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U S Embassy Bangkok To Close Ahead Of Film Rally


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Man is not that long out of the Wild, unfortunately. Throughout recorded history there is the constant theme of death in the name of Religion--or some other imagined differences. So few of our fore bearers, or even ourselves are fully innocent of ignorance and/or the Beast in Man. Just happens that today some radical muslims just want to kill. Fast forward 20 years and it will be the Priests against the Nuns (hyperbole). My beliefs are closer to Buddhism than any other religion--Buddha taught us to ask why and critically question the world around us--and do no harm to anything. Seems to make sense to me--how about you? Respectfully.

Yeah, I really get what Buddha meant when I see monks in Tuk Com drooling over iPads.

All religion is a disease that has degenerated the true meaning of what simple men and women of the past said. All they did is say things, and that is all. What they said was not supposed to turn into gigantic corporations that murder in their takeover bids.

OTHER people bought the copy rights of what they said and capitalized on any good intentions. The history of this can be traced back through the ages by following the blood (and I don't mean Jesus).

The truth is, corporations existed in the past as religion. Religion and Corporation are one. The con artists of the past simply did not think of calling it corporation. They used religion instead, otherwise different corporations inaccurately labeled as religion would have been correctly labeled as Christianity, Inc, or Buddhism, Ltd, or The Islam Group, etc. because that is exactly what they were then and are now; Corporation (with a capital C). The only miracle of these "religions" is that humans are still so deceived that they cannot separate the issues and see this.

Religion is the core of all evil that man can contrive; skillfully and beautifully woven into a clever doctrine that has birthed an ironclad means to keep human beings from ever evolving beyond being mushrooms; kept in the dark and fed shit by candy-coated, machiavellian marketing strategies and schemes that make Microsoft drool with jealousy.

Religion keeps people thinking inside the box whilst dominating the fortune 500. We never got out of the dark ages; we simply added some hollywood lighting and some technical effects, supported by mass media of gigantic proportions to inundate our feeble minds 24/7. The village witch-doctor has gone techno and has yet to tell me where his beliefs come from. He is sort of a splinter faction of more organized corporations because he has no Buddha or Jesus or Muhammed to quote; only himself; but I digress...

So... let 'em rally at the embassy. I see no difference between the embassy and a mosque, or temple, or synagogue or whatever. They all have a man or women sitting inside, without a conscience, who insist upon cooperation and money. It's one corporation rallying against the other over issues the other is accused of having done and is doing.

The only difference is Corporate CEO's go to meetings and tell their employees to stay home and work. With religion, the CEO's stay home and send their employees to the meetings. That tells me that Corporations base their existence upon employee skill and organization, and religion bases its existence upon employee stupidity and ignorance.

It's difficult to train people to be organized and skilled. It is much easier to capitalize upon ignorance and stupidity, because that is the way we come into the world.

So who wins... or rather, who has the easier job to keep people stupid and ignorant and afraid to ask -vs- training people to be skilled and organized and to keep on seeking the truth in their thinking?

Do the math.

The iPad represents a highly evolved portion of man's mind. A scripture represents the highly undeveloped other portion.

Man in imbalanced!

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Sad, that so much MIS-information has spread throughout in mosques. NO, the United States government did NOT produce an anti-Islamic film (it was a short amateur movie created by some "loser" that has been in trouble with the law before); NO, the movie was not made in Hollywood (the video is so poorly made it almost looks like a joke); No, the movie was not shown in US cinemas (no one knew about it or paid attention to it until protests around the world started). NO, the US does not pay attention to what is put on "Youtube" since it is a democracy and ITS people can handle controversal (and offensive) topics without getting angry and wanting to kill someone.

This is the main problem though, all this denial, well ... if you feel you've got to deny it ..........suspicious yeah, in fact if it was not true why would any one try and deny it,

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With a few honourable exceptions, the above posts are a prime example of accepting the Islamophobia projected in the western media.

Point 1: The US can ban freedom of speech when it suits itself - Wikileaks being a recent example.

Point 2: The youtube version of the so-called film was released to co-incide with 9-11 + provoke the reaction that has resulted.

Point 3: Various aspects of free speech are banned in the EU. Hate and even viewing the 'wrong' internet sites in the UK, anti-semitism and anti-holocaust in various parts of the mainland.

