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Things To Mitigate Dissatisfaction In Thailand For Gf


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Plenty of expats in BKK the type you'd find in Dubai, Singapore etc. They all do the same rounds.

Plenty of expatriate women to hang out with too.

None of it is rocket science to get out and meet people.

GF sounds like she is high maintainence.

I beg to differ my friend.

About which part?

The type of expat here radically differs from the type in DXB and Singapore.

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So what do you think? Is he from India or Romania? For the poll of course.

Nigeria although he hasnt "blessed" me yet in his ramblings

You could well be right there! We've had the hard luck story....Just wait for the begging emails whistling.gif

You are so going to have egg on your facelaugh.png

You don't get it, do you? It is absolutely irrelevant whether the things you told us about yourself and your girl are true or not... it's about the way you are bragging and behaving... it's the way you talk about your girl, not a single word about whether you love her or not, it's all about her 5'9 and her boobs and her top notch looks... it's your way asking about advice but at the same time telling everybody "if you're not in my league then don't talk to me"...

I am sure, there are dozends of members on this forum who also have a top notch university degree, who are better connected in the top tier society than you are, who have higher and steadier income for more years than you have and who are highly successful business people... so far in the year that I am member here on Thaivisa, with the exception of you, I have not seen anybody bragging about himself the way you do...

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Plenty of expats in BKK the type you'd find in Dubai, Singapore etc. They all do the same rounds.

Plenty of expatriate women to hang out with too.

None of it is rocket science to get out and meet people.

GF sounds like she is high maintainence.

I beg to differ my friend.

About which part?

The type of expat here radically differs from the type in DXB and Singapore.

Well, knock me over with a cinabun. Well done.

Took long enough, but you finally found the catalyst.

Agenda revealed ..... so please get to your point and tell us how much better you are than the 'type of expat' found in Thailand.

Beats me why you didn't just come out with it in the first place.

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You don't get it, do you? It is absolutely irrelevant whether the things you told us about yourself and your girl are true or not... it's about the way you are bragging and behaving... it's the way you talk about your girl, not a single word about whether you love her or not, it's all about her 5'9 and her boobs and her top notch looks... it's your way asking about advice but at the same time telling everybody "if you're not in my league then don't talk to me"...

I am sure, there are dozends of members on this forum who also have a top notch university degree, who are better connected in the top tier society than you are, who have higher and steadier income for more years than you have and who are highly successful business people... so far in the year that I am member here on Thaivisa, with the exception of you, I have not seen anybody bragging about himself the way you do...

Good am.

The issue of bonafides may not be important to you--an astute person can nominally distinguish between the charlatan, the exasgerant, and the legit--but to many of the chattering geriatrics on here it is. Thus I will prove them wrong by the end of the day.

Of course, i will then be attacked as being an aloof elitist or whatever else but it will make for interesting banter.

Again, not to be rude, but 75% of the responses are not germane to my question. The question is not if I am nice, if I am cool, if I am a vegan, if I am rich or whatever.

The question is: Does anyone have any experience with keeping a high end tier 1 model type happy in Thailand?

Not if I love her or not?

I highly suspect that folks here would not...it's different demographic here...but I felt it was worth a shot as one never knows.

Look, it's hard to impart context in cyberspace. I'm actually unassuming and quite affable upon first glance. I am not a braggart in person. it's evident that i am well educated not broke but, then again, it takes a person of similar ilk to recognize this.

But yea, you are right: my question does come across a bit like like Lady Gaga asking the pizza deliveryman: How do you keep the paparazzi at bay?

But context is important to impart on a messageboard. And the only reason why i was harping on her looks--and she is not really that hot, just a average Victoria Secrets Model--is because it indicates that she has few peers here. And women just dont hang with other women that are not in their demographic.

I wish she was not so tall. I think its her height more than anything else that intimidates the Thais.

I hope this helps.

And no, i don't think there are tons of ivy league one percenters hanging out in Bangkok. If there are, please let me know so i can go to their networking events.

I never said I earned a high income. Quite the contrary, I don't earn enough...lol..

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The type of expat here radically differs from the type in DXB and Singapore.

