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Payphone - Reverse Call


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Thanks Crossy

Draftvader- sad to see that for so many their lives have such little meaning that they have to troll to ease away the pain of loneliness - If u have nothing of value to add, then don't reply - Just because u lack the ability to conceive why an individual may need to make a reverse call doesn't mean the rest of society remains at your base level

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Draftvader- sad to see that for so many their lives have such little meaning that they have to troll to ease away the pain of loneliness - If u have nothing of value to add, then don't reply - Just because u lack the ability to conceive why an individual may need to make a reverse call doesn't mean the rest of society remains at your base level

In all fairness: Unless you are stranded somewhere without money in some kind of emergency, making a reverse call is not only unusual, but a bit of waste of money.

If the party you are trying to call has no access to the internet (skype, voip, etc.), try this:

  1. Get yourself an incoming VOIP phone number (e.g. UK number, for a few pence a month at localphone.com)
  2. Get a headset and connect to your computer or use one in an internet cafe
  3. Initiate an outgoing call (~1p/ min) and ask the party to call you back at your new number, at the preferable IRE>UK rate
  4. Be content with the mode of communication smile.png

Edited by Morakot
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Thanks Crossy

Draftvader- sad to see that for so many their lives have such little meaning that they have to troll to ease away the pain of loneliness - If u have nothing of value to add, then don't reply - Just because u lack the ability to conceive why an individual may need to make a reverse call doesn't mean the rest of society remains at your base level

I'm made a throwaway remark and that makes you think my life has little meaning? No, what it means is that I had nothing to say, but I had 20 seconds to say it in.

For all the effort of making a collect call you could easily utilise one of the many online options as you were, quite obviously, online. I just felt that you were missing opportunity, but you are right, I was glib.

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