Point 4: The lack of respect for Muslim views is just as bad as Muslim's lack of respect for others' viewpoints.

Point 5: The targeting of US - mainly - embassies is just symptomatic of the general feeling in the Middle East towards a country that has killed hundreds of thousands in invasions of a number of countries in the region - the number is vague because those Iraqis and others killed are not worth counting.

While those points are all valid, with regards to censorship and freedom of speech, the US is still way ahead of many other countries.

way ahead of China?? wel maybe I saw all those arrests of wall street protestors, surely that is a prime example of US lead in freedom of speech, I guess Syrian leadership took a few notes from that example

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Though...I do not believe in throwing hate at other groups religion...it seems Islam is the ony religion that goes on a killing spree everytime someone says something negative about it. What if we Christians killed Muslims everytime they said something negative about Christ....? When I was a young Man...I was taught that Islam is a religion of peace and love of all things.... what happened....you strap bombs on your children and kill others........in whose name is this done....??? Allah..???? if so...I never want to meet this so called God...who commands his followers to kill others.....sounds like the orders of a Demon not a God......

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at around 2.20PM yesterday the crowd of not more then 150 to 200 people past by our office at Wireless coming from Lumpini park to the American embassy, a lot of Allahu akbar shouts, then it started pouring like cats and dogs, as god would say what he meant to the protests from those people. At 4 I left the office and most of the demonstrants were on the way home. There was a group of cute looking Moslem ladies wearing their black head covering cloths. When I stopped with my motorbike waiting to cross Wireless, one smiled at me and I smiled back. She was quite pretty as far as I could see.

I think that protest was far from those in some Afircan countries.

But in our office we had a brief instruction of our Security officer if the worst case happens how to evacuate the building and where to go. Just to be prepared, you never know what could happen...

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With a few honourable exceptions, the above posts are a prime example of accepting the Islamophobia projected in the western media.

Point 1: The US can ban freedom of speech when it suits itself - Wikileaks being a recent example.

Point 2: The youtube version of the so-called film was released to co-incide with 9-11 + provoke the reaction that has resulted.

Point 3: Various aspects of free speech are banned in the EU. Hate and even viewing the 'wrong' internet sites in the UK, anti-semitism and anti-holocaust in various parts of the mainland.

Point 4: The lack of respect for Muslim views is just as bad as Muslim's lack of respect for others' viewpoints.

Point 5: The targeting of US - mainly - embassies is just symptomatic of the general feeling in the Middle East towards a country that has killed hundreds of thousands in invasions of a number of countries in the region - the number is vague because those Iraqis and others killed are not worth counting.

While those points are all valid, with regards to censorship and freedom of speech, the US is still way ahead of many other countries.

way ahead of China?? wel maybe I saw all those arrests of wall street protestors, surely that is a prime example of US lead in freedom of speech, I guess Syrian leadership took a few notes from that example

Not just China, but way ahead of most developing countries. Yes they arrested and even assaulted some wall street protesters (and that's not right), but you are generally allowed to protest in the US. You can also start an independent newspaper. And you can take the police and other public officials and institutions to court sometimes. That's better than a lot of developing countries that can't do those things at all.

Perhaps if people tried living as human rights activists in most developing countries and some developed-but-repressive countries such as Singapore (where even flyering for a cause or a protest of one person is illegal AND you cannot even start an independent media outlet), they'd realize that the US is actually more open than they think.

Edited by Chads
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This episode should comvince all why it is important to rigidly separate the Church/Mosque/Wat/Religion from the Political State. EUR did this in the 1700's, as they realised that the interfering Christian Churches were ruining the local economies. Muslims never learned this valuble lesson. It is critical to separate the State from the Church. Unfortunately the Brits persist in the UK Monarchy and it's attendant religous nonsense.

The American Constitution writers immediately knew they had to separate churches from the state. Unfortuantely the US is returning to the fog of religous interference in the National State Govt. It is prohibited by the US Constitution. Why anyone would vote for a dedicated follower of Mormonism is beyond my comprhension. There are few wackier Christian Religons than "The Book of Mormon". Check it out in Wikipedia.

Edited by cdnski12
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