people being p**sed with the West big time; but to want people dead just because they don't follow the same religion as you is ****ed up and it's justified why many people around the globe voice their disbelief and anger towards these extremists.

Given nobody should have the right to take away lives for not following a religion, but 'the other guy' did not point out that he/she was refering to only a small percent of the worlds Muslim population, but put them all into a group as if they have the same mindset. There are Christians in the bible belt of America that I am sure if given the chance would commit some pretty horrid acts if they all bannded together against people from another religion, the only things stopping them really is the fact that America is more developed and therefore there is more in the way of law in that sense. But I have heard and felt so much anger from some people that would match that of someone from the Taliban I am quite sure.

Ask your self this if they are such a peaceful religion why is almost all the terrorism in the world linked to them. If it is only a few doing it why do they not stop them condemn them. It takes money to have a terrorist organization. Just because you have a friend who is a nice person you have no idea if they are sending money to these terrorists to support them. Yes there is some genuine nice people in Islam. But if they were in the majority and believed in peace they would be speaking out against the terrorists.

Here in Thailand there are small groups of terrorists. Yet they have killed over 4,000 people. And not one good upstanding nice person Muslim has come forth to name even one of them.

My personal opinion is that They are all known among the Muslim people. But they are protecting them.

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

Then what you're saying is that the Muslims shouldn't protest tomorrow because it's not really in their culture. They don't have freedom of speech so Thailand should not allow this .? I think you are brainwashed. Muslims or anyone should have the right to say what they believe. It goes both ways.

You're missing the point made, BIG style! What's being said is NOT that Muslims SHOULDN'T protest, 'it's not in their culture blah blah'.., but that they don't believe in the same free speech many western countries do, which is why they ARE protesting, and violently too!!! No brainwashing here, just some inability to grasp what's being said.. what's the POINT in espousing free speech if you can't even understand it???

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What about Eng V Aus in the cricket. That is war. A friendly war of bat and ball and Barmy Army banter. Eng V Germany football (NOt soccher) - as Uncle albert used to say _ During the war>>>>> lets live in peace, harmony and put goodnight this post- Heil Admin!

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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

The Americans may believe in :Freedom of Speech" but the many other countries maynot. Thats the problem with the internet.. Behavior that is acceptable in one country is made public for the whole world to see. And in instances like this we get to see how some beliefs differ.In this case to the point of violence. Perhaps the internet should be more localized and not so world accessible.

What I am saying is just because it is exceptable in America doesnot mean the rest of the world has to accept it. If "Freedom of Speech" is an America thing keep it in America as part of their culture. Many things happen in other cultures that America doesnot allow in America.Mexico has bullfights America doesnot and they are neighbours on the same continent.Should America allow bullfights? "Freedom of Choice".

I forgot to mention I agree with you "I like Thai"

Then what you're saying is that the Muslims shouldn't protest tomorrow because it's not really in their culture. They don't have freedom of speech so Thailand should not allow this .? I think you are brainwashed. Muslims or anyone should have the right to say what they believe. It goes both ways.

You're missing the point made, BIG style! What's being said is NOT that Muslims SHOULDN'T protest, 'it's not in their culture blah blah'.., but that they don't believe in the same free speech many western countries do, which is why they ARE protesting, and violently too!!! No brainwashing here, just some inability to grasp what's being said.. what's the POINT in espousing free speech if you can't even understand it???

That's cool.. They're protesting against other people's rights. Exactly what I just said. What you're saying is they dont' understand free speech. That's why they're protesting. lol That just sounds really ignorant. People who are violent are very primitive. They can't use their brains to fight for a cause. Like Neanderthals or monkeys. Now you're making me believe that Darwinism should take it's course tomorrow. I don't hope for anything but Darwinism tomorrow.
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Seriously!! This is traditional CYOA (Cover Your Own Ass) by the US government who doesn't really understand anything about the people or environment they push this too. This may actually stop thousands of Americans from visiting Thailand for the holidays...

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Time to pin Canadian flags on those backpacks again. sad.png

First, I say this as a Canadian, don't you dare!

Second, it won't help anyway, the fundamentalist morons hate us as well. We were the third largest foreign army in Afghanistan after all, and as far as they're concerned, we're dirty kaffirs just like the Americans, Brits, or any other "Western" country. As evidenced by what goes on the three southernmost provinces, even being a Thai Buddhist doesn't help much.

The only thing you could pin on your backpack that might help would be a Muslim crescent, though they hate most fellow Muslims as well if they're not as extreme as they are. The fundamentalist bastards have probably killed more Muslims than the Americans have.

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Given the scope of this messup, the little time span in which it was blown up from a mosquito to the size of an elephant, the timing and the cheap and unappealing style of this B-movie that (at least to me) appears it was done hastily and with minimum budget only to serve this very cause (stirring up a Jeehad), I fear that this warning will be just the tip of the iceberg. Looks like the Cabal shadow world government has succeeded this time with their plan to ignite WW III. The ones who laugh and giggle now should at least read what Albert Pike wrote in 1871: http://www.libertyfo...albert_pike.htm

Looks like the world is up for a big one... sad.png Hope I am wrong, but my instincts tell me otherwise...

Better hurry cause the world ends in 2012 anyway remember.

Yeah, whatever - but you have to admit that this stupid movie episode has a lot of potential and is definitely NOT a coincidence... I agree with the 2012 bullshit though, if you read old forums of 1999, the Y2K hysteria caused similar "the world as we know it will end" predicitions. I know of only one religion and ethnic group who has a mindset with the ultimate goal to bomb all of us back into stone age, and that group unfortunately has been fed new motivation to do so. Time to buckle up and prepare for emergency landing if the media puts more oil in the fire...

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