Well, knock me over with a cinabun. Well done.

Took long enough, but you finally found the catalyst.

Agenda revealed ..... so please get to your point and tell us how much better you are than the 'type of expat' found in Thailand.

Beats me why you didn't just come out with it in the first place.

I am not better, just different...and looking for a way to solve my problem.

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Oh dear OP. I like a good sex tourist and visa runner bash as much as the next guy.

But you are a ivy league superhuman and can't figure out lil' ole bangkok?

Nope, quite mortal and fallible actually. I get Bangkok....I just was hoping that someone her has my same problem.

clearly you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.

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Oh dear OP. I like a good sex tourist and visa runner bash as much as the next guy.

But you are a ivy league superhuman and can't figure out lil' ole bangkok?

Nope, quite mortal and fallible actually. I get Bangkok....I just was hoping that someone her has my same problem.

Everyone has your problem in Dayton Ohio. They all have big boobed beauty queens who would rather be someplace else with a guy who has more money. Is there a forum there to post in?

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I never mentioned my the size of my gf's bust in this thread...

That's what you said: "I prefer 5’8 (and above) surgically enhanced females. ...(my GF) works as a FA for a GCC airline "

I am not a braggart.

That's what you said: "i am exactly who i say I am...of that one if ten thousand chance. The guy does have a smoking hot model gf, the guy is an ivy league graduate, the guy is a former diplomat (3161), and the guy is a one per center (or 3.4 percenter)."

I rest my case...

not in this post dude...dont be sly...that was from my other post four months back.

holy smokes, dude, are you really taking the time to go through my old posts from months ago? wow, man, I could have played a whole level of Ghost Recon during that time.

That's awesome. I am glad I have energized you...fire'm up.

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Oh dear OP. I like a good sex tourist and visa runner bash as much as the next guy.

But you are a ivy league superhuman and can't figure out lil' ole bangkok?

Nope, quite mortal and fallible actually. I get Bangkok....I just was hoping that someone her has my same problem.

Everyone has your problem in Dayton Ohio. They all have big boobed beauty queens who would rather be someplace else with a guy who has more money. Is there a forum there to post in?

huh, not tracking?

oh, yea, but my point was that she liked Dayton more than BKK,...and dayton is awful.

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OP, if you are not of the same ilk as the 'type of expat' in Thailand ie you are 'different', may one ask why you would seek to 'solve your problem' on a forum habitated by typical expats in Thailand (albeit a fair cross-section of 'types') rather than to seek a solution from someone of your own ilk?

Or can't you find one?

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That's what you said: "I prefer 5’8 (and above) surgically enhanced females. ...(my GF) works as a FA for a GCC airline "

I am not a braggart.

That's what you said: "i am exactly who i say I am...of that one if ten thousand chance. The guy does have a smoking hot model gf, the guy is an ivy league graduate, the guy is a former diplomat (3161), and the guy is a one per center (or 3.4 percenter)."

I rest my case...

not in this post dude...dont be sly...that was from my other post four months back.

holy smokes, dude, are you really taking the time to go through my old posts from months ago? wow, man, I could have played a whole level of Ghost Recon during that time.

That's awesome. I am glad I have energized you...fire'm up.

Is 20 years old too old to play Ghost Recon?

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The question is: Does anyone have any experience with keeping a high end tier 1 model type happy in Thailand?

And the only reason why i was harping on her looks--and she is not really that hot, just a average Victoria Secrets Model--is because it indicates that she has few peers here. And women just dont hang with other women that are not in their demographic.

Well, I must admit I never dated a high end tier 1 model. I did know a high end top tier model or two, as well as actresses, sons of billionaires, etc. You see some of us here really did go to them fancy schmancy schools.

From my dealings, they actually, in regular life, these people try to be as low key as possible. Like when you met them, and you didn't know their background, you would never guess. They purposely try and not disclose so they can fit in with us regular folk. And I mean the supermodel types too. Because you see without the fancy dress, the professional lighting, and the make up artists...they look like an average person. Like walking around in sweats and t-shirts, with no makeup. You can see the natural beauty, but they certainly do not walk around looking like the cover of vogue every day. What you see in the magazines really doesn't exist in day to day reality.

