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I've had sex education before both in the classroom as well as actual practice...However, I am unclear about one thing as stated in the topic title.

There has been a few occasions over the past few years that I've observed this happening in the middle of doing the deed. Sure, intercourse would usually produce natural lubricant from the female and male organs, but what about the ivory white stuff (from female vagina)? Is that normal/natural?

What is the explanation for it? I know one possible explanation that if a male has ejaculated inside the female recently, the white fluid could be his seman which has resided...but do girls also produce the ivory secretions naturally? If so, is it related to sex, i.e. orgasm, lubricant, etc. or is it that other secretion related to the menstrual cycle??

Thanks a lot for anyone who can clear this up...


Sounds to me like a yeast infection--which can produce white secretions, as well as a burning, itching feeling. If it is a yeast infection (or thrush) then it can be passed on to the male, who may or may not have any symptoms at all. But, if the girl clears her problem up, she can then be reinfected by her partner.

It is easily cured by a visit to any pharmacy.


Can you kids go play in another section if you can't give a serious answer? There's enough parts of the forum for goofing around. We don't want people worried to ask health questions here or it will get dead in a hurry.



The normal discharge, as the cervical mucus or secretion, is white or clear and light. When the progesterone level is high in the Luteal Phase (after your ovulation and before your period), the vaginal discharge becomes white and thicker, but still odorless.

When your immune is low due to a drop of your androstenedione/testosterone level or excessive sex, the bacteria (commonly named as vaginal yeasts) grow and mulitply, and then ferment the cervical mucus or secretion into different colors, texture and smells. Hormone-based Birth control or/and excessive sex can cause these problems.

The cervical mucus or secretion contains different hormones (for examples, sex hormones or prostaglandins), nutrients, proteins and carbohydrates, depending on your diets and internal organ function.

Different vaginal yeasts likes different cervical mucus or secretion chemistries, resulting in different colors, textures and smells. When the situation is bad enough to let you experiences itchy or burning sensation, it is called vaginsos.

Source: ActionLove.com


Last time I noticed it, there was a mild odor, kind of resembling menstrul but not as strong...the white secretions/discharge seemed to disolve after several minutes.

Though for the brief moments when I noticed it, it was quite thick and white--- not aparent during any of the foreplay, and only there, as I stated, for brief moments shortly after penetration...

I hope it's not yeast. I don't have any symptoms and she claims not to feel anything soar...then again perhaps she is shy to admit so. But from Tywais source, seems like it could be natural build up of hormones, etc. or perhaps during her ovulation period.

Is there a chance that it could be from me (i.e. precum)? Though, I don't think that would be so thick.

Thanks for the answers.


candida yeast vaginitis

yeast vaginitis, candidiasis, monilial vaginitis

This vaginal infection occurs predominantly in reproductive age women. The main symptoms produced by a candida yeast vaginitis are vaginal and/or vulvar itching (pruritus), or even a vulvar burning sensation. There is a cheese-like (caseous) white to white yellow discharge. Also there can be swelling of the perineum or a redness (erythema) (1). The discharge is not watery and usually not odorous. Symptoms build up over 1-3 days.

Beter read this ! <- Click

Do not ask your wife, just both go to the docter.

She could be scared/embarrassed to 'let it check out', or maybe not feel the itching ... :D

Good luck ! :o

Last time I noticed it, there was a mild odor, kind of resembling menstrul but not as strong...the white secretions/discharge seemed to disolve after several minutes.

Though for the brief moments when I noticed it, it was quite thick and white--- not aparent during any of the foreplay, and only there, as I stated, for brief moments shortly after penetration...

I hope it's not yeast. I don't have any symptoms and she claims not to feel anything soar...then again perhaps she is shy to admit so. But from Tywais source, seems like it could be natural build up of hormones, etc. or perhaps during her ovulation period.

Is there a chance that it could be from me (i.e. precum)? Though, I don't think that would be so thick.