From my experience you only get the bragging or hear the talk about how fabulously wealthy someone is from someone who really isn't that wealthy.

And your estimation on the cost of a condo in Nevada is off. Last month the electricity bill on a 3 bdrm 1200sq ft house in Las Vegas came to $140. This is in the "Southern Highlands" area of Las Vegas too. :)

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OP, if you are not of the same ilk as the 'type of expat' in Thailand ie you are 'different', may one ask why you would seek to 'solve your problem' on a forum habitated by typical expats in Thailand (albeit a fair cross-section of 'types') rather than to seek a solution from someone of your own ilk?

Or can't you find one?

In all honesty, yea I get a kick outta the responses and am hella bored...but my dilemma is legit.

Is it a longshot, yes, but there is a small possibility that someone here is in an analogous situation and assist.

What do I have to loose? 10% less xbox playing time perhaps.

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Yeah, that's true I guess. At least while you're laying around with ya xbox and writing on forums you don't have to put up with people gawking at your gf when all you're really trying to do is enjoy Thailand .... and her company

Edited by Songhua
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The question is: Does anyone have any experience with keeping a high end tier 1 model type happy in Thailand?

And the only reason why i was harping on her looks--and she is not really that hot, just a average Victoria Secrets Model--is because it indicates that she has few peers here. And women just dont hang with other women that are not in their demographic.

Well, I must admit I never dated a high end tier 1 model. I did know a high end top tier model or two, as well as actresses, sons of billionaires, etc. You see some of us here really did go to them fancy schmancy schools.

From my dealings, they actually, in regular life, these people try to be as low key as possible. Like when you met them, and you didn't know their background, you would never guess. They purposely try and not disclose so they can fit in with us regular folk. And I mean the supermodel types too. Because you see without the fancy dress, the professional lighting, and the make up artists...they look like an average person. Like walking around in sweats and t-shirts, with no makeup. You can see the natural beauty, but they certainly do not walk around looking like the cover of vogue every day. What you see in the magazines really doesn't exist in day to day reality.

From my experience you only get the bragging or hear the talk about how fabulously wealthy someone is from someone who really isn't that wealthy.

And your estimation on the cost of a condo in Nevada is off. Last month the electricity bill on a 3 bdrm 1200sq ft house in Las Vegas came to $140. This is in the "Southern Highlands" area of Las Vegas too. smile.png

I doubt you went to an Ivy, Stanford, Amherst, or UChicago. If you did you would not have written what you did.

Are some rich low key? Yes, and some are incredibly vain and boisterous. I ran into Mr. Buffet in Ohare one time and he was uberpolite and very grounded...or at leas his public persona was.

Go to that mexican place in Laguna--I cant recall the name--and tell me it's not the most vile ostentatious display of materialism you have ever seen.

It depends dude. What you are saying is person and situation dependent. I was having a drink (two as it was all could afford) in Jimmyz in Europe once and it surely was not true.

Have I seen Colin Farrell at The Crazy Horse make it rain with about ten gs worth of 20s...yup...have i seen a large hedge fund manager with a B in assets take the bus to JFK wearing a swatch and a hoodie...yup.

Electricity bills depend on many things--namely energy usage and insulation. I once accidently left my AC on before leaving the country for six weeks and if told you what the bill was you would call BS for sure. I sure did.

Anyway, i refuse to relitigate the price of an electric bill in Vegas. Refuse. It can be between 100 and 400 bucks for a residence there..higher when its hot and lower when its cold

Anyway, I am not rich...far from it..never said I was.

Edited by Aurelllian
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I bet our experiences are comparable...perhaps mine even a bit superior..

I have a local id, I have a military bearing , I ... tip well.., my hot girl has other hot girls . In Vegas we will normally get comped. I punch above my weight. I can suspect that you are a connoisseur of the libertine as i am. True friendship is only between peers after college. There are very few women of my lady's quality (looks). The problem is that I cant find peers.

The problem seems to be... that you are such a showoff and arrogant as hell, that any peer you might ever meet will find out in the first 30 seconds of your conversation... he would neither finish his single malt (and I am sure you have no idea what a good single malt means and probably will mix it with ice...) nor eat the sushi you so kindly offer in your desperate try to find somebody you can impress with all your shit...

This to me seems the most accurate description of the problem...

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The question is: Does anyone have any experience with keeping a high end tier 1 model type happy in Thailand?

And the only reason why i was harping on her looks--and she is not really that hot, just a average Victoria Secrets Model--is because it indicates that she has few peers here. And women just dont hang with other women that are not in their demographic.

Well, I must admit I never dated a high end tier 1 model. I did know a high end top tier model or two, as well as actresses, sons of billionaires, etc. You see some of us here really did go to them fancy schmancy schools.

From my dealings, they actually, in regular life, these people try to be as low key as possible. Like when you met them, and you didn't know their background, you would never guess. They purposely try and not disclose so they can fit in with us regular folk. And I mean the supermodel types too. Because you see without the fancy dress, the professional lighting, and the make up artists...they look like an average person. Like walking around in sweats and t-shirts, with no makeup. You can see the natural beauty, but they certainly do not walk around looking like the cover of vogue every day. What you see in the magazines really doesn't exist in day to day reality.

From my experience you only get the bragging or hear the talk about how fabulously wealthy someone is from someone who really isn't that wealthy.

And your estimation on the cost of a condo in Nevada is off. Last month the electricity bill on a 3 bdrm 1200sq ft house in Las Vegas came to $140. This is in the "Southern Highlands" area of Las Vegas too. smile.png

One more thing, I agree with you 110% that its tawdry and poor form to talk about wealth or mention money in casual conversation. It does not necessarily indicate dishonesty--if it's in Nana yea, if it's at the LVCC no--but it does indicate a lack of depth; more than likely it's the only thing the person has going for them.

It's more about cues than outright declarations at a certain level.

Nothing worse that that aside from someone talking about their parents' status to impress...that's completely lame.

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I bet our experiences are comparable...perhaps mine even a bit superior..

I have a local id, I have a military bearing , I ... tip well.., my hot girl has other hot girls . In Vegas we will normally get comped. I punch above my weight. I can suspect that you are a connoisseur of the libertine as i am. True friendship is only between peers after college. There are very few women of my lady's quality (looks). The problem is that I cant find peers.

The problem seems to be... that you are such a showoff and arrogant as hell, that any peer you might ever meet will find out in the first 30 seconds of your conversation... he would neither finish his single malt (and I am sure you have no idea what a good single malt means and probably will mix it with ice...) nor eat the sushi you so kindly offer in your desperate try to find somebody you can impress with all your shit...

This to me seems the most accurate description of the problem...

The problem with the OP is that he hasn't yet mastered the art of boasting-without-appearing-to-be-boasting. It's really a fine line and if you don't get it right, you come across as being a pretentious, pompous, egotistical nitwit. Sorry OP, but you've got to do better. And I mean that in the most sincere way.

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I bet our experiences are comparable...perhaps mine even a bit superior..

I have a local id, I have a military bearing , I ... tip well.., my hot girl has other hot girls . In Vegas we will normally get comped. I punch above my weight. I can suspect that you are a connoisseur of the libertine as i am. True friendship is only between peers after college. There are very few women of my lady's quality (looks). The problem is that I cant find peers.

The problem seems to be... that you are such a showoff and arrogant as hell, that any peer you might ever meet will find out in the first 30 seconds of your conversation... he would neither finish his single malt (and I am sure you have no idea what a good single malt means and probably will mix it with ice...) nor eat the sushi you so kindly offer in your desperate try to find somebody you can impress with all your shit...

This to me seems the most accurate description of the problem...

The problem with the OP is that he hasn't yet mastered the art of boasting-without-appearing-to-be-boasting. It's really a fine line and if you don't get it right, you come across as being a pretentious, pompous, egotistical nitwit. Sorry OP, but you've got to do better. And I mean that in the most sincere way.

between you and me: i'm turning up the volume a bit:)

My bonafides will be established today.

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