Thanks for the answers.

If it is yeast, it will be thick and cheesy with little teeny clumps (like cottage cheese only a lot smaller). This doesn't sound like what you are describing. A milky white discharge with no odor is usually normal. Normal vaginal secretions range in color from clear to white, and in thickness from watery to like mucus, at different times in the menstrual cycle.

unless there is a bad odor, itching, or a cheesy appearance like I described, I think this is just normal secretions and you should not worry about it.

If it is yeast, it will be thick and cheesy with little teeny clumps (like cottage cheese only a lot smaller).

They call it 'plum feta' in the business my sister knows all medical slang you need a cream you can get from any pharmacy. Im sorry I don't know the name of it.


not to get too detailed...but

moments after initial penetration...it felt really loobed and wet, so i looked down and...noticed the whiteness...soon after seemed to disapear and we had a few sessions after that with no such whiteness

my initial male paranoya was that perhaps some other guy had been in her recently but that's just my dick thinking and with the superior head logic kicking in eventually, figured it must be natural...worst case...yeast

cheers.. :o


My wife had a similar kind of mucus that she'd noticed in the first year of our marriage.

We both went along to the hospital opposite the Erawan Hotel and she was asked a few questions by the doctor along with a quick inspection. No tests, nor any questions asked of me.

He diagnosed it as resulting from too much sex. Me and the wife changed our sexual habits so to speak and it has never reappearred since.

But by all means go to a doctor to be sure. It'll give you peace of mind.


Ahhh ok faire enough - thought possible you might have been getting up/close and personal with said area. (mouthful of cottage cheese comes to mind :o )

Jeez Brit, now I've got to clean off my keyboard... :D


On a more serious note, I didn't think it was possible to have too much sex. I am not trying to be funny! It's a serious question, Is it possible to have too much sex and can it be detrimental to health?

I've had sex education before both in the classroom as well as actual practice...However, I am unclear about one thing as stated in the topic title.

There has been a few occasions over the past few years that I've observed this happening in the middle of doing the deed. Sure, intercourse would usually produce natural lubricant from the female and male organs, but what about the ivory white stuff (from female vagina)? Is that normal/natural?

What is the explanation for it? I know one possible explanation that if a male has ejaculated inside the female recently, the white fluid could be his seman which has resided...but do girls also produce the ivory secretions naturally? If so, is it related to sex, i.e. orgasm, lubricant, etc. or is it that other secretion related to the menstrual cycle??

Thanks a lot for anyone who can clear this up...

Well I'll be...

Log in for my first look around and what do I see?

Is this junior high or what?

And all you experts saying it's yeast an all. Bullshit!

Perfectly normal occurence providing you've actually got the girl excited.

So I hope the rest of the site ain't so immature.


Please children... this is the Health Forum, and the OP is after valid answers to a valid question.

Behave... or go and play elsewhere.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Crumpy white vaginal discharge is a symptom of yeast infection; yellow or grey discharge may be a sign of lichen sclerosis or other dangerous conditions; a pap smear test helps in making the diagnosis. If you notice any changes in the secretions accompanied by discomfort, itching, burning, dryness of the vagina, redness or swelling, cottage cheese-like substance (contrary to normal cloudy), odor, or other symptoms, contact a doctor to find out the exact cause of the condition and receive adequate treatment. Crumpy white vaginal discharge is a symptom of yeast infection; yellow or grey discharge may be a sign of lichen sclerosis or other dangerous conditions; a pap smear test helps in making the diagnosis.

Try white instead of ivory and the wonder of the internet has all the info. There are several creams on the market for yeast infections as they are very common. Nothing to worry about, I know people who have had it. Keep using cream even after it has cleared up for about five days. :o

On a more serious note, I didn't think it was possible to have too much sex. I am not trying to be funny! It's a serious question, Is it possible to have too much sex and can it be detrimental to health?

When i was around 28, I once discovered, to my great shock and horror, that my sperm was mixed with blood. I went straight away to the doc, with my girlfriend. The doc said it was nothing wrong, it happens once in a while. I asked him why and was told it was because of too much sex. That was a proper doctor in a hospital in Singapore, not a back soi clinic in Buriram. I was given some tablets and everything was fine after a few days - girlfriend didn't need any medicines. Has never happened again.

  • 5 months later...

My wife seems to have the exact same thing, although she has complained of pain and mentrual bleeding that requires adult diapers... could have something to do with the IUD. Whoever said "Don't tell your wife" has it right - just put her in a taxi, blinkfold her, and pretend your doing something romantic. I've been trying to get her to the hospital for over a week now!

Ahhh ok faire enough - thought possible you might have been getting up/close and personal with said area. (mouthful of cottage cheese comes to mind :o )

[very dirty joke]

A fellow is getting 'up close and personal' when he comes up with a green pea in his mouth. He is a bit taken aback and confused to the point where it doesn't quite register, so he goesa back down for more. About 20 seconds later he gets a piece of corn stuck in between his teeth, at which point he sticks his head up and says "Honey honey! I think your sick!" She says "Oh no no no - the guy before you was!"

(sorry!)[/very dirty joke]


On a more serious note, I didn't think it was possible to have too much sex. I am not trying to be funny! It's a serious question, Is it possible to have too much sex and can it be detrimental to health?

Think physics .... there is a mechanical aspect to sex and if you take it to an extreme, well, your imagination is as good as mine...


Well it could be anything. I would first suggest that after sex (not 30 minutes) but in the next few minutes go and wash with some antibacterial soap. That should clear it up if it is a minor problem. Be sure she is not allergic to the soap as that can cause a new set of problems. Remember you can keep reinfecting each other. Also if there is a smell that does not smell normal go to the doctor. If it does not go away in a few days then for sure go and get it checked out.

There is no such thing as too much sex. However if there is a lack of lubrication one time may be too much. KY is a good choice, and the only place that I saw that sells the liquid KY is Pharmacy World next to the Nana BTS station between soi 7 and 7/1.


Don't use soap, soap will upset the pH balance of the vulva and vagina and be more likely to *cause* an infection.

If there's no unusual smell, it's slippery and not coloured (other than white) and not clumpy, and there's no itching, there's no reason to suspect something wrong.

My wife seems to have the exact same thing, although she has complained of pain and mentrual bleeding that requires adult diapers... could have something to do with the IUD. Whoever said "Don't tell your wife" has it right - just put her in a taxi, blinkfold her, and pretend your doing something romantic. I've been trying to get her to the hospital for over a week now!

Excessive menstrual bleeding and cramps are a known side effect of the IUD. If she has had it in for a few cycles already and no improvement sge should see her doc and may need to consider a different method of birth control. Some women just can't tolerate IUDs, others do fine. If she just got the IUD you could try waiting it out for a few cycles, sometimes the pain and bleeding decreases with time. But if it's already been awhile she probably should switch methods.

Be sure she's taking an iron supplement to prevent anemia.

As to her discharge -- there is an over the counter vaginal suppository called Gynecon sold in Thailand which treats all the most common causes of vaginities: yeast (candida) and bacterial, and I think also trichiomonas. So in short it will cure anythuing that is not a sexually transmitted disease, and is worth trying first since no need for an uncomfortable and embarassing pelvic examination. (altho she may have to have that to remove her IUD).


I observed this once - and there had been no intercourse that day. In the pink depths, suddenly a few ml of a white liquid appeared. I was wondering whether this was the side effect of an orgasm as we were fooling around a bit?


There is a small gland in the upper front wall of the vagina, affectionately known as the G-Spot, and when it's stimulated it causes the gland to produce liquid that can be milky in color. The liquid usually comes out during an orgasm. If you are stimulating this spot on her, this is what the liquid could very well be.

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